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    WEEK THIRTEEN :: How Can You Build Your Calves If Nothing Seems To Work?

    TOPIC: How Can You Build Your Calves If Nothing Seems To Work?

    For the week of: January 17th - January 24th.


    Calves are one of the hardest bodyparts to build, especially for someone with naturally small calves. Are you doomed to have small calves your whole life? What can you try when all else seems to have failed? Why do so many people have problems building them?

    Please list your exact steps and/or workouts and tell your success stories!


    Don't discuss any other topic in this section. ONLY discuss the question above.

    The best response will get $50 in credit to use in our online store! The other good responses will be used in an article on the main site, with the poster's forum name listed by it.

    Last edited by webmaster; 01-17-2005 at 11:07 AM.
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    Out of all the muscles, calves are the most underdeveloped on today’s bodybuilders. Before you can make something grow you must know the anatomy of it.

    Anatomy of the calf muscle
    The calve has two major parts to it. The soleus muscle, and the gastrocnemius muscles. The soleus muscle is a wide and flat muscle located on the tibia and the fibula. The gastrocnemius muscles are the large muscles located near the middle and goes to the top of the fibula and tibia. The gastrocnemius muscle is broken down into two smaller groups, known as the medial head (inner calve) and the lateral head (outer calve).

    Training the calf muscle
    Arnold Schwarzenegger had the right idea when it came to calf muscles. He said “Everyday you walk around. When you walk you are using your calves. You are pushing at least your body weight every time you take a step. So, when you go to the gym and work out your calves with light weight, are you really stressing your muscles?” When you think about it, this statement has to be correct, because we all walk around everyday, and yet many of us have very little visible calf muscle. So, for this muscle to grow it must be put under immense stress. Unfortunately, there is not a wealth of different exercises that you can do for your calves. It is also important to note that calves can be effectively trained at a high rep range, because they are used to the extra work from constantly being used in actions such as walking and climbing stairs.

    Donkey Calve Raise
    Donkey calve raises can be preformed with or without any weights. Simply bend over and support yourself on a bench, have your training partner (or the gyms fat guy) get on your back, then raise your heels off the floor, and pause at the top of the muscle contraction, then return your heels down, almost touching the floor, and repeat. If it is still too easy for you, the person on your back can hold dumbbells or a barbell to add weight. This exercise puts the emphasis on the gastrocnemius muscle group.

    Standing Calve Raises
    Standing calve raises can be preformed one of two ways. Either on a machine or with a barbell on your shoulders as if you were going to perform a squat. Using a machine is most common, because the lifter does not need to stabilize the bar on his back while performing the exercise. You can also create variations of this exercise by using only one leg, or pausing at the top of the contraction for a length of time. This exercise puts the emphasis on the gastrocnemius muscle group.

    Seated Calve Raises
    Seated calve raises are most commonly preformed using a machine where you sit, and a padded section rests on top of your knees. Unlike the standing calve raises, this allows your legs to be at a 90° angle, and puts most of the emphasis on your soleus muscle group. If your gym does not have a seated calf raise machine, you can still perform the exercise. My gym does not, so one of the older guys there showed me what to do in this situation. Sit on a bench, and put a barbell on your knees, then (with feet shoulder width apart) simply raise your heels off the floor, and pause at the top of the muscle contraction, then return your heels down, almost touching the floor, and repeat. If the barbell hurts your knees, you can take your shirt off and/or wrist straps, and wrap it around the barbell for padding.

    What the pros do for their calves
    Arnold Schwarzenegger
    Donkey Calf Raises (using a machine or with person sitting on your back) - 5 sets - 10 reps
    Standing Machine Calf Raises - 5 sets - 10 reps
    Seated Machine Calf raises - 5 sets - 10 reps

    Gunter Schlierkamp
    Front foot raises for Anterior Tibialis – 4 sets – 20 or 30 reps
    Seated Calve raises – 4 sets – 20 or 30 reps
    Standing Calve raises – 4 sets – 20 or 30 reps

    My results
    I have been using Arnold Schwarzenegger’s calve routine for the past few months, and it’s been quite good. I have been gaining about .25 inches on each of my calves every month. So I have been very satisfied with the results.
    Last edited by antihero; 01-17-2005 at 06:34 PM.
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    How to get your Calves to grow !

    So you say you've tried everything and your "genetically cursed" calves won't grow? Well my friend, I'm happy to inform you that no, you probably haven't tried "everything" and that yes, your calves will grow - but only if you fire the right ammunition at them (and that means bringing out the heavy artillery). The only way to know how to attack those stubborn, exercise-resistant suckers is to understand the reasons why they aren't growing in the first place. Then, you can you strategically deploy the appropriate techniques to target and overcome each calf-building roadblock one by one.

    Reason #1 Why Stubborn calves don't grow: Neglect

    The number one reason why stubborn calves won't grow is because you're not giving them the same priority or attention as the rest of your body. Yes - that's right; you probably don't train your calves nearly as hard or as consistently as your "favorite" body parts. In fact, the chances are good that you usually leave your calves for last and you more than occasionally "blow them off" completely.

    Be honest: Do you really train your calves as hard as your biceps or your chest? Do you blast those calf raises with as much intensity and effort as your bench presses or barbell curls? Thought so.

    What should you do about it? Priority training

    It's very tempting to work your strongest body parts the hardest while neglecting the weaker ones. It's enjoyable to train the showy muscles like arms and chest. Working calves is boring and painful. As a result, many people have weak calves out of sheer avoidance and neglect. Getting stubborn calves to grow requires mounting an all out frontal attack on them! You need complete singleness of purpose and a burning desire to build them. Working your calves must become the number one priority of your entire training program.

    The best way to prioritize your calf training is to do them first in your routine or on a day completely by themselves. You can also use double split training and designate a separate session just for calves. These methods allow you to train your calves when you fresh, strong and full of energy - mentally and physically.

    Reason #2 why stubborn calves don't grow: Lack of Change

    The second reason stubborn calves don't grow is because you keep doing the same workout over and over again. Take a look at this routine:

    Standing calf raises; 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps
    Seated calf raises; 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps.

    Does it look familiar? If so, and your calves aren't growing, it's probably because your calves have adapted to that humdrum program a long time ago. You see, the human body likes being in a state of homeostasis and those calves of yours are comfortable just the way they are. If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten!

    What should you do about it? Variation & Shock Treatment.

    The solution to this problem is obvious: Mix up your training! Shock your muscles out of complacency. Throw something at them that they're not expecting and watch the growth begin!

    Your muscles will usually adapt to any routine within 3-4 weeks. As soon as you stop seeing increases in strength and muscle size, it's time for a change. If you're not sure what to change, just change anything. A carefully crafted, scientifically developed routine can certainly help maximize results, but almost anything your body isn't used to will stimulate a new growth spurt.

