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    ITT: I Teach You How To Get Laid In Under 90 Days FOR FREE

    There is a strong virgin presence in the misc and it is upsetting to see so many of you guys in your early 20s who still haven't had sex with a woman. It must be frustrating for you all and I hope I can help with this. Below is my attempt to help you guys out, it may be successful and it may not. The majority of it is a copy paste of a player's thread I made on a different private forum a while back...although I've tailored a few things to this forum's relevance. Enjoy...

    A couple of things:

    - Why should you listen to me? I have a lot of experience in this department and I'm willing to bet my left testicle that I've slept with more women than any 10 random miscers combined. TBH, I don't know how many women I've slept/hooked up with in just the last 5 years. I encourage other miscers here who have more experience to help out as well and get some of these guys laid. If I can get just one of you out of your shell, that's worth my time here ITT.

    - This advice is geared mostly towards college aged men b/c that's the demographic that I can relate to the most (I'm 23). If you're in your late 20s or 30s and you're still a virgin, you should find a prostitute and seek counseling.

    - ITT I do not give you girlfriend advice or dating advice. I've only ever been in one relationship and my experience there is limited.

    So here we go...

    The very first thing you need to understand about your relationships with women is that YOU are responsible for how they turn out. Many of you hold a lot of animosity towards women. There's a reason that every woman thinks you're creepy or rejects you. It's not that all of these women are flawed - at that point - it's your fault and it's your responsibility to improve yourself that way you are deemed more attractive to women.

    What makes you attractive? As we all know, there are facial aesthetics, physique aesthetics and personality. In regards to your facial aesthetics, there is not much that can be done in this department. So easy ways to improve facial aesthetics:

    - If you have bushy eye brows, get your eye brows done
    - If you have acne, get a cleansing product, exfoliate regularly and if that's not enough, and if your acne is bad, you may want to consider medication
    - Brush your teeth two times a day. Get some whitening tooth paste (it works for me but IDK some people say it doesn't work) if you have yellow teeth
    - Go to a hair stylist that will give you advice on what hair style suits your head shape best. Typically women like the clean, sharp crew cut look
    - Grow some facial hair if you can. Women love scruff and a slight stubble. If you can't grow a dense stubble, clean shave, don't have peach fuzz it don't look right
    - If your eye vision sucks, get some lenses OR stylish glasses. I get compliments from women on my eye glasses as seen in my avi every now and then so you may consider those

    These are some minor things you can do to improve your face.

    Physique aesthetics...This is a bodybuilding forum so I'll assume most of you know what to do with that.

    Personality...This is the one thing you have the most control over. I will focus less on traits and more on how to present these traits. But 1 trait you should get down:

    - Confidence: You become confident by doing things which you value and find difficult. I feel confident as fuack when I pick 500 pounds off the floor. I feel confident as fuack when I've just hiked up a mountain for 10 miles and now I've hit the peak. When I cash in on a stock that I called 3 months ago, that gives me confidence too. You get confident by doing confident things. Before I lost my eye sight, I trained for boxing 6 times a week. IDK what it is about fighting but sparring would boost my confidence regardless to how the match goes. It takes balls to put yourself in front of another man and fight him. Every Marine I've ever met has always had good confidence. Because he's done something hard and he's accomplished his goals. He's been someplace where few men have. You need to put yourself through difficulty to gain confidence. There's no book or program that will teach you confidence. The only way to acquire it is through experience. Think of some things which you feel would be difficult to accomplish. Then start planning on how you will do them. Then do them. You have 30 days from this point on to find, plan and accomplish some difficult tasks. Trust me, you may not have confidence with women but confidence from every day life will carry over.

