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    Cool Livinonlava's Road To Perdition: It's Me Or The Fat

    Well, after much delay and dodging, I have finally decided to journal... This seems like the time to do it, because I'm about to embark on my most ambitious training plan to date. I have been lifting weights in some way or another since I was 14 years old. I was a naturally big kid, but I didn't have a real drive to train. My brother was my motivation. He was the guy in the gym that everyone stops to watch on the bench. I wanted to achieve his results, but I had no idea at all what to do.

    I lifted weights with friends in high school, but I ate like crap and ran way too much while playing basketball and soccer. On arriving at college, I was a healthy 175, even at a height of 6'2. Within the first few weeks, I was invited down to the "pit," our football team's gym. I started lifting, again primarily for the social time with friends. But, my body decided it was time... The copious food supplies at the cafeteria didn't hurt It happened so fast, I was almost unaware. When I went home for the first time at Christmas break, friends didn't recognize me. I had gained 40lbs in less than 4 months -- and it was mostly solid. I remember sitting at a sort of reunion dinner with highschool friends. My crush since 7th grade chose to sit next to me, and she smiled after a few moments of conversation and said, "Wow, Tim, you were always a big guy, but now you're just so... DIESEL!" Now, I've never been a real cool guy, so I wasn't even sure if being "diesel" was a good thing, but the look on her face seemed to indicate it was I was hooked.

    The rest has been my journey. For awhile, I just wanted to keep getting bigger and stronger. My food choices were still crap, though, so bigger got a little out of hand. By May of 2003, I had reached almost 250 lbs with a bodyfat % of 18-20 or so. I never trained legs and firmly believed that my abs got plenty of workout just supporting my other lifts. I reacted foolishly, and started an extreme diet and intense cardio routine that saw me whittle away 50lbs of anything and everything by the fall of 2004. My lifting continued, but my strength had collapsed with my weight. I spent the next year in transition. I cut out the cardio and let my diet settle into a stable routine. My weight crept back up to 212, but I was still sporting a lean 33' waist.

    Well, in the fall of 2005, my drive was renewed. I began to read, to learn, and to observe. I structured my first healthy diet plan. I introduced a moderate amount of cardio. And, I started seriously training legs and abs. I managed to carve my phsique down to a solid 198lbs, which is where you see me in my current avatar. As I slowly began to understand how my body responded to different diet and training regimens, I was able to reach new levels of performance and results. I applied these concepts to a bulking phase that I began in June, and I now weigh in just shy of 225lbs. I haven't measured bf in quite awhile, but I'd put the number between 10-12%.

    So, now I've decided it's time to take things to the next level... I hope to enlist the help of some knowledgeable individuals and take this cut all the way to 6%, lower if I'm able. My target date is February 12th when I will be saying "Good morning" to my 30th birthday. I'm going to allow my body a few weeks to stabilize at my present weight, but December 1rst will bring the start of the cut. In the meantime, I'll be logging workouts and diet just to get the hang of the journaling process. If you're going to read along, it's my hope that we can encourage each other and exchange some knowledge along the way. So here we go...
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    OK. Some particulars...

    Well, I will be taking and recording measurements / pictures just prior to beginning the cut, but here is some general information about me:

    Age: 29 (for awhile longer)
    Sex: Male
    Height: 6'2
    Weight: 224

    My diet while bulking has been loosely structured. I've had general calorie targets which I've achieved by accumulated knowledge of what I eat. It was dirty at times, but I tried to keep the general principles of healthy sports nutrition. I eat frequent meals (at least 6), take in plenty of protein (> 1gm / lb), choose complex carbs, ensure healthy fat intake, and consume as much water as I can over the course of the day (> 1.5 gallons). You'll get a sense of all this as I begin posting diet history in the coming days.