    There are many weapons available in your calf-building arsenal. All you need to do is mix and match the various exercises with the different training variables - and bingo! - like a Rubik's cube you have a virtually unlimited number of workout combinations at your fingertips. Here are some of the variables you can play around with:

    Basic training variables
    1. Number of sets
    2. Number of reps
    3. Choice of exercises
    4. Number of exercises
    5. Order of exercises
    6. Length of rest periods
    7. Amount of resistance
    8. Tempo/Time under tension
    9. Frequency of training

    "Shock Training" (intensification) techniques
    1. Supersets, tri-sets, giant sets
    2. Descending sets
    3. Super Slow negatives
    4. Continuous tension
    5. Peak contraction/static holds
    6. 21's, 1 and 1/2's
    7. Forced reps

    Without even changing the exercises, here's an example of how you can transform your old, stale program into a result-producing calf blast! (the weights selected are just examples):

    Standing Calf Raises
    1 set 20 reps (warm up) 300 lbs
    2 sets 10-15 reps 700 lbs
    2 sets 10-15 reps 500 lbs with 5 second hold in top position
    1 drop set:
    500 lbs. X 10 reps heels together, toes out rise up over big toe
    400 lbs. X 10 reps toes pointing in, heels out rise up over little toe
    300 lbs. X 10 reps toes straight ahead, feet 24 inches apart
    200 lbs. X 10 reps toes straight ahead, feet together
    (40 reps total, no rest between weight changes)

    Seated Calf Raise
    Set 1: 90 lbs. X 20-25 reps, slow, nonstop, continuous tension (4 second concentric, 4 second eccentric, no pause
    Set 2: 135 lbs. X 15 reps, 3 second hold at top, 3 second eccentric, 3 second concentric, then drop weight down to 90 lbs. and do 15-20 more fast reps
    Set 3: 180 lbs. X 10-15 reps, with slight cheat (slight "bounce" at bottom)
    Set 4: 45 lbs. X as many reps as possible (up to 100)

    Reason #3 why stubborn calves don't grow: Genetics.

    It would be totally naive to say that genetics don't play a role in calf development. Genetics are definitely a factor. If you have inherited "high" calves - that is, the calf inserts high on the lower leg, leaving a large "gap" between the bottom of the calf muscle and the heel, there's not much you can do about it. But to blame poor calf development entirely on genetics is also naïve. Genetics are not under your control, but plenty of things are - like how hard you train, how consistently you train, how well you plan your workouts and how positive your mental attitude is.

    What should you do about it? Positive attitude, training for your body type and high intensity.

    First, you need a positive attitude. Making excuses and blaming your genetics for weak calves is a cop-out. Excuses don't get you anywhere in bodybuilding - accepting responsibility and taking action is what makes you a champion. Multi-Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates once said that its not the genetics that separates the guy who makes it to the top and the other guys who don't; "It's the drive, commitment, 100 percent determination, focus and the mind-set to be the very best." The first step to overcoming less than optimal genetics is to accept the cards heredity dealt you and then relentlessly press on with what you have. Your genetics might prevent you from ever having calves like Mr. Olympia, but you must always press forward and strive to be the best you can possibly be. Make a commitment to be better than you used to be, not better than someone else.

    Second, don't be tempted to duplicate the calf routine of a "genetic freak." You know; the guy with 22 inch calves who only trains them for a few weeks before contests who has a relative with 21 inch calves who has never even worked out before! (Mike Matarazzo and Chris Dickerson come to mind.) Genetic superiors grow in spite of how they train, not because of it. A few sets of sloppy calf raises thrown in as an afterthought at the end of a workout might be all it takes for the genetically gifted bodybuilder to get incredible growth. That's why copying the genetic freak's training program is a bad idea.

    If your genetics really are sub-par, you can't just coast through your calf workouts. You must blitz and blast your calves with all your might. Knock em into the next time zone! Use that list of high intensity techniques, pile those weights on like there's no tomorrow and train to 100% total failure.
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    Reason #4 why stubborn calves don't grow: Poor blood flow (no pump).

    Did you ever notice how veiny advanced bodybuilders are? Vascularity comes mostly from low body fat. However, all bodybuilders are veinier than the average person, body fat notwithstanding. Years of consistent training develops a vascular system that can pump huge quantities of blood into the muscles. While most muscle growth can be attributed to an increase in the size of the muscle fibers, blood flow is also an important factor. A person with poor calf development is often a person who can't get a pump in their calves.

    What should you do about it? Maximum pump workouts and higher frequency.

    Calves not growing? Try increasing your frequency. Hitting each muscle group once a week is a very popular practice these days and is probably a good idea for large muscles like the quads, back and chest. These bigger muscles require more time to recuperate than small ones. The calves don't need as much recovery time, so they can and should be hit more frequently. When you want to specialize on calves, work your calves heavy and hard at least twice a week. You might even want to experiment with three or four calf workouts a week, alternating heavy and light every other workout. On your heavy days, challenge yourself to use super heavy weights for 8-15 reps and add weight every workout no matter what. On your lighter days, pump them full of blood with "maximum pump" techniques.

    How do you get maximum pump? There are many ways: supersets, tri sets, giant sets, decreased rest intervals between sets and high rep sets. High reps can range anywhere from twenty to one hundred! Yes, you read that right - one hundred reps! When you start one hundred rep sets, your body weight will be plenty. The goal is not to break down the muscle tissue, but simply to induce circulation and get the blood in there. As you build up endurance and tolerance for the lactic acid burn, you'll eventually be able to add light weights. Continue with heavy calf days twice a week and try adding three sets of one hundred twice a week (you can even do these at home on the stairs.)

    Also, don't forget the role that diet plays in getting monstrous pumps: Keep your carbs up to keep your glycogen levels high. Even if you are on a low carb diet, you should still carb up once every fourth day or you'll have a hard time getting much of a pump. Remember, no glycogen = no pump.

    Reason #5 why stubborn calves don't grow: Weak neuromuscular (mind to muscle) connection.

    Strength and muscle growth have a strong neural component. Whenever you begin to learn a new skill pattern, (like throwing a ball with your left arm when you are right-handed), the mind to muscle link is "weak." That's why the new movement feels clumsy and awkward. The same thing is true when you do a new exercise. If you've ever watched a beginner try to do a complicated exercise like a lunge or a squat, then you know what I'm talking about - the novice is wobbly and unbalanced. Until this neuromuscular pathway is well developed, the muscle contractions will be weak and muscle growth cannot occur to the maximum degree.

    Some bodybuilders, despite having trained their calves for years, have never developed this link properly. Many people just don't "feel " the calf muscles working when they train. It's a mindless, robotic, up-down-up-down motion with no mental or physical concentration - no "squeezing." If you don't improve this mind to muscle connection, your calves will never grow.

    What should you do about it? Mental concentration and peak contraction

    The first thing you should do about a weak neuromuscular connection is to work on your powers of focus and concentration. Put your mind "into the muscle." Legendary trainer Vince "The Iron Guru" Gironda, knew this secret and taught it to all his pupils at his famous North Hollywood gym.

    "Champion bodybuilders definitely possess something unique," said Vince. "They may work out set for set, rep for rep with training partners, sometimes over a period of years. Even eating patterns may be identical, yet the champion advances while the training partner may not. I have noticed that the champion is using something more than the sets and reps his partner is using - and it has nothing to do with genetic superiority. He is using concentration and mental suggestion - a form of self-hypnosis. This is used by all champions whether they know it or not. In the case of bodybuilders it is more important than any steroid drug, any diet plan, any food supplement, or exercise routine ever conceived."

    Work on honing your powers of concentration to a fine point. Give exclusive attention to every rep of every set. Focus. Get in the "zone." Block out all distractions. Let people know that when you are training you don't want to be disturbed. Leave the socializing for later. I've worked in health clubs for 14 years and there's one thing I've always noticed: 95% of the members in any gym walk around and chat with their buddies between sets and some of them even chat with their buddies during the set. The Champions - the 5% - never do.

    The second thing you should do about a weak neuromuscular connection is to emphasize the contraction in the top position on all your calf exercises. Most beginners lack strength in the top portion of the calves range of motion. As a result, they perform only bouncy, partial movements and they never squeeze hard enough to get a strong contraction. Holding the top position of any calf raise exercise for a five second squeeze on each rep will increase the time under tension, strengthen the neuromuscular connection and work wonders for slow growing calves. This is my absolute favorite technique for bringing up the calves in a very short period of time. Practice squeezing harder and longer at the top of each rep and your calves will "blow up" almost overnight.

    Reason #6 why stubborn calves don't grow: Refusing to go beyond the pain barrier.