    I put an emphasis on confidence because most communication is non verbal. It takes a woman less than 3 seconds to decide if she finds you sexually attractive or not. The majority of this decision is determined by your aesthetics and your body language. Confidence is not WHAT you say, it's HOW you say it. It's one of the few personality traits that are easier to express non verbally than verbally. Since you have a very short window to make a good impression, you have to have confidence. At a party, a club, a lounge or a bar...You don't have the time to get into life stories. That is why I don't want to talk about traits such as integrity or ambition, which are also important but they can't be expressed through non verbal communication. The vast majority of women I have slept with did not know what I did for work, what car I drove or what my life goals were. What attracted them? Aesthetics and confidence. How is confidence expressed:

    - Your body language; always walk upright with your chest out and shoulders square
    - Your disinterest in what a woman thinks about what you have to say. When she acts out of line, you call her out on it, you don't think "will this offend her"...You tell people what's on your mind even if it offends them
    - Your expression of your sexuality. You can't be afraid of being sexual with women. Grab her when the time is right...make a bold move. Tell her dirty jokes, grab her a** when you feel like it, get sexual with women. Women love sexual men. They may pretend to be offended at first but as time goes on, that facade breaks down and before you know it she's on your cawk
    - Confidence is assurance in yourself and you knowing that everything that's on your mind is acceptable and nothing you say or do is wrong

    Get this element nailed into your head: Confidence is not something that you can touch. It's all in your head and you have control of that.

    Now let's say that you've worked on your aesthetics and your personality. Let's say that despite your best efforts, you're still no higher than a 6/10 on the point scale. Understand this: Women are supply and demand. There are always women at the bottom of the point scale who are available. You cannot be a 6/10 male and expect a 10/10 woman to be interested in you. What you need to do is aim for the 6s and 7s when you look for women to sleep with. And I've been with women who were at the bottom of the barrel (4s and 5s) and women at the top (9 or 10) be honest, the sex is the same. The vagina is the same, the faces they make are the same, the noises, smells, etc...It's mostly the same. Of course we all wanna look at a good face, body and big set of tits when we're at it...But don't be discouraged if the best you ever get is a 6 or 7/10, you're not missing out on much. I personally prefer 7s and 8s because they have more personality and complexity to them than 9s and 10s...who usually don't have much going for them except for their looks. There is always enough women for all of the men.

    For brevity's sake...I'll put this topic of looks and personality to an end at this point. If there are more questions feel free to ask.

    What I want to focus on the most ITT is the exact things you need to do to get laid ASAP.

    (I'll assume that you're at least a 6 or 7/10 male when I give advice from this point on)

    If you are in college, go out as many nights as financially and academically reasonable. Make the loud party or nightclub your comfort zone. Get comfortable around a lot of people. If you're FA or never go gotta start somewhere and in order to show your confidence, you gotta build a comfort level in places where there's a lot of women. When you walk into the venue, walk around, look for indicators of interest. Don't cold approach anyone,'re just setting yourself up for a loss that night. I personally don't ever approach a woman unless she's giving me eye contact or checking me out. Coincidentally, I rarely get rejected. Approach on interest...don't waste your time with women who aren't even looking in your direction.

    What this does is...for one it's efficient. Secondly, a woman who's eye fuacking you is more likely to reciprocate your sexual interest that night. On a rare occasion you may even get approached by the woman. Most importantly, it weeds out the women who aren't interested in you. Out of 100 sexually available women, if you're a 6/10 you can expect at least 2 or 3 to be sexually interested in you. If you're 8/10 you can expect up to 15 to be sexually interested in you and if you're a 9 or 10/10, that number goes up to 25, maybe even 50. You can be a 10/10 and not be a woman's type. Don't take rejection can be the most handsome man, but if the woman isn't into your race of men, your style, your subculture, etc...That's nothing to take personally, you're just not her type. Now I'm not knocking cold approach altogether but for the sake of getting laid that night...Limit your approaches to women who show some kind of interest in you.

