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Forum: Personal Trainers Section

Compare notes with other trainers and improve your client's results!

Becoming a part time PT

Hi guys, I'd like to get opinions on what everyone thinks about a part time PT. I am a qualified PT but haven't worked much on that field. My main job is HR (Human Resources) but Id like to do somenthing that I enjoy as well, being a people person that I am, I feel great when I deal with people...

MMA Fun‎, 11-25-2010 03:24 AM
11-28-2010, 06:36 AM Go to last post
6 1,124

directing clients out of certain compensations

i just passed my nasm and im practicing by training my dad before i start really training people who are paying me. i was just wondering if anyone knew of any websites that can help with que's of getting clients out of improper form to correct form. i feel like that is my biggest weakness as...

RunGregRun‎, 11-26-2010 07:06 PM
11-28-2010, 12:18 AM Go to last post
13 1,196

Supine Hold Test

Hi guys, does anyone here have or know of any data for testing results in the supine hold. Any normative data that has been published would be ideal but i'm having trouble finding much. Cheers, Tim

Tim01‎, 11-27-2010 03:36 AM
11-27-2010, 09:53 PM Go to last post
2 1,914

Qualifications to become a PT?

I'm looking into becoming one along with becoming a highschool baseball coach after college. So I'll ready I'll have a degree in kinisiology or however you spell it. But do you need a college degree or any other certifications to become one? Or do you just have to have an extensive knowledge of the...

sommit1‎, 11-27-2010 04:20 PM
11-27-2010, 04:20 PM Go to last post
0 639

Training Equipment Xmas ideas

Hey guys! Well I still have the luxury of being young enough that I get a pretty decent haul of xmas gifts from the parents:D I wanna stock up on some training equip this year, looking between 400-500$ total probably. Any ideas? I do bootcamps (indoor/outdoor), and in home training, so I'm not...

soccerpro6‎, 11-26-2010 07:03 AM
11-27-2010, 09:08 AM Go to last post
8 942

Opening a new gym in Malaysia. Equipment checklist

Hello all. We're launching a gym in February in Malaysia. Anyway, that aside, I'm checking the items that we'll need and if we're missing anything. We've got 1500 square feet to play with, and this is the equipment list. We intend to do a group personal training system (each client with...

slyf0z_87‎, 11-26-2010 08:32 PM
11-27-2010, 01:18 AM Go to last post
2 3,901

Workout training sheet

This is a training sheet i have made to document/record a weights session. Will post a description etc... on how to fill it out soon... enjoy and give feedback.

jimmy605‎, 11-26-2010 07:21 PM
11-27-2010, 12:29 AM Go to last post
3 866

help me with a prospective client please. shes pretty much got everything in check.

2.7k Reps to people who put in their 2 cents. Email from Client: "Ok let's see what you can do. I have been exercising daily since July 19....right after I say a photo of me & couldn't believe it. I have lost 43 pounds & am STUCK! I watch what I eat very carefully (that's not saying that I...

Cuhh‎, 11-22-2010 04:33 PM
11-26-2010, 11:01 PM Go to last post
7 1,578

Strength, size, and other requirements to be PT?

My goal is to become a personal trainer... I'm concerned that maybe my strength levels aren't high enough yet,.. for instance, I still haven't reached a 200 lb bench press yet, I can only bench around 180 lbs.. I'm also concerned that I don't do all the exercises yet,,, I can leg press 300...

ConanDestroyer‎, 11-21-2010 10:09 PM
2 Pages
1 2
11-26-2010, 09:28 PM Go to last post
39 2,797

Games 4 Clients

I'm a personal trainer that works with various populations. A lot of times I will do like a boot camp/ metabolic circuit/ boxing circuit b/c this seems to keep many of my clients entertained. I work in a small personal training gym where depending on the day I could have the space all to myself or...

edubzz‎, 11-25-2010 09:43 PM
11-26-2010, 08:44 PM Go to last post
8 1,811

Exclamation Personal Trainers...How accurate is this?

I am looking for a way to accurately obtain my body fat %. I work out from home and don't have a gym membership so I was looking for a way to calculate it myself and I obviously want an exact number and not just a ball park. Anyways to all the personal trainers what is your opinion on the...