    There are two schools of thought when it comes to the pain barrier. The first is "no pain, no gain." Lately this attitude has been criticized and it has been suggested that the second school, "train don't strain," is a healthier way to approach your workouts. If your goal is to achieve a basic level of fitness and health, I'd have to agree. But if you are a serious bodybuilder and you want awesome calves, then you MUST adopt the "no pain no gain" attitude. Just ask any champion in any sport; you have to endure pain if you want to grow and excel. Roger Bannister, the first man to ever run a three-minute mile said, "The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win."

    What should you do about it? Reframe pain as pleasure and train into the burn.

    Training past the pain barrier takes guts. You have to grit your teeth and just keep going. What will help you to push yourself into and beyond the pain zone is to "reframe" what pain means to you. There's an old Navy SEALS saying, "Pain is weakness leaving the body." That's one way champions look at it. Another is to view pain as pleasure. This is a mental technique Arnold Schwarzennegger used to become one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time. "The only way to be a champion is by going through these forced reps and the pain," said the former Mr. Olympia. "What helps me is to think of this pain as pleasure. Pain makes me grow. Growing is what I want. Therefore for me, pain is pleasure. And so when I experience pain I'm in heaven. It's great. People suggest that this is masochistic. But they're wrong. I like pain at a particular moment for a particular reason. I don't like needles stuck in my arm. But I do like the pain that is necessary to be a champion."

    That's it - those are the six reasons that "stubborn" calves don't grow. Take a serious look at your training program and your mindset and see if any of these calf-building obstacles are short-circuiting your ability to build your calves into cows. Once you've identified which ones are holding your calf gains back, then you can select the appropriate "weapons" and attack the problem at its source. You might not ever develop calves like Chris Dickerson or Mike Matarazzo. But regardless of the genetics Mother Nature gave you, with the right battle plan and a steady, relentless assault, you can always grow and improve.
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    Originally Posted by ravadongon

    Good call....people should know by now that posters to this section have read lots of articles...there's a good chance you'll get busted if you rip someone off.
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    Considering a proper diet is in check, I have found a combination of heavy calf exercises coupled with occasional sprint sessions work well for my calves. I dont have 18 inch cows yet but they have got quite pronounced even when I was cutting. I tend to focus very slowly on the motion during my calf workout and mentally visualise the muscle working. When the pain barrier kicks in, I just close my eyes and keep going for another 10 reps. When than 10 reps is over, I just plod away for a next 10 reps.
    At the end of each set, the searing pain should ,ake you want to rip your calves out. I alternate with heavy poundages/low reps and light weights/ high reps. I don't believe genetic should hinder someone from developing A class calves as long as you really push and commit. If youhave developed the ability and strength to calf raise a few hundred pounds, then I lift my hat off to you for a pair of functional calves are better than just being born with fat and hugecalvesthat can do little IMO.
    LIve,Love ,Laugh!
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    How to build huge calves if nothing seems to work

    THEY DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY ( Shiv Khera , Renowned Motivator and author of YOU CAN WIN)

    Most people think that gigantic calves are just the property of genetically gifted bodybuilders or there are some unknown effective exercises, which are only known by some blessed few who use those to build freaky calves. But this is not true. Thats why I started this topic by quoting famous words quoted by Mr. Shiv Khera " Winners don't do different things, they do things differently". So read on............................

    Don't make calves your weak point. Remember Mike Matarazzo's huge calves and go for working the calves with great intensity and increased frequency of training. I don't think that training calves once every two weeks will give you any benefit as calves are under a great tension all day every day. If calves are your lagging muscle then during upper body workouts, between two heavy sets , hit your calves using calf raise or donkey calf raise. Arnold Schwarzenegger used this technique to develop his calves too.
    Don't be a bad workman. You have got everything that will help you in bringing your calf development to maximal , only you need some understanding of calf physiology, proper form and intensity, shock treatment, change and mind-muscle connection. So stop giving any excuses for your poor calf development.

    Understanding of anatomy of calf muscles or particularly lower leg muscles and joints, is very important if you want to develop those gigantic heart shaped calves. You must understand about the joint movements and the actions they have to follow. There are two main bones the calf muscles attach to. These are :
    1. Tibia.
    2. Fibula.

    Below the Tibia and Fibula, lies ankle, heel, foot and toes. Heel, foot and toes are the attachments that are able to move. Muscles that are attached to fibula and tibia are also attached to heal, foot and toes. As a door attached to a hinge will only move forward and away from you and neither up or down, in the same way the ankle joint has got two movements:
    1. Dorsi flexion
    2. Plantar flexion

    Dorsi flexion is the raising of the foot towards shin bone or tibia while Plantar flexion is moving te foot away from shin bone. Dorsi flexion is upwards while Plantar flexion is downwards.

    There are two other movements called inversion and abduction (eversion) which is the result of joint below ankle joint which is housed between heal, foot and ankle bone. In inversion, the bottom or sole of your foot is turned inward and upward. The second movement is called eversion, and is also known as abduction. This is when the sole of your foot is turned outwards and upwards.
    The action created by toes also helps in building calf muscles. If you move your toes towards your shinbones, then you have dorsi flexed them and when you move them away you have plantar flexed them.

    Physiology of the calves

    It is divided into two basic muscles:
    1. Gastrocnemius
    2. Soleus

    The Gastrocnemius is the calf muscle that is visible from the outside of the body. It attaches to the heel with the Achilles Tendon and originates behind the knee on the femur, crossing two joints.

    The Gastrocnemius has two heads: the medial and the lateral. When fully developed, these two heads appear to form a diamond shape.

    The Soleus is not visible when looking at the body from the outside as it lies underneath the Gastrocnemius on the rear of the lower leg.

    The Soleus is most active when doing calf exercises where the knee is bent, such as seated calf raises.

    Funtions of Gastronomies and Soleus

    The function of the Gastronomies is to elevate the heel.
    The function is the Soleus is exactly the same as the Gastrocnemius: to raise the heel. The only difference is that it works in a different position: with the knee bent.

    The majority of calf training will be on the gastrocnemius muscles, since they make up over 70 percent of the lower leg. Studies have shown that gastrocnemius is composed of mostly fast twitch (strength) fibers and the soleus is mostly slow twitch (endurance) fibers. This means you should train them accordingly. Low, heavy reps for the gastrocnemius and really high reps for the soleus. Because everyone's unique muscle structure regarding fast and slow twitch fiber percentages varies greatly, you should experiment to see what your optimal rep range is for your other muscle groups.

    So this was all about the anatomy of lower leg joints and muscles. For more anatomy details and pictures etc you can visit :

    Now I will explain why so many people have problems building calves:

    1. They give calf training a minimal effort.
    2. They neglect calf training as they feel building chest, biceps etc is more important than calves.
    3. They don't train with intensity for calves.
    4. They keep doing the same workout over and over again.
    5. They blame poor calf development basically on genetics.
    6. They feel that there are some unknown exercises which professionals use to train their calves.
    7. People don't get a pump in their calves and then they get demotivated.
    8. Their mind muscle coordination is very low.
    9. Their training frequency of training calves is very low.
    10. They use improper form while training calves.

    But they forget that Calf development is necessary not only if you plan to compete someday, but it also provides the solid foundation by which a symmetrical physique is supported.

