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    HST For Dummies : Part III (Advanced)

    Workout Plans for Muscle Building and Fat Loss : For the Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced HST'er

    So you're read over Part I and Part II, and you're liking the sound of HST. You're all psyched to start, but you don't know exactly where to start. Or maybe, you've done a couple cycles of HST and you love it, but you're ready for something a bit more advanced. Well, this article will help you with that. I will provide you with example routines for beginner, intermediate, and advanced lifters. I will also provide explanations of all of the exercises and methods that will be chosen, so that you're not completely lost.

    NOTE : In each program, I have repeated sections that are the same in each program. So, in order to get some of the concepts, you don't have to read every program. Just skip to the program that you want to read, and everything is there for you.

    Muscle Building Programs


    Exercises :

    Stiff-legged Deadlift
    Bench Press
    Bent Row
    Military Press (seated)
    EZ Bar Curl
    Lying Triceps Extension
    Standing Calf Raise (on board)

    Sets : 1x15, 2x10, 3x5, 2 weeks of 5RMs

    Ideology Explained :

    This is a very bread and butter HST routine, and is perfect for any beginner. There's not too much to explain here, you learned everything you need to know in the first two articles. You'll be doing 1 set for the 15s block, 2 sets for the 10s block, and 3 sets for the 5s block. You'll also do 3 sets for the two weeks of 5 rep maxes. Now for exercise explanations :

    Squat - the king of all exercises, you need to squat. Squats will hit all parts of your legs, as well as stimulate growth throughout your entire body.

    Stiff-legged Deadlift - stiff-legged deadlifts make a perfect combo with squats. You get more emphasis on the hamstrings, as well as your back, whereas the squats will hit your quads and glutes more.

    Bench Press - the bench press is known by some as the king of upper body exercises. You'll be hitting your chest, shoulders, and shoulders mainly. The bench press is a great starter exercise for anyone.

    Bent Row - this is a great exercise for your lats, as well as your biceps. This is another compound exercise, which work very well for beginners and advanced lifters as well.

    Military Press - the best overall shoulder builder. MPs are another great lift for upper body power and size. You'll be doing them seated to place more emphasis on form, rather than using body momentum to do the lift.

    EZ Bar Curl - I like using the EZ bar because it is easier on the wrists. Plain 'ol curls (combined with rows) are all that your biceps need to stretch the sleeves.

    Lying Triceps Extension - a great exercise for triceps mass. I like doing these with an EZ bar also, because of the less stress on the wrists.

    Standing Calf Raise - great overall calf mass builder. Do them on a board for added stretch.

    And there you have it. Don't turn down this program just because it looks simple, IT WORKS! Just because a program isn't super complex doesn't mean that you won't gain well off of it. Sometimes, simpler is better.


    Exercises :

    Stiff-legged Deadlift
    Incline DB Press
    Parallel Bar Dip
    Bent Row
    Military Press
    Partial Curl (bottom to halfway up)
    Lying Triceps Extension
    Standing Calf Raise (on board)

    Sets : 2x10, 2x5, 4 weeks of 5RMs/clusters (10 rep total)

    Special methods used :

    Cluster reps
    Strength test days
    Metabolic fatigue sets

    Ideology Explained :

    Now we're kicking it up a notch, and adding in some new methods. This program is good for those who have done a couple cycles of HST, and are ready to try something new and different. The explanations can be a bit tricky, but you should be able to understand what I'm saying.

    The first four weeks are just standard HST, no problems there. You have your two weeks of 10s, and 2 weeks of 5s. The 5RM period is going to be extended, and we're going to be clustering for the most part.

    A cluster set is a set in which you take a pre-determined amount of reps, and do small 1-3 rep "clusters" to build up to the desired amount of reps. In this case, you're going to be working up to a total of 10 reps. Once you hit your 10 reps, you're done with that exercise. As for rest in between sets, take as long as you need before you feel ready for the next set. Don't rush this, take as much time as you need. Why do clusters? You'll be able to hit the desired amount of reps with your 5 rep max, but you'll be minimizing CNS fatigue, which can lead to overtraining.

