[QUOTE=Actual Size]Yes!! Man your such a great MOD!!![/QUOTE]
I get that a lot. ;)
Haha...JK broski, thanks. :) I do what I can.
Printable View
[QUOTE=Actual Size]Yes!! Man your such a great MOD!!![/QUOTE]
I get that a lot. ;)
Haha...JK broski, thanks. :) I do what I can.
I get that a lot. ;)
Haha...JK broski, thanks. :) I do what I can.[/QUOTE]
LOL! Okay.
[QUOTE=Bignbuff]Done did it
Excellent. Thanks.
[QUOTE=GhostfaceKillah]In recent months, this board has blown up in terms of users testing new products provided by supplement companies. While we have already debated the upside (more reviews, impressions on products before release date, great opportunities for knowledgeable and hard working board members) and downside (constant bickering and whining, increased commercialism/pimping) to this influx, there are other issues at hand that I feel need to be addressed.
1. If you are chosen to be a product reviewer, it is your responsibility to the forum and to the providing company to keep up with your log........[/QUOTE]
This is a dumb question, but im gonna ask it anyway, does this site have ways for me to test products, or do i have to do it through the company?
[QUOTE=yeahimnick]This is a dumb question, but im gonna ask it anyway, does this site have ways for me to test products, or do i have to do it through the company?[/QUOTE]
Every once in awhile, company reps who frequent the boards will ask for qualified forum members to test and review forthcoming products. Choices are generally made based on: review experience, lifting experience, age, sex, body type, training routine, diet, and knowledge. Unfortunately, this often leads to endless bickering and foulplay...
Good job Bignbuff. Wise move on your part to sticky this ;)
[QUOTE=sawastea]Good point butterball.[/QUOTE]
ROFLZ ! Great job with the sticky !
[QUOTE=sawastea]Good point butterball.[/QUOTE]
:rolleyes: ... quiet you .. :D
[QUOTE=Bignbuff]Done did it
:cool: Thanks BnB
Has any one tried Optibol yet. i was wonderin if its worth it. if not what would be more preferable?
[QUOTE=sawastea]This deserves a [size=10]HUGE[/size] bump
Guys, no one is benefiting from a half ass review. Please be candid, regardless if it is good or bad[/QUOTE]
I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm new here and would like info on FinigenX? Pro's and con's. How do I post a new thread? Thanks guys
[QUOTE=SK-1]I'm new here and would like info on FinigenX? Pro's and con's. How do I post a new thread? Thanks guys[/QUOTE]
1. Go to "search" at the top of the screen first. See if your questions have already been answered.
2. If they have not, go to Bodybuilding.com Forums > Supplements and click the "New Thread" button located below the Sub Forums block.
Zmass pm
ergopharm 6-oxo
whey and creatine monohydrate
what do you think of these supplements i am thinkin about tryin
I would really like to see more people post before and after photos in their logs.
It's great and all that someone put on 20lbs to their bench, or that they lost 10 lbs on the scale... BUT WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? NOTHING! Bodybuilding is a sport of aesthetics... we ALL do this to look good and to alter/improve our physiques. (cept for maybe powerlifter...). So, why the huge lack of pictures? I want to see results, not meaningless numbers.
skelooth, I completely agree about the pics - a log is near useless without them - but I have a [i]serious[/i] peeve with those who don't provide the not-so-meaningless numbers, and on a regular basis. E.g., "I think my BF is about 13% but I'll find out before the end of the log." Great, thanks, that helps.
good post makes sense! :)
Colon Clenz is a gentle blend of nature's cleansing herbs which promotes regularity and a clean internal environment. Sometimes eating and drinking the right things just isn't enough. Now, with the soothing proprietary blend of nature's herbs, your regularity can return overnight. Just take it before you go to bed and experience the working benefit in the morning.
AdvaCAL is the #1 bone building calcium, clinically proven to build strong, healthy bones. AdvaCAL capsules/caplets are well tolerated in the stomach, safe, small, and easy to swallow.AdvaCAL bone building calcium also reduce the rate of bone loss as you grow older-AdvaCAL by Lane Labs. The advantages are as follows:World-famous AdvaCAL researcher reports, Clinically proven to fight Osteoporosis and Safe, small, easy-to-swallow AdvaCAL capsules.
For further details click at:
Marapuama-Marapuama as an aphrodisiac and tonic for the nervous system-Marapuama by Jarrow Formulas Inc. Used by the indigenous people for centuries, Marapuama has been given the name Potency Wood. Research conducted at the Institute of Sexology in Paris has attracted world-wide interest in this herb and its potential for additional benefits.
