I would go with Lipo-6X. Got a month's supply and it helped me lose about 30lbs from August 1st to Sept 1st. Went from 250 to 219. This was with cardio only 2-3 times a week. The only bad thing I can say about it is that it kept me from falling asleep at night since I was taking it at 1:30-2 in the afternoon and trying to force myself to sleep at 11. Taking it earlier in the day would have definitely helped with that. During August, I was working full time and did not have time to run every day while working 60 hours a week. I started back at college in September, running 5-6 days a week for an hour a day.
I did try Reduction for September and October. I lost another 19 lbs over the course of September/October and plateued at 200 during October. I didn't FEEL Reduction at all, whereas Lipo gave me a great euphoric feeling throughout the day, reduced appetite, etc. The PM formula for Reduction DID give me some awesome restful nights of sleep.
I'm on vaca right now in Florida until New Years. I've got another month's supply of Lipo6x waiting for me at home. I'll be working the month of January until I go back to school at the end of the month. With Lipo6x, cardio, and a controlled, consistent work schedule where I wake/sleep the same everyday, I hope to break the 200lb barrier for good (Been bouncing between 202 and 198) and get down to 190 or lower by the time I get back to school, and continue to cut down to 175-180.
Hopefully the Lipo6x can come through again. I've cycled off of everything since early November and have not gained anything back nor have I lost anything more since going off all supps.
Definitely give Lipo6x a try. It worked great for me, though Reduction may work better for you. What works well for some, won't always work well for others. My cousin broke out into hives after taking Lipo6x, whereas I did not. And we're blood relatives, so who knows.
Thanks I know what you mean about not "feeling" the supplement I tend to want to feel it, but sleep is also a very good thing. I think I will try the lipo-6X first taking it earlier on in the day.
THanks again
[QUOTE=MikeinNJ;263278931]I would go with Lipo-6X. Got a month's supply and it helped me lose about 30lbs from August 1st to Sept 1st. Went from 250 to 219. This was with cardio only 2-3 times a week. The only bad thing I can say about it is that it kept me from falling asleep at night since I was taking it at 1:30-2 in the afternoon and trying to force myself to sleep at 11. Taking it earlier in the day would have definitely helped with that. During August, I was working full time and did not have time to run every day while working 60 hours a week. I started back at college in September, running 5-6 days a week for an hour a day.
I did try Reduction for September and October. I lost another 19 lbs over the course of September/October and plateued at 200 during October. I didn't FEEL Reduction at all, whereas Lipo gave me a great euphoric feeling throughout the day, reduced appetite, etc. The PM formula for Reduction DID give me some awesome restful nights of sleep.
I'm on vaca right now in Florida until New Years. I've got another month's supply of Lipo6x waiting for me at home. I'll be working the month of January until I go back to school at the end of the month. With Lipo6x, cardio, and a controlled, consistent work schedule where I wake/sleep the same everyday, I hope to break the 200lb barrier for good (Been bouncing between 202 and 198) and get down to 190 or lower by the time I get back to school, and continue to cut down to 175-180.
Hopefully the Lipo6x can come through again. I've cycled off of everything since early November and have not gained anything back nor have I lost anything more since going off all supps.
Definitely give Lipo6x a try. It worked great for me, though Reduction may work better for you. What works well for some, won't always work well for others. My cousin broke out into hives after taking Lipo6x, whereas I did not. And we're blood relatives, so who knows.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=MikeinNJ;263278931]I would go with Lipo-6X. Got a month's supply and it helped me lose about 30lbs from August 1st to Sept 1st. Went from 250 to 219. This was with cardio only 2-3 times a week. [/QUOTE]
losing 30lb in a month is 1. ridiculous 2. unnecessary 3. unhealthy
[QUOTE=MikeinNJ;263278931]I would go with Lipo-6X. Got a month's supply and it helped me lose about 30lbs from August 1st to Sept 1st. Went from 250 to 219. This was with cardio only 2-3 times a week. The only bad thing I can say about it is that it kept me from falling asleep at night since I was taking it at 1:30-2 in the afternoon and trying to force myself to sleep at 11. Taking it earlier in the day would have definitely helped with that. During August, I was working full time and did not have time to run every day while working 60 hours a week. I started back at college in September, running 5-6 days a week for an hour a day.