    A strength test day is just another word for a 5RM day, and it will determine what weight you use next for your cluster workouts.

    After you have built up to your 5RM (end of week 4), you'll be starting with week 5. On Days 1 and 2, you'll use cluster sets and do a total of 10 reps for each exercise (in 1-3 rep clusters of your 5RM). On Day 4, you'll have a strength test day. All you'll do is re-test your 5RMs (keep with 2 sets, 2x5) on every exercise. Then, the following week, you'll cluster on Days 1+2 again, but you'll use the weight from the 5RMs that you just found on Day 3 of the previous week.

    Now that you know that, I'll show you what you'll be doing for metabolic fatigue. You will incorporate these sets after the 10s, at the start of the 5s. A metabolic fatigue set is a set of 15 reps, with a relatively light weight. The point here is to get a nice "burn". After you finish the last set for a particular body part, you'll perform a set of 15 reps to get the "burn". You'll do this to add hypoxic stress and increase post workout nutrient shuttling to your muscles. So, once you finish both incline dumbbell press and dips (chest), you'll do a 15 rep set with flat dumbbell flys. The weight should be somewhat heavy, but not extremely straining (ie the weight you would use for a mid-15s HST set). Here's what exercises you will use for metabolic fatigue sets :

    Quads - Leg Extension
    Hamstrings - Leg Curl
    Chest - Flat DB Fly
    Lats - Bent Row
    Shoulders - Side Lateral Raises
    Biceps - EZ Bar Curls
    Triceps - Cable Pressdown

    Now on to the core program exercise explanations :

    Squat - the king of all exercises, you need to squat. Squats will hit all parts of your legs, as well as stimulate growth throughout your entire body.

    Stiff-legged Deadlift - stiff-legged deadlifts make a perfect combo with squats. You get more emphasis on the hamstrings, as well as your back, whereas the squats will hit your quads and glutes more.

    Incline DB Press - incline bench press will work your upper chest more, and is a great exercise for chest mass, and the appearance of chest mass.

    Weighted Dips - this is a great exercise to combine with incline dumbbell press, it will hit your lower chest and triceps hard.

    Bent Row - this is a great exercise for your lats, as well as your biceps. This is another compound exercise, which work very well for beginners and advanced lifters as well.

    Military Press - the best overall shoulder builder. MPs are another great lift for upper body power and size. You'll be doing them seated to place more emphasis on form, rather than using body momentum to do the lift.

    Partial Curl - By going only halfway up, you'll be able to use a much heavier load, while still adding plenty of overall mass to the biceps.

    Lying Triceps Extension - a great exercise for triceps mass. I like doing these with an EZ bar also, because of the less stress on the wrists.

    Standing Calf Raise - great overall calf mass builder. Do them on a board for added stretch.

    There's the intermediate program. You have some new methods implemented, and some minor exercise changes. This is a nice step up from basic HST after you have done a couple of the basic cycles.
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    Exercises :

    Stiff-legged Deadlift
    Incline Bench Press
    Parallel Bar Dips
    Pendlay Row
    Military Press
    DB Side Lateral Raises
    Partial Curl
    Lying Triceps Extension
    Standing Calf Raise (on board)

    Sets : 3x5 (3 weeks), 4-6 weeks of 5RMs/clusters

    Special Methods Used :

    -cluster sets
    -strength test days
    -loaded stretches
    -pulses (metabolic fatigue)

    Ideology Explained :

    This is a fully advanced HST program. This program is NOT recommended for new HST'ers, or new lifters. We are going to be implementing a bunch of new techniques, and introducing a few new exercises.