For further details visit at:
Calms Forte provides natural relief of symptoms of simple nervous tension and sleeplessness-Calms Forte by Hylands. Hyland's Calms Forte is all natural and works without contraindications or side effects. Easy to swallow tablets are perfect for daytime or nighttime use.
For further details visit at:
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Pure, natural singles and blends that bring you unsurpassed enjoyment, healthful benefits and complete - Red Raspberry Leaf Tea by Alvita Teas. Specially beneficial in cold season.
"Male Response body systems involved with male sexual function. Male Response supports hormonal function, energy generation, circulation, the brain and nervous system -male response by Source Naturals. Male Response supports hormonal function, energy generation, circulation, the brain and nervous system (libido), and the prostate gland. This potent formula combines vitamins and minerals with botanicals used worldwide for men's health.
Ginkoba Ginkoba safely increases the flow of oxygen rich blood to the brain and has been clinically shown to improve memory and concentration-Ginkoba by Ginsana/Pharmaton.
For further details visit at:
[QUOTE=skelooth]I would really like to see more people post before and after photos in their logs.[/QUOTE]
Me too.
hydroxycut stacked with x-factor? is this worth trying?
[QUOTE=coachB]hydroxycut stacked with x-factor? is this worth trying?[/QUOTE]
no its not and FYI, this is the wrong thread to ask that. Start a new one or do some research, its your first post, so you have LOTS of reading around here to do
[i Am Doing Bodybuilding For The Last One Year But I Am Not Getting Any Satisfactory Results. I Am Not Getting Proper Cuts In Biceps And Massgain.
My Age Is 40 .height-5"7"inch. My Body Weightis 90kg.
I Am Taking Weighprotein Along With Creatine. Regularly.
Please Tell Me About Proper Intake Of Supplements Along With Proper Diet,
Hi i wanted to know if Nitro T3 is steriods or not thank you :)
ps IM Pretty New to this lol
[QUOTE=Brock Lesnar11]Hi i wanted to know if Nitro T3 is steriods or not thank you :)
ps IM Pretty New to this lol[/QUOTE]
yea you really are NEW, go use the SEARCH FUNCTION to find your answer, ALWAYS use it to find your answers, because believe it or not this forum has been around since 2001 and every question you can think of is in there
BTW - you are 15, you dont need supplements. You need to be reading the nutrition and workout forums, forget this section
hey guys how are ya. i may be in the wrong thread but i need to know about these two products. 2 questions. One how good is methyl 1-alpha. After methyl 1-p was taken off the market. Secondly, could you stack methyl 1-alpha with halo-50. halo-50 is a cousin to the real over the counter haol that was taken off the shelf. Would someone who is knowlegable let school me in this matter. thanks. big reg.
This thread is great, thanks guys!
Awesome thread!
great post!!!
About 2 months ago (June 13) I shattered my clavical playing football requiring surgery. By the looks of my x-rays Tim Allen must have been in the operating room, one metal strip & 7 screws.... At the time I was 215 lbs and taking Tridenosen H, ephedra, and asprin to drop some weight for soccer season. I continued while laid up in my sling for 4 weeks then started to slowly work-out again.
AT 6 WEEKS: I realigned my supplements adding Anabolic X-Factor, Formadrol extreme, Dynadrol, BioSynergy IGF-1, Cider Vinigar tablets and switched from ephedra to Fizogen Lean tabs, and alternate from BSN NO-Xplode with MAN Body Octane and added Glutamine powder.
I was back to playing soccer in with minimal discomfort from the running and bumping.
I have dropped to 192 lbs added almost 1/2 inch to my arms and legs. My chest and shoulders are coming back quick and my back is right where it was before I was injured.
It's now early August I am back to doing my full workout routine I am packing hard solid muscle and smokin kids half my age on the field.
There is a new supplement company called "Pure Nutrition" they are putting out the best protien powder on the market. This is real stuff, not filled with sweeteners, or fillers like all the rest of the crap out there. Has anyone else tried this stuff? I'm a trainer, and am obtaining my degree in Kinesiology and trust me, this stuff is for real. Hopefully Bodybuilding.com will start carrying this stuff.
iwana ask about some thing but i dont know who`s to ask about this- i wana know if i can take (Higher Power ZMA)and (ErgoPharm 6-OXO) at same time together in traning days???! if any body know the answer plaese email me on (ernandes_83@hotmail.com)
Ok quick question.
what are we supposed to do with products won? i recently won a product however i am allready scheduled to test another one (product won was unpredictably won).
