i really hope the people who review products on this board know these things
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i really hope the people who review products on this board know these things
Really wonderful thread....
Hi All,
I guys i am taking a "Nutrex HEMO-RAGE Black Ultra Concentrate " and Planning to take a "Muscletech Nitro-Tech Pro-Series" just wanted you're opinions is this a good whey protine with Hemo-rage or not, or should i only take the Hemo-Rage Black?
waiting for you good response...
Thanks, Vicky
[QUOTE=Zachattack43;2798218]also might want to mention; "beware of the placebo effect" which is why before/after measurements are important[/QUOTE]
True! Sometimes the hype about a product can get you a lil too excited without no actual effects..
[QUOTE=GhostfaceKillah;2791243]In recent months, this board has blown up in terms of users testing new products provided by supplement companies. While we have already debated the upside (more reviews, impressions on products before release date, great opportunities for knowledgeable and hard working board members) and downside (constant bickering and whining, increased commercialism/pimping) to this influx, there are other issues at hand that I feel need to be addressed.
1. If you are chosen to be a product reviewer, it is your responsibility to the forum and to the providing company to keep up with your log. Some products lend themselves to regular updates more than others, true (ie, prohormones), but just because the day-to-day effects may be small doesn't mean that you shouldn't at least post impressions twice a week.
2. Eliminate variables. How are we to know how a product is working if you simultaneously up your caloric intake, change your training style, add a few days of rec basketball a week, and stack it with the brand new Product XYZ you have been dying to use. Hold off on any new supplementation, diet changes, or exercise changes until after your trial is complete.
3. Along the same lines, if you already have products lined up to review, don't go out of your way to get more. While the prospect of "freebies" is enticing, especially for those strapped for cash, keep in mind that: 1) there are other deserving individuals out there who have yet to get a product to test, 2) you should only test one product at a time, and 3) it is not fair to the community or the providing company if you have to wait 4+ weeks to legitimately review the product.
4. Keep your reviews as objective as possible. There is always the urge to pimp a product because you believe the hype or because you want to "thank" the providing company by making their product out to be the next creatine. Go into it as if you bought the product yourself and never read all of the inflated claims that came with it. Biased reviews do nothing for the community.
I am sure there are other points to be made. If you think of any, feel free to add them. Hopefully this thread will stay bumped for at least a few days so people will have the chance to read it before it drifts into obscurity with 30000 N-Large and Cell-Tech threads.[/QUOTE]
Great Post I'm interested in more info!!!
Importand and valuable information for anyone and everyone who is or will be a reviewer.
[QUOTE=GhostfaceKillah;2791243]In recent months, this board has blown up in terms of users testing new products provided by supplement companies. While we have already debated the upside (more reviews, impressions on products before release date, great opportunities for knowledgeable and hard working board members) and downside (constant bickering and whining, increased commercialism/pimping) to this influx, there are other issues at hand that I feel need to be
1. If you are chosen to be a product reviewer, it is your responsibility to the forum and to the providing company to keep up with your log. Some products lend themselves to regular updates more than others, true (ie, prohormones), but just because the day-to-day effects may be small doesn't mean that you shouldn't at least post impressions twice a week.
2. Eliminate variables. How are we to know how a product is working if you simultaneously up your caloric intake, change your training style, add a few days of rec basketball a week, and stack it with the brand new Product XYZ you have been dying to use. Hold off on any new supplementation, diet changes, or exercise changes until after your trial is complete.
3. Along the same lines, if you already have products lined up to review, don't go out of your way to get more. While the prospect of "freebies" is enticing, especially for those strapped for cash, keep in mind that: 1) there are other deserving individuals out there who have yet to get a product to test, 2) you should only test one product at a time, and 3) it is not fair to the community or the providing company if you have to wait 4+ weeks to legitimately review the product.
4. Keep your reviews as objective as possible. There is always the urge to pimp a product because you believe the hype or because you want to "thank" the providing company by making their product out to be the next creatine. Go into it as if you bought the product yourself and never read all of the inflated claims that came with it. Biased reviews do nothing for the community.
I am sure there are other points to be made. If you think of any, feel free to add them. Hopefully this thread will stay bumped for at least a few days so people will have the chance to read it before it drifts into obscurity with 30000 N-Large and Cell-Tech threads.[/QUOTE]
I am 18 and have been working out (extremely hard) for four years (3 because of high school football) and I cant wait to gain rep power and become a product tester! I have used a large number of supplements over the years and will keep this info in mind when I review them!
this is all common sense. i really hope the people who review products on this board know these things
[QUOTE=gdrtgf;880160081]this is all common sense. i really hope the people who review products on this board know these things[/QUOTE]
Hello i am new to this forum and i would like to ask if anyone has had experience with a specific product. i am interested in it because there has been some recent hype and raving about it. its called lipofission (evlabs(dot)net) >?
any information would be greatly appreciated.