    You're going to be starting right with the 5s. Since you're starting off with a heavy load, you'll take 3 weeks to build up to your 5RM and start off lighter (instead of a two week rep block like standard HST, this will just be a three rep block). After that, we start using cluster sets and strength test days.

    A cluster set is a set in which you take a pre-determined amount of reps, and do small 1-3 rep "clusters" to build up to the desired amount of reps. In this case, you're going to be working up to a total of 15 reps. Once you hit your 15 reps, you're done with that exercise. Why do clusters? You'll be able to hit the desired amount of reps with your 5 rep max, but you'll be minimizing CNS fatigue, which can lead to overtraining. So you'll just be doing a lot of small sets, not going to failure.

    Strength test days are just 5RM days, and they will determine what weight you use next for your cluster workouts. You'll just do your 3x5 with your 5RMs, just like good 'ol standard HST.

    After you have built up to your 5RM (end of week 4), you'll be starting with week 5. On Days 1 and 2, you'll use cluster sets and do a total of 10 reps for each exercise (in 1-3 rep clusters of your 5RM). On Day 4, you'll have a strength test day. All you'll do is re-test your 5RMs (keep with 2 sets, 2x5) on every exercise. Then, the following week, you'll cluster on Days 1+2 again, but you'll use the weight from the 5RMs that you just found on Day 3 of the previous week. This is the pretty straightforward base, now I'll discuss the other extra "features" that you'll be using this whole time.

    Now that you know that, I'll show you what you'll be doing for metabolic fatigue. A metabolic fatigue set is a set of high reps (~15), with a relatively light weight. The point here is to get a nice "burn". You'll do this to add hypoxic stress and increase post workout nutrient shuttling to your muscles. So, once you finish both incline dumbbell press and dips (chest), you'll do a 15 rep pulse (covered next) set with flat dumbbell flys. The weight should be somewhat heavy, but not extremely straining (something you would use for a mid-15s HST set). Here's what exercises you will use for metabolic fatigue sets :

    Quads - Leg Extension
    Hamstrings - Leg Curl
    Chest - Flat DB Fly
    Lats - Bent DB Row
    Shoulders - Side Lateral Raises
    Biceps - EZ Bar Curls
    Triceps - Cable Pressdown

    Now the type of set that you will be doing for metabolic fatigue, is a pulse set. A pulse is a single rep at the top 3-4" of the particular movement (use judgment, it doesn't have to be exactly 4"), and you do the top part of the movement, with a somewhat slow concentric (1-2 seconds), and a somewhat fast eccentric (1/2 second). Don't let the eccentric part of the lift just be dropping the weight, keep it under control. You'll do 1 set of 15 pulses for each exercise, after that body part has been trained. Pulses provide a little better way to add in metabolic fatigue, because there's not as much stress because of the shortened eccentric time of the lift (because you're only lowering the weight a few inches, not the whole way).

    The last thing that you'll be adding in to your advanced cycle is loaded stretches. At the end of each muscle group (or workout, your choice)(after metabolic fatigue), you will perform a loaded stretch. A loaded stretch is taking about 60-70% of what you would use for a 6-8 rep set, and going into the stretch portion of certain movements, and holding a deep heavy stretch for about 45-60 seconds. You will do this to stretch the fascia of the muscle to allow more room for growth. Loaded stretching also has other benefits, you can easily find some of them by searching it on (it is also referred to as extreme stretching, and fascia stretching). Keep in mind that loaded stretches will burn, a lot. If you start to feel any pain whatsoever, drop the weights and call it a day. Loaded stretching can be a very dangerous thing if done wrong. Here is what you will do for each body part (note : extreme stretching is done only after you have done your regular and metabolic fatigue sets for that certain bodypart) :

    Quads - Take a moderately wide stance in your legs, and squat down so that you are sitting on the ground. Put your hands on the ground behind you, and lean back until you get a deep stretch. Hold for 45-60 seconds.

    Hamstrings - Put your leg up on a bench or bar, and grab your toe. Straighten your leg into a deep stretch, and hold for 45-60 seconds.

