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  1. #331
    Strong Mind, Strong Body. LoganBrown's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by TGreggors View Post
    we're within a pound of one-another in terms of bodyweight right now and your pressing blows mine away. especially overhead. good work.

    Mirin' the macros as well. I'm sure being on your feet a lot is helping out with increases in food

    Everyone's got their different strengths for sure. You're repping out 3+ plates on squats like its nothing and I'd be lucky to grind one rep out with it right now Gonna be off of squats AGAIN for a month at the very LEAST after tomorrow since I'll be getting surgery Wednesday. Not excited about that, because legs were showing some awesome progress since I switched from PL style of training and shifted more towards a BBing approach. Note to self... No more trampoline parks.

    Believe it or not I actually struggle with these macros at times. Intra workout Dextrose and c4 Mass (100 cals per scoop + 25g carbs for a pre workout) have been helping a lot though. Easy way to squeeze in some extra cals and really maximize training volume. Fat gain has been super slight, but somewhat noticeable in my lower back. I'll gladly take it though considering how much better I'm feeling.
    Strong mind, strong body.

    445 Squat/500 Dead/295 Bench
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  2. #332
    Strong Mind, Strong Body. LoganBrown's Avatar
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    Push, low volume hypertrophy

    Bench Press 5x3
    All sets with 135

    Flat DB Press Palms facing inward 4x8
    Sets 1-3: 70x8
    Set 4: 75x8

    Incline HS 4x8
    All sets 45+35x8

    Decline HS 3x8
    All sets 45(2) + 10x8

    Pec Deck 4x8
    All sets with 175

    Barbell OHP 5x3
    All sets with 95

    Upright Row 3x8,8,6
    Sets 1-2: 115x8
    Set 3: 130x6

    Lateral Raises 3x8,8,6
    Sets 1-2: 35x8
    Set 3: 40x6

    Face Pulls 3x10
    All sets 80x3

    DB Shoulder Press 3x8
    All sets 50x8

    DB Skullcrushers 3x8,8,6
    All sets 35

    Tricep Pressdown 3x8,8,6
    Set 1: 130x8
    Set 2: 130x8
    Set 3: 140x6

    Overhead DB Extension 3x8,8,6 dropset 4
    Set 1: 70x8
    Set 2: 75x8
    Set 3: 80x6, 70x4

    Not focused on going super heavy in these workouts, more focused on constant tension and solid form.
    Strong mind, strong body.

    445 Squat/500 Dead/295 Bench
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  3. #333
    Strong Mind, Strong Body. LoganBrown's Avatar
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    Weight hasn't looked the past few weigh ins, hoping its due to water and stuff from the surgery. Seen mostly 170's. Fingers crossed it'll go back down considering I've been eating super conservatively over the course of recovery and I'm 100% positive it wasn't enough to warrant this kind of gain. If so, oh well, but still not a pretty sight.

    Anyways, got back to the gym yesterday 4 days post op and actually hit a few PRs for chest movements. Only gonna log today's workout where I also hit some good numbers following surgery.


    DB Row 4x20,15,12,10 dropset 8
    Set 1: 65x20
    Set 2: 75x15
    Set 3: 85x12
    Set 4: 90x10, 70x8

    One Arm Cable Row 4x20,15,12,10 dropset 8
    Set 1: 70x20
    Set 2: 100x15
    Set 3: 120x12
    Set 4: 130x10, 90x8

    Underhand Pulldown 3x15,12,10 dropset 8
    Set 1: 120x15
    Set 2: 140x12
    Set 3: 150x10, 110x8

    Rack Chins 3x12, 1xfailure

    Shrugs 4x20,20,15,12
    All sets with 185

    Barbell Curls 4x20,15,12,10 dropset 8
    Set 1: 65x20
    Set 2: 70x15
    Set 3: 75x12
    Set 4: 80x10, 65x8

    Hammer Curls 3x15,15,12 dropset 8
    Set 1: 35x15
    Set 2: 35x15
    Set 3: 40x12, 25x8

    Cable Curls 3x15
    All sets with 110

    One Arm Cable Curls 3x15
    All sets 50
    Strong mind, strong body.

