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Forum: Religion and Politics

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Sticky Thread Sticky: Official R/P Chat Thread Version 5.0 - All your jimmies are belong to us...

Can't we all just get along? Let's start this off with some bipartisan content and set the mood.

A-GAME‎, 05-16-2017 12:05 AM
193 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 193
05-04-2024, 03:53 AM Go to last post
5,782 359,725

Arrow Sticky Thread Sticky: General Forum Rules

Welcome to the Forums It is our hope that the members of the forums will help each other in providing motivation and information to those looking to reach their fitness goals. To protect our members and the forums, the following rules are effective in all sections. Please take...

anonymous‎, 05-19-2014 08:12 AM
05-19-2014, 08:12 AM Go to last post
0 101,984

Trumpers have been dishing out a lot of insults lately.

Even moreso than usual, which really says a lot. I find they usually ramp up the insults when they're massively butthurt and can't mount any intelligent response to what people are saying. Is this why they're coping with childish insults and personal attacks lately?

Bodhy‎, 06-01-2024 09:08 PM
8 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 8
227 2,804

Max Planck Institute Scientist Who Was Always Right: All Vaxed to Be Dead in 5 Years

This would not include saline receivers I presume which is a significant number. They needed control batches to compare who was dying and how fast. Prof. Cahill is one of the few dissenter doctors who actually worked closely with Fauci in the past and blew the whistle on him. Fauci framed an...

chicagopizzaboy‎, Today 07:59 PM
8 73

WHO Says Game-On with Bird Flu "Vaccines": Says Man Dies in Mexico

And the so-called opposition party in Congress sits and does absolutely nothing, asking no questions, no noise, nothing. The elites know they have been caught with the Covid vax genocide and they don't care. They just don't care. It is full steam ahead to digital IDs and vax passports. ...

chicagopizzaboy‎, Today 09:04 PM
0 9

The PetroDollar is ending. And so is America.

TuRWY3mT5z4 Not many people are aware of this. If you think inflation is bad now well.. its about to be ugly.

Leonydus‎, Today 08:56 PM
Today, 08:56 PM Go to last post
0 5
15 147

Exclamation Candace Owens: Christians being slaughtered in Ukraine by Bolsheviks

Bolsheviks....should we read between the lines??

dabbmw2002‎, Today 07:05 PM
5 107

Meh.. Zelensky Isn't Important

You know who IS important though?? George Clooney! :) Biden to skip Zelensky’s peace summit for George Clooney fundraiser Move is likely to anger Ukraine, which has warned that the struggling summit in Switzerland ‘needs’ Mr Biden. The White House said that Mr Biden would be sending...

Bushmaster‎, Today 06:35 AM
Today, 08:49 PM Go to last post
2 93

Bill Gates Coming at World with Bird Flu Vaccine, After Child Slaughter in UK w/ mRA

Excess deaths since 2022 in the UK were primarily in the vaccinated, official UK data show. Children had a nearly 2,000% higher mortality rate among two-dose vaccinated children than...

chicagopizzaboy‎, 05-31-2024 01:37 PM
11 303

Looks like the Bodhster is off his meds again

More spam :D

LargePeter‎, 05-30-2024 12:39 AM
6 Pages
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154 2,871

You'd think the Trump trial results would have calmed down the TDS cases

Yet it's apparently sent their TDS into overdrive. They have been raging on the internet non-stop ever since.

JayJ350‎, Yesterday 09:16 PM
21 310

Australia Bloodbath: 20% Excess Deaths from Vaccines, No COVID, Japan, UK, Canada Too

The story is much the same in almost all countries including the US, with the exception of the African ones which declined the mRNA shots. Total silence from the Jew media which wants you dead. Pathologists have established probable cause between Covid vaccines and excess deaths. Estimated at...

chicagopizzaboy‎, 05-23-2024 04:04 PM
27 573

Trump Jr. Suggests He May Buy a Home in El Salvador to Have a 'Place to Run' to Avoid

Prison Time.

MinisterOfLust‎, Today 05:00 PM
17 186

Trump the Felon is Losing his Gun License in NY That's a shame..

NYPat‎, Today 07:11 PM
17 169
15 153

Biden says world leaders demanded he beat Trump: ‘You can’t let him win’

MinisterOfLust‎, Today 06:41 PM
4 93

Why is every FBI agent required to visit a Holocaust museum?

Then the ADL (Ashkenazi Defense League) trains them

Leonydus‎, Today 07:48 PM
2 60

MSNBC: Trump and Allies Pledge MAGA Payback if Reelected

c-NH8XfM21g Tldw: Trump pledges to restore democracy and the rule of law

AlfBundy‎, Today 03:42 PM
8 200

After Censoring Autopsies, Media Says Vax May Share Blame for "Unprecedented" Deaths

Biden: Our "patience" for the unvaccinated person is wearing thin DHhVz4-kGds Remember they wanted you to starve with no job, be denied medical care, wished death upon you if you did not comply, and were not able to prove that you complied. Now even MSN is running this story. The shot was not...

chicagopizzaboy‎, Today 05:33 PM
7 130

Trump pushes early and mail-in voting initiative ahead of November

The Trump campaign on Tuesday announced a new program aimed at promoting absentee, mail-in and early in-person voting – practices that former President Donald Trump has disparaged for years while promoting false claims of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election. The new effort,...

havoc00‎, Today 12:43 PM
19 168

Poll Poll: 15 million illegals is Biden's Fault or Trump's Fault?

Incoming Public Poll. Just want to see if anyone else is retarded like NYPAT. Whose fault is it for Biden letting in 15 million illegals in the past 3 years? Biden or Trump?

gwg77‎, Today 03:13 PM
Today, 06:51 PM Go to last post
26 278

Dr. Mike Yeadon: None of the NWO Plan Works Without Centralized Digital ID. Stop It.

When Dr. Mike Yeadon talks we should listen. I think he is right that none of the dystopia the elites have planned works without a centralized database digital ID. Then they tie it to everything, bank accounts, medical records, browsing history, "anti-social" R/P posts. You are Bill Gates' bitch...

chicagopizzaboy‎, 05-06-2024 03:48 PM
12 426

Dabbmw2002 is on suicide watch

"Baltimore’s reduction in gun violence is the greatest success story in the nation"

MinisterOfLust‎, Today 06:36 PM
Today, 06:45 PM Go to last post
4 92

MTG Tells Fauci He Deserves Criminal Referral for "Crimes Against Humanity"

Quite a treat. Now call your useless RINO and tell him to get off his ass and fall in with MTG wXL2hqwSDRo Secret child slaughter: Children had a nearly 2,000% higher mortality rate among two-dose vaccinated children than unvaccinated, and over 4,000% higher mortality in three-dose...

chicagopizzaboy‎, 06-03-2024 12:54 PM
13 307

Trump's Possible Arguments for appeal

First, it's important to note- Trump won't be getting an appeal on the 1st phase Also, technically he isn't a convicted felon yet- That will most likely happen at sentencing Here is the order of what will happen: 1. Trump's team will ask for a judgment notwithstanding the verdict- that...

gachase21‎, Today 10:21 AM
21 241

Varadkar: 'I can now be more frank. Trump re-election wouldn't be good for the world'

MinisterOfLust‎, Today 06:16 PM
2 79

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