    Chest - Grab a pair of dumbbells, and lay on a bench. Go into the flat DB fly exercise, and sink in to the bottom of the movement. Sink and get a deep stretch for about 45-60 seconds.

    Shoulders - Place a bar on a squat rack at your shoulder height. Put your hands on the bar (shoulder width apart), and flex your lats. Lower your shoulders down as far as you can to the floor, and hold for ~30 seconds.

    Back - Hang from a pullup bar as long as you can, using wrist straps so your grip doesn't give out first.

    Biceps - Lie down on an incline bench with a pair of dumbbells, and lay your arms down in the stretched position of an incline DB curl. Slowly go deep into the stretch, and hold it for 45-60 seconds.

    Triceps - Grab a pair of dumbbells and lay down on a flat bench. Get into the fully stretched position of lying triceps extension (bottom of movement), and go deep into the stretch. Hold for 45-60 seconds.

    Calves - Stand on a board on one foot, and sink down into the bottom position of a calf raise. Push on your heel with your free foot to get a good stretch. Hold for 45-60 seconds

    Those are the loaded stretch exercises, now I'll explain why I chose the main exercises that I did :

    Squat - the king of all exercises, you need to squat. Squats will hit all parts of your legs, as well as stimulate growth throughout your entire body.

    Stiff-legged Deadlift - stiff-legged deadlifts make a perfect combo with squats. You get more emphasis on the hamstrings, as well as your back, whereas the squats will hit your quads and glutes more.

    Incline DB Press - incline bench press will work your upper chest more, and is a great exercise for chest mass, and the apperance of chest mass.

    Weighted Dips - this is a great exercise to combine with incline dumbbell press, it will hit your lower chest and triceps hard.

    Pendlay Row - this is like a super-strict bent barbell row. It's just like a bent row, but each rep will start from the floor, and your body will never break 90 degrees (you'll always be bent over at a 90 degree angle, don't move your back any higher than that). Every rep will start dead on the floor, it's not just a touch and go. You'll do this for more isolation, and to make sure that your form is near perfect, and you're using just your lats/arms to raise the weight.

    Military Press - the best overall shoulder builder. MPs are another great lift for upper body power and size. You'll be doing them seated to place more emphasis on form, rather than using body momentum to do the lift.

    DB Side Lateral Raise - a great exercise to isolate the delts. It's almost like the incline bench/dip combo, but for shoulders.

    Partial Curl - By going only halfway up, you'll be able to use a much heavier load, while still adding plenty of overall mass to the biceps.

    Lying Triceps Extension - a great exercise for triceps mass. I like doing these with an EZ bar also, because of the less stress on the wrists.

    Standing Calf Raise - great overall calf mass builder. Do them on a board for added stretch

    Believe it or not, that's it for the advanced program. Right now, you're probably thinking "What did I just read?!" If you're thinking that, go back and read everything again. It's a hard thing to grasp just by reading it once, you'll have to sift through it again and again before you completely know what you're doing. You should see both great size and strength gains from this routine.

    Programs for Fat Loss

    An extremely popular question that pops up is, "What type of HST routine should I do if I want to lose fat?" Well, it's not about the routine, it's about the diet. The HST training will be the SAME, it's just the diet and cardio that will be different. If you want to lose fat while optimizing the amount of muscle you maintain, you'll still choose any of the HST routines above, but your diet and cardio will be different than that of a person who is trying to gain as much muscle as possible.

    I'll go into much greater detail in the next segment, Part IV : HST Nutrition.

    Wrap Up Time

    Hopefully after reading this, you'll know what you want to do with HST, and where you want it to go. If you're a beginner, you may plan to do a couple of the basic cycles, then move on to bigger (but not automatically better) things. Just remember, DO NOT just jump into the intermediate/advanced cycle if you have never done HST before! Trust me, the beginner cycles are great, you will put on a ton of muscle. Enjoy, and grow.