    The calves are multi-faceted muscles that need strain from different angles. Since your calves are tough and carry your bodyweight throughout the day and rarely fatigue, you must hit them with far heavier weights than they are accustomed to, train them at different angles, and constantly shock them using every high-intensity principle possible.
    The proponent of HIT Mike Matarazzo's calves are an example. Also remember to work the calf muscles in both seated and standing position. That way you'll hit both the soleus and the gastrocnemius.
    Now I will give the HIT programs available on which I found too useful in building great calves.( I thank you Jon Huston for giving these programs. These helped me too much. I don't have enough words to thank you. )

    HIT Program 1:

    Standing Heel Raises: 260 x 10, 300 x 10, 340 x 8, 380 x 8 (2 sets of warm ups with 15 reps using light weight)
    Seated Heel Raises: 125 x 10, 160 x 10, 195 x 10

    HIT Program 2:

    Heel Raises on Leg Press: 360 x10, 540 x 10, 720 x10, 900 x 8 (2 sets of warm ups with 15 reps using light weight)
    Seated Heel Raises: 125 x 10, 160 x 10, 195 x 10

    Now I will give you some techniques, exercises and tips which I found useful while training calves and these will help you too.


    1. Use both straight leg and bent knee exercises together in a workout.
    2. If your calf development is poor then make it a priority to train your calves during two heavy sets while doing upper body workouts.
    3. Do more reps while doing calve workouts.
    4. Use shock treatment while training calves like Supersets, tri-sets, giant sets etc.
    5. Exercises that work the Gastrocnemius and Soleus include:
    Standing calf raises - (Gastrocnemius)
    Seated calf raises - (Soleus)
    Donkey calf raises - (Gastrocnemius)
    6. For getting proper blood flow in calves use high incline calf walking. Its technique is as directed below:
    Set the treadmill to the highest incline setting it's got and set the machine to a fairly slow speed. Walk for five to ten minutes steadily, focusing on pushing up with the calves every time you step (like a mini-calf raise). Keep your body in a straight upright position to keep the resistance on your calves.
    7. Use Weight Plates To Hit the Inner and Outer Calves. For its pictures and guideline follow these links:
    8. Major exercises for training calves are:
    a. Standing Calf Raises(barbell version)
    b. Calf Raise (Standing)(machine)
    c. Seated Calf Raises
    d. Standing Individual Calf Raises
    e. Leg Press Machine Calf Raises
    f. Donkey Calf Raise ( everyone should perform it)
    g. Rocking standing calf raise ( great option to calf training without using fancy machines)
    h. Calf raise on a dumbbell
    i. Between sets, do toe raises, stand right on the end of your toes like a ballet dancer, in order to achieve peak contraction of the calf muscles.
    j. Box calf raises: Calf raises done on a box with no weight.
    For full description with pictures you can see

    9. Don't make excuses for weaker calves and remember that excuses don't get you anywhere in bodybuilding.

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    How to build huge calves if nothing seems to work

    continued from last post..................

    10. Squeeze hard at the top of the exercise motion.
    11. Remember no pain, no gain while training calves.
    12. Emphasize on proper form too.
    13. BONUS TIP: For deeper ankle flexibility which is helpful in all calf raises use ANKLE CIRCLES. Its technique is described below:

    Draw circles with your toes while making a point of achieving a maximal range of motion in the ankle: pointed toes, toes towards the nose, and in and out motion.Use slight pressure against the ground to increase the ROM( Range Of Motion.As an alternative to this exercise you may sit on the floor or a chair, cradle your calf in your elbow, and move your foot in different planes and in circles with the help of your free hand.

    One of my friend , Bunty told me a good way to strengthen calf muscles along with thigh muscles and knees..This one is from YOGA and is one of the most important postures of YOGA. It is also used to increase the effciency of digestive system and has other uses like used as a preventive measure for hernia,piles and alleviate menstrual disorders in women too.This posture is the only posture in yoga which can be done after taking meals immediately as it helps in the digestion of food(Reference: Swami Ramdev's Yoga Sadhna , Sri Swami Sivananda's Kundalini Yoga)
    This posture is also used by religious people as a position for prayer too.

    Its technique is:

    Keep the soles of the feet on both sides of the anus, i.e., place the thighs on the legs one over the other and the soles on the buttocks. The calves must touch the thighs. The part from the toe to the knee should touch the ground. The whole burden of the body is put on the knees and ankles. In the beginning of practice you may feel a slight pain in the knee and ankle-joints but it passes off very quickly. Massage the painful parts and two joints with the hands. You can use a little Iodex for rubbing. After fixing the feet and the knees, put both the hands straight on the knees. Keep the knees quite close. Sit like this keeping the trunk, neck and head in one straight line.

    You can see its picture here:

    and to read about its whole benefits etc you can go to the following web pages:

    14.Visit and view articles on calf development and gain knowledge on different training techniques. There are many workout programs given in the articles on which will help you in making a good progress.
    15.Use overload training for calves as these recover quickly. Start with a moderate weight for your first round-something you can get about 12 to 15 reps with. Do the set, step off the machine, shake your calves out then add 10 to 20 pounds (or more) onto the machine. Step back on and do as many reps as you can. Step off, add more weight to the machine and do it again. Repeat this procedure 3 to 5 times or until you can't more than 5 or so reps with the weight. This will shock your calves to full growth.
    16.The foot positions too play a major role in calf exercises. There are mainly three foot positions namely, toes angled outward (30 degree approx.) for that heart shaped calves , toes angled straight for back of the calves and toes inward 30 degree approx. for outer calf. Incorporate this too into your training routine for calves and see the difference.
    17.Give a minimal rest between the sets not more than 25-30 seconds so as to give effective shock treatment to the muscles.
    18.The footwear should be so that it doesn?t give support to your arch or you can train with bare feet.
    19. Don't overtrain the calves.
    20.Use this visualization technique used by me while training calves. While doing calf raises visualize a huge heart(inverted) in place of calves. This will help you in too in making a good calf development.
    21. If you get muscle cramps then first of all do immediate rehydration with a fluid containing electrolytes then grasp and apply pressure to the muscle belly and put the muscle on stretch until cramp resolves i.e.flex the foot towards the head.
    22. Last but not the least you can use the intensity building techniques that go beyond conventional failure and hit the muscle more harder.These are:
    a.Forced Reps
    e.Drop Sets
    h.Giant Sets
    i.Jump Sets
    j.2-Up 1-Down Negatives
    m.Strip Sets
    n.Rep Targeting
    p.Heavy Supports

    You can view their detailed explanation on this web page:

    So, I think by following these tips and techniques anyone can build those gigantic heart shaped calves. Calves need to be worked through a full range of motion, with both high and low reps, always aiming for full stretches, contractions, and painful pumps. These techniques have helped me gaining 1.5 inches on my calves in almost 75 days.
    But I request all readers to incorporate these into their training regimen and see the development in their calves themselves.

    THEY DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY( Shiv Khera , Renowned Motivator)

    References:- .

    Pavel Tsatsouline , Super joints , Dragon Door Publications Inc 2001

    Dum, R.P., Kennedy, T.T. Physiological and histochemical characteristics of motor units in cat tibialis anterior and extensor digitorum longus muscles. J. Neurophysiol. 43:1615-1630, 1980.

    Martin, T.P., Bodine-Fowler, S., Roy, R.R., Eldred, E., Edgerton, V.R. Metabolic and fiber size properties of at tibialis anterior motor units. Am. J. Physiol. 255 (Cell Physiol. 24) C43-C50, 1988.

    Boyd, I.A., Davey, M.R. The composition of peripheral nerves. pp35-52 in Control and Innervation of Skeletal Muscle, ed. B.L. Andrew. E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. Edinburgh. 1966

    Bodine, S.C. Roy, R.R., Eldred, E., Edgerton, V.R. Maximal force as a function of anatomical features of motor units in the cat tibialis anterior. J. Neurophysiol. 57:1730-1745, 1987.

    Acosta, L., Roy, R.R. Fiber-type composition of selected hindlimb muscles of a primate Anat. Record 218:136-141, 1987.

    Johnson, M.A., Polgar, J., Weightman, D., Appleton, D. Data on the distribution of fibre types in thirty-six human muscles. An autopsy study. J. Neurol. Sci: 18:111-129, 1973.