    I've never really been a supplement abuser. I only began using large amounts of whey during my diet of last fall. I've taken creatine monohydrate since 1998 or so, and I've always tried to include a good multi-vitamin. In the last several months, I have begun experimenting with new supplements, though, and I've found they're not all crap I have no desire to visit the darkside at this time as I'm still finding great success with my new understanding of nutrition. I'll be logging my exact supplement protocol, but you can expect some use of the following which are my current choices:

    ON 100% Whey
    NOW Vit-Min
    ON ZMA
    HFS EFA's
    MAN Body Octane
    MAN Clout
    HP CEE
    Ergopharm AMP
    Scivation Xtend

    My training plan has been a nice 12 week rotation between heavier weights and greater volumes. I believe I had excellent results with that routine, but it's time to mix things up a bit. I've been following others who are utilizing a techinque called Power/Rep Range/Shock (P/RR/S), and I think I will adapt a routine to those principles. I'm calling this week one since I'm already in a heavy phase, so that's where we'll pick up the logging.

    So, let's get to the journal. Anybody with me?
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    Thumbs up 11/11/2006 - Chest (Power)

    Just for future reference, I'll be ignoring warm-up sets and just getting to the working ones. Hopefully my working sets aren't your warmups

    Flat Bench (Barbell)
    325 x 6
    325 x 6
    325 x 5
    325 x 4

    Inclined Dumbell Press
    110's x 8
    115's x 6
    115's x 6
    115's x 5

    Precor Pec Fly
    280 x 8
    Here, the machine runs out of stack, so I get creative by balancing dbs
    (280 + 30) x 6
    (280 + 50) x 6
    (280 + 50) x 5

    Hammer Strength Chest Press
    270 x 6
    270 x 6
    270 x 5
    270 x 4

    This was a killer chest blast. 325 for 6 on the bench was a personal best. I'm still sore from this workout. I may talk some about supplements in the future, but this is one area where I really feel beta alanine (in MAN products) has been a benefit. I can really train with more intensity for longer periods.
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    11/12/2006 - Back (Power)

    Catching up...

    Lat Pulldowns (Wide Grip)
    280 x 6
    290 x 6
    290 x 6
    300 x 5

    T-bar Row (Closer Grip)
    260 x 6
    260 x 6
    260 x 5
    285 x 3 (sissy)

    Hard to describe isolateral row machine
    This was my first time using this machine, so it was experimental lifting
    130 x 10
    160 x 8
    190 x 6
    200 x 6

    Standing Lat Pullovers (using pulldown station)
    100 x 10
    120 x 6
    120 x 6
    130 x 4

    Back Extensions (Roman Chair)
    45lb plate x 10
    45lb + 25lb plates x 6
    45lb + 25lb plates x 6
    45lb + 35lb plates x 6
    45lb(2) plates x 6

    Just plain smoked the back on Sunday. Lats were so pumped it made my tri's hurt. The finish with the back extensions was just brutal. I really feel like I've made some gains with my "christmas tree" in the last few months. Comparison pics will be interesting.
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    11/13/2006 - Shoulders / Traps (Power)

    Almost to present...

    Lateral Raise (machine)
    140 x 6
    150 x 6
    150 x 6
    150 x 5

    Military Press (machine)
    150 x 8
    170 x 6
    170 x 5
    170 x 5

    Reverse Precor Pec Fly (Rear Delts)
    180 x 10
    200 x 6
    220 x 6
    220 x 6 (good pause to finish -- kinda like an iron cross)

    Upright Rows (barbell)
    I've recently shifted to a wider grip as it was suggested it would lessen shoulder impingement
    95 x 10 (unsure of new grip)
    135 x 6
    135 x 6
    145 x 5

    Dumbell Shrugs
    130's x 10
    140's x 8
    160's x 6
    160's x 6
    160's x 5

    This was a fair to good shoulder day. My lats were still so smoked from the day before that rear delt work was just painful. The shrugs got me pumped though...
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    11/14/2006 - Cardio / Abs

    So, technically, I don't have any "off" days. I just have "less weights" days. I do my cardio in the morning, and I like to train abs just before. I'm currently only doing 2 days of cardio as I've been working to gain weight.

