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    kinesiological view of the major compounds

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    Table of Contents

    [1] Deadlift
    [2] Squat
    [3] Bent-over Row
    [4] Bench Press
    [5] Overhead Press

    [1] Deadlift

    Movement Axes: Sagital (1.0)

    Movement Skeletal Joints: Gliding (0.2), Angular (0.2), Circumduction (0.15), Rotation (0.45)
    Shoulderblade-Chest cavity joint: Shoulder extention, shoulderblade adduction and elevation
    Forearm: Isometric flexion. Elbow: Full dislocating element flexion. Neck (Trapezius): Isometric extension
    Back: Extension. Legs: Hip extension, knee extension, *plantarflexion (Origin to insertion)

    Agonists: Back (Erector Spinae) (0.65), Legs (Rectus Femoris) (0.35)
    Back O: Spinous processes (Thoracic 9-Thoracic 12)
    Legs O: Anterior inferior iliac spine, Iliac portion of acetabulum
    Back I: Spinous processes (Thoracic 1-Thoracic 2), Cervical vertebrae
    Legs I: Patellar tendon

    Synergists: Gluteus (M+Med+Min), hamstrings, adductor magnus, trapezius (U+L), levator scapulae, thoracolumbar fascia, rhomboids, rotator cuff, serratus anterior, deltoidis (M+P), latissimus dorsi, short head of biceps, lower pectoralis, long head of triceps, teres major, coracobrachialis, quadriceps, soleus, forearm flexors, splenius capitis, semispinalis capitis (78 extra subset muscles involved)

    Antagonists: Rectus abdominis, obliques (I+E)

    Stabilizers: Trapezius (U+L), levator scapulae, rhomboids, *rectus abdominis, *obliques (U+L), transverse abdominis (See: Lombard's Paradox, section [1])

    Explanation: Beginning from bottom to top, feet placement is 11 / 1 CW, feet are positioned 1/2-3/4 inside barbell perimeter, barbell itself touching the lower end of tibialis anterior. Knee angularity at 45 degree, or 1/4 bent. APT once back is adjusted at 45 degree. Palms placement variance 10-20cm beyond shoulder width (Mainly height dependant), as well as grip variance (DOH/Mixed), elbows fully locked. Shoulders directly above barbell. Scapulas fully locked at horizontal adduction, erector spinae interlocked with APT to maintain 45 degree curve.
    Begin motion by locking air into intra-abdominal vaccum pressure (*Lombard's paradox, antagonists contract alongside agonists), elevating the bar as close as possible to travel the knees and hips at 0 distance. Neck extended and held isometrically until reaching 3/4 path of concetric phase. Maintenance of scapula adduction (Via rhomboids ,trapezius ,levator scapula) is important throughout the entire path, yet crucial at the beginning phase (1/3 full path), the reason behind it is the momentum break of the APT/Erector spinae curve due to loose shoulderblades. Hyperextension at the end of the sagital concentric movement is rendered useless. The end of the concentric phase is not the end of the repetition, full eccentric phase is also required, thus dropping the weight from top end of the concentric phase is not only rendering the lift ineffective, but involves risk of injury.

    [2] Squat

    Movement Axes: Sagital (0.9), Coronal (0.1)
    Legs: Hip extension, knee extension, *plantarflexion (Origin to insertion)
    Shoulderblade-Chest cavity joint: Shoulderblade adduction
    Forearm: Isometric flexion. Shoulder: Rotary element isometric flexion
    Neck (Trapezius): Isometric extension. Back: Isometric extension

    Movement Skeletal Joints: Gliding (0.067), Angular (0.333), Circumduction (0.1), Rotation (0.5)

    Agonists: Back (Erector Spinae) (0.15), Legs (Gluteus maximus) (0.85)* <- Referring to full RoM. Decimals change as RoM decreases and kinetic load increases.
    Back O: Spinous processes (Thoracic 9-Thoracic 12)
    Legs O: Gluteal surface of ilium, lumbar fascia, sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament
    Back I: Spinous processes (Thoracic 1-Thoracic 2), Cervical vertebrae
    Legs I: Iliotibial tract, gluteal tuberosity (Femur)