    Rankin, L.L., Enoka, R.M., Volz, K.A., Stuart, D.G. Coexistence of twitch potentiation and tetanic force decline in rat hindlimb muscle. J. App. Physiol. in press, 1988.(Reviewed June, 1988)

    Swami Ramdev , Yog sadhna, Divya Prakashan ,2003.

    Sri Swami Sivananda , Kundalini Yoga , Divine Life Society Publication , 1994.
    Last edited by monsterashu; 01-21-2005 at 10:39 AM.
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    the calve master...
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    the best calf plan is this.

    first you must be on an effective muscle mass gaining program. your calves do not live in isolation from the rest of you.

    after squats do a warm-up set of donkey calf press.

    rest a bit, then do a set with a weight that you fail with at about rep #10.

    drop the weight a bit and continue, no rest, go to failure again.

    repeat this until the weght stack is empty and you can not lift anything.

    now go stretch.

    you are doing this once every 7-10 days.

    the key to success is intensity, and going to true muscle failure, for each drop set.

    it is important to go all the way to the top of each rep, pause, and squeeze the calf muscle HARD at the top.

    tempo is slow.

    heavy squats and deadlifts provide a synchronistic effect on your calves. you are doing these once every 7-10 days as well.

    the best plans are always the most simple.
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    Heavy ass seated calf raises.
    Muscles do not make you cool. They just make you look cool. Get a fukking personality, meatheads.
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    Originally Posted by admin
    TOPIC: How Can You Build Your Calves If Nothing Seems To Work?

    For the week of: January 17th - January 24th.


    Calves are one of the hardest bodyparts to build, especially for someone with naturally small calves. Are you doomed to have small calves your whole life? What can you try when all else seems to have failed? Why do so many people have problems building them?

    Please list your exact steps and/or workouts and tell your success stories!


    Don't discuss any other topic in this section. ONLY discuss the question above.

    The best response will get $50 in credit to use in our online store! The other good responses will be used in an article on the main site, with the poster's forum name listed by it.

    instead of doing regular calve exercises ive seen many people using the leg press put your feet half on the bottom of the plate with your heels off the off and extend your feet to do calves this way you can do heavier weight for better results from barnzy001
    Last edited by barnzy001; 01-22-2005 at 08:47 AM.
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    Originally Posted by barnzy001
    instead of doing regular calve exercises ive seen many people using the leg press put your feet half on the bottom of the plate with your heels off the off and extend your feet to do calves this way you can do heavier weight for better results from barnzy001

    people usually do that when they dont have a standing calf machine, becuase usually they are too lazy to put the barbell on their back...
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    Originally Posted by antihero
    ...too lazy to put the barbell on their back...
    ...rep for that

    but dont knock it; it can be helpful for people who are responsive to it.

    i was pretty unresponsive to calf exercises, but i began doing seated calf raises, and adding a calf extension to each rep when im using the leg press (in one fluid motion, i guess comparable to a squat jump (?) ). this is what i've found to be most responsive to.

    calves, being so difficult for most people, you really just have to experiment with and find what works best for you, and remember to keep the intensity up - like arnold said, these muscles stabilize your bodyweight every day so give em a shock.
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    It's simple, if a certain muscle group is stubborn and won't grow then you need to SHOCK it. People are constantly working their calves all the time when they are walking around.
    Here are 3 key rules to growing bigger and better calves

    Do Cardio
    Most people believe that cardio is bad when trying to gain size, but I beg to differ. Running will help build your calves. Running forces your calves to support your own weight, and it does it constantly and fast. Using ankle weights will help as well. Another great cardio activity that will build your calves is jumping rope. After a good session of jump rope my calves BURN. It makes a big difference in calve size and brings speed to them. Cardio can tone the calves nicely and help lose weight which makes them look cut.

    Use Heavy Weight
    Calves are used to walking which is light and easy. It can be done for hours. Calves aren't used to moving heavy weight. This is a way of shocking the muscle and adding some serious size. So next time you're doing calves raises, aim for 10-12 reps instead of 15-20.

    Use Techniques
    Do pyramids, drop sets, super sets etc. This is all part of the plan. Mix up exercises, sets, and reps. Variety is key for muscle growth. Never let your body get too used to a workout. You have to shock the calves.

    There you have it. Hit your calves hard, heavy, and with variety. Follow those 3 rules and you will see results in no time.
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    you have to do two types of calve exercise.

    one is the anearobic training. which means working it with weights. Like any other muscle group, for anerobic stuff only go up to 10 repetitions. if you can do more, add MORE weight. Fail at that 10 repetition. exericises this can be done are on donkey calf raise machine, leg press machine, v squat machine, seated calf raise, standing calf raise, and so forth. the leg press machine would probably the easiest place where you can put as much weight as you want. do heavy weights on toes out, toes in and toes neutral position to stimulate as much of the calves as possible.

    the next part would be working your calves aerobically, this can be jogging uphill using only the front part of your feet (toes). Even just walking uphill normally also works the calves pretty well. On the stairstepper machine try not to use your thighs and only your calves.

    You must first do the anerobic part then do the aerobic part of calves on that same day. Allow sufficient rest until you calves have fully recovered then them again. work on them only once or two times per week.

    stay consistent and you will get your calves.
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    im no english major, but im pretty sure that plagarism would also take effect for monsterashu's post. becuase even though it is referenced at the bottom, the information still needs to be re-phrased (put into own words), otherwise it needs to be put into quotes....

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    Last edited by antihero; 01-22-2005 at 06:26 PM.
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    It is widely known in the bodybuilding community that the calf muscles are the bane of weightlifters. Pick up any magazine, read any internet forum on the subject and you will see information on how to get your calves to grow. Even the most popular, if not the greatest bodybuilder of all time, had problems with his calves. In his younger days, Arnold would stand in water while posing to hide his skinny calves. For many people, it seems like the calves just wont grow, like there is some supernatural force holding them in place, keeping them small.

    In response to this, many people look to articles, whether they be in bodybuilding magazines, or on websites for help. Many promise secret routines and specialized training techniques. The truth is however, that the "secret" to getting the calves to grow is not in an issue of Flex, but under our very noses.

    ALL muscles grow in response to training. When a muscle is stressed, the body thickens the fibers that compose it in response. This happens in all skeletal muscle tissue, plain and simple. If you work a muscle week after week, and you see no improvement, the problem isn't that you are ignorant of some marvelous training secret from (Insert obscure European country here), but that something is missing in your regular training.

    Unless you are reaching the natural limits of your physique, which I doubt you are if you are reading this article, then you only need a few things in order to make your muscle grow.

    (1)Training stimulus
    (2)Nutrition to provide materials and energy for growth
    (3)Rest, so that the muscles have time to grow

    If you work your calves week after week, and you see no improvement, one of these factors is missing. If all your other muscles are growing, but not your calves, then it should clue you in to the fact that you are getting enough calories, protien and rest to fuel your body. If not, then you need to work on your diet first and foremost.

    But for the sake of brevity, we will here assume that you have a good nutritional plan. The only remaining factor is Training Stimulus. If you train your calves week after week and they never grow, and you are getting enough nutrients, then you are simply not working them hard enough.

    Intensity should become the one word you think of when it is time to train calves. Do drop-sets, pyramids, pre-exhaust, vary your rep ranges, vary your sets. Do anything you can to work up in intesnity from where you currently are. Give your calves something to adapt to. If they don't want to grow, then you should make them grow. If they weren't growing in the first place, you can't be overtraining, so what are you worried about?

    In conclusion, the secret to calf growth is not a routine, but a change to the way you currently train. Increase reps, sets and weight and make sure you are getting enough sleep and there is nothing standing in your way. Good luck and good training.

