[QUOTE=Kurt Hustle;417709801]I haven't taken any yet...this is my first time. I have no prob taking the 2 packs a day...I guess I didn't phrase it properly....I was hoping to use the stim energy during my workout / cardio.
For example say I wake at 9am....I don't work out until maybe 11-12 and then cardio right after around 1.....putting it right in between the timing of 1 pak at wake up...and another 4-6 hours later. Which I was assuming would miss any extra energy the stims would provide.
So would it be ok to say ...maybe take 1 pak like 15-30 mins before my workout...and then another 4-6 hours later midday? Or is it imperative that I get Cuts in my system upon waking....if that makes any sense. Thanks for the help.[/QUOTE]
Two options I see if you want to maximize using 2 packs:
If you take Cuts upon waking at 9 AM you would be fine to take your 2nd pack before your cardio at 1 PM
Take Cuts 15-30 min pre workout and the 2nd pack 4-6 hours later my friend.
Both would work... just remember to keep on track with your diet/training/cardio and keep dedicated. Best of luck.