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Forum: Sports Training Journals

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Rugby League Strength Training

After just returning back from surgery in time for pre season. I intend to build back my strength through use of impeccable form and extra mobility and recovery methods. Starting with a strength phase with a good amount of volume to build back size. Todays workout: Flat Bench Press 5 x 4...

Bignik92‎, 07-17-2014 10:17 AM
11 Pages
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09-02-2016, 06:44 AM Go to last post
311 95,851

muay thai strength and conditioning

gonna posting my S & C for Muay thai and really any type of competitive fighting stay tuned... will be starting full swing next week got some nagging injuries

jkdwarrior‎, 07-26-2016 03:52 PM
07-26-2016, 03:52 PM Go to last post
0 3,137

Half Ironman Training log.

Background: Competing in Triathlons since 2009. I did my first half Ironman in 2013. My goal time was 5hrs and I managed 5:07.00 I am combining lifting into my program. I've read all the articles and accept that lifting and endurance is bound fail. So why try? First I downhill mountain bike...

TriLifting‎, 03-23-2015 11:07 AM
06-20-2016, 05:38 AM Go to last post
19 16,035

Question From MMA to bodybuilding

I have done MMA over 10 years and recently I have had a herniated disk in the lower back, massed up shoulder, bad ankles... To top it off I'm a full time collage student and have a full time job, I really don't have time or money to go 2x a day. Recently my buddy got me into weightlifting but I hit...

strailovicdenis‎, 08-31-2011 08:54 PM
06-18-2016, 01:00 PM Go to last post
2 3,673

Run every Day for 100 Days

I have challenged myself to run every day for 100 days I am on Day 10 and I feel amazing will try to post here regularly give an update When I started 10 days ago I weighed 279Lbs 6 ft 3 and 32 years old except for the last month or 2 I have not worked out for the last 4 years or...

johnlosing‎, 08-21-2015 09:31 AM
4 Pages
1 2 3 4
102 47,669

JohanXDash : long hard journey to a better physique and heavier lifts

Hello to whoever want to follow this shout-out to Muzzlrpress who's been on my ass to make a log for about a month now :/ im a 6ft3 ectomorph Pescetarian where shall i begin?? at age 18.. almost 19 i was 6 ft 3 in and 135 lbs decided i didnt really like that and attempted to change...

JohanXDash‎, 07-17-2014 07:58 PM
2 Pages
1 2
06-14-2016, 05:34 AM Go to last post
57 13,382

Thumbs up JesusShuttlesworth | Hikes to Heights Journal

Hey Guys - Over the next few weeks, I'll be doing a series of day hikes and writing up Trip Reports for each. Basically, the first few are in MA, but the bulk of them will be in the Pac NW. I'll make sure to make the commentary colorful, emphasize parts of the trip to make it fun to read,...

JesusShuttlesworth‎, 05-10-2016 09:59 AM
20 13,387


Ive been hurt for a while and for a few months did light calisthenics to get back into the swing of things. Im ready to start lifting heavy again and get huge and jacked. But I also am playing rugby this fall for fun and to get the hang of it and see if I want to do it seriously (which I most...

amar654‎, 05-21-2016 09:03 PM
05-22-2016, 06:48 AM Go to last post
2 4,319

Football Training (AFL) strength/speed/Power training log

ABOUT ME: I am 23yo. I have been hitting the gym regularly for just over a year now and am looking for something outside of plain bodybuilding now. I've been out of footy for nearly 2 years now and am looking at getting back in to it. So I'm trying to devise a bit of a program to get me back in...

rickwells33‎, 04-04-2016 07:08 AM
2 Pages
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05-22-2016, 03:30 AM Go to last post
55 12,220

The Lifting Los Angeles Injury Lawyer- Powerlifting log

Just hit a 413.4 bench, 541 squat, and 589 deadlift raw. Bodyweight was 231. New training cycle begins tomorrow #BossofBosses3

CAinjuryLAWYER‎, 05-20-2016 09:24 PM
05-21-2016, 06:29 PM Go to last post
1 2,600

Wink Speed Gainz - A Trackie's Journal

Hello! So I figured as Off Season started for me it's time to get serious in the weight room so I can come back faster and stronger when my next track season begins in October. I live abroad in the Middle East and the season here is October - April so it's a little different. And I'm a teacher...

SprinterChick‎, 05-10-2016 06:17 AM
05-20-2016, 01:53 AM Go to last post
12 6,791

StrengthSport- 4 Day Push Pull

6'1 234.4 (14.4%) OHP 225 SQUAT 435 (BOX) DEADLIFT 455 I've been cutting in an attempt to dunk again. I haven't dunked since I was 19-20, now I'm back to the point where I can dunk a youth ball. If I can get back down to 225 I think I'll be just fine. That being said I'm also lifting 4x a...

StrengthSport‎, 04-25-2016 01:26 PM
04-30-2016, 02:06 PM Go to last post
4 3,141

Post LiftNPlay's Road To CFB

Background info: I am a Jr. in High School and I am training to make it onto a good D2 football team or higher level team. I play MLB and TE for my HS team, a team that lost only 3 games last year. I played 4 games in a cast this year, and still played TE (I caught 5 passes in those 4 games, one...

LiftNPlay‎, 05-20-2012 06:29 PM
7 Pages
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04-24-2016, 10:08 AM Go to last post
203 65,857

B.E.A.S.T. - thenewguy23's Workout Log III

WARNING: BEAST MODE IN PROGRESS... Above is the program I'll be using: TTS Elite and TTS: Speed Training System So I guess your wondering what B.E.A.S.T stands for? BECOMING EXPLOSIVE, ATHLETIC, STRONG AND TALENTED I'm a 15 Year Old Rugby/Basketball/Occasional Track Athlete and am...

thenewguy23‎, 04-20-2013 06:58 AM
3 Pages
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04-24-2016, 10:03 AM Go to last post
75 25,674

High School Sprinter Log

I have been lurking for a very long time and decided to make this account. To start off I am a sprinter, as the title implies, and run whatever my high school coach tells me to in the indoor and outdoor seasons (I prefer the shorter sprints though). Here are my times from my previous year as a...

Dnuu‎, 07-08-2015 08:09 PM
5 Pages
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04-02-2016, 11:48 AM Go to last post
142 50,671

Short White Guy Trying to Dunk

So, you have all probably seen me around the boards answering questions, but this is the first time I have done a training log. My Goals: 1. Motivate myself to train consistently. 2. Experiment using various training techniques on myself. 3. Answer questions on vertical jump training and...

jonmd123‎, 10-20-2015 06:45 PM
2 Pages
1 2
33 16,722

Wink Grappling gloves

I am currently looking for a new grappling glove. I currently use 14oz Winning gloves, but I just don't really feel comfortable. I'm really looking for a very slim glove that is still very comfortable especially for my hands which are medium size, I sort of have long fingers. I have heard Zepol...

elizaa12‎, 03-22-2016 04:04 AM
03-22-2016, 04:04 AM Go to last post
0 2,703

The Unforgiving Minute [Middle Distance Log]

"If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run..." --Rudyard Kipling I run 400 and 800 (and the 1500/mile sometimes, but cannot focus on all distances at once). PRs are all pretty weak due to having a hard time stringing together solid training without...

shesprints‎, 06-29-2013 07:29 AM
52 Pages
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03-05-2016, 05:08 PM Go to last post
1,553 155,944

Lightbulb Sperez's College rugby log

Figured I would make one of these, just to keep things on track and organized. Currently approaching my off-season for rugby, planning on getting faster while either maintaining my strength or gaining some. I'm playing hooker right now, but switch off at prop sometimes (a smaller prop lol) ...

sperez21‎, 12-08-2015 10:29 AM
2 Pages
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02-02-2016, 11:37 AM Go to last post
30 18,571

Skippys Training Journal for MMA/Starting Strength

I figured I would use a thread to document my own progress as I had quite a lot of success staying motivated doing Rippetoe's starting strength. I'm 20, 5,10 around 75kgs in good shape but been in a slump recently due to getting ill, christmas work etc I train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Thai boxing...

SkippDaddy‎, 01-05-2016 12:47 PM
02-02-2016, 02:18 AM Go to last post
14 10,216

Stuart McRobert's Hardgainer Magazine available

I am at that point in my life where I am getting rid of many things. I have a complete printed set of Stuart McRobert's Hardgainer Magazine Issue 1 through 89. I am wondering if these are of value to anyone, and whether they are worth anything? I notice there are some individual copies available on...

bbbdco‎, 01-23-2016 08:59 AM
01-23-2016, 08:59 AM Go to last post
0 4,420

The Eventual Fighter - MMA and powerlifting

The Progression of an Eventual Fighter Everybody has something that they want. Something that they wish to be true. In fact, everybody wishes a lot of things. I would love to have a check fall into my lap with lots of zeros on it and most likely you would as well. However, that is not very...

zanderfever‎, 06-02-2014 02:27 PM
01-06-2016, 11:24 PM Go to last post
26 14,065

Knackered Prop turned Knackered Heavyweight

Hi Guys Gonna start a new thread/Journal so I can keep track of my workouts and to hopefully get some comments on my workouts and training. To give you some background, Ive played rugby since I was 9 and 14 years later Ive had to hang up the boots due to serious back and leg injuries. I made...

Wheresmyabs‎, 12-09-2015 09:50 AM
12-13-2015, 12:42 PM Go to last post
7 6,232

Am i ugly ;(?

Hey I have been working out for 6 months and im 16. At first I could train really hard at the gym the first month but then it started getting worse, i am tired before i even get to the gym. Now my question is , how do i recover from overtraining? I have tried to rest for couple of days but my...

PersianKing97‎, 07-24-2014 08:22 PM
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11-25-2015, 10:52 AM Go to last post
204 64,226

Football workout routine for beginner?

I'm moving to America after several months and I really want to get in to football, but there's no football in my country only soccer. What kind of workouts or physical preparation should I be taking up until I move to America? Should I focus on speed and stamina or size and strength if I'm hoping...

Dchmahmoud‎, 11-14-2015 05:08 AM
11-14-2015, 01:01 PM Go to last post
1 5,001

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