    445 Squat/500 Dead/295 Bench
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  4. #334
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    Morning weigh in: 167.2. That's more like it.. Also gotta factor in weight of the splint which is roughly 2lbs. Hoping to see it trend downward a bit more but if not, I think this would be an acceptable number.

    Push (Strength)

    Bench Press 6x5,4,3,4,3,2
    Set 1: 185x5
    Set 2: 195x4
    Set 3: 205x3
    Set 4: 200x4
    Set 5: 210x3
    Set 6: 225x1 *failed on rep 2... Getting it for sure next time. Most I've ever benched at this body weight/body fat %.

    Pec Deck 4x8
    All sets with 200

    Seated OHP 3x8,8,6
    Sets 1-2: 100x8 (much more difficult seated)
    Set 3: 105x6

    Lateral Raises 3x10
    All 3 sets with 40's.

    Reverse Pec Deck 3x10
    All sets with 115

    Close Grip Bench 4x8,8,6,6
    Set 1: 145x8
    Set 2: 145x8
    Set 3: 155x6
    Set 4: 160x6
    Strong mind, strong body.

    445 Squat/500 Dead/295 Bench
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  5. #335
    Strong Mind, Strong Body. LoganBrown's Avatar
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    Morning weigh in: 166.6

    Evening out nicely.

    Pull (Strength)
    Pendlay Rows 6x5,4,3,4,3,2
    Set 1: 190x5
    Set 2: 195x4
    Set 3: 205x3
    Set 4: 200x4
    Set 5: 215x3
    Set 6: 225x2

    Pull-ups 2x12

    Barbell Curls 4x8
    Sets 1&2: 85x8
    Set 3: 90x8
    Set 4: 95x8

    MISC: Applied for a business management trainee internship and got a call back! It's a place in Tulsa called Dynamic Business Solutions. Going in for an interview with the President of the company Monday. The company is super awesome looking... All the employees are young adults who seem to be good friends as well. They go paintballing and do fun stuff like that all the time. Super stoked to get a call back and have the opportunity to interview for this!
    Strong mind, strong body.

    445 Squat/500 Dead/295 Bench
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  6. #336
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    Been a minute since I posted. Weigh ins have been right around 165-166 so good news there. Stronger than I've ever been at this body weight and still holding my leanness well while I'm gaining size.

    Push Strength
    Bench Press 6x5,4,3,4,3,2
    Set 1: 190x5
    Set 2: 195x4
    Set 3: 205x3
    Set 4: 205x4
    Set 5: 215x3
    Set 6: 225x3 (made up for the missed rep last time around)

    Pec Deck 4x8
    All sets 215

    OHP 3x8,6,6
    Set 1: 105x8
    Set 2: 115x6
    Set 3: 125x6

    Lateral Raises 3x10
    All sets with 35

    Reverse Pec Deck 3x15
    All sets with 130

    Close Grip Bench 4x8,8,6,6
    Set 1: 145x8
    Set 2: 150x8
    Set 3: 160x6
    Set 4: 165x6

    I've been pretty busy over the past week, but it was the best kind of busy possible. Went in Monday for a job interview. Not gonna lie, when I got there it felt like I was in over my head. There were college grads and several grad students there as well. I got called back and the interview lasted about 5 minutes. The man interviewing told me to come back for round 2 interviews on Tuesday so I was super excited about that. Went in for round 2 on Tuesday and went out for a lunch interview with another lady and we just talked about the job and life in general. She asked me several interview questions which I felt confident answering. Anyways, lunch lasted about an hour and she told to follow her back in the building for round 3. I got back into the building and there were 2 others remaining. Got called back round 3 with the same man who interviewed me Monday and we went through some final questions. He told me I'd get the call regarding the position around 4-5. 4 rolled around, no call. 4:30, no call. 4:45, no call. 5, no call. At this point I was feeling discouraged. Finally about 5:30 I got a call from the receptionist saying the hiring team agreed that I'd be a good fit for the company and they were offering me the position. I start January 9th as an account executive and will work my way up into management from there. Super excited for this, especially considering the fact that this company is highly selective about its applicants. Can't wait to start this new road in life!
    Strong mind, strong body.