    When you approach women, this is how you approach...You walk up to her, you smile. As you look her up and down you introduce yourself...A typical exchange I would have:

    ME: "Hey, I'm's it going"
    HER: "Hey, I'm _____"
    ME: "I see you're wearing high heels tonight, did you just get off from work" (insinuating she's a street walker)
    HER: *slightly offended laugh*

    THAT sets the tone. The next thing you say after your name will determine where the conversation goes. You gotta pick something up about her appearance or the party that you can go into and make a (preferably sexual) joke out of.
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    Another example: If her cleavage is all out you say "I see you brought your two friends out with you tonight" (while looking at her breasts)...She will laugh at this. You ask her for the size...she'll tell you. IF the woman shows interest through heavy eye contact, she'll laugh at any seemingly funny thing you say. What you want to do is make it the sexy kind of funny because it gets the idea in your head that you want some pussy tonight. If you went up to a random girl and said any of this, she would be turned off and walk away. But a woman who is checking you out, she's flirty and she's alone...You can make any kind of joke and she'll laugh at it.

    Read post #22 for more examples:
    I recommend combing through this thread too:

    What you need to do is keep the conversation flowing for about 2-3 minutes about anything funny that will get a smile on her face. Then you grab her by the waist and pull her to you so you two start dancing. Turn her around and get her to grind on you. Don't even ask her "do you wanna dance"...Just grab her hips...She's been talking to you long enough to tell you she's interested. Make the bold move that few other men make with her. Hold her around her waist DO NOT TOUCH HER FAT if she has any showing, it will make her insecure. Touch her butt, gyrate your hips as she grinds you. Then you can pull her close to you and say "this would be much better if we had no clothes on"...She'll get the idea and there have been times where at this point the woman kisses me first and we make out right there. If she's shy and she still finds your comment funny, it's safe to make the move. Pull her up to head level and as she's grinding, start kissing her. This exact thing I described (approach, sexy funny comment, grinding, kiss) has happened more times for me than I can count. You become better at it the more you do it. It's important to be assertive with what you want from that situation. Make the move, say sh*t that may or may not offend her, who cares...You're looking for women who want sex that night and if she's offended, then good riddance, you don't need this kind of woman tonight.

    What's next? Pull her away and tell her to take you to her room. I mean it is just that easy.

    Maybe you don't even have to grind, you can just keep the sex talk going back and forth from the get go. Keep the conversation as superficial and funny as possible. Don't talk about yourself or anything serious...Just keep it lighthearted. If you're in the nightclub it will be harder to keep a conversation going. I don't like nightclubs, I prefer to hunt in bars, lounges, parties and the more laid back venues that way I can talk to the women. The nightclub tends to be loud although a nightclub/lounge set up is good too. The nightclub is more physical. You walk around, look for choosing and just walk up to her and start dancing. She will reciprocate if her choosing was genuine, if not, move onto the next one.

    With day game, the principle is the same. You're walking around campus or town...You see a woman checking you out, walk up to her... "Hey, you look good and I'm on my way to class, so gimme your number and we'll catch up later"...That's all you gotta say. Stop her mid stride and tell her those exact words, she'll be shocked that someone actually has the balls to do this to her. Then you text or call her and joke with her for a couple minutes, invite her out somewhere near by so you can talk. Call or text that same day..none of this crap about "wait 3 days" or "wait 3 weeks"...NO, you wanna get results today or tomorrow with every approach. Call her asap and use your mouthpiece. Escalate on the mini date you're on, if she reciprocates jokingly tell her "so you wanna gimme a tour of your room" with a smile. Again, feel her out...Is she laughing at everything you're saying? Is she touching your shoulders and arms? Is she adjusting her bra? These are all signs that she's DTF that same day. If she's looking away or seems uncomfortable, cut your losses and walk away that minute. This is about volume...You want to sleep with a variety of women ASAP and you don't have minutes to spare.

    In regards to sex...

