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Forum: Religion and Politics

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Pro-COVID Vaccine Doctors Being Investigated for Negligent Homicide

Pharma may have some level of legal immunity according to PREP Act in civil cases. But employers and medical providers don't, and certainly not criminally. A tidal wave of cases like this and it's Houston we got a problem. Elements of case: - "Vaccines" were still in clinical trials...

chicagopizzaboy‎, 06-11-2024 06:01 PM
6 307

ABC News: Chemtrails Real, Now About Those COVID Vax CTs Like They Want to Kill You

Shills on suicide watch. So if this is true what else is true? Confused yet? sKKCzUneSa8 Former Chief Science Officer and VP for Pfizer says mRNA deliberately designed to kill...

chicagopizzaboy‎, 06-13-2024 06:53 PM
14 425

Talking Bodhy is trying to pivot his frauding into "B-b-but TRUMP"

When TDS got you fuсked up all the way in Australia.

gwg77‎, 06-15-2024 11:35 PM
2 Pages
1 2
46 1,081

Post official White House transcript of Biden's speech at the fundraiser

its the fundraiser where Biden froze, got lost then led off stage by Obama

Procta‎, Today 10:24 AM
3 108

Talking Can we get a comprehensive list of z4 lies?

I've seen this guy get caught up in lie after lie: * father was a World War Two vet who fought commies (thought Germans were commies) * father gave him 5 million dollars to get out of his life forever * Spent 10k at the range in one weekend (said he was shooting "fully-semi automatic weapons")...

OPGenesis‎, 03-12-2022 11:08 AM
40 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 40
Today, 09:56 AM Go to last post
1,183 16,998

Official CNN Insanity tracking thread

ITT Post the most insane cnn article headlines quoted with article link, video clips of insane cnn moments, screen shots of opening pages blatant beyond bias, along with any other cnn insanity. Just looking at the headlines every morning on cnn, including this morning, it becomes apparent we...

gachase21‎, 01-30-2018 03:43 AM
208 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 208
Today, 07:17 AM Go to last post
6,233 325,509

Poll Poll: The next United Kingdom General Election

Under the rules of the UK's unwritten constitution, the next General Election in the United Kingdom must be held before January 23rd 2025, however as that would mean a campaign through Christmas and New Year, most experts believe the true last date will be November 28th 2024, where the Conservative...

CardiMuscles‎, 11-13-2023 01:42 PM
2 Pages
1 2
Today, 05:20 AM Go to last post
52 1,860

Virgin Atlantic chief: ‘Jews are enduring a difficult period in Britain’

Islandboyo‎, Yesterday 08:46 AM
Yesterday, 11:46 PM Go to last post
7 266

White male liberal academic cries that he can't get a job because he is a white male

He helped create this clown world but as liberals do they just hope it'll affect someone else and not them: it gets worse, he then got attacked for being a white male complaining about this and apologized c9_BnD7pro4

128‎, Yesterday 10:37 AM
Yesterday, 10:03 PM Go to last post
17 379

Happy father's day from Brandon Herrera

Re-enacting the killing of a child rapist 8LBxCI3IZrc RIP Gary Plauche

ClivesTriceps‎, Yesterday 05:58 PM
Yesterday, 09:15 PM Go to last post
11 209

More cringe from Trump: cut corporate tax more and more legal immigrants

In his meeting today with a group of America's most powerful CEOs, Trump said he wanted to cut the corporate tax rate further to 20% and also praised high-skilled immigration Just typical Corporate/wealthy cawk sucking like we've seen...

ColdandChilly‎, 06-14-2024 09:18 AM
2 Pages
1 2
Yesterday, 08:16 PM Go to last post
53 974

Talking Trump gets philosophical! Lmao! I know you dirty little kunts who worship him will get upset by this and cry. This is gold. Can anybody truly say this man isn't retarded?

Derplington‎, 06-13-2024 05:01 AM
Yesterday, 07:44 PM Go to last post
28 494

Congress is controlled by unelected AIPAC: You live under a Jewish Oligarchy

which means the whole country is controlled by an unelected group. You live under a Jewish Oligarchy.

