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Poll Poll: Would you be a pro fighter for a living (poll)

If you had the opportunity, would you fight for money how much money would it take

blackstoneceo‎, Today 11:58 AM
8 148

What are your boundaries misc?

At what point do you get triggered enough to cancel someone?

monster0ultra‎, Today 10:57 AM
Today, 01:18 PM Go to last post
11 155

Unhappy HBB gets TOSSED out 3rd story WINDOW from Treadmill and DIES

Horrible horrible story. Fkn lmao @ working out! I'll die of diabeetus and heart attack slowly instead of getting thrown out a fkn window. Horrifying footage has emerged of the moment a gym user in Indonesia was thrown off a treadmill and plunged out of a third-floor window. The video,...

RICHSTRONG‎, Today 09:36 AM
18 529

Thumbs up I Want To Use Racial Slurs On The Misc But I Don't Want To Offend My Misc Friends.

Just as a joke or to be a little mean sometimes.

Getter_done‎, Today 12:35 PM
10 107

Which girl you picking misc

Hawk tuah Or that mf ain't real Hawk tuah girl is a solid 10 on attitude alone cawtdammn

brahnotah‎, 06-19-2024 07:29 AM
4 Pages
1 2 3 4
Today, 01:11 PM Go to last post
90 3,504

Question Yo GooBaa - you down for goin??

We could be stuntin on these hoes bro. For real. New York’s Fat Beach Day gives plus-size people a space to be themselves Fat Beach Day events are springing up across the US in an effort to fight back against fat-phobia, reclaim safe spaces for the community and honor plus-size...

RICHSTRONG‎, Today 01:00 PM
Today, 01:06 PM Go to last post
3 55

Exclamation How gay are angry eyes and rubber ducks by jeep owners

Might be the gayest people on the road

GooBaaa‎, 05-28-2024 02:47 PM
2 Pages
1 2
Today, 01:05 PM Go to last post
58 960

As of today I own over 9000 shares of GME

At a 14.42 price point. I will never sell them(srs). As long as I hold them I fight against the evil satanic ****files who control the world and the market. I will hold these shares forever just for the chance to make some hedgie fall. I encourage u all to buy at least one share and never sell it...

RichH0mieQuan‎, Today 01:00 PM
0 66

What is the wildest concert you guys have been to?

I'm not talking about the best musically I'm talking about when the crowd is going absolutely buck wild. Mine was about 15 years ago at a Frank Foster concert in an Indian casino. I had no idea who the guy was before I went but my friend who invited me told me it was a boots and pearl snap...

TBO1313‎, Today 12:14 PM
Today, 12:58 PM Go to last post
12 160

If a girl doesn't reply to some of your texts, does it mean she's not interested?

Brutal read ahead boyos. The following is a story I read online: Yes. you don’t like to accept that horrible truth but that’s the truth.I used to read all comments because I had the similar situation. Let me share my experince. I liked this girl met through one of my friends. She talked...

NosyJossie‎, Today 10:00 AM
24 335

Exclamation Did you know there are 2 types of camo hats / can nicotine

There is a "Slay Queen" camo hat and a "Hell yeah, brother" camo hat know the difference

Procta‎, Today 10:10 AM
Today, 12:57 PM Go to last post
8 136

Reason Why Guys that are into Black Girls are the luckiest

I have seen and analyzed so many research papers on dating and racial preferences and was also in college for so long that I've seen all kinds of dating situations. Simply put, white girls are the hardest to get since when there's a hot white girl, basically every guy around her wants to be with...

SmarterAsianGuy‎, Today 12:26 PM
Today, 12:54 PM Go to last post
4 105

It’s crazy how I could wreck u all in a fight

man I’m just ferocious

RichH0mieQuan‎, Today 12:28 PM
9 113

Coworker showed up wearing flip flops to the office

WTF is wrong with people lmao. I’m generally anti-business professional dress code because unless you’re in a client facing position, it makes more sense that being comfortable doing your job leads to better morale and productivity. But you gotta show some level of professionalism. I just saw...

GuineaDago585‎, Today 07:15 AM
21 389

Exclamation BREAKING: Alex Jones Infowars platform to shut down due to bankruptcy A U.S. bankruptcy court trustee is planning to shut down conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ Infowars media platform and liquidate its assets to help pay the $1.5 billion in lawsuit judgments Jones...

BrianDaMan‎, Today 12:19 PM
Today, 12:52 PM Go to last post
6 155

You guys that drink - wtf is the point?

I drink maybe a beer or two a couple times a year, max. Maybe a glass of wine on special occasions. No more than 6 beverages a year. You guys that get drunk weekly; why the fukk do you do it? What does it do for you? Why do you spend thousands of dollars a year to destroy your physical and...

r0gueking‎, Yesterday 08:58 PM
2 Pages
1 2
Today, 12:49 PM Go to last post
58 1,119

Im NEET at 29 years old

Quit my job since i cant get a gf and give up on ever finding love. My mom is paying for my apartment. I just rot all.

SevenFigures‎, Today 11:27 AM
Today, 12:48 PM Go to last post
14 242

The fat acceptance movement was the beginning of the end of Western society

Think about it logically. If you go back, the moral backbone of the West was still decently strong throughout the 1990's. There was degeneracy, to be sure, but nothing like that of the present times. Sometime during the late-90's or so, the fat accepatance movement started coming into full swing....

SmacksDigEmFrog‎, Today 10:41 AM
8 190

Exclamation BREAKING: 71 SHOT/ 9 DEAD [over Fathers day weekend]

Ok, really not breaking...just another day/weekend in Chiraq. We wylin up here son! T-MLqF2Xoj0 CHICAGO (WLS) -- The shooting victims from over the weekend range in age from 13 to 57, representing various parts of the city, and the violence has some seeking new solutions. South Lawndale...

RICHSTRONG‎, Today 12:31 PM
Today, 12:47 PM Go to last post
8 111

The Kings Guard attacked Havoc's Mom. The first blow has been dealt. We Will Not Forget.

p7nk‎, Today 12:08 PM
Today, 12:43 PM Go to last post
2 70

The further down south you go, the more DISGUSTING women are srs

Keeps getting fatter, browner, uglier, more pig-like. The whole "southern belle" thing must be fictional because all I see are hispanic hogs and pink skinned pigs. Fat sheboons. Seeing a thin, pretty woman is out of the equation. Feel bad for southern bros.

BigGuyTruth‎, Today 12:35 PM
Today, 12:39 PM Go to last post
2 53

What women’s more exotic ? Korean or Filipino?

?????? Asking for a friend tehehehe

p7nk‎, Today 07:43 AM
Today, 12:39 PM Go to last post
16 313

Went into work in flip flops

Work IT and it's a simple fix 90% of the time but i just make it sound complex. So i went in to "fix" and run maintenance. which honestly is just a video of a loading bar with a bunch of numbers. So i went into the break room and had some coffee and took something out the fridge. felt some loser...

p7nk‎, Today 12:22 PM
Today, 12:33 PM Go to last post
4 44

Question Anyone know the name of this cardio exercise ?

looks like it really hammers the legs

Procta‎, Today 10:17 AM
Today, 12:30 PM Go to last post
7 170

mailman just did a burnout in front of my house

what the heck! thats not professional

chiefillini‎, Today 11:27 AM
Today, 12:29 PM Go to last post
7 89

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