    I like rough, heavy, passionate sex and IMO, women respond to it the best. Most men are one dimensional in their loving. They are clumsy, they stick to one position, they don't use their hands enough. Women love men who can work with their hands. Learn how to undo a bra with one hand, it's not that hard. Toss her around, make her feel like a tiny little woman whose body you can command with your hands. Don't go straight for the clit...Tease her a little first. Massage her inner thighs and the skin immediately outside of her outer lips. This gets the blood flowing and sets up for the perfect orgasm. With the right foreplay, you can give a woman an orgasm with the first stroke when you insert your penis into her vagina. Master foreplay...tease her, build up tension. Just when she thinks she'll get it, pull back...Until she's up on her toes and you finally lay the pipe and give her good loving. Don't go fast from the get go. Women prefer steady, deep strokes, go in as deep as you can go or as deep as her vagina can handle. Alternate your stroking pattern...Go fast and then go slow. With rough sex, I dominant. Women also tend to enjoy having their hair pulled during doggy style and for many women you encounter, you'll be the first man who has done this to her and maybe she was ashamed to ask her previous BFs to pull her hair or physically dominate her. Don't be afraid to spank her either...More often than not, women like a good spanking when she is riding you or receiving doggy style. She's in her early 20s, she wants to experiment with things. Women are not as "mysterious" and "fair" as you think. In bed, they want to feel dominated, roughed up, and helpless. She should feel that you're doing whatever you want with her.

    This goes for in and out of the bedroom. There needs to be a sense of "this man knows what he's doing, I'll just sit back and let him take charge..."

    To conclude this, I want to say...

    You have to be aggressive and masculine. Women love masculine men. Masculine men do not ask for permission to do something, they just do. Masculine men don't ask for her opinion about what he has to say about her, they just say it. If she acts out of line, call her out on it, she'll appreciate that you're not like those other guys who tell her whatever she wants to hear.

    I could do another thread on what to do the day after to keep her around...Or anything that's not related to a quick one night stand. But I think some of you guys could use this advice.

    Follow what I've said above and prepare to go out.

    Regarding the arguments I've heard that go against my advice to men (in the past and perhaps now)...I'll address that now.

    Being a good boy doesn't work. Women do not like men who walk on eggshells around them. Women like strong men who get what they want. Forget this whole "I gotta be the gentleman that my mother raised me to be" doesn't work. I know what works and what doesn't work and being a pussy who supplicates to women doesn't work. You can't white knight or weasel your way into the vagina. There's no such thing as "good" or "bad" men. There's just interesting men who women sleep with and boring men who women avoid like the plague. Don't be boring...It's just not sexy.

    And if you're the committed relationship type of guy, disregard my advice because obviously nothing here relates to being in a committed relationship.

    I invite the other members who are good with women to add their thoughts as well...

    INB4 tl;dr
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    this should be a sticky

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    You don't look 23.
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    Pretty good thread OP, will subscribe. When did you start getting success? Have you always had people skills or just slowly worked your way up? I'm curious because I'm always trying to improve myself and started out by being the shy kid in school.
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    Originally Posted by jackstraw2012 View Post
    this should be a sticky Awesome.thanks.
    Yea for you beta *******s

    Pretty basic advice... Learned some new things tho thanks OP
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    repped for trying to help looks like I am going to be using my hand for the rest of my life might invest in a fleshlight or whatever you call them
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    best read in a while. Op is not a ******* and knows what he's talking about
    Aware me on how you perfected this . I want to be at your level by the time im 23
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    honestly man, you just reiterating the same recycled **** on this misc section, and in all honesty these so called FA'ers just need to get of their asses and go out, hit a bar or a club with their buddies and things will change. Oh and for the record to some of the FA'er guy's on here, woman don't like huge ****ing bulky dudes, keep hitting the gym pounding back 4L bottles of water at the gym looking like arnold, then come home asking yourself on the internet to a bunch of the same guys why you guys are not getting girls... lean down a bit, stop with the I quit drinking for extra reps bull****, don't fap **** lol, it's honestly hilarious to hear, rant for the day... and yeah I'm in the same boat as you op, my friends call me a manwhore, I see it as a need in my life at the current moment, been with ~25 woman, would be higher, but... I was in 2 serious relationships, min 1.5 yrs on both, all at the tender age of 21...
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    rather be a virgin than read all that shiet
    permabulk on sorghum, yams & cassava crew, repeats any videos BITCH
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    Thoroughly rehearsed and well written - naturally most of it is common sense but its good to have it reinforced. Cheers OP.
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    loljk... all solid advice, especially the disclaimer about relationship brahs at the end.