GETRIPPED23‎, 11-18-2010 08:09 AM
19 1,788

Awesome results

These 3 training tools give my athletes and clients the greatest results. #1 Battling ropes- 1.5 diameter 50 foot #2 Grip4orce grips- regular and stiff #3 Homemade sandbags- 50 and 100 pounds What's some of your favorite training tools to use?

StrongHarris‎, 11-25-2010 06:32 PM
2 677

Expiring ACE Cert

My certification with ACE is expiring at the end of December. I am not currently using the certification for anything for various reasons. Anyone know much about renewing certifications after they have expired? I am asking in the event that in several months I start personal training people....

wallbuilder‎, 11-25-2010 04:00 PM
11-26-2010, 07:16 PM Go to last post
1 673

heavey weights vs growth

Ive been doing heavey weights I can only complete for 3 reps. I have good form but just wonderign if it will stunt my growth I am a male at age of 19 5ft 4

Grasshoper1‎, 11-25-2010 03:35 PM
5 826

Question Questions about crossfit, and kettlebells

For those who have had eperience with these I could use your help. I have looked up the forums on here and have just been more confused, so I thought Id make my own thread. Keep in mind these questions would relate to firefighter training, if that makes a difference in the answers. 1) What is...

tha shredda‎, 11-23-2010 08:09 PM
11-25-2010, 08:53 AM Go to last post
12 1,583

NCSF certified trainer!

passed this morning. feels good man.

absolutexpinoy‎, 11-25-2010 12:53 AM
11-25-2010, 02:43 AM Go to last post
1 884

Currently Determining what i want my career to be

I am currently studying Physical Therapy and i love lifting and MMA; i also find the science behind supplements amazing and how each one does something else for you. I am really interested in doing personal training and writing out diet plans for people. Do you think following a study in Physical...

LionBabylon6‎, 11-23-2010 08:43 PM
11-24-2010, 06:45 PM Go to last post
6 829

Question About to start bootcamps, package structure?

I'm working out the final pricing for my bootcamp classes I'll be starting soon alongside my 1-on-1 sessions. I'm thinking of offering the following options: 1) $X pay as you go, basically walk in and hand over that much per session 2) Buy 10 get 1 free (10% off) 3) Buy 20 get 3 free (15% off)...

md3sign‎, 11-23-2010 07:59 PM
11-24-2010, 05:51 PM Go to last post
11 1,589

Question for the Pros

Hey everyone, I am just about finished my first semester of College. I am 18 (as of midnight tonight) and am taking Fundamentals of Fitness Leadership. It is a one year certificate. The program coordinator has been in the fitness field her whole life (not sure the number of years but she's...

RobKarpathios‎, 11-23-2010 02:37 PM
4 698

What do you train in?

Edit: What do you train your clients in? I should've made that clearer. lol. This is what I wear. For initial meetings/consultations I switch the track shoes and pants to dress shoes and pants.

Cuhh‎, 11-22-2010 06:24 PM
9 1,225

Please Critique my website

Hey everyone my website just went live yesterday and I would love some feedback on text, pictures, layout...anything. I have a week to make changes with my developer before I have to start paying hourly. :) Let me know what you think. Thanks in advance! ...

Boom782‎, 11-18-2010 02:45 PM
2 Pages
1 2
48 2,550

list of articles every Personal trainer should read

i want to start a large list of article that every trainer should read. it can be about exercises, mobility, stability, stretching, prehab and nutirion

TAK000‎, 11-21-2010 04:32 PM
11-23-2010, 11:04 AM Go to last post
5 945

I got a interview @ eqounix tommorrow. Need some help

Was wondering if they would hired me since I'm in the process of getting recertified? How's the pay in eqounix? Do they pay for gym floor hours? Do they give me clients or am I suppose to get the clients?

saint sinner x‎, 11-22-2010 06:56 AM
11-23-2010, 10:24 AM Go to last post
3 811

CSUF or Cal Poly Pomona for Kines major?

to the personal trainers that go / have gone to either school, which do you think has a better program between the two schools?

BoyBawang‎, 11-22-2010 11:38 PM
11-23-2010, 02:25 AM Go to last post
3 989

Passed The NASM-CPT!!!

It wasn't that bad. Now I get to figure out what I'm going to do. Any advice on where to begin? Commercial vs. Independent etc...

doke87‎, 11-21-2010 11:04 AM
4 922

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