
Type: Posts; User: cenpil

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  • Replies

    9.17.21: 205.4lb 9.24.21: 201.0lb 10.1.21:...

    9.17.21: 205.4lb
    9.24.21: 201.0lb
    10.1.21: 199.0lb
    10.8.21: ?
    10.15.21: 201.0lb

    Had a bad week 10.1 to 10.8, got it together the past 7 days or so for nice progress. Definitely looking leaner...
  • Replies

    Below freezing sounds like a different world when...

    Below freezing sounds like a different world when here it's still 80s/low 90s and humid, bleh. It's alright, nice weather is coming soon, plus the best 3 months of the year have now started!
  • Replies

    9.17.21: 205.4lb 9.24.21: 201.0lb 10.1.21:...

    9.17.21: 205.4lb
    9.24.21: 201.0lb
    10.1.21: 199.0lb

    Felt bloated despite weight drop, so I wouldn't be surprised if I drop 4-5lb by next Friday and then stall for a week or 2. Rocky start but...
  • Replies

    9.17.21: 205.4lb 9.24.21: 201.0lb Slight...

    9.17.21: 205.4lb
    9.24.21: 201.0lb

    Slight tweak to back preventing workouts since Tuesday, but on the rise. Might be able to lift lightly by sunday or early next week. Until then maintaining...
  • Replies

    Weekend was brutal. Definitely addicted to sugar...

    Weekend was brutal. Definitely addicted to sugar and junk, currently cutting it all out, even artificial sweeteners, which is rough since diet soda and caffeine is my usual cut crutch. Still having...
  • Replies

    In. 9.17.21: 205.4lb Injured my back a...


    9.17.21: 205.4lb

    Injured my back a while ago and have steadily moved into dad bod territory. Wanting to hit 175lb before year's out and hold bf% as 2022 goal.

    Best of luck everyone!
  • Replies

    Some photos of progress thus far, mostly unflexed...

    Some photos of progress thus far, mostly unflexed and in morning w/out pump:

    April 5, 2020, ~205lb:
  • Replies

    Checking in, although I don't do it as much as I...

    Checking in, although I don't do it as much as I plan, and mostly practice mindfulness for lucid dreaming. I don't subscribe to it being as magical as many say, but it definitely helps you know your...
  • Replies

    Thanks for the tip

    Thanks for the tip
  • Replies

    Mirin everybody in this thread, good job fellas. ...

    Mirin everybody in this thread, good job fellas.

    Been a while since I've done a proper cut, want to get lean this time. Never been below 10% in my adult life, so it'd be neat to have non-flexed...
  • +1 for avatar ride in Animal kingdom, it was so...

    +1 for avatar ride in Animal kingdom, it was so sick. Line was like 2 hours when I went since it had just opened, so just got to do it once, but worth it.

    Going to Epcot also? Legit my favorite...
  • Replies

    Only thing I'm disappointed about so far is the...

    Only thing I'm disappointed about so far is the potential I'll have to invest in PC upgrade
  • Gonna need some info on getting this up and...

    Gonna need some info on getting this up and running bro. One of my faves games of all time. What emulator are you using, among other necessary tools/files?

    I have Ryzen 7 3700 and 2070 Super GPU...
  • Quick, yes. bs, no. whatcha think this...

    Quick, yes. bs, no.

    whatcha think this thread is about brah

    Why do in 6 months what can be done in 6 weeks if you've got the knowledge, plan, and discipline?

    debatable, be specific
  • Been a while bras, but I'm back in for another...

    Been a while bras, but I'm back in for another round after being apathetic for a while. On day 8 of a planned 6 weeks. Got pics at day 1 and day 7, will post next week. Doing only 4 refeeds, first on...
  • I'm quite used to it, as I do this diet often and...

    I'm quite used to it, as I do this diet often and have been doing keto on/off for a few years. I notice that I'm a lot more sluggish, but never "sleepy" tired; even at night, I sleep very lightly and...
  • Day 2 down, managed to stay around 700kcal both 2...

    Day 2 down, managed to stay around 700kcal both 2 first days. Expecting to feel rough in the next couple as ketosis kicks in , usually about day 5 for me is when I notice improvement.

    Weighed in...
  • Replies

    I typically take beta preworkout also, due to the...

    I typically take beta preworkout also, due to the blood flow feeling, although yeah, anytime during the day is fine. I also sometimes sip on whey isolate in water during a workout if I haven't eaten...
  • Powerade zero is awesome, although I think the...

    Powerade zero is awesome, although I think the actual amount of electrolytes in there is barely any, remember seeing like 1% k and 5% Na, iirc. I actually put Mio in my powerade zero, helps when I...
  • Replies

    Thanks man, as soon as a nearby opportunity...

    Thanks man, as soon as a nearby opportunity presents itself I'm gonna look into it and start working my general leg tendon/etc. strength up in the meantime.

    I recently got into biking also. Can't...
  • Results 1 to 20 of 85
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