    One final note. While everything posted above should lead to muscle growth, there have been some indications that the fascia, the tight tissue that bind muscle fibers together, might be tighter on the calf muscle. In order to compensate for this, whether it is true or not, I would try to get a decent pump in the muscle and stretch.
    Last edited by Woden; 01-22-2005 at 06:59 PM.
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    Personally, i found my calves to grow best while simply stretching them before doing raises or anything else. I made no gains when i didnt stretch, but you need to remember that calves are like forearms, but unless you grip barbells with your toes, you will not be able to quickly add to their mass. Stretching, on the other hand, results in increased blood flow to the area, and while i have been doing those calve stretches before my bfs workouts, i have noticed a "calf pump" once in a while while heavy deadlifting. The one particular lift that actually requires calves is the power clean, which many bodybuilders leave out of their routines becasue it is a full body lift and has no spot in their routine.
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    In view of Antihero's remarks "i m no english major, but im pretty sure that plagarism would also take effect for monsterashu's post. becuase even though it is referenced at the bottom, the information still needs to be re-phrased (put into own words), otherwise it needs to be put into quotes....

    MLA (Modern Language Association) Format at: "

    I want to say that I am not too an english major and do not want to offend anybody on this forum.I am pretty new to this forum.but the posts which i have posted in this forum has been written by me, only me. I have not phrased the same words but wrote it in my way.Even the books which I referenced , I didn't copy the same things from them.I have really worked very hard to write this topic and now if someone says it is plagiarization , it has really hurt me a lot.
    Bodybuilding is a science in which you have to gain knowledge and apply that knowledge to see the results.I got that knowledge mainly from, and read two books from fitstep).
    I am thankful to that it consists of writers like Big Cat, Mike Mahler , Jon Huston, Jeremy Likness etc through whom i gained good knowledge.The things which i have written are mainly generally known information which has no need to be documented.Please tell me if anyone references anatomy or physiology. Even then i gave references because i felt I should give them as through them i have gained such a large amountof information in these years.Also there are many types of plagiarism like intentional,accidental and minor etc.I have seen many articles in which information and workout routines etc are given which are taken from other sources or magazines but are not referenced.also if anyone gives any website link etc on his work then it is called leaching which is also a kind of plagiarism.but then how can we share good information and learn more about bodybuilding?if someone discovers something about bodybuilding then to benefit others it must be known to all of us eg applied bodybuilding research is a good innovative in this regard.
    This topic of the week says that"Are you doomed to have small calves your whole life? What can you try when all else seems to have failed? Why do so many people have problems building them?"
    so i wrote all that which i knew.Also i posted in this forum my own improvisations and tweaks too.i only posted that so that it may benefit all of you.I have not used the same words given in the books and these are generally known information which has no need to be documented so i feel i have not plagiarized anyone's work.Also , we can freely use the works if they are not protected.
    I have written all that I knew and cited the references so that a conscientious reader of this article could trace each of my sources.
    but if anybody feels offended then i am VERY VERY SORRY.
    I only wanted to give you a detailed insight on this topic.
    And I beg your pardon ADMIN and WEBMASTER that i am breaking the rule that you have asked to discuss only the topic in this section, but i am discussing something else, but i felt the need of it.
    If you feel that i have offended the forum then you can ban me and my ip address, sir.
    I am grateful to your website that it has remarkably changed me.
    this forum is awesome really, many many good and experienced persons are here which are ready to help anybody with their advice.
    keep it up.
    God bless you all.
    And members if anybody feels offended, then please forgive me by treating me as your younger brother.but please read my article on calf training carefully and it may benefit you.
    thanks and regards
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    Hi, I am not gonna go into the whole technical stuff, this is as anybody who has had small or lagging calves must have at least read one document on anatomony of the calves and different training method. There are only a few calve exercises and they are important useful. SO for me the best things is train the calve as you train any other body expecially the chest, bicep etc. Hit them hard and with different routine every now and again. Keep it guessing and use weigths to make them grow just has you do with your chest. Being that committed will surely bring about some growth. DO LIKE YOU DO YOUR CHEST. Train and rest and train hard. Also remember to stretch. It is all is in treating it as important as you think the chest is because all muscle groups are equal.
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    Calves, troublesome? They are only as tough as you make them. Myself I have always had pretty big calves, never had to train them too hard, luckily. What I basically do is hover around all day on my toes. Walking doing slight calve raises, nothing to exhuast them. Adding several inches on the treadmill gives them an incredible burn. I also find that doing Calf Negatives (sounds weird) burn like hell. Keeping the reps around 10-12. Add a couple 45s to the smith machine and having your partner lift up and you hold it as high as you can go for as long as you can gradually decreasing the height to a deep stretch to the bottom till your heals are basically touching the ground, and tell your partner "UP," when you are ready for your next rep. Alternate your heels pointing inner, straight and outer. My buddy commented on my calves, he said: "Damn, it looks like someon split a 5 lb plate and inserted it in your calf." I only do calves once a week. For optimal results onces a week is plenty if you add a slight raise in your step, it adds up an entire day. Oh yeah, I usually also loosen my sneakers so they don't look like I am doing calves raises.

    I hope this helps anyone with calve issues. Let me know how it works for you.

    PS: When doing negative calve raises try to keep a slight bend in your knees, It helps get a better stretch at the bottom...
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    How Can You Build Your Calves If Nothing Seems To Work?

    PLEASE NOTE: Its a repost of my post given on this page. As I can't edit that after 24 hours so the only option left to me was to make a new post with the changes.Its all same but all the references are given cited within the article.


    THEY DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY ( Shiv Khera , Renowned Motivator and author of YOU CAN WIN)

    Most people think that gigantic calves are just the property of genetically gifted bodybuilders or there are some unknown effective exercises, which are only known by some blessed few who use those to build freaky calves. But this is not true. Thats why I started this topic by quoting famous words quoted by Mr. Shiv Khera " Winners don't do different things, they do things differently". So read on............................

    Don't make calves your weak point. Remember Mike Matarazzo's huge calves and go for working the calves with great intensity and increased frequency of training. I don't think that training calves once every two weeks will give you any benefit as calves are under a great tension all day every day. If calves are your lagging muscle then during upper body workouts, between two heavy sets , hit your calves using calf raise or donkey calf raise. Arnold Schwarzenegger used this technique to develop his calves too.
    Don't be a bad workman. You have got everything that will help you in bringing your calf development to maximal , only you need some understanding of calf physiology, proper form and intensity, shock treatment, change and mind-muscle connection. So stop giving any excuses for your poor calf development.

    Understanding of anatomy of calf muscles or particularly lower leg muscles and joints, is very important if you want to develop those gigantic heart shaped calves. You must understand about the joint movements and the actions they have to follow. There are two main bones the calf muscles attach to. These are :
    1. Tibia.
    2. Fibula.

    Below the Tibia and Fibula, lies ankle, heel, foot and toes. Heel, foot and toes are the attachments that are able to move. Muscles that are attached to fibula and tibia are also attached to heal, foot and toes(Dum,1980). As a door attached to a hinge will only move forward and away from you and neither up or down, in the same way the ankle joint has got two movements:
    1. Dorsi flexion
    2. Plantar flexion

    Dorsi flexion is the raising of the foot towards shin bone or tibia while Plantar flexion is moving te foot away from shin bone. Dorsi flexion is upwards while Plantar flexion is downwards. (ref: Boyd 1966)

    There are two other movements called inversion and abduction (eversion)(Bodine,1987) which is the result of joint below ankle joint which is housed between heal, foot and ankle bone. In inversion, the bottom or sole of your foot is turned inward and upward. The second movement is called eversion, and is also known as abduction. This is when the sole of your foot is turned outwards and upwards.
    The action created by toes also helps in building calf muscles. If you move your toes towards your shinbones, then you have dorsi flexed them and when you move them away you have plantar flexed them.

