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    Week 157 :: What Is The Best Low Intensity Cardio Workout?


    * Note: How can I win? Answer all questions in the order that they are asked.


    TOPIC: What Is The Best Low Intensity Cardio Workout?

    For the week of: 4/22 - 4/27
    Monday @ Midnight Is The Final Cut (Mountain Time, US & Canada).


    Many people have taken up high intensity cardio to burn fat as quickly as possible. However, there are still many people who turn to a low intensity cardio workout for their needs.

    What is the best low intensity cardio workout? Be specific.

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of low intensity and high intensity cardio?

    Who would benefit the most from a low intensity cardio workout?

    * IMPORTANT: Please make sure your responses are original and not copied from previous topics.


    Don't discuss any other topic in this section. ONLY discuss the question above.


    The best response will get $75 in credit, and second place will get $50 in credit to use in our online store and will have their workout posted on our main site for the world to see!

    NEW RULE!!!!!

    * New Rule: Any exercise not listed on our exercise listing ( must be accompanied by a full and complete description and pictures (or a link to the exercise(s) where pictures and description are given).

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    The Best Low Intensity Cardio Workout!

    Many people have taken up high intensity cardio to burn fat as quickly as possible. However, there are still many people who turn to a low intensity cardio workout for their needs.

    What is the best low intensity cardio workout? Be specific.

    The best low intensity cardio workout would be one that forces the heart rate to accelerate to a level that puts it at the the perfect range to burn fat.
    It may take up to 10 minutes to elevate your heart rate to the target area, but once you are there, you'll want to stay there long enough to do what you came to do...burn fat!

    In order to find your target heart rate, take 220 (the maximum safe heart rate) and subtract your age from it. This is your higher bpm number. To go into your fat burning zone, calculate 55-65% of this rate.

    When you first start off your workout, you will need to deplete your glycogen stores before you can actually begin burning fat. This is why many people choose to do a cardio workout directly after lifting weights, becasue lifting weights also depletes your glycogen stores, thus allowing you to begin burning fat as soon as you get your heart rate up.

    LISS Cardio - (Low Intensity Steady State)
    I am an advocate of LISS cardio workouts. To follow this workout, you would use the principles listed above to find your target heart rate, and reach it using the machine of your choice.
    I personally enjoy the stairmaster, but you can use a treadmill at about a 3.0 MPH pace or stationary bike somewhere around 65 RPM. Just about anything will work, as long as you are able to monitor your heart rate.
    You can up the intensity as much as you'd like, but keep in mind, with a higher intensity, you'll be burning a lower percentage of fat calories and a higher percentage of carbohydrates and muscle.

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of low intensity and high intensity cardio?

    High Intensity Cardio

    • Quick workouts
    • More calories burned in each hour of cardio
    • You FEEL like you're burning tons of fat, because you're sweating like an animal
    • Your cardiovascular endurance will improve, allowing you to run longer distances faster.

    • Lower FFA's, meaning less fats are mobilized and in your bloodstream
    • High intensity cardio workouts can feel like torture, and it is often very hard to maintain a high enough heart rate
    • There is much higher stress on the joints of your body, and impacts are much harder
    • Higher risk of injuries
    • Since less calories are burned from fat stores, there is a greater change of muscle loss
    • High intensity training takes a lot out of your body and muscles, and most people can only train with it a few days a week
    • After a hard workout, it's even more difficult to push yourself hard enough to complete the cardio

    Low Intensity Cardio

    • The first 10 minutes of this cardio workout are somewhat unproductive
    • A low intensity workout can take up to an hour to complete
    • Some may find long walks boring and repetitive

    • Almost anyone is capable of a LISS workout, whether they are old, young, fit or obese
    • LISS tends to burn a higher percentage of calories from fat than high intensity training (usually around 80%!)
    • You can multitask! Since your heart rate is moderately low, you have the ability to talk to a workout partner, or even read
    • It's much easier to maintain the prime heart rate than with high-intensity work
    • LISS is more enjoyable and easy, and you don't have to drench your clothes with sweat to burn fat calories.

