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Forum: Motivation

Tips for getting and staying motivated over the long-term, motivational pics and quotes, and more!

Ladies + Confidence

So I am not going to lie, two of the main reasons I am trying really hard to completely transform my body are to take my confidence to the next level and to improve my success with the ladies. So my question is for the guys that have really changed their physiques: How much does it help with...

mr3000gt‎, 10-27-2010 11:12 AM
10-28-2010, 12:21 AM Go to last post
6 1,524

Cool sucess/sacrifice/discipline/fear/excuses

looking for quotes picture etc etc with most these words or all these words in them. motivation

dantheman10‎, 10-27-2010 03:01 AM
10-28-2010, 12:14 AM Go to last post
5 1,286

Ya Right... Me Staying Consistent Thats a Joke!!

You all read that title, because it happens everytime. I start eating right, start working out... I say this is it NOAH this is the time. Im sticking with it, and will stay on point. Nevertheless, I always fail. Whether its through the slack on the food or laziness on the workouts, it always...

DjTru‎, 10-25-2010 09:47 PM
10-27-2010, 11:22 PM Go to last post
18 1,465

Realistic Goal Setting

Alright guys, So here my situation Im 21 5' 10 I weigh 180 and starting to work out a lot more. But at the current stage Im straight up unfit. All those damn late night chips!!! Now, what is a realistic weight and body goal for 3 months down the line... and I can post a picture of...

DjTru‎, 10-27-2010 12:41 PM
10-27-2010, 06:21 PM Go to last post
2 1,007

Please help me change my life around

Hello everyone! I need serious help in changing my ways. I am not happy with my body and sad to say that I can be considered anorexic. I am currently and had been depressed with life problems (school/debt/relationship) for a few years now and it caused me to eat less and less. Sometimes I can...

anon143‎, 10-26-2010 11:10 PM
10-27-2010, 06:10 PM Go to last post
7 1,529

Half way there just a little more

Well back in MID April I jumped on the scale and it read a staggering 350 LBS. Man i felt like **** i couldn't believe i had let myself get that way. I told myself that i had to get into shape even if it killed me. I cut out all my junk food and sugary drinks and went with fresh veggies, fruit,...

neginfluence04‎, 08-17-2010 05:49 AM
10-27-2010, 03:30 AM Go to last post
22 2,259

looking for a no excuses quote

cmon ill rep i cant remember how it goes i saw it a long time was on a picture i think it has to do with football (couldnt find on google)

dantheman10‎, 10-27-2010 12:47 AM
10-27-2010, 02:30 AM Go to last post
1 1,437

Talking Personal Acheivements/ Future Goals

Post your accomplishments and what you strive for in the future! Only rule: No hating Keep up the good work bros! After 13 months of training: Weight went from 155lbs to 205 @14% BF Bench went from 135x8 (2 sets) to 200x6 (4 sets) Squat went from 175x8 to 275x6 (4 setsf) Deads went from...

Military_Mike17‎, 10-21-2010 11:24 AM
10-26-2010, 08:28 PM Go to last post
14 1,808

I have a 10 pack!

Will post pics after bulk and cut..

Alexlexexx‎, 10-19-2010 07:14 AM
10-26-2010, 08:26 PM Go to last post
12 3,062

Fantastic motivational video about mentality

just wanted to give others an opportunity to see this and be motivated! XanCIAgtNhA

burnedfish‎, 10-26-2010 04:17 PM
10-26-2010, 06:12 PM Go to last post
1 1,007

Lightbulb ITT: I Turn My Life Around

Hey, My entire life I've been nothing but ordinary. I've always wanted to be more. I'm average in everything that I do, and I don't do a lot. I am a college junior, accounting major, making mediocre grades. I play Halo way too much, and I'm only average in that. I've been working out on...

iLive‎, 10-22-2010 03:35 PM
10-26-2010, 04:15 PM Go to last post
14 2,271

This song inspires and motivates me each day: BEYOND ALL LIMITS...

It captivates my imagination when I listen to this song, i feel like a warrior fighting the Last Stand... LscjuH3qS18

saint sinner x‎, 10-17-2010 01:58 AM
10-26-2010, 03:45 PM Go to last post
3 1,578

If I want to achieve any of my biggest goals, I have to alleviate stress

I've always been pretty high strung and worried about insignificant problems. I blame it on the acne I suffered from when I was younger but that's neither here nor there. I always figured life would be better when I finally got a job and was making money. Now that I have a job, I just find...