I did try Reduction for September and October. I lost another 19 lbs over the course of September/October and plateued at 200 during October. I didn't FEEL Reduction at all, whereas Lipo gave me a great euphoric feeling throughout the day, reduced appetite, etc. The PM formula for Reduction DID give me some awesome restful nights of sleep.
I'm on vaca right now in Florida until New Years. I've got another month's supply of Lipo6x waiting for me at home. I'll be working the month of January until I go back to school at the end of the month. With Lipo6x, cardio, and a controlled, consistent work schedule where I wake/sleep the same everyday, I hope to break the 200lb barrier for good (Been bouncing between 202 and 198) and get down to 190 or lower by the time I get back to school, and continue to cut down to 175-180.
Hopefully the Lipo6x can come through again. I've cycled off of everything since early November and have not gained anything back nor have I lost anything more since going off all supps.
Definitely give Lipo6x a try. It worked great for me, though Reduction may work better for you. What works well for some, won't always work well for others. My cousin broke out into hives after taking Lipo6x, whereas I did not. And we're blood relatives, so who knows.[/QUOTE]
wow, 19 pounds on REDuction :eek: nice work :)
Has anybody had any experience with Arson from Muscle Asylum( Basically Muscletech)? I work in a GNC and have been looking into all the thermogenics we carry. Since I work there I got some hydroxycut hardcore insanely cheap so I'm going to give that a go. I've heard mixed reviews from people using Hydroxycut but it was so cheap I said what the hell. I've never tried anything that works better than a EC stack but ephedrine hcl isn't as easy to get a hold of anymore since you have to fill out paperwork and crap like that to even get it online. Anyways back on topic, if anyone has used Arson could you give me a little feedback?
[QUOTE=simpleguy;263366781]losing 30lb in a month is 1. ridiculous 2. unnecessary 3. unhealthy[/QUOTE]
I know, it was a lot. I was eating 6 meals a day. About 1800-2000 cals, so I was not starving myself. I set my goals on August 1st to lose about 10lbs a month for 5 months to get down to 200 by new years. It was scary to lose that much weight so fast, but it kept coming off. Everyone at work joked and said I was on drugs. A lot of it had to have been water weight. I drank tons of water, took a daily multi, and never felt better. I don't plan on ever losing weight like that again. I know that 1-2lbs a week is the most I SHOULD hope for with proper diet and exercise.
[QUOTE=deltaNYC;262685641]Is DREN any good or is it just hyped up alot. I have read some reviews on it, but was wondering if anyone has had any personal experience with it or knows anything about it.[/QUOTE]
Hyped a lot. [IMG]http://www.jhcck6i8nng.info[/IMG]
what about the side effects of these products?
i want something thats a good fat burner...but i dont want something that is bad for u in the long run...
fat burner
i never thank to use fat burner cuse is not heal
not for use
that is bad for u in the long run... everything and fat burner is the bad ass
i am thinking about using Hydroxycut hardcore...seems like alot of members here use it..
[QUOTE=deltaNYC;262685641]Is DREN any good or is it just hyped up alot. I have read some reviews on it, but was wondering if anyone has had any personal experience with it or knows anything about it.[/QUOTE]
I love dren, and im surprised i dont see more people on here supporting it. awesome when taken on an empty stomach in the morning, great energy and intensity. though it might be too intense to take one just before working out, id have to wait about two hours or so. only one pill a day is necessary, so thats also a plus.
I just ordered gaspari's mitotropin 30-day kit and looking foreward to trying that. ive heard some great things about it already.
HydroxyCut Hardcore
I took this supplement in the winter and started loosing weight very quickly, and i still take it and highly recomend it
Any suggestions to an alternative to Lean Extreme? I am nearing an end to a kick ass mitotropin cycle 10 days left. I have much more fat to lose so I need a non stim for the next 30 days. The best non stim for me was LX but it is back ordered and sounds like be a while before it is in stock. I tried DCP and it really did nothing for me. I just need something to help keep my even for 30 days till I start my next cycle of mitotropin then hope LX is finally back in stock by the end of that cycle.
[QUOTE=T.Vo;264911431]I just ordered gaspari's mitotropin 30-day kit and looking foreward to trying that. ive heard some great things about it already.[/QUOTE]
It is by far the best best OTC fat burner I have ever used. There are lots of good OTC fat burners these days but mitotropin is in another league. I have gotten the leanest I have ever been in my life during the freaking holiday season. I have broken past a barrier that I tried 3 other times to get past but failed. If you are stim sensitive be very carefully as mitotropin is a very powerful stim.
