[QUOTE=Mikey01]It looks like this thread, which could have been a great one, became a bit distorted from the original question. It said just name one that you think is the best and why. Since others named more then one, so will I cause more then one are worth mentioning.
#1 is a tie between the original Xenadrine RFA-1 from Cytodyne technologies and Tetrazene es-50 by Bioquest (the other tetrazene without the thermogenics in it didn't work for me though, sucked. I like the energy kick from the Tetrazene es-50). For energy I go with the ephedra Xenadrine though but for fat loss and appetite suppression it's a close run.
#2 Remember thermodrene from I think it's AST? That was good stuff.
#3 Hydroxycut with ephedra was good too.
#4 Trimspa (only if you are a chick). I've never heard a guy brag about it but plenty of women have had good luck with it.
Has anyone come up with their own concoction using straight ephedra, caffeine, and aspirin? If so, what are the amounts to use of each cause I want to give it a whirl.[/QUOTE]
Use ephedrine HCl (not ephedra, although they are SIMILAR). Here is a link to a great thread on it. The short end is that you want to take 1 aspirin (regular or child, whatever your pref.) and caffeine/ephedrine in a 10:1 ratio (or as close as possible as you can get. Look for specifics here: