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Forum: Nutrition Logs

A spot to post all nutrition logs

Post Full day of eating on a low-carb high-protein diet (cutting)

Used to following the keto diet but found it too restricting. What I eat in a day... Breakfast: 450 calories 2 scoops of Dymatize Powder ISO 100 Banana Oikos Triple Zero Yogurt Brunch: 782 calories

dhochoy‎, 04-06-2023 11:24 AM
04-06-2023, 11:24 AM Go to last post
0 7,675

weight gain

what is it called when u eat a lot but don't gain weight?

JohnBK‎, 10-20-2022 05:19 PM
02-20-2023, 11:35 AM Go to last post
1 12,234

Cool Ironman Triathlon Training + Cut phase

Starting this low for accountability and to show progress Today's weight: 87.7kg Goal Weight: 80.0kg

ironmantraining‎, 09-25-2022 02:22 AM
09-25-2022, 02:22 AM Go to last post
0 10,413

Heisman's log

I decided to make a log to hold myself more accountable in all aspects of my life, but particularly with diet/exercise for the purpose of this forum. Right now I'm a first year resident and thus I at times work multiple weeks in a row (including weekends) without a day off. On typical work days...

Heisman2‎, 11-03-2016 04:51 PM
52 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 52
08-07-2022, 04:54 PM Go to last post
1,531 342,348

Post Some of my daily

Hey folks, A few notes on the sides. I work a full time job and so when l am preparing meals during the work week I keep them as simple as possible while optimising micronutrient intake as well. I use cronometer to make sure i am optimising every vector properlly, this might be a good help for...

Leek69‎, 07-28-2022 01:14 AM
07-29-2022, 01:47 AM Go to last post
1 3,599

Blender Fit Sweet Potato Cake

Sweet potato are perhaps the best wellspring of starches for the individuals who train and can be an extraordinary food in an eating regimen for hypertrophy (or even fat misfortune). Yet, why are sweet potato so unique? Sweet potato is excelent have with a low glycemic record. This implies...

Pachecoo131513‎, 05-23-2022 01:50 AM
05-24-2022, 06:17 AM Go to last post
1 4,182

Cant Recover Under 4000 Cals

Hello! I’m 5’11 174 at 20% body fat. A while ago I started a warehouse job and my maintenance skyrocketed up to the 4000’s. I never learned my exact maintenance there because I got layer off my second week. I been barely getting activity other than training for 2 weeks now. My body just won’t...

UnluckyMe‎, 04-16-2022 11:21 AM
04-16-2022, 11:21 AM Go to last post
0 4,159


Okay, I don't know how often I'll be updating this but it will give me a place to add my thoughts and keep track of any significant changes. So I was at 195 with probably 26-27 percent BF on January 29 when I decided I better start trying to cut. As of today, February 23, I'm at 183 and...

TonyM78‎, 02-23-2022 04:25 PM
04-09-2022, 03:37 PM Go to last post
7 6,552

Someone please help!

So here’s my diet can someone help! Wake up: 2 whole eggs 1 egg white with steel cut oats and mixed berries. Also 3 shots of espresso with vanilla almond milk! Snack: celery, kale, cucumber, apple, lemon parsley freshly juiced with honey for sweetener. Next meal: 5 oz of chicken with...

Zbrown1776‎, 03-08-2022 06:43 PM
03-10-2022, 03:39 AM Go to last post
2 5,629

Snacks for gaining weight for busy office ppl

Hi, recently started serious in weight lifting. I workout every morning before I go work. I am a female who works in office from 9 to 6 pm. I hardly have time to exercise as I have other commitments after work. I am underweight and I do not have good appetite. I tried increasing my portion...

Raspberry76‎, 06-01-2021 06:19 PM
01-14-2022, 07:43 AM Go to last post
8 11,236

My Journey to living my best life - FrackeD's Food/Fitness log

Edit: Aug 8th, 2020. I'm back (old post) So I was going to start this tomorrow but I'm just gonna post my March 27th log now. I have been tracking my food with the samsung health app. it doesn't have a barcode but It's less annoying to look at all the ad's on the other ones ive...

FrackeD‎, 03-28-2019 12:10 AM
2 Pages
1 2
11-09-2021, 08:00 AM Go to last post
32 25,909

Al's Food Log

Going to hold myself accountable for the next 3 weeks. Going on vacation so it's a good time to lock down nutrition. 10/13/21 16.5 hour fast 1 heaping TBS of Metameucil in water with 2 TBS of lemon juice and apple cider vinegar 4 egg omelet with broccoli, red pepper, purple onion, jalapeno,...

AlBHappy‎, 10-13-2021 09:18 AM
10-14-2021, 10:49 AM Go to last post
1 8,258

Nut Misc Transformation Contest: JasonDB's Path To Aesthetics.

Alright, my old log was too cluttered and with old goals. I'm starting a fresh one for this contest focused on cutting. BW: 232.5 day off from training. My starting pictures: Hopefully I shall...