    I try to train my abs just like they were any other muscle. I focus on a lower rep range and utilize resistance when possible. Today I did incline crunch twists for the first time. I thought about using weights until the first set almost killed me. I did 4 sets of 12 reps and felt like my abs were just pathetic. I then moved to the crunch machine where I recovered a little and did 4 sets of 12 using 140lbs of resistance. I finished with 4 sets of knee raises using a 30lb dumbell hanging between my feet -- 12 reps were all I could muster.

    My cardio was 40 minutes on the Stairmaster (they call it the gauntlet around here) at level 10 (of 20). I favor a slower, lower intensity form of cardio. I believe this better gets at the fat-burning without catabolizing too much lean muscle. Believe me though, I was sweating like a pig after 40 minutes... It's worth noting that I really enjoy a pre-cardio cocktail of Octane/Clout/AMP followed by sipping of Xtend during the session. I don't use stim products except pre-cardio, so it always gives me a great boost (at 5AM you need a little something) when I do. I seem to sweat like a champ and endurance is not a problem.

    OK, now I'm up to the present. I'll be filling in diet details as the day finishes.
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    Thumbs up

    you did it! haha, now i get to stalk you in return, sweet!

    'read, learn and observe' noted.

    you may post pics immediately, if not sooner.

    NPC Bodybuilder, Mother and Hater Extraordinaire

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    Originally Posted by dvsness
    you did it! haha, now i get to stalk you in return, sweet!

    'read, learn and observe' noted.

    you may post pics immediately, if not sooner.

    Ha!!! That was a test to see if you would actually read all that -- I'm a wordy sucker at times I'm impressed. Pics will be coming, but I need to rope in the photographer. I'm going to avoid the bathroom mirror pics so many are fond of I think I should have something lined up by this weekend, but we'll see.
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    sounds good.


    wtf? no off day???
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    Lightbulb Thoughts On "Off Days"...

    First, it occurs to me that will all the blathering above, I didn't lay out my basic split. Let me correct that here:

    Day 1: Chest (may add single set of tri's here)
    Day 2: Back (may add single set of bi's here)
    Day 3: Shoulders/Traps
    Day 4: Mostly off, but... Cardio + Abs
    Day 5: Bi's / Tri's
    Day 6: Legs (quads/hammy's/calves)
    Day 7: Mostly off, but... Cardio + Abs

    So, as noted, I don't really have a completely off day. However, I have been executing in this model for almost a year with no noticeable negative impact. The biggest danger, as I see it, is over-training. Now, as we know, over-training is more a condition of the CNS, not really the body per se. Therefore, what you actually need to rest is your CNS, not your body. In my opinion (which I'm glad to have corrected) the best rest for your CNS is not complete inactivity, but rather "de-loading." I accomplish this in a few different ways that I generally refer to as "active recovery." I didn't coin this expression, but I do have an application of it. So, though I'm doing cardio on what would basically be considered an off day, I'm careful to ensure it's not intense cardio, as in HIIT. I favor hiking, walking, stair-climbing, swimming, etc. It's great for flushing lactic acid, increasing bloodflow, and burning calories all while giving the CNS a much needed rest from the demands of heavy resistance training. Also, I take periodic (about every 12-15 weeks) breaks (up to 2 weeks) where I train with very little resistance just in an effort to remain active but in motion.

    Well, those are my thoughts. Back to resting. It is my "off" day after all...
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    11/14/2006 - Diet

    Yawn... It's heading to bed-time, but I'll try to recap the days diet.

    1 Clout / 1 Body Octane
    2 AMP
    2 Xtend (sipped during cardio/abs)

    Meal 1
    1.5 cups OATS
    1.5 cups Skim Milk
    2 scoops ON 100% Whey
    1 Vit-Min

    810 kcal, 76.5g pro, 105g carb, 11g fat

    Meal 2
    3 Tbsp Nat PB

    315 kcal, 12g pro, 9g carb, 24g fat

    Meal 3
    1 low carb wrap
    8 oz grilled chicken
    1 oz provalone cheese
    veggies (lettuce, tomato, green pepper, banana pepper)
    1 Tbsp Chipotle dressing
    1 Lg Fuji Apple

