Lots of uggestion but need a guideline
I've read through the many pages of this forum topic and have decided that knowing what i'm putting in me is the best way to go. Since I live in Canada and Ephedrine, Caffeine, and Aspirin are all easy to get, That's the way I wanna go. My dilemma is this, what doses have people that use this stack tried? Did they work well? I'm 6'0 and mid-180 lb range. Fit(play lots of football competitively). My only previous supplement experience was during college football days with steroids and the like. Now I'm trying to lean out for my sports (no desire to go the roids road again).
From what I've read 25mg of Ephies 4 times a day, a couple aspirin once a day, and some magical dose of caffiene 3 times a day seems to work for most people around 200 lbs. This amount of ephedrine seems high though. lol, would I end up having a heart attack on the football field when I got hot? I know only me o my doctor could answer that with certainty, but I can't really ask him 'what most people take'.
Any ideas?