    445 Squat/500 Dead/295 Bench
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  7. #337
    Doozy IK9's Avatar
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    Grats man! I heard account executive is a good job.

    Management is fun.. lotsa training.. lotsa babysitting.. lotsa ppl watching your every move.. but definitely rewarding
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  8. #338
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    Thanks Inna! This is definitely a complete 180 from the last job I had doing electrical work, but I feel like this suits me better. Its also pretty cool that I'm getting in on the ground floor of this job.

    I'll be doing door to door sales starting out.. Not completely thrilled about that, but hey it's my chance to show them what I can do. Once I move up from account executive, I'll be doing less of that and more along the lines of training others. Super excited to say the very least.
    Strong mind, strong body.

    445 Squat/500 Dead/295 Bench
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  9. #339
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    Been battling a minor cold, but nothing terrible. Calories are now at 2850, 190P, 375C, 65F. One refeed at 175P, 480C, 60F usually reserved for chest day. Feels good being on these macros during the Holiday season. A bit more fat gain is becoming apparent, but still sporting some vascularity, striations, and a solid 4 pack so I'm not complaining in the least bit. I like the ripped look but I'm also liking the fluffier look as well, especially the better overall health as well. Push Strength later on today.
    Strong mind, strong body.

    445 Squat/500 Dead/295 Bench
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  10. #340
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    Morning weigh in: 167.0

    Push Strength

    Flat Bench Press 6x5,4,3,4,3,2
    Set 1: 195x5
    Set 2: 205x4
    Set 3: 215x3
    Set 4: 215x4
    Set 5: 220x3
    Set 6: 235x2

    Had another one in the tank on my last set, but didn't risk it. I'll take this 10lb jump with pride. Really hoping to see a 315 bench before I hit the 180lb mark.

    Incline DB Fly 4x8
    All sets 55x8

    OHP 3x8,6,6
    Set 1: 105x8
    Set 2: 115x6
    Set 3: 130x6

    Upright Row 3x8
    All sets with 135

    Reverse Pec Deck 3x10
    All sets with 130

    Close Grip Bench 4x8,8,6,6
    Sets 1&2: 155x8
    Sets 3&4: 175x6

    MISC; Feeling big, strong, lean, and mean. The off-season is in full effect.
    Strong mind, strong body.

    445 Squat/500 Dead/295 Bench
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  11. #341
    Protein Protege TGreggors's Avatar
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    Just caught up in here....congrats on the job. Serious life gains. I feel like sometimes people focus too much on degrees/titles when a solid work ethic meshed with a good personality and a good head on one's shoulders wins every time. Looks like things are going well in the gym, too. That bench press is getting up there. And that OHP is respectable as well. Happy to see that things are going well for you.
    Documentation of the full year of training prior to my first bodybuilding contest:

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    "Training is the actual stimulus while nutrition is only permissive to muscle growth."-Eric Helms

    Bodybuild like no one is watching.

    Hunger is the best sauce.
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  12. #342
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    Originally Posted by TGreggors View Post
    Just caught up in here....congrats on the job. Serious life gains. I feel like sometimes people focus too much on degrees/titles when a solid work ethic meshed with a good personality and a good head on one's shoulders wins every time. Looks like things are going well in the gym, too. That bench press is getting up there. And that OHP is respectable as well. Happy to see that things are going well for you.
    Thanks bruh. Super excited to say the least. This company is a super good fit for me.

    Chest is one of my biggest focuses this offseason. My back always responds super well to training as well as my legs, where my arms come along at an average pace. My chest has always been poverty though, so I'm really buckling down there. Really hoping to see a 315+ BP by the end of this offseason, while keeping body fat in check of course as well.
    Strong mind, strong body.

    445 Squat/500 Dead/295 Bench
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  13. #343
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    Morning weigh in: 169.2 (?)