I have been a lurker on bb.com for a few months now.
I am 5'7", 162 lbs. From Sept to Dec I lost 27lbs and lots of inches mainly waist, hips and chest. My thighs started at 24" and they are still 24"...go figure.
I am looking to lean out some more especially in my lower body. I know you cant spot reduce, but if I could shed some more and then shape tone with my existing cardio, calistenics (sp?) and weight traning. I'd be satisfied.
What are the best suppliments out there.
I should tell you I am pretty stimulant resistant. In the past I have taken phentermine, Hydrocycut, Xenedrine EFX, trimspa and some herbal my acupuncturist recommended called Essence 999, works likje phentermine. Truthfully the best results I ever got were off of Xenedrine when it had ephedra, but those days are over. so I need suggestions
the upside is for the past 21 days I did a fruit and veggie fast/detox with my church so, I am thinking if I take a suppliment now I should get good results. Not to mention that fruits tend to make me retain weight, so dropping them will help out as well.
Any/All suggestions and tips are welcome[/QUOTE]
If you want to, you could try some L-carnitine and CLA. Those will help in the long run, but still a good supplement to have. As for a stimulant (thermogenic), have you tried Meltdown? I heard that's pretty crazy... but I would truly get yourself a good multivitamin (Opti-Women), eat good clean food (no processed, no food in foil or plastic, no cakes or cookies [or very very very limited amounts]) and keep at it.
Your body will lose fat, but like you said, it will lose fat where it wants to. If you keep at it sooner then later your body will have no other choice and you will lose the fat where you want to.
Make it a lifestyle, and not just a habit/diet/fad.
[QUOTE=quest55720;264945311]It is by far the best best OTC fat burner I have ever used. There are lots of good OTC fat burners these days but mitotropin is in another league. I have gotten the leanest I have ever been in my life during the freaking holiday season. I have broken past a barrier that I tried 3 other times to get past but failed. If you are stim sensitive be very carefully as mitotropin is a very powerful stim.[/QUOTE]
Sweet! I am definitely anxious to start using it. My tracking shows that it will arrive on the 31st so that will be perfect for me to start my new years stack on the 1st! And ill be taking it with superpump, so i may start out only taking two per dose rather than three and assess my tolerance. Thanks man, ill be sure to post on here again how it is working for me!
[QUOTE=MikeinNJ;263503391]I know, it was a lot. I was eating 6 meals a day. About 1800-2000 cals, so I was not starving myself. I set my goals on August 1st to lose about 10lbs a month for 5 months to get down to 200 by new years. It was scary to lose that much weight so fast, but it kept coming off. Everyone at work joked and said I was on drugs. A lot of it had to have been water weight. I drank tons of water, took a daily multi, and never felt better. I don't plan on ever losing weight like that again. I know that 1-2lbs a week is the most I SHOULD hope for with proper diet and exercise.[/QUOTE]
Congrats man thats one crazy testimonial! One of my best friends lost about 50lbs in two months in kind of the same way, so im not sure why that would be unhealthy..? Maybe your heart or something? I think its an awesome success, and if someone is going to say its "unhealthy" or "unnecessary" they should tell you why.
[QUOTE=brandonheat4;264838511]i never thank to use fat burner cuse is not heal[/QUOTE]
Hi - I was wondering if anyone has used DREN by MHP. I am 6'0, 240lbs with 29% bodyfat. I am not looking for a miracle pill, but would like to see about getting under 200lbs and in the single digit bodyfat range by the summer.
I have been kicking around Lipo6x, Meltdown and Isatori's MX-LS7. DREN is half of the cost.
Any feedback would be appreciated!!!!
[QUOTE=NJpilot;265102631]Hi - I was wondering if anyone has used DREN by MHP. I am 6'0, 240lbs with 29% bodyfat. I am not looking for a miracle pill, but would like to see about getting under 200lbs and in the single digit bodyfat range by the summer.
I have been kicking around Lipo6x, Meltdown and Isatori's MX-LS7. DREN is half of the cost.
Any feedback would be appreciated!!!![/QUOTE]
Yeah i took dren and loved it. im kicking myself now for not taking measurements beforehand, but it definitely gave me results. If you take it in the morning on an empty stomach, it keeps you going all day long - at least for me. like i said earlier, im surprised i dont see many other people on here supporting dren
Thanks T.VO - I am going to give it a try.