    Who would benefit the most from a low intensity cardio workout?
    Low intensity cardiovascular workouts can benefit just about anyone!
    It has been proven that cardio gives you a decreased resting heart rate, decreases blood pressure, imroves circulation, lowers stress and body fat, and gives you more energy throughout the rest of your day.
    These effects are desirable to every individual, but certain types of people would experience even MORE positive effects!
    Bodybuilders that are concerned with muscle loss would greatly benefit from the increase percentage of fat burned.
    Older or heavier individuals that want to lose fat, but cannot afford to place lots of stress on their joints would also enjoy the positive effects of LISS.

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    Low Intensity Cardio Workout

    A low intensity cardio workout can consist of:
    Rowing, Walking, Steppers, or even dancing.
    It takes little energy at a time so there is no sudden bursts of energy consuming up your energy stores and it does not deplete insulin stores keeping your sugar sources in check.

    Low Intensity Advantages:
    Its for all ages
    It is good for people trying to workout after any surgery
    It keeps body insulin steady so the cravings won't creep up

    Low Intensity Disadvantages:
    People often quit low Intensity after not seeing dramatic results
    It Doesn't feel like a workout to the weight lifters who always go all out
    It is time more time consuming

    High Intensity Advantages:
    Quick workout times to achieve high amount of calories burned
    Faster Results

    High Intensity Disadvantages:
    Sore the next day (DOMS)
    High Impact on Joints

    Low Intensity Cardio Workouts benefit most of the beginners who are looking to keep their insulin levels at a steady level throughout the day.
    Anyone after some sort of injury can benefit from Low Intensity cardio as its a low impact on the joints. Obese people also benefit most from low intensity cardio as its the easiest form of exercise an obese beginner can use to jump start their diet.

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    Mission Statement

    When you think of low intensity cardio workouts, you think of the casual people on the cardio machines going at the slowest pace possible who are not really concentrating on the task at hand. I am here to change how you think about low-intensity cardio and rejuvenate your mind in believing that low-intensity cardio is worth it. Low-intensity cardio can be used in addition to high-intensity cardio. Keep this in mind ladies and gentleman, because you need both especially if you trying to get shredded. Now, that you are ready to accept the mission. Let's begin.

    What is the best low intensity cardio workout? Be specific.
    First of all, what follows soon below is what I do. This is key in understanding. Just because it works for me does not mean it will work for you vice-versa. These are only recommendations. You may find a program that is better or even more amazing make up one that works for you. One way of training does not fit all and that is one of the biggest things you will learn as you continue working out. This program is a good starter, but by no means the closer:

    Day 1(Chest, Biceps, Abs)
    30 to 40 minutes of low-intensity cardio after the workout

    Day 2 (Back)
    30 to 40 minutes of low-intensity cardio after the workout

    Day 3( Cardio and abs)
    15-25 minutes of high-intensity cardio

    Day 4(Shoulders and Triceps)
    30-40 minutes of low-intensity cardio

    Day 5( Cardio and Abs)
    15-25 minutes of high-intensity cardio

    Day 6(Legs)
    5 minutes of warming up before legs

    Day 7(Rest Day)

    Doing Cardio is an aerobic exercise and is good for shredding body fat off your body. Your probably wondering what is a good range for low-intensity cardio and high-intensity cardio. Here lies below:

    High intensity refers to an exercise that uses avery elevated heart rate. This type of training usually includes a heart rate of 140-150+bpm. It uses the first energy source available which is essentially what you consumed throughout the day. Low-intensity activity is measured with a heart rate lower than 130 bpm

    (Anabolic Xtreme's Guide How to get Shredded,3)

    Low-intensity cardio workouts are longer, but I do start to sweat at the end. High-intensity workouts have me sweating about 5 minutes in and it continues till 10 minutes after the workout is complete. A mixture of both provides the best success for fat loss in many minds including minds

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of low intensity and high intensity cardio?

    I love Positive Missions

    1.Positives of a Low-intensity Mission
    - Better % of sources from fat = burn more calories
    Sounds like something good to me

    - You can interact with your environment
    Talking to people is easy and you can look around without ease.

    -Start up and go
    No warm-up needed just get up and go. You keeping the same pace anyway.