Scrote‎, 10-26-2010 12:46 PM
10-26-2010, 03:15 PM Go to last post
3 1,035

Get that motivation back

I found the easiest way for me to get motivated again is to look around the gym and see a guy who's in better shape than me. Than I get really angry and start working my ass off.

jeckt84‎, 10-26-2010 06:44 AM
10-26-2010, 09:41 AM Go to last post
1 773

WTF is wrong with me!

Hey guys, Do any of you feel as though sometimes its yourself stopping you from reaching your goals. I personally feel this is the case, Ive gone from 167kg down to 111kg and now feel as though I will never hit my goal of 100kg. I still go the gym and lift hard and train hard, throughout the day I...

iron_hide‎, 10-24-2010 12:59 PM
10-26-2010, 06:49 AM Go to last post
7 1,514

What should i do

For the last 2 weeks i ate amazing, no cheating at all. i have lost about 5 or 6 pounds. today my dad was begging me to go out to eat so, we went to panara bread. I got an italian combo .... later i found out it was 1110 calories, 50+g of fat, 3000mg of sodium, and like 200 carbs i was like wtfff....

igodv2‎, 10-24-2010 05:41 PM
10 1,472

Unhappy Chocolate troubles

Its been two months now that i put a piece of real chocolate in my mouth after the most successful cutting period of my life! I did that mistake and now i can't stop thinking of eating every kind of sugar. And when i say that i eat i mean i eat to the point that i want to puke. I really can't...

anferni‎, 10-25-2010 01:03 PM
10-26-2010, 12:57 AM Go to last post
4 1,067

Been off for 3 weeks. I feel crappy

I just have had so much stuff go on in my life recently, all of it negative. So now im starting to work out all over again. It will be a bulk. I had worked out for 8 months with a decent diet. I was at 188 now im at 175 because i was just unable to eat. How long do you guys think it will take for...

noodles36‎, 10-24-2010 06:08 PM
10-25-2010, 07:37 PM Go to last post
3 1,026

"Stop talking to me at the gym, I NEED TO WORK OUT!!"

I have seen a few threads on that deal with the topic of gym socialization and since then I have thought a bit more about it and wanted to share my thoughts. Now I totally get that most people want to get through their workout at a certain pace and then get to work or home or wherever and...

realeyz‎, 10-24-2010 10:58 AM
3 2,355

My first 200lbs

My first time benching 200 pounds was awesome!! When I was new to working out, I was maxing out at 185lbs. One of the biggest guys in the gym was working out next to me so i asked him for a spot. I did 185lbs. We talked to a bit and He asked what my goal was and told him 200. He said "You need...

frankinthetank‎, 10-24-2010 05:16 PM
10-25-2010, 04:48 PM Go to last post
8 1,621

Visualing Fat Loss With Stick Of Butter

Hey Guys! I've been trying to get my motivation up during those periods where my fat loss isn't too noticeable. So I'm trying to envision what solid fat looks like so I can picture it being melted off my body. It can be difficult to really think about what '1-2 pounds of fat loss a week' looks like...

JustLooking777‎, 10-24-2010 01:42 PM
10-25-2010, 04:48 PM Go to last post
8 23,194

Making a choice

I've got a crappy situation right now. Big requirements. Deadline I don't think I can meet, given optimal circumstances. And the circumstances I've got to work with are pretty much the opposite of optimal. Sucks. Plus, I can't do 99% of the training I need to. Sucks even more. ...

WarWithWeakness‎, 10-25-2010 03:20 AM
10-25-2010, 04:06 PM Go to last post
2 926

I will help you lose 2 Lbs a week

Hello, My name is Danton. I am 35 years old. I am looking for an accountability partner to accomplish their and my weight loss goal from 186 to 165 lbs. The idea would be to constantly exchange information about each other and other goals and support each other with this goal and also exchange...

Danton1759‎, 10-25-2010 01:59 PM
10-25-2010, 02:31 PM Go to last post
2 936

Smile need some motivation?? watch this !! new motivational video by zhasni

new bodybuilding motivational video by zhasni... enjoy !!

lovebiceps‎, 10-23-2010 08:46 AM
10-25-2010, 01:39 PM Go to last post
3 1,889

Motivational Music

Throughout the years I have compiled the most motivational music to my ears... As of late however I have become bored with it... Here is my Ipod Tunes Chunk up a Deuce- Paul Wall Raise Hell - Pe Let the bodies hit the floor - Drowning Pool Hate - Drowning Pool Riot- Three Days Grace Down...

Deathknight815‎, 10-23-2010 03:57 PM
10-25-2010, 11:52 AM Go to last post
5 1,562

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