    Pre-reading :
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    ^^found that in my computer. I wrote it a while ago, just never got published anywhere.
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    very very good IMHO...

    thanks for posting this here... i'm on OVT right now, and i'll most probably do this after...

    great post... i think i hear sticky
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    HST is really starting to appeal to me. Great write up by the way!

    Right now I'm doing 5x5 and having a lot of success with it strength wise. But I'm curious to see how a size specific routine will work for me. May have to try this one in the future.
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    Great post...I have one question to be sure I understand the concept of cluster sets and strength days. I've done HST before so i think I got it. If my 5RM is 320 currently on SLDL's then I use that as my last two days of week 4 with 280 and 300 used the first 4 days building up to the 5RM those last 2 days.

    This is an example of what I see for the last 4 weeks:
    week 3
    day 1 - 280
    day 2 - 280
    day 3 - 300
    week 4
    day 1 - 300
    day 2 - 320
    day 3 - 320

    week 5
    day 1 - 320 clustered
    day 2 - 320 clustered

    day 3 - 320x2x5

    week 6
    day 1 - new weight from day 3, week 5 clustered
    day 2 - new weight from day 3, week 5 clustered
    day 3 - ?????

    I also get the concept of MF sets for 10s and 5s. Do I have it right? What happens after week 6? Reset all figures, do a deload week and restart at 10s?

    Nice layout of the program. I plan to use it at some point.


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    You might want to include links to the other Parts so they are easy to reference and put together.

    Also, Pendlay row is inititated with a powerful arching of the upper back and done dynamically, i.e. the bar is smoothly (not jerking or abrupt) but maximally accelerated into the torso.
    Training Theory, Info, and Starr/Pendlay 5x5 Info:

    Direct Table of Contents:
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    great post!
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    Originally Posted by WSUcougs
    HST is really starting to appeal to me. Great write up by the way!

    Right now I'm doing 5x5 and having a lot of success with it strength wise. But I'm curious to see how a size specific routine will work for me. May have to try this one in the future.

    You may be surprised to learn that 5x5 was popularised by British legendary bodybuilder Reg Park back in the 1950's - Bill Starr then revived 5x5 during late 1970's.

    Park's beginner's course was as follows - thrice weekly. First two sets were warmups, set's 3-5 were working weight. Needless to say, Park built a muscular, rock solid physique - i do agree though that the most notable gains are primarily strength, being that strength gains appear more readily.

    Hyperextension 3X10
    Squat 5x5
    Bench 5x5
    Deadlift 5x5
    Last edited by Resilience; 02-26-2006 at 12:26 PM.
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    Thanks guys.
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    Fantastic post.
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    Originally Posted by hepennypacker52 View Post

    Workout Plans for Muscle Building and Fat Loss : For the Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced HST'er

    So you're read over Part I and Part II, and you're liking the sound of HST. You're all psyched to start, but you don't know exactly where to start. Or maybe, you've done a couple cycles of HST and you love it, but you're ready for something a bit more advanced. Well, this article will help you with that. I will provide you with example routines for beginner, intermediate, and advanced lifters. I will also provide explanations of all of the exercises and methods that will be chosen, so that you're not completely lost.

    NOTE : In each program, I have repeated sections that are the same in each program. So, in order to get some of the concepts, you don't have to read every program. Just skip to the program that you want to read, and everything is there for you.

    Muscle Building Programs


    Exercises :

    Stiff-legged Deadlift
    Bench Press
    Bent Row
    Military Press (seated)
    EZ Bar Curl
    Lying Triceps Extension
    Standing Calf Raise (on board)

    Sets : 1x15, 2x10, 3x5, 2 weeks of 5RMs

    Ideology Explained :

    This is a very bread and butter HST routine, and is perfect for any beginner. There's not too much to explain here, you learned everything you need to know in the first two articles. You'll be doing 1 set for the 15s block, 2 sets for the 10s block, and 3 sets for the 5s block. You'll also do 3 sets for the two weeks of 5 rep maxes. Now for exercise explanations :

    Squat - the king of all exercises, you need to squat. Squats will hit all parts of your legs, as well as stimulate growth throughout your entire body.