    build confidence through self-improvement
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    Originally Posted by AfrikaUnite View Post
    rather be a virgin than read all that shiet
    ****in lold
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    and what if you straight up have an ugly face/ugly facial features?
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    Originally Posted by AfrikaUnite View Post
    rather be a virgin than read all that shiet
    Do not think that what is hard for you to master is humanly impossible; and if it is humanly possible, consider it to be within your reach.
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    What do you do if you've never had a girl show any sexual interest in you ever?
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    Stopped reading when you said to settle for 4-6/10's. You lost all credibility there. I'd rather jerk off to porn than give some ugly bitch the time of day. true story.
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    lol i doubt even virgins would wanna read all dis
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    Originally Posted by sword_ View Post
    You don't look 23.
    My avi is a year old LOL

    Originally Posted by Sogard View Post
    Pretty good thread OP, will subscribe. When did you start getting success? Have you always had people skills or just slowly worked your way up? I'm curious because I'm always trying to improve myself and started out by being the shy kid in school.
    Thank you.

    You have to accept that your past doesn't have to be a reflection of your future. Shyness is a choice that you make, it's not something that you have to be. For the most part, I've always been good with women, however college and turning 21 opened up a lot more opportunities. I have taken complete nerds and in a matter of 2-3 months got them laid. And once you lose you V card, you get that monkey off your back and start to realize "There are women out there who want my cawk, it's just my fault that I haven't been more assertive and outgoing with them"...Once you get past #1, you pick up momentum.

    Originally Posted by socalifas805 View Post
    Yea for you beta *******s

    Pretty basic advice... Learned some new things tho thanks OP
    You're welcome! We all have different levels of knowledge...I didn't wanna go right into the more complex strategies without setting up a basic foundation.

    Originally Posted by apac21 View Post
    best read in a while. Op is not a ******* and knows what he's talking about
    Aware me on how you perfected this . I want to be at your level by the time im 23
    It was mostly trial & error. But to learn things through trial and error, you have to put your ego aside and repetitively fail until you learn what works and what doesn't work. You pick up on patterns...For example, I picked up on the pattern of: If a woman is checking you out, she's more likely to sleep with you than a woman who you cold approach. The one you cold approach may be interested in you regardless, but she won't be as interested in that moment as the one that eye fuacks you.

    Another pattern: Women get bored easily. The best way to keep her from not being bored is to not talk about personal things or formal things in an informal environment. Don't talk about your job, TBH no one cares. Don't talk about your favorite sports team or what music you listen to...again, that's not gonna bring a smile to her face. The best way to keep a woman entertained with your mouthpiece is to make her laugh. But you also want her to think about sex so you make good sexual jokes. Laughing is a form of orgasm, it feels good. You wanna give her these mini orgasms. Elliott Hulse addresses this here: and build up to the real thing.

    And so on....