    Lower Hypertrophy, high volume

    Squats 4x20,15,12,10 drop set 8
    Set 1: 135x20
    Set 2: 165x15
    Set 3: 185x12
    Set 4: 205x10, 135x8

    RDL 3x15,12,12
    Set 1: 185x15
    Set 2: 195x12
    Set 3: 195x12

    Single Leg Extension 3x15,12,10
    Set 1: 40x15
    Set 2: 55x12
    Set 3: 70x10

    Lying Leg Curl 3x15,12,10
    Set 1: 36x15
    Set 2: 48x12
    Set 3: 48x10

    Hip Adductor/Abductor superset 2x15,10
    Set 1: 55x15
    Set 2: 85x10
    Strong mind, strong body.

    445 Squat/500 Dead/295 Bench
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  14. #344
    Protein Protege TGreggors's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by LoganBrown View Post
    Thanks bruh. Super excited to say the least. This company is a super good fit for me.

    Chest is one of my biggest focuses this offseason. My back always responds super well to training as well as my legs, where my arms come along at an average pace. My chest has always been poverty though, so I'm really buckling down there. Really hoping to see a 315+ BP by the end of this offseason, while keeping body fat in check of course as well.
    315....If i can ever get that, I'll be a happy man. What's the current bench 1RM PR?
    Documentation of the full year of training prior to my first bodybuilding contest:

    Current training log:

    "Training is the actual stimulus while nutrition is only permissive to muscle growth."-Eric Helms

    Bodybuild like no one is watching.

    Hunger is the best sauce.
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  15. #345
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    Haven't tested my current 1RM, but if I were to test it on an average day, I'd guesstimate it to be right around 255-260. On a refeed day where all the stars and planets aligned and I got a visit from the fairy godmother? Maybe 265.
    Strong mind, strong body.

    445 Squat/500 Dead/295 Bench
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  16. #346
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    Morning weigh in: Another 169, not sure where these are coming from. Not gonna stress too much about it though.

    Back/Biceps Power

    Pendlay Row 6x5,4,3,4,3,2
    Set 1: 195x5
    Set 2: 205x4
    Set 3: 215x3
    Set 4: 215x4
    Set 5: 225x3
    Set 6: 240x2 (form was sloppy on this set, will make up for it next time around)

    Weighted Pullups 2x8

    Barbell Curls 4x8
    Sets 1-3: 85x8
    Set 4: 95x8
    Strong mind, strong body.

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  17. #347
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    Morning weigh in: 168.0

    Lower Strength

    Squats 6x5,4,3,4,3,2
    Set 1: 245x5
    Set 2: 265x4
    Set 3: 275x3
    Set 4: 275x4
    Set 5: 285x3
    Set 6: 300x3

    Deadlift 6x5,4,3,4,3,2
    Set 1: 295x5
    Set 2: 315x4
    Set 3: 335x3
    Set 4: 325x4
    Set 5: 345x3
    Set 6: 365x2

    MISC: Pretty happy with these numbers. Didn't think I had them in me considering I haven't squatted or deadlifted heavy in over a month. Only way from here is up.
    Strong mind, strong body.

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  18. #348
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    Morning weigh in: 168.5

    Push High Volume Hypertrophy

    Bench Press 4x20,15,12,10 dropset 8
    Set 1: 155x20
    Set 2: 165x15
    Set 3: 170x12
    Set 4: 185x10, 135x8

    ***Last set was a struggle bus like no other. Super pumped for the 185x10 though, especially after the previous High rep sets.

    Incline DB 4x20,15,12,10 dropset 8
    Set 1: 50x20
    Set 2: 50x15
    Set 3: 55x12
    Set 4: 65x10, 50x8

    HS Chest Press 3x15,12,10 dropset 8
    Set 1: 1PPSx15
    Set 2: 1PPS+10x12
    Set 3: 1PPS+15x10, 1PPSx8

    Pec Deck 4x15,15,12,12 dropset 10
    Set 1: 130x15
    Set 2: 130x15
    Set 3: 145x12
    Set 4: 145x12, 130x10

    OHP 4x20,15,12,10 dropset 8
    Set 1: 70x20
    Set 2: 75x15
    Set 3: 80x12
    Set 4: 85x10, 65x8