Does it require a full log, or is a review ok?
[QUOTE=bigbridrol]Ok quick question.
what are we supposed to do with products won? i recently won a product however i am allready scheduled to test another one (product won was unpredictably won).
Does it require a full log, or is a review ok?[/QUOTE]
Talk to the company you won the product from.
This is an EXCELLENT thread.
GFK, *Salute*
2. Eliminate variables. How are we to know how a product is working if you simultaneously up your caloric intake, change your training style, add a few days of rec basketball a week, and stack it with the brand new Product XYZ you have been dying to use. Hold off on any new supplementation, diet changes, or exercise changes until after your trial is complete.
3. Along the same lines, if you already have products lined up to review, don't go out of your way to get more. While the prospect of "freebies" is enticing, especially for those strapped for cash, keep in mind that: 1) there are other deserving individuals out there who have yet to get a product to test, 2) you should only test one product at a time, and 3) it is not fair to the community or the providing company if you have to wait 4+ weeks to legitimately review the product.[/QUOTE]
I fully agreed with these rules. Testing 3 ~ 4 NEW supplements at the same time (or introducing them simultaneously) into the system is a NO NO. One would not know clearly which supplement is contributing to the physique improvement.
It's common sense that not to make the supplement company wait a couple of weeks for a review. The supplement is provided free for review and out of respect to the company, individuals should plan to start the log right away.
Just my 2 cents worth of opinions.
Great posts indeed!
hey there!
talked with some guys at the gym where i work out.. 3 of 4 of them
said that whey powder is a part of their daily supplement work (i'm
there more for cardio and resistance to stay in shape; more of them
are into sculpting and bulkinging up, true bodybuilding)... at least 4
of the guys said they had digestive issues and it seems like lactose
intolerance is a big part of it! a doctor friend of mine says we all
get lactose intolerant as we get older and that cow's milk is for baby cows!
he has a point... so.. as we look at our supplements.. he said to make sure we get enough calcium WITH vitamin D.. not to forget D.. and if digestive probs, to cut out mixing whey with milk for a week or two and see if problems persist... good advice, i'd think...
[QUOTE=neeltrdco;30281121]Hello everyone. I have been viewing the posting back and forth and would like to give my two cents. Many supplements on the market are worthless or just downright dangerous. Please don't be naive and think that gaining 25 pounds of muscle in just 6,7,8 weeks is natural or good for you. Your body is not intended to do that. Personally, I have tried many strategies and products on the market, and the two that have worked best for me are ?The Truth about Muscle Building? and ?No Nonsense Muscle Building?. Both bodybuilders I respect and know on a fairly personal level. I trust each of them, and have followed both of their strategies with great success. They aren?t just selling another product. If your wanting to add some serious size, as well as change up your thinking, I suggest either one. Their links are below. These are not easy programs to follow, but if your dedicated, you will achieve results!
thanks for the spam, this is all you are doing!!
Hey New To This, Just Wanted To Know What Draining The Body Means.does That Mean To Try To Supress Most Of The Water In The Body Out...if So How Is That Done...
Is it necessary to load the first week of use for some of these supplements?
Well my thoughts are I've never loaded any and I haven't used much but I've also made gains without loading that first week. Maybe I would have made more gains by loading. If any one could answer this thought, please do so.
good deal
Since it got brought up in another thread might as well bump this.
wats going on.. this the first time i signed up to any forum. just for one damn. Halodrol Liquid gels. excellent, excellent. Methyl 1D excellent excellent. 17 Hd a lil hesitant abt it. Just started it only been on it for one day. as for as intensity good but iam hearing lots of negatives. iqm takin novedex xt because i just finsihed methyl 1D so iam using it as a posy cycle. i just want to know is 17Hd worth taking. iam taking it with Novedex. not just to stack but to keep my test levels stable and high.. any information will be appreciated thanx.
[QUOTE=Moody101;64784253]wats going on.. this the first time i signed up to any forum. just for one damn. Halodrol Liquid gels. excellent, excellent. Methyl 1D excellent excellent. 17 Hd a lil hesitant abt it. Just started it only been on it for one day. as for as intensity good but iam hearing lots of negatives. iqm takin novedex xt because i just finsihed methyl 1D so iam using it as a posy cycle. i just want to know is 17Hd worth taking. iam taking it with Novedex. not just to stack but to keep my test levels stable and high.. any information will be appreciated thanx.[/QUOTE]
Take that BS elsewhere, it has nothing to do with this thread.