    Originally Posted by skudr248 View Post
    honestly man, you just reiterating the same recycled **** on this misc section, and in all honesty these so called FA'ers just need to get of their asses and go out, hit a bar or a club with their buddies and things will change. Oh and for the record to some of the FA'er guy's on here, woman don't like huge ****ing bulky dudes, keep hitting the gym pounding back 4L bottles of water at the gym looking like arnold, then come home asking yourself on the internet to a bunch of the same guys why you guys are not getting girls... lean down a bit, stop with the I quit drinking for extra reps bull****, don't fap **** lol, it's honestly hilarious to hear, rant for the day... and yeah I'm in the same boat as you op, my friends call me a manwhore, I see it as a need in my life at the current moment, been with ~25 woman, would be higher, but... I was in 2 serious relationships, min 1.5 yrs on both, all at the tender age of 21...
    It comes down to what you want. People can call you a whore but that's fine, it is what it is. 99% of men would do the exact same things that "man whores" do if they put their ego aside, stopped caring about what people think of them and did what they wanna do. It's a great feeling having so much sexual experience that you can be comfortable knowing that you'll be the best sex that any woman you're with has ever had. Or that you're not even tempted by women any more. When I was 14 or 15, I'd see a girl walking by and I'd think "I'd do anything to fuack her"...But now it's whatever, you see a woman and you get to a point where you've already slept with a woman who looks like her or acts like her, you become desensitized to the allure of the female body and it has no control over you. IMO, it's important to be sexually active and experienced before you settle down for a relationship.

    Originally Posted by marshall85 View Post
    Thoroughly rehearsed and well written - naturally most of it is common sense but its good to have it reinforced. Cheers OP.
    Originally Posted by TheJizzler View Post

    loljk... all solid advice, especially the disclaimer about relationship brahs at the end.

    build confidence through self-improvement
    dress and groom well
    leave the house
    be busy
    be assertive

    Originally Posted by TyGuy505 View Post
    What do you do if you've never had a girl show any sexual interest in you ever?
    You need to look a little better. Don't just pay attention to the 9/10s...Pay attention to average women as well. I can see your avi, you're an 8/10 potentially.

    Originally Posted by HYFA View Post
    and what if you straight up have an ugly face/ugly facial features?
    Lower your standards.

    Originally Posted by calfetish View Post
    Stopped reading when you said to settle for 4-6/10's. You lost all credibility there. I'd rather jerk off to porn than give some ugly bitch the time of day. true story.
    That is fine, you can do that. This thread is for men who want to have real sex with real women.
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    Originally Posted by Igmann View Post

    - Confidence: You become confident by doing things which you value and find difficult. I feel confident as fuack when I pick 500 pounds off the floor. I feel confident as fuack when I've just hiked up a mountain for 10 miles and now I've hit the peak. When I cash in on a stock that I called 3 months ago, that gives me confidence too. You get confident by doing confident things. Before I lost my eye sight, I trained for boxing 6 times a week. IDK what it is about fighting but sparring would boost my confidence regardless to how the match goes. It takes balls to put yourself in front of another man and fight him. Every Marine I've ever met has always had good confidence. Because he's done something hard and he's accomplished his goals. He's been someplace where few men have. You need to put yourself through difficulty to gain confidence. There's no book or program that will teach you confidence. The only way to acquire it is through experience. Think of some things which you feel would be difficult to accomplish. Then start planning on how you will do them. Then do them. You have 30 days from this point on to find, plan and accomplish some difficult tasks. Trust me, you may not have confidence with women but confidence from every day life will carry over.
    This times 1000. I moved across the country by myself. Took on projects at work that everyone said I would fail every single week. Finished those projects + many other work related things. The confidence I have gained through work has spilled over into every single aspect of my life. Follow this advice FA'ers it will improve your life in every way, not just women.
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    i'd like to think i'm confident, but i'm pretty terrible at romantic relationship. i've gotten laid here and there, but i haven't had a girlfriend in like three years. feelsbadman.jpg

    i met this girl a couple of months back, we have some mutual interest, and i like her. i know misc tells me not to initiate text all the time, but i don't think she's ever texted me first. i obv haven't really given any signal that i'm interested in more than friends, so do you have any tips on how do i go about that?

    obv not sure if she likes me, but we did hook up once
    ~~~ has more women in his binder than romney ~~~
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    Originally Posted by skinneh View Post
    This times 1000. I moved across the country by myself. Took on projects at work that everyone said I would fail every single week. Finished those projects + many other work related things. The confidence I have gained through work has spilled over into every single aspect of my life. Follow this advice FA'ers it will improve your life in every way, not just women.
    Yup, your romantic life isn't separate from regular life. The two intertwine.