    Lateral Raises 3x15,15,12
    Set 1: 35x15
    Set 2: 35x15
    Set 4: 40x12

    Upright Row 3x10
    All sets with 125

    Reverse Pec Deck 2x15
    Both sets with 130

    DB Skullcrushers 4x20,15,12,10 dropset 8
    Set 1: 25x20
    Set 2: 30x15
    Set 3: 30x12
    Set 4: 35x10, 20x8

    Overhead DB Extensions 3x15,12,10 dropset 8
    Set 1: 70x15
    Set 2: 75x12
    Set 3: 85x10, 80x6 (failure)

    Cable Kickbacks 3x12
    All sets with 50

    MISC: Strength is skyrocketing everywhere from bench Press to squats to everything else. My strength and muscle mass never increased this fast before, not even during my newbie gains. Last go around with my bulk, strength and muscle increased somewhat but not near this rate. I gained a bit more fat last time around as well and was near 10lbs heavier on the same caloric intake.
    Strong mind, strong body.

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    Weird last few days. Had a stomach bug for a few days and Ate under macros but weigh ins are coming in at the 170's. Im sure it'll even itself out, still strange though.

    Did back and biceps today.

    Bent Over Row 4x20,15,12,10
    Set 1: 155x20
    Set 2: 165x15
    Set 3: 170x12
    Set 4: 175x10, 155x10

    Low HS Row 3x15,12,10 dropset 8
    Set 1: 2PPSx15
    Set 2: 2PPS+10x12
    Set 3: 2PPS+25x10, 2PPSx8

    Underhand Lat Pulldown 3x15,12,10 dropset 8
    Set 1: 130x15
    Set 2: 150x12
    Set 3: 160x10, 120x8

    Seated Cable Row 3x12
    All sets with 140

    DB Shrugs 4x20
    All sets with 85lb DBs each hand

    Barbell Curl 4x20,15,12,10
    Set 1: 65x20
    Set 2: 75x15
    Set 3: 75x12
    Set 4: 85x10

    Hammer Curl 3x12
    All sets with 35

    Machine sSingle Arm Curl 3x15,12,10 dropset 8
    Sets 1-2: 40x15,12
    Set 3: 50x10, 30x8

    Cable Curl 3x15,12,10
    Set 1: 90x15
    Set 2: 100x12
    Set 3: 110x10

    MISC; Not my best workout. Been under the weather since Christmas Eve and haven't been able to eat right without feeling sick. Just a small bump, still frustrated though.
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    Push Low Volume Hypertrophy

    Flat Bench 5x3 explosive
    All sets with 115

    Flat DB Press 4x8,8,6,6
    Set 1: 80x8
    Set 2: 80x8
    Set 3: 90x6
    Set 4: 90x6

    HS Incline 3x8,8,6
    Sets 1-2: 2PPSx8
    Set 3: 2PPS+10x6

    Decline Barbell 3x8,8,6
    Set 1: 185x8
    Set 2: 190x8
    Set 3: 200x6

    Pec Deck 4x8,8,6,6 dropset 4
    Set 1: 190x8
    Set 2: 200x8
    Set 2: 210x6
    Set 4: 210x6, 170x4

    Barbell OHP Explosive 5x3
    All sets with 95

    DB Upright Row 3x10
    All sets with 70lb DB

    Seated DB OHP 3x8,8,6
    Set 1: 55x8
    Set 2: 60x8
    Set 3: 65x6

    Facepulls 3x10
    All sets with 100lbs

    Lateral Raises 4x8,8,6,6 dropset 6
    Set 1: 20x8
    Set 2: 20x8
    Set 3: 25x6
    Set 4: 25x6, 15x6

    ***Weight is so much lighter because I'm focused on drastically increasing TuT and isolating the delt on these rather than go heavy. 3 second concentric, pause 3 seconds, 3 second eccentric; arms with only a slight bend.