    597 kcal, 69.5g pro, 48g carb, 16.9g fat

    Meal 4
    1 cup OATS
    1 scoop ON 100% Whey
    1 scoop Muscle Milk

    595 kcal, 50g pro, 63g carb, 16g fat

    Meal 5
    8 oz grilled chicken
    1/2 cup (uncooked) brown rice
    3/8 cup shredded cheese blend (mozz,asiago,parm)

    713 kcal, 68.5g pro, 63.5g carb, 18g fat

    3 ON ZMA

    Meal 6
    1.5 cups Skim Milk
    2 scoops Muscle Milk

    470 kcal, 45.5g pro, 30g carb, 18g fat

    Daily Total

    3500 kcal, 322g pro, 319g carb, 104 fat

    Today was wierd. I didn't have my foods prepared, and my fat total was higher than I would have liked. Too much muscle milk (trying to get rid of it before my cut). Still, the numbers were basically in line for an "off" day. Too much supplemental protein; not enough whole food. Goodnight
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    Thumbs up 11/15/2006 - Bi's & Tri's (Power)

    Seated Alternate Dumbell Curl
    65's x 6
    70's x 6
    70's x 5
    70's x 5

    Preacher Curl (EZ Curl)
    115 x 8
    125 x 6
    125 x 6
    135 x 5

    Standing Hammer Curl
    60's x 8
    65's x 6
    65's x 6
    70's x 5

    Standing Barbell Curl
    135 x 7
    135 x 6
    135 x 6
    145 x 5

    Skull Crushers (Flat Bench)
    155 x 6
    155 x 6
    155 x 6

    Tricep Machine
    160 x 10
    180 x 6
    180 x 6
    180 x 6

    Tri Pressdown
    150 x 6
    150 x 6
    150 x 5

    Weighted Dips
    (BW + 45lb) x 15
    (BW + 90lb) x 8
    (BW + 90lb) x 8

    I got into the gym late tonight, and I figured it was going to be a rough night because of it. However, my opening sets of dumbell curls really got my blood heated. It's one of the things I've been enjoying about the Clout/Octane stack -- it really lets me endure some pain and produce some intense lifts. I've been taking it for about a month now, so I assume my carnosine levels are peaking. We'll see how my endurance holds up next week when I shift to a higher rep range.
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    11/15/2006 - Diet

    Meal 1
    1.5 cups OATS
    1.5 cups Skim Milk
    2 scoops ON 100% Whey
    1 Tbsp Honey
    1 Vit-Min

    870 kcal, 76.5g pro, 122g carb, 11g fat

    Meal 2
    2 slices my special bread
    2 Tbsp Nat PB
    1 banana

    888.5 kcal, 34.8g pro, 136.5g carb, 34g fat

    Meal 3
    1 low carb wrap
    8 oz grilled chicken
    1 oz provalone cheese
    veggies (lettuce, tomato, green pepper, banana pepper)
    1 Tbsp Ranch dressing
    1 Lg Fuji Apple

    597 kcal, 69.5g pro, 48g carb, 16.9g fat

    Meal 4
    1 cup OATS
    1 scoop ON 100% Whey
    1 Tbsp PB

    525 kcal, 38g pro, 60g carb, 15g fat

    1 serving Clout
    1 serving Body Octane
    2.25g HP CEE

    Meal 5
    1.5 cups OATS
    1.5 cups Skim Milk
    2 scoops ON 100% Whey
    1 Tbsp Honey

    Meal 6
    8 oz grilled chicken
    2 cups pasta
    1/2 cup sauce

    933 kcal, 74g pro, 139g carb, 7g fat

    3 ON ZMA

    Midnight Snack
    2 scoops Muscle Milk

    350 kcal, 32g pro, 12g carb, 18g fat

    Daily Total

    4974 kcal, 388g pro, 639g carb, 103g fat

    Don't you just love a quick 2000 kcals within an hour of bed...
    Last edited by livinonlava; 11-16-2006 at 12:55 AM.
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    1. now i know what a 'cubic butt-ton' of oats is.