    Stiff-legged Deadlift - stiff-legged deadlifts make a perfect combo with squats. You get more emphasis on the hamstrings, as well as your back, whereas the squats will hit your quads and glutes more.

    Bench Press - the bench press is known by some as the king of upper body exercises. You'll be hitting your chest, shoulders, and shoulders mainly. The bench press is a great starter exercise for anyone.

    Bent Row - this is a great exercise for your lats, as well as your biceps. This is another compound exercise, which work very well for beginners and advanced lifters as well.

    Military Press - the best overall shoulder builder. MPs are another great lift for upper body power and size. You'll be doing them seated to place more emphasis on form, rather than using body momentum to do the lift.

    EZ Bar Curl - I like using the EZ bar because it is easier on the wrists. Plain 'ol curls (combined with rows) are all that your biceps need to stretch the sleeves.

    Lying Triceps Extension - a great exercise for triceps mass. I like doing these with an EZ bar also, because of the less stress on the wrists.

    Standing Calf Raise - great overall calf mass builder. Do them on a board for added stretch.

    And there you have it. Don't turn down this program just because it looks simple, IT WORKS! Just because a program isn't super complex doesn't mean that you won't gain well off of it. Sometimes, simpler is better.


    Exercises :

    Stiff-legged Deadlift
    Incline DB Press
    Parallel Bar Dip
    Bent Row
    Military Press
    Partial Curl (bottom to halfway up)
    Lying Triceps Extension
    Standing Calf Raise (on board)

    Sets : 2x10, 2x5, 4 weeks of 5RMs/clusters (10 rep total)

    Special methods used :

    Cluster reps
    Strength test days
    Metabolic fatigue sets

    Ideology Explained :

    Now we're kicking it up a notch, and adding in some new methods. This program is good for those who have done a couple cycles of HST, and are ready to try something new and different. The explanations can be a bit tricky, but you should be able to understand what I'm saying.

    The first four weeks are just standard HST, no problems there. You have your two weeks of 10s, and 2 weeks of 5s. The 5RM period is going to be extended, and we're going to be clustering for the most part.

    A cluster set is a set in which you take a pre-determined amount of reps, and do small 1-3 rep "clusters" to build up to the desired amount of reps. In this case, you're going to be working up to a total of 10 reps. Once you hit your 10 reps, you're done with that exercise. As for rest in between sets, take as long as you need before you feel ready for the next set. Don't rush this, take as much time as you need. Why do clusters? You'll be able to hit the desired amount of reps with your 5 rep max, but you'll be minimizing CNS fatigue, which can lead to overtraining.

    A strength test day is just another word for a 5RM day, and it will determine what weight you use next for your cluster workouts.

    After you have built up to your 5RM (end of week 4), you'll be starting with week 5. On Days 1 and 2, you'll use cluster sets and do a total of 10 reps for each exercise (in 1-3 rep clusters of your 5RM). On Day 4, you'll have a strength test day. All you'll do is re-test your 5RMs (keep with 2 sets, 2x5) on every exercise. Then, the following week, you'll cluster on Days 1+2 again, but you'll use the weight from the 5RMs that you just found on Day 3 of the previous week.