    Originally Posted by lazzara View Post
    i'd like to think i'm confident, but i'm pretty terrible at romantic relationship. i've gotten laid here and there, but i haven't had a girlfriend in like three years. feelsbadman.jpg

    i met this girl a couple of months back, we have some mutual interest, and i like her. i know misc tells me not to initiate text all the time, but i don't think she's ever texted me first. i obv haven't really given any signal that i'm interested in more than friends, so do you have any tips on how do i go about that?

    obv not sure if she likes me, but we did hook up once
    If you two have hooked up, it's obvious that she is into you. Did you make the move to have sex with her?
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    Originally Posted by Igmann View Post
    If you two have hooked up, it's obvious that she is into you. Did you make the move to have sex with her?
    she spilled her beer on me, and i'm pretty sure that's how i made the moves and i took back home and continued hooking up. we were drunk, though. i felt awkward because i actually liked her, and tried just play it cool; not sure if it was the right thing to do.

    i'd text her every now and then, but she still never initiated a conversation, so i'm not too sure. she did say she's a bad texter, though. she's really busy (18 credits + work + other commitments), though i guess she could always be lying as well lol

    but yeah, i'm pretty terrible at giving signals. most of the relationships i've had have always been led by my exes, all i had to do was to ask them out. i don't really have problems with being confident/ being around people, i think i do well in that department (i'm an RA, after all), i'm just terrible when it gets personal.
    ~~~ has more women in his binder than romney ~~~
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    Originally Posted by calfetish View Post
    Stopped reading when you said to settle for 4-6/10's. You lost all credibility there. I'd rather jerk off to porn than give some ugly bitch the time of day. true story.
    Unless your are 8.5/10+ then u better shut the fck up and lower ur standards. Since when the hell was 6/10 an ugly bitch, u aren't entitled to anything *******.
    Do not think that what is hard for you to master is humanly impossible; and if it is humanly possible, consider it to be within your reach.
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    No homo and I strongly emphasize the no homo but can you rate my bosnian facial aesthetics? I personally think I'm good looking and from a pimp like you I'd like input bruh.

    And yes I have a baby face but that will get better with age as I'm only 17.
    Last edited by BosnianBuilder; 10-16-2012 at 08:06 PM.
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    Originally Posted by BosnianBuilder View Post
    No homo and I strongly emphasize the no homo but can you rate my bosnian facial aesthetics? I personally think I'm good looking and from a pimp like you I'd like input bruh.
    OP just gave me good facial aesthetics advice/10 right before I saw this thread and recognized him as the sex god that he is.
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    Don't cold approach anyone,'re just setting yourself up for a loss that night. I personally don't ever approach a woman unless she's giving me eye contact or checking me out. Coincidentally, I rarely get rejected. Approach on interest...don't waste your time with women who aren't even looking in your direction.
    I have to say this is probably the most important information you can take from this thread, and it is 100% correct.

    A lot of you guys struggle with picking up women, but it's because you ignore obvious signs of interest. When I'm at a party I don't look around for who I think is the hottest or "easiest" looking girl, I wait until I see a sign. That sign can be something as small as you scanning the room and holding eye contact with a girl for even a few seconds.

    It happened for me this past saturday night, a girl made eye contact with me and several minutes later sat down on the couch opposite of me and addressed me with a simple question - "Ugh, football?" I instantly knew that this was a sign of interest, as it turned out the party we were at was at her boyfriends house. That didn't stop her from kissing me.