    2. special bread? pray tell...

    3. muscle milk?

    4. do you get a tingle from octane? i've heard a lot of that.

    5. nice lifts. 155 on skulls. >jealous hater<

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    Originally Posted by dvsness
    1. now i know what a 'cubic butt-ton' of oats is.

    2. special bread? pray tell...

    3. muscle milk?

    4. do you get a tingle from octane? i've heard a lot of that.

    5. nice lifts. 155 on skulls. >jealous hater<

    1. Yes, I do have to invent measurements to represent some things of enormous magnitude. Take for instance the size of my c.....

    2. MWAHAHAHAH... So I'm a baker... I really like making my own bread especially. I used to do it the hard way, but I've since gotten a bread maker so I can be lazy. My recipe for a bulking loaf:

    1 1/4 cup warm water
    2 Tbsp Flax oil
    4 Tbsp Honey
    1 1/4 tsp salt (I've tried reducing this, but the bread just doesn't come out right)
    3 cups 100% whole wheat flour (unbleached, unrefined, just plain wheat)
    1 cups ground OATS
    6 Tbsp brown rice protein powder (MLO brand)
    1 1/4 tsp yeast

    Totals: 2230.0 kcals, 31.0g fat, 101.0g pro, 398.0g carb, 48.0g fiber, 73.0g sugar

    I cut some Texas toast slices and smother in PB. You see my kcal estimates above...

    3) My gym was selling the stuff for $18 a tub. I picked up 3 a couple months ago because I really like the taste and the calories were good for my bulk -- so bite me!

    4) I don't notice anything from a single serving of Clout or Octane. However, when I have a serving of each together pre-workout, I get more of what I would describe as an itch. Within 15 minutes, my forearm veins get very pronounced, and I feel most of the "itch" in my arms and hands -- some in my face. This usually subsides after the first few sets. But, I have really noticed an increased ability to rep-out over time. It's not the same immediate "numbness" that I get from GAKIC, but it's a nice powerful feeling.

    5) As you may know, I do love arms I get a scary pump when I blast these suckers. I personally attribute all of my tricep development to skull crushers (I do flat bench and incline bench at different times to hit slightly different angles of the tricep -- the weight gets scary heavy on the incline )

    Thanks for stopping in Vanessa -- though I know this log is for me, it was a little lonely in here
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    Thumbs up 11/16/2006 - Legs (Power)

    Leg Press
    960 x 8
    1050 x 6
    1050 x 5
    1050 x 5

    Leg Extension
    305 x 6
    315 x 6
    315 x 6
    315 x 6

    Seated Hamstring Curl
    150 x 8
    170 x 6
    170 x 6
    170 x 6

    Dumbell Walking Lunges
    65's x 12 paces
    65's x 12 paces
    65's x 10 paces
    70's x 10 paces

    Rotary Calf Press
    350 x 12
    390 x 8
    390 x 8
    390 x 8
    390 x 10

    Standing Calf Raise
    270 x 10
    290 x 8
    290 x 8
    290 x 8

    Legs... This has been the area of my greatest need and greatest improvement over the last several months. Still, the workouts exhaust me like nothing else. I was very pleased with the leg press -- most reps at that weight ever. My extensions were equally satisfying -- the machine ran out of weight, so I was hanging weights off the stack My lunges were a little disappointing as my knees were beginning to feel shaky by the time I got to them. All in all, a solid day that I'll be feeling tomorrow.
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    Strong lifts your legs feel stimulated off the lower volume work?
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    Originally Posted by deserusan
    Strong lifts your legs feel stimulated off the lower volume work?
    Thanks, but I've just been reviewing your leg day... One day I'll be there

    Now, stimulated has different meanings to me. My previous workout program involved 4 weeks of high volume (sets of 20,16,12,10,8). I then shifted to moderate volume with sets of 8 for 4 weeks. Finally, I finished with 4 weeks of low reps and heavy weight (targets of 4-6 reps). During the high volume weeks, my legs (and all muscle groups) were just destroyed to the wobbly-exhaustion point. Hitting heavy weight at these low reps destroys me in a different way. It's an intensity that makes my heart race. I don't just get tired, I get collapsable. In both cases, I dread sitting on the toilet for at least 3 days

    In short answer to your question: yes, I do feel stimulation even at these low volumes. However, I certainly wouldn't train only in this rep range.