    -Your probably not going to get injured
    A steady pace of low-intensity cardio will unlikely have you hurting
    2. Positives of High-intensity Cardio
    -You feel it more
    Your sweating and your shirt is drenched it. You feel accomplished knowing you completed it. Like being in a marathon, once you cross it, you are relieved

    -Time is money
    You can finish this in 15 to 25 minutes and be on your way out the door. You can use that other time for something else.

    - Don't have to do it every day
    These high-intensity session already take enough out of you. This is why I only need to do it twice a week in association with my low-intensity workouts.

    -Zone out
    When your having a bad day and you need to get in the focused area, high-intensity cardio will have the whole world blocked out. You and your aerobic equipment become one entity.

    Negative Missions Don't Fly

    1. Negatives of Low-intensity cardio
    -Are we there yet
    Time seems to past by so slow. There have been times where I have wanted to get off the darn machine for goodness sakes. I suggest you bring a book or a MP3 player to combat this. A good set of tunes might be the fix for this.

    -I did all this..for what
    You barely crack a sweat. You notice the others around you are working their butts and you are chilling.

    You lack focus sometimes. You look around the room at the ladies or guys on the cardio machines. It is quiet easy to lose your focus especially when the gym is packed and you have no music to listen to. Being tapped on the back by friends is cool outside the gym, but I do not have a desire to talk to them at that moment
    2. Negatives of High-intensity cardio
    You can get hurt much easier with more intensity. For example, I was on the exercise bike and the strap holding my feet in place was tight enough that it opened a wound on my foot. I was going so fast(160 RPM) that it could not be prevented.

    -I don't wanna do this
    You can't just start out at the fastest pace possible. You have to get warmed up and then go. Warming up before high-intensity can often waste time, but it must be done

    -Ouch Part 2
    You may not get injured, but you will feel so sore that you want to never do high-intensity cardio again. You are trying to outdo yourself each time you do high-intensity cardio, so you will get very sore.

    I prefer doing the exercise bike for both high-intensity and low-intensity because I know my limits. Ellipticals are another good aerobic exercise for both. I would recommend treadmill during low-intensity, but not at high intensity. Why? It is because of safety reason. You could be going so fast and not be able to get off the treadmill in a high-intensity state. The result of that could be real bad. Yes, some treadmills have emergency stop button, but you have to push them first. Therefore, I see treadmills used in low-intensity cardio. You could run outside if you want too, but its going pretty hot in my area so be prepared to sweat.

    Who would benefit the most from a low intensity cardio workout?
    Anybody can benefit because a large majority of people can do it. It is not stressful on that body and you can socialize with your friends. My mom walks around the neighborhood and speed walks with me sometimes. It is a great bonding experience. I do a mixture of low-intensity and high-intensity cardio to keep my body guessing. The more you keep it guessing, the better the potential to lose the unwanted fat.

    Hope this gets you started and your Mission will be ACCOMPLISHED!!!
    Last edited by History in Effect; 04-24-2009 at 11:00 PM.
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    Many people have taken up high intensity cardio to burn fat as quickly as possible. However, there are still many people who turn to a low intensity cardio workout for their needs.

    Considering the fast pace of life in the world today, it shouldn't be surprising that High Intensity cardio has become more popular than Low Intensity cardio. The quick workouts are easier to fit into people's busy schedules and often elicit a lot of sweat, giving the impression that they are getting a lot of fat-torching work out of a short session. And the more fat burned, the quicker people can get to their ideal figure. High Intensity cardio figures in perfectly with a society eager for instant gratification. In a way, High Intensity cardio is like the drive-thru and Low Intensity cardio is like sitting down to eat; in both cases, you get what you came for (a calorie-burning workout), but though the drive-thru is quicker, you miss out on a few advantages.

    What is the best low intensity cardio workout? Be specific.