    Physiology of the calves

    It is divided into two basic muscles:
    1. Gastrocnemius
    2. Soleus

    The Gastrocnemius is the calf muscle that is visible from the outside of the body. It attaches to the heel with the Achilles Tendon and originates behind the knee on the femur, crossing two joints.

    The Gastrocnemius has two heads: the medial and the lateral. When fully developed, these two heads appear to form a diamond shape.

    The Soleus is not visible when looking at the body from the outside as it lies underneath the Gastrocnemius on the rear of the lower leg.

    The Soleus is most active when doing calf exercises where the knee is bent, such as seated calf raises.

    Funtions of Gastronomies and Soleus

    The function of the Gastronomies is to elevate the heel.
    The function is the Soleus is exactly the same as the Gastrocnemius: to raise the heel. The only difference is that it works in a different position: with the knee bent.

    The majority of calf training will be on the gastrocnemius muscles, since they make up over 70 percent of the lower leg. Studies have shown that gastrocnemius is composed of mostly fast twitch (strength) fibers and the soleus is mostly slow twitch (endurance) fibers(ref:Johnson 1973,rankin 1988). This means you should train them accordingly. Low, heavy reps for the gastrocnemius and really high reps for the soleus. Because everyone's unique muscle structure regarding fast and slow twitch fiber percentages varies greatly, you should experiment to see what your optimal rep range is for your other muscle groups.

    So this was all about the anatomy of lower leg joints and muscles. For more anatomy details and pictures etc you can visit :

    Now I will explain why so many people have problems building calves:

    1. They give calf training a minimal effort.
    2. They neglect calf training as they feel building chest, biceps etc is more important than calves.
    3. They don't train with intensity for calves.
    4. They keep doing the same workout over and over again.
    5. They blame poor calf development basically on genetics.
    6. They feel that there are some unknown exercises which professionals use to train their calves.
    7. People don't get a pump in their calves and then they get demotivated.
    8. Their mind muscle coordination is very low.
    9. Their training frequency of training calves is very low.
    10. They use improper form while training calves.

    But they forget that Calf development is necessary not only if you plan to compete someday, but it also provides the solid foundation by which a symmetrical physique is supported.

    The calves are multi-faceted muscles that need strain from different angles( Since your calves are tough and carry your bodyweight throughout the day and rarely fatigue, you must hit them with far heavier weights than they are accustomed to, train them at different angles, and constantly shock them using every high-intensity principle possible.
    The proponent of HIT Mike Matarazzo's calves are an example. Also remember to work the calf muscles in both seated and standing position. That way you'll hit both the soleus and the gastrocnemius.
    Now I will give the HIT programs available on which I found too useful in building great calves.( I thank you Jon Huston for giving these programs. These helped me too much. I don't have enough words to thank you. )

    HIT Program 1:

    Standing Heel Raises: 260 x 10, 300 x 10, 340 x 8, 380 x 8 (2 sets of warm ups with 15 reps using light weight)
    Seated Heel Raises: 125 x 10, 160 x 10, 195 x 10

    HIT Program 2:

    Heel Raises on Leg Press: 360 x10, 540 x 10, 720 x10, 900 x 8 (2 sets of warm ups with 15 reps using light weight)
    Seated Heel Raises: 125 x 10, 160 x 10, 195 x 10

    Now I will give you some techniques, exercises and tips which I found useful while training calves and these will help you too.


    1. Use both straight leg and bent knee exercises together in a workout.
    2. If your calf development is poor then make it a priority to train your calves during two heavy sets while doing upper body workouts.
    3. Do more reps while doing calve workouts.
    4. Use shock treatment while training calves like Supersets, tri-sets, giant sets etc.
    5. Exercises that work the Gastrocnemius and Soleus include:
    Standing calf raises - (Gastrocnemius)
    Donkey calf raises - (Gastrocnemius)
    Seated calf raises - (Soleus)
    6. For getting proper blood flow in calves use high incline calf walking. Its technique is as directed below:
    Set the treadmill to the highest incline setting it's got and set the machine to a fairly slow speed. Walk for five to ten minutes steadily, focusing on pushing up with the calves every time you step (like a mini-calf raise). Keep your body in a straight upright position to keep the resistance on your calves.(Ref: calf training
    7. Use Weight Plates To Hit the Inner and Outer Calves. For its pictures and guideline follow these links:
    8. Major exercises for training calves are:
    a. Standing Calf Raises(barbell version)
    b. Calf Raise (Standing)(machine)
    c. Seated Calf Raises
    d. Standing Individual Calf Raises
    e. Leg Press Machine Calf Raises
    f. Donkey Calf Raise ( everyone should perform it)
    g. Rocking standing calf raise ( great option to calf training without using fancy machines)(ref:<>)

    h. Calf raise on a dumbbell
    i. Between sets, do toe raises, stand right on the end of your toes like a ballet dancer, in order to achieve peak contraction of the calf muscles.
    j. Box calf raises: Calf raises done on a box with no weight.
    For full description with pictures you can see <>

    9. Don't make excuses for weaker calves and remember that excuses don't get you anywhere in bodybuilding.

    CONTINUED IN NEXT POST...............
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    How Can You Build Your Calves If Nothing Seems To Work?

    CONTINUED FROM LAST POST..............

    10. Squeeze hard at the top of the exercise motion.
    11. Remember no pain, no gain while training calves.
    12. Emphasize on proper form too.
    13. BONUS TIP: For deeper ankle flexibility which is helpful in all calf raises use ANKLE CIRCLES. (Super Joints,Pavel Tsatsouline,2001)Its technique is described below:

    Draw circles with your toes while making a point of achieving a maximal range of motion in the ankle: pointed toes, toes towards the nose, and in and out motion.Use slight pressure against the ground to increase the ROM( Range Of Motion.)As an alternative to this exercise you may sit on the floor or a chair, cradle your calf in your elbow, and move your foot in different planes and in circles with the help of your free hand.

    One of my friend , Bunty told me a good way to strengthen calf muscles along with thigh muscles and knees..This one is from YOGA and is one of the most important postures of YOGA.This posture is called VAJRA-ASANA. It is also used to increase the effciency of digestive system and has other uses like used as a preventive measure for hernia,piles and alleviate menstrual disorders in women too(ref:Swami sivananda 1994).This posture is the only posture in yoga which can be done after taking meals immediately as it helps in the digestion of food(Reference: Swami Ramdev 2003 , Sri Swami Sivananda 1994)
    This posture is also used by religious people as a position for prayer too.

    Its technique is:

    Keep the soles of the feet on both sides of the anus, i.e., place the thighs on the legs one over the other and the soles on the buttocks. The calves must touch the thighs. The part from the toe to the knee should touch the ground. The whole burden of the body is put on the knees and ankles. In the beginning of practice you may feel a slight pain in the knee and ankle-joints but it passes off very quickly. Massage the painful parts and two joints with the hands. You can use a little Iodex for rubbing. After fixing the feet and the knees, put both the hands straight on the knees. Keep the knees quite close. Sit like this keeping the trunk, neck and head in one straight line. (Swami Ramdev,2003)

    You can see its picture here:

    and to read about its whole benefits etc you can go to the following web pages:

    14.Visit and view articles on calf development and gain knowledge on different training techniques. There are many workout programs given in the articles on which will help you in making a good progress.
    15.Use overload training for calves as these recover quickly. Start with a moderate weight for your first round-something you can get about 12 to 15 reps with. Do the set, step off the machine, shake your calves out then add 10 to 20 pounds (or more) onto the machine. Step back on and do as many reps as you can. Step off, add more weight to the machine and do it again. Repeat this procedure 3 to 5 times or until you can't more than 5 or so reps with the weight. This will shock your calves to full growth.
    16.The foot positions(Jain,1993) too play a major role in calf exercises. There are mainly three foot positions namely, toes angled outward (30 degree approx.) for that heart shaped calves , toes angled straight for back of the calves and toes inward 30 degree approx. for outer calf. Incorporate this too into your training routine for calves and see the difference.
    17.Give a minimal rest between the sets not more than 25-30 seconds so as to give effective shock treatment to the muscles.
    18.The footwear should be so that it doesn't give support to your arch or you can train with bare feet.
    19. Don't overtrain the calves.
    20.Use this visualization technique used by me while training calves. While doing calf raises visualize a huge heart(inverted) in place of calves. This will help you in too in making a good calf development.
    21. If you get muscle cramps then first of all do immediate rehydration with a fluid containing electrolytes then grasp and apply pressure to the muscle belly and put the muscle on stretch until cramp resolves i.e.flex the foot towards the head.
    22. Last but not the least you can use the intensity building techniques(ref: Article named 16 Intensity building techniques ) that go beyond conventional failure and hit the muscle more harder.These are:
    a.Forced Reps
    e.Drop Sets
    h.Giant Sets
    i.Jump Sets
    j.2-Up 1-Down Negatives
    m.Strip Sets
    n.Rep Targeting
    p.Heavy Supports

    You can view their detailed explanation on this web page:

    So, I think by following these tips and techniques anyone can build those gigantic heart shaped calves. Calves need to be worked through a full range of motion, with both high and low reps, always aiming for full stretches, contractions, and painful pumps. These techniques have helped me gaining 1.5 inches on my calves in almost 75 days.
    But I request all readers to incorporate these into their training regimen and see the development in their calves themselves.

    THEY DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY( Shiv Khera , Renowned Motivator and author of Best Selling Book "You Can Win")

    References:- .

    Pavel Tsatsouline , Super joints , Dragon Door Publications Inc 2001

    Dum, R.P., Kennedy, T.T. Physiological and histochemical characteristics of motor units in cat tibialis anterior and extensor digitorum longus muscles. J. Neurophysiol. 43:1615-1630, 1980.

    Martin, T.P., Bodine-Fowler, S., Roy, R.R., Eldred, E., Edgerton, V.R. Metabolic and fiber size properties of at tibialis anterior motor units. Am. J. Physiol. 255 (Cell Physiol. 24) C43-C50, 1988.

    Boyd, I.A., Davey, M.R. The composition of peripheral nerves. pp35-52 in Control and Innervation of Skeletal Muscle, ed. B.L. Andrew. E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. Edinburgh. 1966

    Bodine, S.C. Roy, R.R., Eldred, E., Edgerton, V.R. Maximal force as a function of anatomical features of motor units in the cat tibialis anterior. J. Neurophysiol. 57:1730-1745, 1987.

    Acosta, L., Roy, R.R. Fiber-type composition of selected hindlimb muscles of a primate Anat. Record 218:136-141, 1987.

    Johnson, M.A., Polgar, J., Weightman, D., Appleton, D. Data on the distribution of fibre types in thirty-six human muscles. An autopsy study. J. Neurol. Sci: 18:111-129, 1973.

    Rankin, L.L., Enoka, R.M., Volz, K.A., Stuart, D.G. Coexistence of twitch potentiation and tetanic force decline in rat hindlimb muscle. J. App. Physiol. in press, 1988.(Reviewed June, 1988)

    Jain & Jain,Physiology of foot , S.Chand Publications,1993

    Swami Ramdev , Yog sadhna, Divya Prakashan ,2003.

    Sri Swami Sivananda Kundalini Yoga, Divine Life Publiccations ,1994.
    Last edited by monsterashu; 01-23-2005 at 05:28 AM.
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    i in no way wanted to offend you nor did i intend for you to have to re-write the post. its just that no definete rules were set as to documentation, and technincally the post was plagarism. i realized that because you had the sources listed at the bottom of the post, you didnt intend to plagarize. but i thought that i would bring it to the attention of everyone here anyway. i think that in the future we all (including myself) should write these articles better, and be more aware of what plagarism really is.
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    Originally Posted by antihero

    i in no way wanted to offend you nor did i intend for you to have to re-write the post. its just that no definete rules were set as to documentation, and technincally the post was plagarism. i realized that because you had the sources listed at the bottom of the post, you didnt intend to plagarize. but i thought that i would bring it to the attention of everyone here anyway. i think that in the future we all (including myself) should write these articles better, and be more aware of what plagarism really is.
    its only bcoz of u that I read about plagiarism and improved my post.I came upon some interesting facts about plagiarism too.Now that I have known what is plagiarism so I will write my posts in a correct way.I know I have to learn many things now. But an intersting fact about plagiarism, which I came to know and want to share with all of you is:
    Any work published on or before December 31, 1922 is now in the public domain.
    Works published between January 1, 1923 and December 31, 1978, inclusive, are protected for a term of 95 years from the date of publication, with the proper notice.


    thanks antihero , now I know much about plagiarism.

    thanks and regards
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    It has even been said by some of the best body-builders history that calves are a weak point. As a maater of fact, Arnold made his earliest posing shots in knee deep water to hid his calves.

    First, one must undersand the anatomy of the calf. the soleus is the largest muscle in the calf and originates from the fibula and tibula. The gastrocnemius originate from the femur. The tibulus anterior runs along side the shinbone. All of these muscles work together to flex the foot.

    Calves are similar to the abdominals in that they are an aesthetic muscle. The ideal for size in the calf muslce is equivilent to that of you bicep. To best make your calves respond, intense training from every angle with extremely heavy weight is required. This is due to the fact that the calves are already relatively strong, having to support your bodyweight every time you walk, run, climb, jump, etc.

    So, if a person wieghs 150lbs (me for example) each of my calves is comfortable with supporting 150lbs of weight. If I were to then do calf raises with 300lbs, this would be "normal" in a sense for my claves, and they would not grow. In my opinion, i would have to train my calves with double that to make them respond, but as any othe muscle, a good balance of heavy and low rep, ans well as light and high rep training is required to keep the muscle fully stimulated.

    As far as training goes, most body-builders take the calves too lightly. As any other bodypart they need their 45-60 minutes of hardcore training also to grow. This training must also emphasize corect form. it is important to work all areas of the calves: upper, lower, inside, and outer. The cavles recover quickly, so it is okay to train them at least 30 minutes every day. There are many ways o shock them into growth, and shocking principles are the only way they will grow. Supersets, running the rack, forced reps, staggered sets, rest/pause and so on are great ways. My training partner and I used to compete. We would put a weight on and get 15 or so reps. Then I would try for 20. He would then feel obligated to go for 25 or 30. We did that until neither one of us could walk for a few hours.

    Stretching the calves is also important for growth. To get a full contraction of a muscle means a full extension. Go all the way up as high as you can, and then go a little higher before going all the way back down again.

    Make sure you wear corrct shoes also. For your lower calves, do seated calf raises. For upper calves do raises standing. For inside work, do calf excercises with toes outward, for outside work do them with toes inward.

    Last, remember to be patient. Arnold once said anythign less than 500 hundred hours and you cant have good calves. He said that breaks down to 660 45min calf workouts, at 4 workouts a week, that is 3 years. Be patient.

    Make sure to get a full range of motion, That is very important and don't bounce.
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    Originally Posted by antihero
    people usually do that when they dont have a standing calf machine, becuase usually they are too lazy to put the barbell on their back...
    well we do have a standing and seated calve raise machine as i already said people do it this way to use heavyer weight
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    I don't know if anybody posted this yet but here it goes.
    About 6 or so months ago I read an article about calf training, in the article it said to use 3 different positions when you do your calf raisers. Toes straight, Toes out, and Toes in. I've personally used this and it's been working great, the right side and the left side of my calf grew noticibly in a short amount of time.
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