Has anyone ever used Lypolyze by Species Nutrition
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Has anyone ever used Lypolyze by Species Nutrition
[QUOTE=alinu;156923591]I'm cutting and I use Hydroxycut Hardcore...Can I also take No'Explode before my training ? please reply[/QUOTE]
I've tried theses fat burners:
Hydroxycut Hardcore
Lipo 6
Animal Cuts
San Tight
ECA Stack
Super Cuts 3
Xenedrine (when it had ephedra)
My grades...
B Hydroxycut Hardcore
F Lipo 6
B+ Animal Cuts
A San Tight
C- ECA Stack
D Super Cuts 3
A Xenedrine (when it had ephedra)
Im 228 lbs and around 18-25% bodyfat. What is the best out there to help me lose bodyfat??
I am currently using Lipo 6 in the morning , and sometimes in the afternoon , 2 pills per dose, and I am only 5'4 155 pounds, and I can't say that I feel anything from it , or see any results.
It is basically like drinking a cup of coffee, and if I stop taking the pills and Don't drink a coffee instead , I get a headache, so I think the caffeine in these tablets is the biggest factor, everything else is minimal for me .
The results that I have gotten so far in cutting have been from Cardio and proper nutrition, the Lipo 6 has done nothing as far as I am concerned.
[QUOTE=mcubez817;162947231]Im 228 lbs and around 18-25% bodyfat. What is the best out there to help me lose bodyfat??[/QUOTE]
Diet and cardio. No one can see "DEFINTELY, THIS is the best thing you can take." Once you get into a habit of excercising and your diet is clean THEN you can experiment with different supps. Just seeing as how this is your 6th post makes me think you are looking for a wonder pill, which isnt out there. They are made to supplement what youre already doing.
[QUOTE=mrfister;163097291]Diet and cardio. No one can see "DEFINTELY, THIS is the best thing you can take." Once you get into a habit of excercising and your diet is clean THEN you can experiment with different supps. Just seeing as how this is your 6th post makes me think you are looking for a wonder pill, which isnt out there. They are made to supplement what youre already doing.[/QUOTE]
x2. That is the best advice you can give someone who is new and looking for the easy way out. There's no such thing as a wonder pill folks.
X3. A pill will do nothing for you if you don't exercise.
[QUOTE=GH0ST_BG;152147011]Ive used Red Acid gen1 and it was great , the gen2 i havent tried .
Currently i'm thinking of stacking Cytolean with something , i have chosen Thyrotabs but GN put them off market . So any ideas what to stack it with ? Thanks in advance .[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=coolmanbaker;65823303]The Red Acid-Gen 2 is what I'm interested in. I'm considering starting a stack consisting of Red Acid-Gen 2, Green Bulge, and GlycerGrow. I'm read that this is great, but I just want to make sure that the Red Acid Gen 2 is a good fat burner to use.[/QUOTE]
if you guys like red acid or red acid gen 2, then look into our new replacement: REDuction. it is awesome and has 2 bottles, one for the AM dose and one for PM :)
[QUOTE=mrfister;163097291]Diet and cardio. No one can see "DEFINTELY, THIS is the best thing you can take." Once you get into a habit of excercising and your diet is clean THEN you can experiment with different supps. Just seeing as how this is your 6th post makes me think you are looking for a wonder pill, which isnt out there. They are made to supplement what youre already doing.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the advice man. But I've been lifting for bodybuilding and sports for about 6 years now. I play football at the college level and need to cut down a little for my position.
Animal Cuts.....
Tried it for 2 days; and gave me the sh*ts!
Animal Rep, is this normal? If so, I will continue to use. Is it the Diuretic that's doing this? I am a big coffee drinker, so I know it's not the caffeine.
Help me out, Please!
Ive been on Hot Rox for 3 days now and today (3rd day) I had to take a dump 4 times in the evening and had bad gas all day. Anyone had this problem with Hot Rox ???
hey guys i got a supplement: UN Ultra Ripped, L-Carnitine (pure 0,5kg), Fish oil 200 capsules, and some multivitamins. What do you think about this supp?
Let me say a few things before people assume my red is because I have no idea what I'm talking about.
I was 245lbs last Christmas. I am 205lbs today. So what I'm doing and taking works.
I have tried a lot of thermos, and so far I have found these to work the best... (No order)
Tetrazene Extreme
Lipo 6X
Animal Cuts
I've tried a lot, but I usually stack Lipo 6X with an actual thermo. A lot of people don't know that Lipo (Guggulsterones) and Lipo6X are thyroid pills really... so stack these with a thermo like... Tetrazene Extreme and you'll feel yourself buzzing all day.