    I experienced really great results from the routine I was using before. This P/RR/S approach just seems like a high-gear form of what I was doing. It ensures that your body is always adapting to a new load. I could certainly detect my body's adjustment over each 4 week mini-cycle, so I'm interested in how I'll respond to the condensed schedule.
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    11/16/2006 - Diet

    Meal 1
    1.5 cups OATS
    2 scoops ON 100% Whey
    1 Tbsp Honey
    1 Vit-Min

    750 kcal, 63g pro, 104g carb, 11g fat

    Meal 2
    2 slices special bread
    2 Tbsp Nat PB
    1 banana

    888.5 kcal, 34.8g pro, 136.5g carb, 34g fat

    Meal 3
    Teriyaki Steak
    2 cups white rice

    These are only rough estimates - I'm still bulking anyway

    1100 kcal, 60g pro, 110g carb, 25g fat

    Meal 4
    1 cup OATS
    1 scoop ON 100% Whey

    420 kcal, 34g pro, 57g carb, 7g fat

    1 serving Clout
    1 serving Body Octane
    2.25g HP CEE

    Meal 5
    1.5 cups OATS
    2 scoops ON 100% Whey
    1 Tbsp Honey

    810 kcal, 63g pro, 121g carb, 11g fat

    Meal 6
    8 oz grilled chicken
    1/2 cup (uncooked) brown rice
    1.5 oz lowfat swiss cheese

    933 kcal, 75g pro, 62g carb, 13g fat

    3 ON ZMA

    Midnight Snack
    2 scoops Muscle Milk

    350 kcal, 32g pro, 12g carb, 18g fat

    Daily Total

    5002 kcal, 362g pro, 603g carb, 109g fat

    The beauty of bulking... Lunch just felt like it needed to be big. I grabbed a teriyaki steak plate lunch. The meat wasn't overly fatty, but I'm sure I got my sodium and sugar for the day. It was very tasty and far more rewarding that cheating on a piece of cake. Only a few more weeks to enjoy this.
    Last edited by livinonlava; 11-18-2006 at 12:31 AM.
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    Originally Posted by livinonlava
    I'll post final numbers in the morning.
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    Originally Posted by dvsness
    I didn't say what morning
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    11/17/2006 - Cardio & Abs

    This morning came too quickly...

    Rope (Machine) Crunches
    120 x 15
    120 x 12
    130 x 10
    140 x 8

    Weighted Crunches
    45lb x 20
    70lb x 12
    70lb x 12
    70lb x 12

    Knee Raises (dumbell between ankles)
    30lb x 12
    35lb x 12
    35lb x 12
    35lb x 10

    40 minutes, level 9-10 of 20
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    11/17/2006 - Diet

    1 serving Clout
    1 serving Body Octane
    2.25g HP CEE
    2.5 servings Xtend sipped during

    Meal 1
    1.5 cups OATS
    2 scoops ON 100% Whey
    1 Tbsp Honey
    1 Vit-Min

    750 kcal, 63g pro, 104g carb, 11g fat

    Meal 2
    2 slices special bread
    2 Tbsp Nat PB
    1 banana

    888.5 kcal, 34.8g pro, 136.5g carb, 34g fat

    Meal 3
    1 low carb wrap
    8 oz grilled chicken
    1 oz provalone cheese
    veggies (lettuce, tomato, green pepper, banana pepper)
    1 Tbsp Chipotle dressing
    1 Lg Fuji Apple

    597 kcal, 69.5g pro, 48g carb, 16.9g fat

    Meal 4
    TriOpro Cookie (Oatmeal Raisin)

