Blood Pressure/ Thyroid Issue
Forgive if this has been answered, but I have looked everywhere. I am almost 40 and looking to lose about 20lbs to get back to what I consider my healthy weight (175lb). 12 years ago I used Hydroxycut (with ephedra) with an andro boost (another banned supp) with good effect. Since then I have developed a blood pressure and thyroid problem, but they are controlled by meds (fairly low doses comparitively speaking) with multiple yearly physicals. My wieght has been basically stagnant for the past 4 years despite a change in diet and exercise and looking for a jumpstart to rekick things into gear.
I have tried Xanthrax 3 (sp?) and didn't like it too much. Tried the newer Hyrdoxycut (did nothing). Currently taking NOXplode, plus a multi-vitamin, fish oil, and Triflex (none of which are wieght loss related) and sometimes Gakic if I will be doing short burst intensity type training (like plyo or heavy bag).
I normally get up between 5 and 5:30 and will either exercise at 10:00 or right when I wake up.
Looking at ReDuction, Animal Cuts or this newer QNT product but have been confused by some of the posts as to which would work best (or combination like AC and RedPM) but are also safe for those with controlled medical issues. I should mention that caffiene is not a problem for me as I daily take far more caffiene than what is in any of them. Also, the NOXplode and others has had no negative effect on any of my blood tests or BP tests.