I also take 1-2g of L-carnitine, muscle milk light and a good multivitamin.
Arson is made by the same people who make Hydroxy Hardcore. I stick with things that work... green tea, caffeine, etc... Tetrazene Extreme uses a much better form of tea then green; oolong tea... also has a really good appetite suppressors too.
I've tried a lot more then what I've listed... take a look at one of my blog entries to see what I did to drop 40lbs in four months... (And add muscles)
I read some of my own blogs... and it looks like when I was taking Animal Cuts and 1g of L-carnitine and 1g of green tea I dropped 13lbs in about a month... I guess Animal Cuts work. :)
[QUOTE=mcubez817;164030781]Ive been on Hot Rox for 3 days now and today (3rd day) I had to take a dump 4 times in the evening and had bad gas all day. Anyone had this problem with Hot Rox ???[/QUOTE]
I don't really get gas from it, but I know it makes my bowels even more active.
If you want to try this heres a tip: Open a capsule, and if it smells bad, you probably have a bad batch.
Also, if you take it with food, try it without, if you don't try eating with it.
I tried Animal Cuts for a few days and noticed nothing other than an increase in the need to urinate. I then tried Hydroxycut Hardcore, having had previous good results with the regular Hydroxycut; but again, noticed very little even when I took the maximum reccommended dose of 3 pills twice daily. I figured it was my massive coffee drinking habit at the time that had dulled my nerves to the presence of caffeine. I've since scaled way back and its been several weeks since I've used anything, coffee included. I'm trying to decide what to cycle back on this time, having a good supply of both Hardcore and Cuts left. I'm looking at the ingredients and I'm noticing that they have really nothing in them that overlaps, other than caffeine of course.
So what I'm wondering is, would it be possible to use some of both? Animal Cuts says one pack gives you 20mg Synephrine and 200mg caffeine, and Hydroxycut Hardcore says 3 capsules give you 300mg caffeine. If I took the Animal pack as well as 1-2 caps of the Hardcore, would that be too much? I seem to have a pretty high tolerance level for caffeine, but don't want to overdo it. I also would like to use them up, instead of buying yet another product. Any comments or suggestions are welcome.
[QUOTE=TheKraken;164290801]I tried Animal Cuts for a few days and noticed nothing other than an increase in the need to urinate. I then tried Hydroxycut Hardcore, having had previous good results with the regular Hydroxycut; but again, noticed very little even when I took the maximum reccommended dose of 3 pills twice daily. I figured it was my massive coffee drinking habit at the time that had dulled my nerves to the presence of caffeine. I've since scaled way back and its been several weeks since I've used anything, coffee included. I'm trying to decide what to cycle back on this time, having a good supply of both Hardcore and Cuts left. I'm looking at the ingredients and I'm noticing that they have really nothing in them that overlaps, other than caffeine of course.
So what I'm wondering is, would it be possible to use some of both? Animal Cuts says one pack gives you 20mg Synephrine and 200mg caffeine, and Hydroxycut Hardcore says 3 capsules give you 300mg caffeine. If I took the Animal pack as well as 1-2 caps of the Hardcore, would that be too much? I seem to have a pretty high tolerance level for caffeine, but don't want to overdo it. I also would like to use them up, instead of buying yet another product. Any comments or suggestions are welcome.[/QUOTE]
You should give yourself at least a month for your body to stop being use to such a high amount of caffeine. I've noticed that if you mix Lipo6X and another "thermo", it helps a lot. As for the Animal Cuts, it does have Dandelion Extract which will make you urinate more often.
I mix a thyroid enhancer with a thermo to get the best... as for Animal Cuts and Hydroxycut... Why not try Tetrazene Extreme and Lipo6X. That will give you a nice boost in both energy and fat lost.
But yeah, you don't want to over do it... just chill with the coffee, replace it with green tea (which helps with the thermo) and get your caffeine from the pills and you shouldn't have an issue.
Could you give us a little more about your age, weight, height, etc... this will help.
Sure, thanks. Age 36, height 6', weight 183 lbs (was 210 lbs 4 months ago, diet still holding). I have a very physical job, and try to work out nearly every day, which usually comes to 5-6 days a week lifting weights and half of those days adding in cardio, mostly kick-boxing. Its been well over a month since I last used any fat burner product, unless we count CLA, which I take after working out. The main reason I ask about combining these two particular products is, as I mention, because I still have a good supply of both. Buying yet another product at the moment when I have perfectly newish stuff still sitting around is something my wallet will not currently abide.