    The best low-intensity cardio workout is one that ensures you accomplish what you came to the gym to do - burn some fat! Lucky for you, low-intensity cardio uses fat calories as its main source of energy, as opposed to high-intensity, which relies on carbohydrates. The difference between the intensities depends upon your heart rate. Low-intensity cardio should elevate your heart rate to around 65% of your maximum; high-intensity elevates it to about 85%. To figure this out, follow the steps below:

    220 - (age) = X
    X - (resting heart rate) = Max
    Max * .65 = Y
    Y + (resting heart rate) = Target Low Intensity Heart Rate

    *Note: To find your Target Heart Rate for High-Intensity cardio, multiply Max by .85*

    Now you've got a great reference point. But here's a little secret - to squeeze a little more efficiency out of your low-intensity workout, begin with a few minutes of high-intensity cardio. This will elevate your metabolism and give your body a head start on burning calories when you transition into low-intensity cardio.

    As for exercise selection, I feel the best exercises are those that will be the most efficient at burning fat. These are exercises that require you to use many of your body's muscles, rather than just a few. With this in mind, your best bets are probably a rowing machine or swimming in a pool, as these activities get your whole body involved. However, there are plenty of other options, such as a stairmaster, an elliptical, an arc trainer, or just an elevated treadmill. Remember, what ultimately is the "best" cardio workout is the one that suits you the best. If you absolutely despise a certain exercise, stick with what you're comfortable with.

    To make sure your workout is effective, most trainers recommended performing low-intensity cardio for at least 30 minutes, and if you've got the time, there's nothing wrong with continuing for an hour or longer. In order to make sure this is the 'best' workout, make sure you enjoy it. So instead of staring off into space for an hour, bring a book, some study material, a magazine, a crossword or sudoku puzzle, an iPod or just your phone to chat. If you're working out at home, you can even set yourself up in front of the TV or a video game - cardio can actually be quite fun!

    If you're still confused, here is an example of what I do for a low-intensity session.

    Warm-Up/"Head-Start": 10 minutes HIIT, Exercise Bike
    Low-Intensity Cardio: 30-60minutes, Arc Trainer
    Big Finish: 10 minutes HIIT, Exercise Bike

    Obviously, you don't have to follow this exactly, or even closely. Just make sure you have a good time while reaching your goals, and stay hydrated!

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of low intensity and high intensity cardio?

    As I mentioned in my restaurant analogy above, each type of cardio has its advantages. You can either settle in to a nice, comfortable, relaxing session with low-intensity, or you can sacrifice some comfort and have a frenzied high-intensity session, but still make it home in time to watch American Gladiators. Your call.


    1. More effective for fat burning
    2. Suitable for any age
    3. Can be done outside the gym quite easily
    4. Less frenzied, can do other activities and even get work done
    5. Won't leave you drenched in sweat - important if you need to go somewhere right after, as in work or school environments
    6. Less stress on joints and muscles - lower risk of injury
    7. Doesn't require much of a warm-up
    8. Better suited to post-weight training - less strenuous


    1. Less Efficient - takes longer
    2. Can be boring
    3. Less of a boost to your metabolism
    4. Can be frustrating due to lack of visible results (sweat)
    5. Doesn't "feel" like a workout - possible lower sense of accomplishment
    6. Has to be performed more often to see results


    1. More efficient - burns more calories in less time
    2. Greater boost to metabolism
    3. Can be performed less often (2-3 days per week)
    4. Unlikely to become boring
    5. More satisfying - "feels" like a workout
    6. Suppresses appetite
    7. Better for building cardiovascular conditioning
    8. May produce hypertrophy


    1. Not for beginners, elderly, out-of-shape
    2. Longer warm-up required
    3. Harder on joints and muscles - higher risk of injury
    4. Can be too strenuous for post-weight training
    5. No ability to multitask
    6. Main source of fuel is carbohydrates, not fat

    Who would benefit the most from a low intensity cardio workout?

    The great thing about low-intensity cardio is that nearly everyone can do it, and that means pretty much everyone can benefit! Those who have the most fat to lose may see the most benefits, but great things will come to anyone who puts in the required effort. Everyone from beginners to veterans, young and old, healthy and coming off an injury will find something to like about the results of a low-intensity cardio regimen. Cardio boosts your metabolism, burns calories, increases cardiovascular endurance and decreases stress. So what are you waiting for? Get to it, and experience the benefits for yourself!
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    anyone know how long until results are posted?
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    don't keep bumping it. It takes a long time..
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