    DB Skullcrushers 3x8,8,6
    Set 1: 30x8
    Set 2: 35x8
    Set 3: 40x6

    Straight Bar Pressdown 3x8
    All sets with 72.5kg

    One Arm Overhead Tricep Ext 3x8,8,6
    Set 1: 35x8
    Set 2: 35x8
    Set 3: 40x6
    Strong mind, strong body.

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    Been a minute since I posted! Superrrrrr busy here lately. Started my new job a week ago and it's super demanding but by far the most awesome job I've had as well. Super high energy work environment. Sometimes I'm not sure if I'm in a business office or a football locker room before a game with how crazy the energy is. Typical day is about 9:30-7:30, with Saturday being 8:30-3:30. It all works out to close to 60 hours a week so it's a long day and week for sure. When we're not in the office, we're on our feet all day in the field making sales. Haven't been able to hit the gym because I'm still waiting on my first paycheck so I can renew my membership. Once I get that, I'll probably just start working out in Tulsa since that's where the job is located. Wasn't able to move into the apt, so I've been driving about 45 minutes to and from work. Should be moved into one within the next month though. Just a quick little update.
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    Thought about you today. Hope life and the job are both treating you well, man.
    Documentation of the full year of training prior to my first bodybuilding contest:

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    "Training is the actual stimulus while nutrition is only permissive to muscle growth."-Eric Helms

    Bodybuild like no one is watching.

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    Originally Posted by TGreggors View Post
    Thought about you today. Hope life and the job are both treating you well, man.
    Appreciate it brotha. Things been treating me super well. Not gonna lie though, working for the #1 marketing/sales office for AT&T hasn't been easy, hell it's a pretty cut throat position tbh. One reason I love it. Gym at 6 in the morning, in the office by 9, leave the office usually 9:30 at night or so. Rinse and repeat 5 days a week then head in for 6 hours on Saturday. Hard works been paying off though. Worked my way into the top 5 of the office and am poised to take that #1 spot soon.

    Little update on my gym life. Still been hitting the gym, just super early. Really just been winging the workouts but making sure I've got my squats, deads, and presses in there. Diet has been more or less instinctive eating. Finding a balance when you're working 65+ hours per week isn't easy, but I'm working on it. Got my t levels checked a few weeks back and wasn't too happy to see 567 at the ripe old age of 22. Been changing up my sleep habits and upped my fats a tad while throwing some sprints and more heavy lifting into my regimen with hopes that will help them. Getting them checked again here in a month to see where I stand.
    Strong mind, strong body.

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    atta boy. Was wondering how the lifting was going for you. I can't imagine the difficulty if you're on your feet all day. Hey, it could be worse. My brother actually has very similar levels to yourself, and i wouldn't be surprised if i were the same. Some of us just have lower T, I guess. although i do bet that getting more sleep and ^ dietary fat will get things moving in the right direction.

    Daaaaaaaammmnnn, though. Those hours during the week. Hoping that you have some cool coworkers, because I've come to find that that the company that you have can either make or break a position
    Documentation of the full year of training prior to my first bodybuilding contest:

    Current training log:

    "Training is the actual stimulus while nutrition is only permissive to muscle growth."-Eric Helms

    Bodybuild like no one is watching.

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    Whaddup fellas. Just a quick little update for y'all. The job/gym is moving in the right direction. For the past few months I had some family stuff going on with my grandpa's health along with working even more hours. Some days I'd be in the office by 8 and not home till 1 the next morning. Rinse and repeat. Very little time for the gym, but still squeezing it in. Got out of the game for about 4-5 months but making it a priority now, especially considering the job can be very high demand with long hours and 100% commission. I've worked my way up to a senior leadership position and just focusing on building up a strong sales team so I can start running my own show.

    Not following a specific program right now, just instinctive lifting as well as instinctive eating. Surprised myself in the gym as I still cranked out 225 on bench press for 1 rep and 315 on squat for one rep. Expected those to be way down. Body weight is roughly 170-175, 15-16% bf. I'm wanting to get back down to 11-12% bf and maintain that. Good for a lean healthy look, but not something overly hard to maintain. Once I start running my own show and hours aren't as long, I plan on getting 100% back into the game. Right now though, I'm doing what I can.