For my prep I used Scivation Dialene-4. It absolutely made a difference.
I was thinking about trying DREN, but I was also leaning towards getting a perscription for Phentermine. I was wondering which one would give me better results. I mean I have heard that Phentermine works but has anyone tried it?
[QUOTE=deltaNYC;265856741]I was thinking about trying DREN, but I was also leaning towards getting a perscription for Phentermine. I was wondering which one would give me better results. I mean I have heard that Phentermine works but has anyone tried it?[/QUOTE]
Ive taken Phentermine before and it really is just a very good appetite suppressant. Your body will also get used to it pretty quickly (in my exp) if you have used supplements before so you will constantly have to up your dosage. Side effects for me were many constipation, dry mouth and trouble sleeping (loss of sleep went away after about a week or two)
I think there may be something better out there as it does help you not eat, I mean you wont even think about eating, gives you a bit more energy, BUT it doesnt seem to help you lean out likje other supplements do, so thats why I think you could find something better. Or maybe you would need to combine it wioth something.
But if you have trouble sticking to a diet than go for it, I have no cravings whatsoever on phen.
Mitotropin vs. REDuction
Which is better. I know Mitrotropin is new so not many have used it for long if at all. But initial results which is better. I am seeing some good changes in my body, but I want to see where I can get myself to bodyfat wise and then maintain and firm up as neccessary.
Im 5'7/5'8 ish 161lbs. My trainer thinks I can only lose about 10/15 more lbs. Im at 20% body fat. when we plug my info and caliber measurements in the computer program it says I can lose up to 34lbs safely and get down to around 14% body fat.
I dont know I just want to see how much leaner I can get
Fast Results
The fastest results me and my girlfriend have had comes from a new product called VOODOO. The company is reaction nutrition. I tried it because it had a cool clean look and it is a liquid cap with some nice ingredients that i wanted to try. Incredible clean energy all day off just one pill twice a day and it makes you sweat your ass off when your training. My girl loves it because it does not make her jittery or give her a headache. Nice mild come down too no crash.
If you want to lose 5 or 10 pounds quickly try it.
yay 1st post.
[QUOTE=deltaNYC;262446511]was wondering if any one has tried DREN or animal cuts? and are they good to take together? Trying to burn some fat here[/QUOTE]
Hi, I just started taking Animal Cuts and want to lose quite a bit of body fat. When I heard about this product and read some of the reviews, I thought I'd give it a shot. I've only been on the product for a week.
After only a few days, I've never felt better in my life. I have more energy than I've had in years. I feel stronger on the treadmill I run faster and longer. My overall senses seem to be heightened and I feel more alert.
I was worried about feeling shaky or getting headaches but it hasn't happened. I go through my day and workouts like a machine and at night I sleep like a baby. I wake up refreshed and ready to roll.
Even my girlfriend has said she hasn't seen me this happy and outgoing in years. For her to say that almost made me cry. I'm now excited for the future.
With a good diet and Animal Cuts I am 100% sure I can reach my goals in the coming months. 2009 is going to a fantastic year. I feel ALIVE.
only side effect: I pee alot. :D
I highly recommend this product to anyone who wants to lose weight and feel better. For me, it's unbelievable.
[QUOTE=fishtaco;266461991]Hi, I just started taking Animal Cuts and want to lose quite a bit of body fat. When I heard about this product and read some of the reviews, I thought I'd give it a shot. I've only been on the product for a week.
After only a few days, I've never felt better in my life. I have more energy than I've had in years. I feel stronger on the treadmill I run faster and longer. My overall senses seem to be heightened and I feel more alert.
I was worried about feeling shaky or getting headaches but it hasn't happened. I go through my day and workouts like a machine and at night I sleep like a baby. I wake up refreshed and ready to roll.
Even my girlfriend has said she hasn't seen me this happy and outgoing in years. For her to say that almost made me cry. I'm now excited for the future.
With a good diet and Animal Cuts I am 100% sure I can reach my goals in the coming months. 2009 is going to a fantastic year. I feel ALIVE.
only side effect: I pee alot. :D
I highly recommend this product to anyone who wants to lose weight and feel better. For me, it's unbelievable.[/QUOTE]
You're suppose to pee often. And welcome to the world of stimulants. Give it another week and you'll get use to it. :p