    Synergists: Hamstrings, gluteus (Med+Min), rectus femoris, adductor magnus, quadriceps, soleus, (S+I) extensor retinaculum, gracilis, pectineus, adductor longus, tensor fasciae latae, sartorious, peroneus (Brevis+Longus), thoracolumbar fascia (64 extra subset muscles involved)

    Antagonists: Rectus abdominis, obliques (I+E), psoas (M+Min), iliacus

    Stabilizers: Gastrocnemius, hamstrings, erector spinae, transverse abdominis, *rectus abdominis, *obliques (I+E) (See: Lombard's Paradox, section [1])

    Explanation: Beginning from bottom to top, feet placement 10-11/1-2 CW, knee joints fully locked at the beginning of the repetition. Barbell placement: Low (Middle of scapulas / Rhomboids) or high (Upper trapezius / Rear deltoidis), to be chosen at user's discretion. Palm is to grip the barbell at straight forearm alignment, in order to apply load pressure on Radius/Ulna bone compression upon elbow joint and avoid passive hyperextension of the palm, which involves risk of wrist dislocation. Starting the descent, applying APT as soon as repetition begins and back curves in an interlocking phase with pelvis, end of eccentric phase is below 90 degree at the knee joint (Full RoM). Back is to remain at 45-60 degree in recognition of the pelvis joint during entire repetition. At the end of the eccentric phase, the pelvis automatically performs the antagonized motion (PPT) to maintain biomechanical balance and be placed directly below the bar to allow center of gravity support. This should be countered with a re-appliance of APT as concentric phase begins. Concentric phase (And repetition) ends with full locking of the knee joints.

    [3] Bent-over Row

    Movement Axes: Sagital (1.0)
    Shoulder: Extension. Elbow: *Flexion (Origin to insertion)
    Legs: Isometric hip extension, isometric knee extension, isomteric plantarflexion. Pelvis: Isometric APT
    Shoulderblade-Chest cavity joint: Medial rotation
    Forearm: Isometric flexion
    Neck (Trapezius): Isometric extension. Back: Isometric extension curve

    Movement Skeletal Joints: Gliding (0.015), Angular (0.485), Circumduction (0.2), Rotation (0.3)

    Agonists: Latissimus dorsi (0.95), erector spinae (0.05)* <- Referring to execution. Decimals change as form breaks.
    Back O: Spinous processes (Thoracic 9-Thoracic 12)
    Lat O: Spinous processes (Thoracic 7-Lumbar 5), thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, inferior 3-4 ribs, inferior angle of scapula
    Back I: Spinous processes (Thoracic 1-Thoracic 2), Cervical vertebrae
    Lat I: Floor of intertubercular groove of humerus

    Synergists: Posterior deltoidis, *lower pectoralis (Sternal head), teres (M+Min), infraspinatus, long head of triceps, teres major, *biceps brachii, *brachialis (Pending palm grip position- Supinative/Pronative), brachioradialis, trapezius (Med+L), serratus anterior, rhomboids, levator scapulae, thoracolumbar fascia, rotator cuff, forearm flexors, splenius capitis, semispinalis capitis (66 extra subset muscles involved)

    Antagonists: Anterior deltoidis, upper pectoralis, *short head of biceps, *trapezius (U) (See: Lombard's Paradox, section [1]), rectus abdominis, coracobrachialis, obliques (I+E)

    Stabilizers: Long head of triceps, biceps brachii, erector spinae, adductor magnus, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, *obliques (I+E), *rectus abdominis

    Explanation: Beginning from bottom to top, feet placement at shoulder width, straight forward. APT+60 degree erector spinae curve. Shoulderblades adducted and slightly elevated. Movement begins below knee cap, as knees are bent to 1/4 squat position. Palm grip at user's discretion, be it supinated or pronated, difference lies in elbow muscles assistance (Greater focus on biceps brachii upon supinative. Pronative targets brachioradialis more often). Palm grip stance at 5-10 cm broader than shoulder width (Pending user's height). Maintenance of back at 60 degree angle is crucial for the enforcement of latissimus dorsi throughout the RoM, end of concentric phase at contact of barbell with lower abdominis region. End of eccentric phase at fully dislocated element of elbow (Locked). At high percentile loads, it is common and permitted to tug the weight at the beginning of the concentric phase (Generally speaking, only at the end of set repetition, last or before last repetition), using one's hamstrings rather than extending the erector spinae. Elbow travel path should be aligned with body's sagita and not divert to the coronal plane cross section. To maintain adducted shoulderblades, isometrically extend the upper trapezius via neck extension.
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    [4] Bench Press