    Now that you know that, I'll show you what you'll be doing for metabolic fatigue. You will incorporate these sets after the 10s, at the start of the 5s. A metabolic fatigue set is a set of 15 reps, with a relatively light weight. The point here is to get a nice "burn". After you finish the last set for a particular body part, you'll perform a set of 15 reps to get the "burn". You'll do this to add hypoxic stress and increase post workout nutrient shuttling to your muscles. So, once you finish both incline dumbbell press and dips (chest), you'll do a 15 rep set with flat dumbbell flys. The weight should be somewhat heavy, but not extremely straining (ie the weight you would use for a mid-15s HST set). Here's what exercises you will use for metabolic fatigue sets :

    Quads - Leg Extension
    Hamstrings - Leg Curl
    Chest - Flat DB Fly
    Lats - Bent Row
    Shoulders - Side Lateral Raises
    Biceps - EZ Bar Curls
    Triceps - Cable Pressdown

    Now on to the core program exercise explanations :

    Squat - the king of all exercises, you need to squat. Squats will hit all parts of your legs, as well as stimulate growth throughout your entire body.

    Stiff-legged Deadlift - stiff-legged deadlifts make a perfect combo with squats. You get more emphasis on the hamstrings, as well as your back, whereas the squats will hit your quads and glutes more.

    Incline DB Press - incline bench press will work your upper chest more, and is a great exercise for chest mass, and the appearance of chest mass.

    Weighted Dips - this is a great exercise to combine with incline dumbbell press, it will hit your lower chest and triceps hard.

    Bent Row - this is a great exercise for your lats, as well as your biceps. This is another compound exercise, which work very well for beginners and advanced lifters as well.

    Military Press - the best overall shoulder builder. MPs are another great lift for upper body power and size. You'll be doing them seated to place more emphasis on form, rather than using body momentum to do the lift.

    Partial Curl - By going only halfway up, you'll be able to use a much heavier load, while still adding plenty of overall mass to the biceps.

    Lying Triceps Extension - a great exercise for triceps mass. I like doing these with an EZ bar also, because of the less stress on the wrists.

    Standing Calf Raise - great overall calf mass builder. Do them on a board for added stretch.

    There's the intermediate program. You have some new methods implemented, and some minor exercise changes. This is a nice step up from basic HST after you have done a couple of the basic cycles.
    Hi, I'm a little scatterbrained from reading some of the Intermediate routine so forgive me if its obvious, is this still a Mon/ Wed/ Fri program?
    I was thrown off b/c it says "On Days 1 and 2, you'll use cluster sets and do a total of 10 reps for each exercise (in 1-3 rep clusters of your 5RM). On Day 4, you'll have a strength test day. All you'll do is re-test your 5RMs (keep with 2 sets, 2x5) on every exercise. Then, the following week, you'll cluster on Days 1+2 again, but you'll use the weight from the 5RMs that you just found on Day 3 of the previous week." What is done on day 3? The normal routine?
    Do I have this right: after your initial 4 weeks (2x10, 2x5) the 5th week is a cluster, the 6th is strength test, the 7th is a cluster and the 8th is another test?
    Is metabolic fatigue just an addition to week 3 and how long does it continue for?
    Thx bro, Appreciate the help
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    very late bump.

    so,f or the cluster section let me see if im getting this right:

    do i do one set for each bodypart? i.e. my 5rm bench is 225, so i do reps of 1-3 until i hit 10, then im done? or is there a second set for each bodypart
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    hey im a newB whats "2x10, 2x5, 4 weeks of 5RMs/clusters (10 rep total)" mean im alittle ocnfused on how many weeks to do this workout until i step up to the next one....also whats 4 weeks of 5RM/clusters mean
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    sticky !
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    Confused on Reps

    Thanks for the great post, ive herd about this workout before and I'm thinking about trying it, but im really confused on the rep's and sets, can someone please explain this more detailed to me.

    Sets : 1x15, 2x10, 3x5, 2 weeks of 5RMs
    does this mean
    monday-every lift is 1 sets of 15
    wednesday-every lift is 2 sets of 10
    friday- every lift is 3 sets of 5
    and what does "2 weeks of 5RMs mean?

    thanks for help guys
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    I am a little confused on this as well.