[QUOTE=TheKraken;164297511]Sure, thanks. Age 36, height 6', weight 183 lbs (was 210 lbs 4 months ago, diet still holding). I have a very physical job, and try to work out nearly every day, which usually comes to 5-6 days a week lifting weights and half of those days adding in cardio, mostly kick-boxing. Its been well over a month since I last used any fat burner product, unless we count CLA, which I take after working out. The main reason I ask about combining these two particular products is, as I mention, because I still have a good supply of both. Buying yet another product at the moment when I have perfectly newish stuff still sitting around is something my wallet will not currently abide.[/QUOTE]
Understandable. I didn't know you had said products still.
I know a lot of people might not recommend mixing (stacking) more then one type of product, but I do stack most often.
Just don't kill yourself. I lost 40lbs in four months with just working out every other day (if that) and working a construction job. Plus if you watch what you eat, the weight will melt off. It's quite simple once you get past the "cravings". The reason why I put it in quotations is because we crave the chemicals...
Just get some muscle milk, some oatmeal you like and lots of chicken and you'll be fine.
I've heard good things about lipo 6
Hi. I have tried them all. My body doesn't respond to most Thermos. There were a few that worked. In my opinion Lipo6 (any version) sucks. You won't feel a thing and you will see little or no fat loss. There are 3 products that are worth trying in my opinion. Gaspari's Cyto Lean, MAN Scorch and the best in my opinion is Muscle Tech Hydroxycut Hardcore. You feel it working. It gives you energy and you see results. Don't waste your money on most of the crap that is out there. Only buy from reputable companies. Muscle Tech puts a lot of money into research and they are on the cutting edge always coming up with great formulas and new ingredients to maximize results. They only use the best and safest ingredients. They are the leading brand in most categories.
Isatori MX-LS7 , Gaspari Cytoloan are good. But diet & workouts are far more important, if you get them right hard to tell if the fat loss supplement is really doing anything or not. For certain, they cannot give you the miracle before and after photos in mag's - definition / fat loss.
isnt lipo 6 more of an app control than an actual fat burner tho?
[QUOTE=beisaaaa;164876531]isnt lipo 6 more of an app control than an actual fat burner tho?[/QUOTE]
If people actually read what the ingredients do in Lipo, they would understand how it works and why they don't feel the "burn".
Lipo6 uses Guggulsterones...
[quote] I first became interested in Guggulsterones when I noticed a few studies on their thyroid stimulating properties. I discovered that Guggulsterones have a direct stimulating action on the thyroid gland through some or the other enzymatic mechanisms[/quote]
This is just a quote from the information I found here on this site. People think it's going to make their body burn, but I usually stack Lipo6X with a "thermo" and it works wonders. Lipo6 helps with the process and thyroid, while a thermo helps with heating up your body, etc.
A lot of things (Animal Cuts, Tetrazene Extreme, etc) have both, but things like Hydroxyhardcore, Arson, etc don't. They are just a fat burner, usually no energy in these...
Just like anything, really it's all about trial and error to see what works best with YOUR body.
Most natural, ephedrine-free Fat Burner available.
Any ephedrine and artificially made fat burner uses this as it's main content.
THE MOST PURE ENERGY BURNER SHORT OF SPEED. If you don't believe me take the recommended serving size after your first meal of the day (1/4 tsp. 2000 servings/container btw :)) then see how many (if any) hours you'll be sleeping that night.
DJIN...you seem to have some experience in the field of fat burners...especially since you dropped so much weight...congrats by the way...how do you feel about hot rox? what kind of supp is it? is it a thermo? etc. also what would you stack it with?? currently i am on hot rox and meltdown...not bad so far but its only been a week or so...just looking for some direction if you can help with my questions...
i got great results from Arson and Lipo 6.....does seem as though lipo 6 controlled my cravings alot better though.
i was 280 when i start working out lost like 50 pounds while on redline.
iam on animal cuts right now it seems to be working damn good. good energy and i can barely keep up with cals. i cant eat on this stuff the appetite suppressant seems to really be working for me. hardcore sucks,lipo6 sucks,ec stack sucks manly cause i couldnt take it i immeditly got chest pains.
[QUOTE=MikeDC82;162121341]I've used Animal Cuts, Hydroxycut, Hydroxycut Hardcore, Tonalin CLA, and Ripped Fuel before.
The Animal Cuts has definitely worked the best for me. I am currently using the Animal Cuts and CLA.[/QUOTE]
whats cla?
[QUOTE=Tru_Souljah;162459771]Has anyone ever used Lypolyze by Species Nutrition[/QUOTE]
Google, Usnic Acid. Then google Usnic Acid and Syntrax. Its not a smart choice.