    Movement Axes: Coronal (0.55), Sagital (0.45)
    Shoulder: Horizontal adduction (0.55) + Flexion (0.45)
    Shoulderblade-Chest cavity joint: Lateral rotation
    Elbow: Extension. Forearm: Isometric flexion

    Movement Skeletal Joints: Gliding (0.15), Angular (0.25), Circumduction (0.4), Rotation (0.2)

    Agonists: Pectoralis major (Sternal)
    Pec O: (Sternocostal head) Anterior surface of the sternum, aponeurosis of obliques (E), the superior six costal cartilages, anterior surface of medial half of clavicle (Clavicular head)
    Pec I: Lip of intertubercular groove of humerus (Lateral)

    Synergists: Pectoralis major (Clavicle), anterior deltoidis, teres major, coracobrachialis, triceps brachii, trapezius (U+L) short head of biceps, serratus anterior (16 extra subset muscles involved)

    Antagonists: Posterior deltoidis, infraspinatus, teres minor, levator scapulae, rhomboids, *coracobrachialis, *trapezius (Med) (See: Lombard's Paradox, section [1])

    Stabilizers: Short head of biceps brachii

    Explanation: Grip stance at user's discretion (Pending user's height), legs as well. Shoulderblades fully adducted beforehand, recommended head placement as eyes are directly below barbell. As the exercise begins, eccentric contraction is to occur in the medial cross section of both the coronal and sagital planes. The reason behind it is the interlocking of the scapulas which do not allow for full RoM and create a heavier load effect upon the anterior deltoidis, which may result in injury. Erector spinae curve is permitted as long as user's bottom does not detach from the bench. Such phenomenon is a biomechanical tendency of the body to elevate pressure off smaller muscles (Pectoralis) and enhance effectiveness by involving the latissimus dorsi, as user's body is then more aligned with shoulder adduction (Agonist: Latissimus dorsi) at the coronal phase. This is also the reason why decline bench press is significantly easier than flat and incline bench presses. Full RoM is required, end of eccentric phase is to be when barbell touches the tip of middle chest (At the nipples or 5cm lower). End of concetric phase is to be at full elbow compression element (Locked).

    [5] Overhead Press

    Movement Axes: Sagital (0.75), Coronal (0.25)
    Shoulder: Flexion (0.75) + Horizontal adduction (0.25)
    Shoulderblade-Chest cavity joint: Lateral rotation
    Elbow: Extension. Forearm: Isometric flexion

    Movement Skeletal Joints: Gliding (0.2), Angular (0.2), Circumduction (0.35), Rotation (0.25)

    Agonists: Anterior deltoidis
    Delt O: Anterior border and upper surface of the lateral third of the clavicle, line of scapula, acromion
    Delt I: Deltoid tuberosity (Humerus)

    Synergists: Upper pectoralis major, deltoidis (Med), pectoralis minor, short head of biceps, coracobrachialis, triceps brachii, infraspinatus, teres minor, supraspinatus, trapezius (U+Med+L), serratus anterior (13 extra subset muscles involved)

    Antagonists: Latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoidis, lower pectoralis major, long head of triceps, teres major, *coracobrachialis (See: Lombard's Paradox, section [1])

    Stabilizers: *Rectus abdominis, *obliques (I+E), *transverse abdominis, *erector spinae (Standing only), long head of triceps, short head of biceps, upper trapezius, levator scapulae

    Explanation: Grip stance at shoulder width +5-15 cm (Pending user's height), knees slightly bent, formation of 1 foot in front of the other or regular stance, to be decided at user's discretion. Beginning the concentric phase (And ending the eccentric phase) by placing barbell on top of clavicle (End of upper pectoralis), enhancing footing (Avoiding the automated leg push dynamics). During concentric phase, head will be slightly tugged backwards to avoid intereference with barbell path travel, however returned to normal (Directly below barbell) after it is cleared, and motion is resumed during eccentric phase. User needs to avoid relying on stabilizer and synergist dynamics (Rectus abdominis + Erector spinae + Upper pectoralis) by returning his/her head after each concetric and eccentric phase. Not doing so will derive predominance from the deltoidis.
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