    So, if I am doing a M/W/F routine,with the beginner exercises, should I incorporate all those exercised every MWF or should I break them up?

    And also, do I do the 15s, 10s, 5s, with every exercise?

    Probably both dumb questions. Just need some clarification. Thanks!
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    weeks 1-2 1x15 reps
    weeks 3-4 2x10 reps
    weeks 4-5 3x5 reps
    weeks 5-6 continue 5s or negatives or triples etc

    each two week block start at low weight and each workout you add weight eg

    bench press over 2 weeks = 6 workouts = 100 mon, 110 wed, 120 fri, 130 mon, 140 wed, 150 fri (max)

    for all ur 5, 10 and 15 rep maxes

    full body each day
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    Hey HP52, thanks for all your articles, I'm new to this forum and yours are the posts I like the most.

    I post with one stupid question, I've used the search function and I can't for the life of me find HST for Dummies: Part II, is it somewhere inside HST for Dummies: Part I?

    I'd greatly appreciate a link, thanks.
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    To everyone who's confused you basically have 6 workouts, Monday is 1/4, Wed is 2/5, and Friday is 3/6. There is 3 workouts a week, 2 weeks per rep routine, so you basically will do 15 reps for 2 weeks, then start over at 10 reps for 2 weeks, then 5 reps for another 2 weeks, and then negs or more 5s. It has really been working for me, and I see results, I kind of went off of it for a few days, but I'm back on it and I love it. I'm trying to lose some weight also, so hopefully this can help. I was reading something in the contest thread about more calories being better for you, does anyone know about that? I'm trying to cut lose fat, but gain muscle, so I'm not trying to eat too much.
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    I am new to this forum and this is my first post. I am not new to weight lifting but and not a professional either. I was considering doing this routine and as i read it and the previous two articles i was still confused. However, i reread them several times (very bored at work) and think i understand them now. I wrote out the weeks for myself and just want to make sure im understanding it correctly.

    Is this the correct way to follow this workout? I figured i would make a nice excell document considering it seems there are a couple people confused by this workout and having it laid out visually definitely helps me.

    Sorry i could not post the image or a link. The forum says i need 30 or more posts in order to be able to publish images so I had to put the link in the title of my post haha. If my spreadsheet is correct perhaps someone wouldnt mind reposting it so its easier to see?
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    Also what is a reasonable weight gain goal to set for myself over the 8 weeks i try this workout?
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    Originally Posted by 80MinuteAbs View Post

    Also what is a reasonable weight gain goal to set for myself over the 8 weeks i try this workout?
    Depends I was personally trying to lose weight on this, but I definitely gained a lot of size, I love this style of workout.
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    Originally Posted by KonradZuse View Post
    Depends I was personally trying to lose weight on this, but I definitely gained a lot of size, I love this style of workout.
    Thanks for the reply! It's much appreciated, however i have done much reading since then and decided to start Madcows 5x5 instead.
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    What i Don't understand is in on the HST website it says DO NOT TWEAK. Also where is the progressive load in the advanced version? there is very minimal progression. I don't think the intermediate and advanced are true HST because it (for the most part) fails in progressive load.
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    HST for Dummies Part IV

    What ever happened to Part IV? I've been eagerly awaiting it. I'm currently on a standard bodybuilding diet, but I always love new info! Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by gates3353; 03-24-2012 at 07:56 AM.
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    When is the best time to do weight test day during strategic deconditioning? I take nine days off between cycles and I do my test day on Thursday. That means I finish my HST cycle on a Friday, take Saturday through Wednesday off, test on Thursday, Friday through Sunday off, then start my new cycle on Monday. I'm thinking Tuesday might be a better day because then I have Wednesday through Sunday to decondition. What do other HST'ers do? When I hit a local target size I plan on starting two week deconditioning cycles. Until then it's nine days.
    Last edited by gates3353; 03-24-2012 at 08:40 AM.
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    Bumpppppppp, good thread.
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