
Type: Posts; User: health4life24

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  • Climbing trees and early morning workouts. That...

    Climbing trees and early morning workouts. That about says it all.

    What exactly do you do in healthcare if you don’t mind me asking? Is it administrative or do you work with patients? Does it...
  • Not much really, same old stuff.

    Not much really, same old stuff.
  • Old? C'mon man 30s is young. What is wrong with...

    Old? C'mon man 30s is young. What is wrong with society that we think our youth is over at 30?

    I have a friend who in his 40s trained 6-7 days a week between weights, cardio, and boxing. He then...
  • Not directed at you OP just my personal opinion...

    Not directed at you OP just my personal opinion in general, but this is a topic that I’m not a huge fan of because I feel like nowadays more people are focused on placing limitations on what they...
  • Oh hey! Sup dudes?

    Oh hey! Sup dudes?
  • Replies

    What is too much for one person isn’t ...

    What is too much for one person isn’t necessarily too much for someone else.

    What kind of results are you getting? How do you feel? Are you recovering and making progress?

    There isn’t a set...
  • Replies

    I don’t know is it? OP, this question gets...

    I don’t know is it?

    OP, this question gets asked frequently but nobody knows what is too much or too little for you.

    You have to figure out what works for you specifically, how your body...
  • Got to get on that 4am watering the lawn...

    Got to get on that 4am watering the lawn time...or get a sprinkler system installed lol.
  • Sup X? Hope y’all are enjoying the summer and...

    Sup X? Hope y’all are enjoying the summer and staying safe.

    Too many trees to climb...but never
  • I had my central air on long before when it was...

    I had my central air on long before when it was in the 70s.
  • I've had some great workouts while...

    I've had some great workouts while sleep-deprived, setting PR's etc. Sometimes working off just a few hours of sleep, and some where I've been up for 24+ hours. I won't skip a training session just...
  • Single life still. My focus is bodybuilding,...

    Single life still. My focus is bodybuilding, business, and financial well-being. Maybe one day....
  • It’s going. You know how it is. How’re you? ...

    It’s going. You know how it is. How’re you?

    Yup I’m still in the tree business, wanna come learn how to climb trees lol?
  • Sup dudes? Been a little while. Hope you all are...

    Sup dudes? Been a little while. Hope you all are doing well.
  • Replies

    I typically train on a 6 day split with high...

    I typically train on a 6 day split with high volume, hitting everything twice per week. One rest day per week. Typically anywhere between 20-40+ sets per individual session. Hard sets, a mix of...
  • Been thinking about upgrading to something more...

    Been thinking about upgrading to something more modern (currently have a PS2 lol). I've checked out the PS5's, PS4, PS3, and the Xbox's but everything was sold out.

    Want to play GTA 5. Been...
  • I don't know about dogs but I do know my cat...

    I don't know about dogs but I do know my cat cares if her steak is grass fed or not. Legit have seen my cat turn away a non grass fed piece of steak. I spoil her.
  • I don't drink coffee. If anything, prefer tea....

    I don't drink coffee. If anything, prefer tea. Loose leaf tea made from scratch is pretty good too.
  • Don’t know, was helping out a buddy of mine. It...

    Don’t know, was helping out a buddy of mine. It was his job.

    Needed around a 3ft bar to cut the trunk, so you get the idea. Had some decay and was right over a house, crane makes it more efficient...
  • Sup? I need to get going on some projects at home...

    Sup? I need to get going on some projects at home myself as well before winter comes. Took a huge tree down with a crane over the weekend though. Fun times.

    And while on the topic, saw some tree...
  • Results 1 to 20 of 86
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