OGfrom06‎, Yesterday 10:13 AM
Yesterday, 07:32 PM Go to last post
7 251

AFPAC IV (America First) conference gets shutdown by the jews no freedom of assembly here goy

Leonydus‎, 06-15-2024 05:10 PM
Yesterday, 07:27 PM Go to last post
14 429

If Israel feels it's influence in America is vital to it's survival...

wouldn't Israel do anything to preserve that influence in America? so... seems to me, Israel is our biggest threat. Even ordinary citizens. Picture this :

CalmWind‎, 06-15-2024 09:24 PM
Yesterday, 05:51 PM Go to last post
22 442

Ukraine needs another 1000 billion dollars. Pay up goyim The gravy train never stops does it? >According to Ukrainian sources the cost of some types of weapons has increased sixfold. In particular 122-mm multiple launch rocket systems >Arms...

havoc00‎, Yesterday 03:50 PM
Yesterday, 04:50 PM Go to last post
6 215

Trump met with his Probation Officer today...

Ayyyyyy LMFAO!

NYPat‎, 06-10-2024 12:06 PM
3 Pages
1 2 3
Yesterday, 04:32 PM Go to last post
71 1,130


well according this congressman. Now a regular person might ask.. What anti-Semitic attacks?? and why do we need new laws, isn't already illegal to even look at a jew the wrong way? well, what are you, some kind of nazi? do not question this...

Leonydus‎, 06-14-2024 06:09 PM
Yesterday, 12:48 PM Go to last post
9 385

Senate BLUE WAVE approaching in BATTLEGROUND STATES; dems UP BIG

Gallego about to DOMINATE Kari Lake in Arizona Casey cucking McCormick hard in Pennsylvania: Muh "Ohio is red":...

LeftistGent‎, 06-14-2024 10:22 AM
2 Pages
1 2
Yesterday, 10:29 AM Go to last post
41 748

Breaking News: Joe Biden Favored to Beat Donald Trump in 538 Election Forecast

Nutsy54 is on suicide watch.

MinisterOfLust‎, 06-12-2024 01:21 AM
Yesterday, 05:11 AM Go to last post
18 573

The COVID Lies, by Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Dr. Mike Yeadon

Yeadon bio. and work: “The corona crisis is one of the least deadly pandemics the world has experience over the last 2000 years. - Klaus Schwab, “COVID-19: The Great Reset.” The Covid Lies

chicagopizzaboy‎, 06-14-2024 04:24 PM
Yesterday, 04:34 AM Go to last post
6 218

ITT: We act like radical right-wing extremists.

BRB Court system rigged! Oh wait, Hunter Biden caught gun charges no it's not. BRB Elections are rigged! Oh wait, Trump won no it's not. *behaves extremely racist. *accuses others of being racist. *behaves extremely autistically.

Bodhy‎, 06-13-2024 02:02 AM
5 Pages
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06-15-2024, 10:42 PM Go to last post
128 2,290

Bannon on Fire in Detroit After Sentencing as Garland Walks, "It's Victory or Death!"

Just days before going to prison for same contempt of Congress charges that AG Merrick Garland is getting a free pass for. The Biden DOJ is a blatantly political Gestapo now. RINO GOP might be forced into action. The peedoughcrats will NOT steal 2024. God bless America. “Are you prepared...

chicagopizzaboy‎, 06-15-2024 11:57 AM
06-15-2024, 08:04 PM Go to last post
6 243

Exclamation NYPD Officer Carjacked by Illegal Alien Gang Members in Harlem

Crazy when NYPD ain't even safe in NYC. The two illegals were Venezuelan gang members who had glocks modified with fully automatic switch.

gwg77‎, 06-15-2024 01:06 PM
06-15-2024, 06:04 PM Go to last post
15 353

Canada is not even recognized as a Sovereign Nation at the United Nations.

Our ''Charter of Rights and Freedoms'' doesn't even sit here in Canada; the Original sits in Britain, while we hold a Copy. Provinces hold Eminent Domain. There is no legality of Crown Land; because it was allocated by the Federal Government with the power of Eminent Domain. Bills aren't even...

OpenSociety‎, 06-15-2024 12:31 PM
06-15-2024, 04:16 PM Go to last post
6 211

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