JasonDB‎, 05-24-2012 11:42 PM
71 Pages
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08-27-2021, 05:19 AM Go to last post
2,104 168,450

PaulinKansas hormone precursor concoction experiment

Starting 5/26/21 I'm having a can of smoked oysters, a can of sardines in oil, and 2 30mg zinc glycinate tablets every day for a snack. My test exercise is Arnold Presses. They have plateaued lately. 17 reps with 35 pound dumb bells is about my max before failure or poor form.

paulinkansas‎, 05-27-2021 09:08 AM
07-30-2021, 04:42 AM Go to last post
9 10,044

Cool Harry's 5/3/1 Log

Some of you might already know me from my old log, so welcome to my new log. For those who don't know me my name's Harry, i'm from N. Ireland and am in my final year of a Computer science degree. I got tired of the old log with the varying layouts from month to month and the name implying that I...

hcoyle545‎, 10-23-2012 04:53 PM
18 Pages
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06-17-2021, 11:40 PM Go to last post
537 60,352

Новичок нужно спортивная диета для набора мышечной

Здравствуйте я новичок ! Мне нужно расписать питание как лутше питаться правильно , для набора мышечной массы? Рост 186 вес где-то 110кг 27 лет , буду благодарен за советы ваши !!! И что лутше принимать ещё креатин протеин аргинин ?

Tima777‎, 06-07-2021 09:42 AM
06-07-2021, 09:49 AM Go to last post
1 9,365

Lost muscle

So, for some reason this guy at the gym talked me I to doing CrossFit during my lean bulk. I feel ashamed of myself too, trust me ������ but I did this type of training for around a month and a half to two months and I’ve lost muscle for sure. I have switched back to bodybuilding since the start of...

hphillips18‎, 05-15-2021 08:45 PM
05-22-2021, 12:11 PM Go to last post
2 9,902

AdamWW's Retrospective 'Intuitive Eating' Test Log

As some may know, I'm in a phase of ED recovery where I do not plan/track my calorie or nutritional intake on a daily basis. HOWEVER, my bodyweight hasn't been moving and my mindset around food has MUCH improved, so I am going to be 'retrospectively' counting at least my calories (if not all...

AdamWW‎, 07-17-2018 09:43 AM
20 Pages
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05-01-2021, 05:24 PM Go to last post
591 139,483

Caezar's Lean bulk with the Three B's (Beer, Burgers, and Burrittos)

So I'm starting a Nutrition/Workout log. The plan is to bulk from mid/late July, until the end of March 2015, and then hopefully I can get away with an 8 week cut before summer. I'm about 165 right now, and the plan is to gain 2.5lbs a month so hopefully I end my bulk at about 185lbs. I'll be...

Caezar07‎, 07-11-2014 11:44 AM
3 Pages
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03-15-2021, 05:27 AM Go to last post
71 29,132

Post Need to gain more weight. What are good carbs and protein??

I have been working out for about 7 months and have just started to get super serious about lifting. I had beginner gains and have been eating pretty good. From Nov- August of this year i have put on over 30 pounds of muscle, but now I feel like I am not eating enough. I try to eat a lot of beef,...

Gappy126‎, 08-12-2019 06:23 AM
03-07-2021, 01:35 PM Go to last post
8 16,942

How do you find your caloric maintenance?

Every website tells me something different, and I also think it is hard to know how many calories an individual burns throughout the day. It wouldn't be a big deal, but I want to stay within a 100-200 caloric deficit for an extended period of time. The only accurate approach I would have an...

BigGriff85‎, 12-03-2020 07:19 PM
02-19-2021, 04:17 AM Go to last post
3 12,971

Question How many time to prepare drink before take it is okay?

Hi everyone What if I make a drink in the morning and take it 4 hours later? does it lose nutritious properties or is necessary to prepare it just before drinking? The drink has oat, banana, honey, protein powder, creatine, and milk. Thanks

valentin320‎, 01-29-2021 02:47 PM
01-29-2021, 02:52 PM Go to last post
1 8,654

Alcohol in diet.

I have a feeling where this may go, but looking for some opinions. I keep my regular diet fairly strict, but I also like to have a vodka/soda or hard seltzer at the end of the day just to relax and wind down. How much of an effect does that have and am I drastically hindering my weight...

wesleephelps‎, 06-18-2020 07:01 AM
01-19-2021, 04:24 AM Go to last post
3 10,942

Lose fat - 2,200 calories too much?

Hi there, I currently do weights 4 days per week and considering adding cardio on a couple of my non-weight days. Looking at my diet, I wondered whether 2,200 per day is ok or whether I should cut this down? Macros attached. Thanks!! Jay

jaym4‎, 01-10-2020 02:25 AM
01-06-2021, 07:43 PM Go to last post
1 9,712

What macros (advice needed)

Hello guys I am currently 240ib in decent shape (trained q0 plus years, most bulking) but have a bit of a tummy which is more round and hard but i need it flat! This weight is not through over eating as for the year i have eaten less than 2300 cals every day . In 2021 i am determined to get...

richardvilla‎, 12-29-2020 09:08 AM
12-29-2020, 01:33 PM Go to last post
1 6,165

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