    290 kcal, 21g pro, 38g carb, 9g fat

    Meal 5
    8 oz grilled chicken
    2 cups pasta
    1/2 cup sauce

    1003 kcal, 74g pro, 132g carb, 11g fat

    3 ON ZMA

    Midnight Snack
    2 scoops Muscle Milk

    350 kcal, 32g pro, 12g carb, 18g fat

    Daily Total

    3878 kcal, 294g pro, 471g carb, 90g fat

    I was on the move today, so my calories were a little all over. I was shooting for 3500. I'm slowly trying to level off in preparation for the cut. Measurements and pics should be updated this weekend.
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    You thinking about entering the Designer Supplements or Thermolife transformation contests?
    "I just use my muscles as a conversation piece, like someone walking a cheetah down 42nd Street." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

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    Originally Posted by deserusan

    You thinking about entering the Designer Supplements or Thermolife transformation contests?
    It's silly, I admit, but I've established a slightly incongruous timeline. Though it's not for any contest or competition, I am striving to hit my peak by my 30th bday (read "mid-life crisis"). Since this happens to be early February, I figure I need at least 10-12 weeks. This forces my hand a bit, so I don't think I can wait until January when these contests begin.

    Interestingly, I think I would actually be competitive judging by some of the participants. I've had a decent bulk with about 25lbs added since June, and they've been very lean pounds (you can be the judge of that -- current picture is at 200lb). I don't think my BF is much higher than 12%, so I should be in great range to make a good hard cut to 6 or 7%. I just think that I'll have taken off a good amount of water/softness by January, so "transformation" pics will not necessarily show the extent of the effort. I've read that your schedule similarly conflicts, but I'd be willing to consider it if you did...
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    Thumbs up

    Originally Posted by livinonlava
    I've read that your schedule similarly conflicts, but I'd be willing to consider it if you did...
    i believe that was a callout!

    nice diet. the term 'special bread' still makes me giggle.
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    Originally Posted by livinonlava
    I just think that I'll have taken off a good amount of water/softness by January, so "transformation" pics will not necessarily show the extent of the effort. I've read that your schedule similarly conflicts, but I'd be willing to consider it if you did...
    Heh...I would but I'm a judge in the Designer contest and I'm sleeping with someone from Thermolife. To much conflict of interest to say the least. Looks like Ness was just called out.
    "I just use my muscles as a conversation piece, like someone walking a cheetah down 42nd Street." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

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    Originally Posted by deserusan
    Heh...I would but I'm a judge in the Designer contest and I'm sleeping with someone from Thermolife. To much conflict of interest to say the least. Looks like Ness was just called out.
    but i'm in the ds comp and i'm sleeping with one of the judges.

    excuses, excuses!

    c'mon, tim! just take really crappy before pics!!
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    Originally Posted by dvsness
    the term 'special bread' still makes me giggle
    At more than 300 calories per slice, I think "special" is just the right word. And LOL@giggle -- dan is turning you into a quivering puddle of girly goo (at a rate of 4:1 if I recall)

    Originally Posted by dvsness
    but i'm in the ds comp and i'm sleeping with one of the judges.

    excuses, excuses!

    c'mon, tim! just take really crappy before pics!!
    OK. Before I really consider entering either of these contests, I think it's obvious that I need to start sleeping with a judge... Sadly, since dvs is the only female, I sense I'm going to have to snuggle up to boyscouT

    Crappy or not, tomorrow's will be the before pics. Any requests? (Full frontal nudity already included)
    Last edited by livinonlava; 11-18-2006 at 05:14 PM.
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    Originally Posted by livinonlava
    OK. Before I really consider entering either of these contests, I think it's obvious that I need to start sleeping with a judge... Sadly, since dvs is the only female, I sense I'm going to have to snuggle up to boyscouT

    Crappy or not, tomorrow's will be the before pics. Any requests? (Full frontal nudity already included)
    1. female tl judge - bootysweat. ask her husband?

    2. female ds judges - kris and fnf. could get interesting...

    3. i think i have to disinfect my brain after the thought of you and bs snuggling.

    4. pics! it's about time, you perv!

    5. i think i'm gonna have to neg you for the girly goo comment.
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