    EDIT: Don't know if I updated y'all, but I moved from tulsa ok to champaign il.
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    Got some news the other day that my Papa passed, so while I planned on only visiting home for a week that will be longer. Still hitting the gym though.

    Yesterday was legs.

    Squat: 4x20,15,12,10
    Set 1: 185x20
    Set 2: 195x15
    Set 3: 205x12
    Set 4: 215x10

    RDL 3x12
    Sets 1-3: 165x12
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    Strength is coming back at an astronomical rate. Feels good to be getting back to my lifting roots. Was getting so burned out on life in general and just going through the motions every day with work and everything in general. Wake up, shower, get to the office, meetings, go out and meet with clients, train new employees, go home, go to bed, rinse and repeat the next day. Getting back into the gym has helped me re-kindle the fire I had a year ago. Not burning as strong as where it was, but returning at a good rate.

    Yesterday was once again, just instinctual training.


    Rack Pulls
    Set 1: 225x20
    Set 2: 275x15
    Set 3: 315x15
    Set 4: 365x10

    Haven't went heavy on these for Idk how long yet pulling more weight for more reps than when I was doing them consistently.

    Bent Over Rows
    Set 1: 135x20
    Set 2: 155x15
    Set 3: 175x10
    Set 4: 185x8

    Lat Pulldowns
    Set 1: 140x12
    Set 2: 140x12
    Set 3: 150x10

    Set 1: 185x20
    Set 2: 225x20
    Set 3: 245x15

    Barbell Curls
    Sets 1-5: 65x10

    Super Strict and controlled.

    One Arm Cable Curls
    Sets 1-3: 30x15

    Hammer Curls
    Sets 1-3: 30x15

    2 Days ago was legs

    Set 1: 185x20
    Set 2: 205x15
    Set 3: 215x12
    Set 4: 225 AMRAP (14 reps)

    Haven't been trying to stay super lean or be super focused with diet, I'm just enjoying going through a nice "beefy" phase where my numbers are way up. Will most likely start a cut in a few months.
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    Went to the gym yesterday and did 10x10 with 185 on squats, 1 minute rest between sets. Felt like doing something different and it was definitely a struggle bus. Don't plan on incorporating it often due to the DOMS and the fact I can be more productive with other workouts in the long run, but yesterday I just felt like torturing myself a bit lol.
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    Life update, I've decided not to return to Champaign due to the sheer nature of the job. It was wearing down on both my physical and mental health with the hours. I actually got my T levels checked again when I got back and they'd dropped to 341, so a pretty significant drop. Most likely from lack of sleep and poor diet as well as a high stress environment. It truly takes a special breed to survive in a sales environment where income is 100% commission.

    I've since taken another position in OKC where I will be a personal trainer for a super awesome gym. I feel this a better career path for me since it will allow me to pursue my passion.

    Workout today was legs, haven't been going heavy just strictly higher rep.

    Squat: 4x20,15,12,10. 1xAMRAP

    Set 1: 190x20
    Set 2: 205x15
    Set 3: 225x12
    Set 4: 235x10

    AMRAP set was 225x21.

    This style of training has helped me regain my lost size on my legs and gain 2 inches over the last 3 weeks (muscle memory most likely) and I enjoy it. Probably will start incorporating more heavy leg days here soon.
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    Worked back yesterday, experimenting with one heavy exercise then a bunch of pump and fluff work, really like results from it so far.

    Rack Pulls
    Set 1: 225x20
    Set 2: 315x12
    Set 3: 335x10
    Set 4: 365x8
    Set 5: 405x6

    Bent Over Rows/Australian Pullups Superset
    Sets 1-3: 135x20 on rows, Bodyweightx10 on Pullups

    Lat Pulldowns 3x10 (3second contraction)
    Sets 1-2: 130x10
    Set 3: 140x10

    Cheat Shrugs 3x15
    Sets 1-3: 225x15

    BB Curls 3x10
    Sets 1-3: 65x10

    BB 21's
    Sets 1-3: 55x21

    Hammer Curls 3x12
    Sets 1-3: 30x12
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