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Anybody here gone from atheist/spiritual to Christian?

Looking back and realising how retarded I was. BRB thinking 'how can Jesus be God' without even understanding the sacrificial system that was in place in israel or the legal matters that came with the fall of man, etc. BRB reading nag hammadi gnostic texts because the bible had been...

WiseOldApe‎, 05-26-2024 02:43 AM
05-26-2024, 03:42 AM Go to last post
4 128

Housing Inventory SKYROCKETING, not far from pre covid levels now

There are FAR FAR FAR less potential buyers now because of interest rates and yet inventory is SKYROCKETING because there are more and more home sellers every year. I'd estimate that months supply of homes will be above pre Covid Levels in Fall 2025 and there will be a MASSIVE OVERCORRECTION with...

Sal29‎, 05-26-2024 02:35 AM
05-26-2024, 03:41 AM Go to last post
5 378

Cracked software

Boyos help a boyo out. Decent site to get cracked software? Need Adobe illustrator Ty xoxo

CellyTech‎, 05-25-2024 09:20 AM
2 Pages
1 2
05-26-2024, 03:39 AM Go to last post
42 664

Poll Poll: What did you enjoy the most?

Elementary school, high school or college? I enjoyed elementary school the most, then college, then high school.

AnaboLecter‎, 05-25-2024 09:45 PM
05-26-2024, 01:57 AM Go to last post
9 278

Anyone else never measured their girth?

I've only ever measured my peen using a yard stick

GaryRidgway‎, 05-25-2024 10:09 PM
05-26-2024, 01:53 AM Go to last post
16 241

Thumbs down Cops coerce false murder confession from man after 17 hours (vid)

Imagine reporting your dad as missing (when he was at his gf's place the whole time) and the cops frame you for murder with zero evidence. The dog witness stunt was unbelievable. Sad! -lyicvPMVps

Manglet‎, 05-25-2024 09:26 PM
05-26-2024, 01:34 AM Go to last post
7 222

The ability to ask why has been taken from you

Why is it public info that Jews run the world Why is it public info where money comes and go into

gesten‎, 05-25-2024 11:50 PM
05-26-2024, 01:29 AM Go to last post
2 199

Alan Ritchson is only 6ft2 yet looks tall as fuk

fkn crazy how the average miscer and zoomer is walking around at his height or taller

PowerPal‎, 05-25-2024 11:10 PM
05-26-2024, 01:26 AM Go to last post
6 265

Petition to change the acronym to LGBR

Let's break it down. Lezbian, Gay, Bi : things that exist. Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and Two-Spirited: things that are invented. So I propose "LGBR": Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Retarded.

LinuxJon‎, 05-26-2024 01:24 AM
05-26-2024, 01:24 AM Go to last post
0 89

NIH finally admits funding gain of function research in Wuhan

NIH basically threw fauci under the bus, finally. Admitted they did fund the Wuhan lab to create COVID strains using US tax money. Think fauci will go to prison for lying under oath or for actually being in charge of illegal research? Id be very surprised.... I think he should get life in prison...

bsrkoacar2‎, 05-17-2024 10:04 PM
05-26-2024, 12:16 AM Go to last post
3 206

Is this peak sport based homoeroticism (pic)

I think maybe it is. Catch that twink and make him earn it.

TwoTailedSperm‎, 05-25-2024 11:00 PM
05-25-2024, 11:02 PM Go to last post
1 136

Millionaire becomes homeless to prove he can make a million again…..fails horribly.

hArD wOrK aNd DiScIpLiNe This was not a fair test to begin with because being brought up in rich culture is enough. You have the information no one else does. You know the rules and the language and the customs. He was already prepared so much more than a regular person to do this, and he...

Ironmanlet‎, 05-25-2024 09:26 PM
05-25-2024, 10:52 PM Go to last post
7 296

If you post about

Mossad on Reddit you get upvoted If you post about exposing CIA on Reddit you get downvoted and post locked Past 8 months has been non stop post of exposing mossad getting to the front page and getting upvoted Read between lines what does this mean?

gesten‎, 05-25-2024 09:23 PM
05-25-2024, 10:20 PM Go to last post
2 66

Smile Lullaby for the Opps


Voidgaze‎, 05-25-2024 09:28 PM
05-25-2024, 10:19 PM Go to last post
4 131

Are car washes with High School sports teams weird in 2024?

The ones they do in parking lots for fundraising Drove by one for the High School swim team today and they were in bathing suits with old dudes in the cars

helpmee‎, 05-25-2024 09:41 PM
05-25-2024, 10:04 PM Go to last post
2 166

Fat women are beautiful

Fat women are quans and deserve to be loved and get chad dik whenever they want. You can also have sex with their fat folds

GaryRidgway‎, 05-25-2024 08:32 PM
05-25-2024, 09:53 PM Go to last post
20 323

Do you guys remember this classic misc HBB?

SirFapsAIot‎, 05-25-2024 05:56 PM
2 Pages
1 2
05-25-2024, 09:39 PM Go to last post
34 1,524
05-25-2024, 09:36 PM Go to last post
2 103

Holocaust survivor prayed for 6 years to know freedom (video)

nc8neFqI9vA? My question to the jew loving miscers is how did this lady survive 6 years in a death camp? Why didn't the nazis (who killed 6 million jews in a few years) kill her and her sick friends who could barely walk? How did the Germans kill 6 million jews if they allowed so many jews...

Islandboyo‎, 05-25-2024 10:08 AM
05-25-2024, 09:36 PM Go to last post
18 713

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