    The best way to get rejected is by hitting on people who haven't given you any indication they're interested.
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    Originally Posted by lazzara View Post
    she spilled her beer on me, and i'm pretty sure that's how i made the moves and i took back home and continued hooking up. we were drunk, though. i felt awkward because i actually liked her, and tried just play it cool; not sure if it was the right thing to do.

    i'd text her every now and then, but she still never initiated a conversation, so i'm not too sure. she did say she's a bad texter, though. she's really busy (18 credits + work + other commitments), though i guess she could always be lying as well lol

    but yeah, i'm pretty terrible at giving signals. most of the relationships i've had have always been led by my exes, all i had to do was to ask them out. i don't really have problems with being confident/ being around people, i think i do well in that department (i'm an RA, after all), i'm just terrible when it gets personal.
    If a woman is interested enough in you, she will find time.

    Schedule another date with her, if she flakes, drop her and don't think about her again. If she accepts, hook up again and make the move to sex her.

    As a man, you give your signals with your body. If you are turned on by her, touch her. Don't rely on verbal signals because they are weak. Women respond better to non-verbal signals...touching, grabbing, caressing, etc. For example, if you want to kiss her and you feel that moment, grab her by the hips and pull her to you and kiss her. Do the things that come to you when you fantasize about women or what you want to do with her. You give "signals" by doing what you wanna do to her. Don't beat around the bush...Escalate and do.

    Originally Posted by iamdetermined View Post
    Unless your are 8.5/10+ then u better shut the fck up and lower ur standards. Since when the hell was 6/10 an ugly bitch, u aren't entitled to anything *******.
    I agree...

    Originally Posted by BosnianBuilder View Post
    No homo and I strongly emphasize the no homo but can you rate my bosnian facial aesthetics? I personally think I'm good looking and from a pimp like you I'd like input bruh.

    And yes I have a baby face but that will get better with age as I'm only 17.
    Hej, sta ima...

    You're attractive enough that you should be able to get most sexually available women in your age group with ease. I can't give you a number rating b/c you're young and your jawline hasn't fully formed yet, your facial structure isn't pronounced yet. As these things happen, you become more aesthetic. Look up a figure competitor named Bilsen Begovic. You look better than him when he was your age and now he's an easy 9/10. You two have very similar features. But forget about numbers. There's really only 3 ratings. Women don't grade you with a number. They grade you with their thoughts. You're either unfu*ckable or you're fu*ckable or you're highly fu*ckable. I'll tell you all, the majority of you ITT and the misc are fu*ckable as far as your aesthetics are concerned. It's just that you all self sabotage mentally and that's why you're not getting laid.

    Originally Posted by xRags View Post
    OP just gave me good facial aesthetics advice/10 right before I saw this thread and recognized him as the sex god that he is.
    I'm glad to help, best of luck!

    Originally Posted by MrHandTricks View Post
    I have to say this is probably the most important information you can take from this thread, and it is 100% correct.

    A lot of you guys struggle with picking up women, but it's because you ignore obvious signs of interest. When I'm at a party I don't look around for who I think is the hottest or "easiest" looking girl, I wait until I see a sign. That sign can be something as small as you scanning the room and holding eye contact with a girl for even a few seconds.

    It happened for me this past saturday night, a girl made eye contact with me and several minutes later sat down on the couch opposite of me and addressed me with a simple question - "Ugh, football?" I instantly knew that this was a sign of interest, as it turned out the party we were at was at her boyfriends house. That didn't stop her from kissing me.

    The best way to get rejected is by hitting on people who haven't given you any indication they're interested.

    Let me tell you something fellas...When a woman sees you she decides at that moment if you're sexually attractive or not. There is not a god damn thing you can do, say or show her that will change her mind about finding you attractive or not. You have a short window to impress. This is why PUAs fail. Their system is based on telling stories and following a script. If a woman finds you unattractive, no script in the world will change that fact.

    So work on your attractiveness and approach the women who are showing interest only.
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