I am new to this forum. I have tried just about every protein and I tried a new one that is excellent. It is Body Mechanics Whey Protein. I got the vanilla and it is the most true vanilla taste I have ever tried. I have used it in coffee, waffles and pancakes. It retains it’s flavor through cooking…which is nice and it mixes in a glass incredibly easy. I will post up the label. It is a bit pricey which I am not to keen on. I will keep anyone posted if they are interested
You wanna grow up fast? Click [url=http://www.5strike.com/bg/invitation/bylink/36849] HERE [/url] and teach how!
Hey guys, i have G6PD Deficiency and would like to know if there is any mass gainer that i can actually take?!?!
[QUOTE=GhostfaceKillah;2791243]In recent months, this board has blown up in terms of users testing new products provided by supplement companies. While we have already debated the upside (more reviews, impressions on products before release date, great opportunities for knowledgeable and hard working board members) and downside (constant bickering and whining, increased commercialism/pimping) to this influx, there are other issues at hand that I feel need to be addressed.
1. If you are chosen to be a product reviewer, it is your responsibility to the forum and to the providing company to keep up with your log. Some products lend themselves to regular updates more than others, true (ie, prohormones), but just because the day-to-day effects may be small doesn't mean that you shouldn't at least post impressions twice a week.
2. Eliminate variables. How are we to know how a product is working if you simultaneously up your caloric intake, change your training style, add a few days of rec basketball a week, and stack it with the brand new Product XYZ you have been dying to use. Hold off on any new supplementation, diet changes, or exercise changes until after your trial is complete.
3. Along the same lines, if you already have products lined up to review, don't go out of your way to get more. While the prospect of "freebies" is enticing, especially for those strapped for cash, keep in mind that: 1) there are other deserving individuals out there who have yet to get a product to test, 2) you should only test one product at a time, and 3) it is not fair to the community or the providing company if you have to wait 4+ weeks to legitimately review the product.
4. Keep your reviews as objective as possible. There is always the urge to pimp a product because you believe the hype or because you want to "thank" the providing company by making their product out to be the next creatine. Go into it as if you bought the product yourself and never read all of the inflated claims that came with it. Biased reviews do nothing for the community.
I am sure there are other points to be made. If you think of any, feel free to add them. Hopefully this thread will stay bumped for at least a few days so people will have the chance to read it before it drifts into obscurity with 30000 N-Large and Cell-Tech threads.[/QUOTE]
I read these posts all the time and up until recently I have never replied. However like most people on this site I have taken everything on the market and about a month ago I came accross a supp that I now love. I got so sick of having to research the hell out of the supplements I was buying because they have 32 ingredients in them with only 1 or 2 are beneficial, and they are not even the proper dosage. Or the companies that make multiple products that I have to take all at once or throughout the day. Then I found Max stac 5. It is a combo NO booster, Test booster, estrogen control, and creatine which we all know is the most clinically proven supp out. But the real thing that got me was that it only contained 5 ingredients. So I started thinking about dosages. Look at products like NO xplode, There is around 30 ingredients, only 2 or so have been proven to be beneficial and with the serving size and extra ingredients (not to mention caffeine) how is it at all posible to get the correct dosage for those 2 ingredients in that little scoop!? So I went on the max stac 5 site and instead of a bunch of copy pasted gorilla science bs, they just added links to real government studies for all 5 ingredients! Now I'm not trying to pitch anything but as a guy who is tired of wasting money in a crooked market, this is a great thing to at least check out and I think is relevant to what you are trying to say.
fish oils
first time posting kinda made this up in my spare time based on notes taken at the gym and throughout my shift at work. Take note I work 12 hour rotational shifts 3 days on 2 days off nights and days. Hence some of these times being up until the wee hours of the morning.
again first post, kinda made this up in my spare time feel free to give constructive critisim nothing is perfect the first time around but please know the difference between critism and bashing. Thanks
Also i have more coming if this proves to be successful.
Deff focus on the wide spectrum of supplements you can take. But personally I just take whey protein. All depends on what you want to achieve.
[QUOTE=GhostfaceKillah;2791243]In recent months, this board has blown up in terms of users testing new products provided by supplement companies. While we have already debated the upside (more reviews, impressions on products before release date, great opportunities for knowledgeable and hard working board members) and downside (constant bickering and whining, increased commercialism/pimping) to this influx, there are other issues at hand that I feel need to be addressed.
1. If you are chosen to be a product reviewer, it is your responsibility to the forum and to the providing company to keep up with your log. Some products lend themselves to regular updates more than others, true (ie, prohormones), but just because the day-to-day effects may be small doesn't mean that you shouldn't at least post impressions twice a week.
2. Eliminate variables. How are we to know how a product is working if you simultaneously up your caloric intake, change your training style, add a few days of rec basketball a week, and stack it with the brand new Product XYZ you have been dying to use. Hold off on any new supplementation, diet changes, or exercise changes until after your trial is complete.
3. Along the same lines, if you already have products lined up to review, don't go out of your way to get more. While the prospect of "freebies" is enticing, especially for those strapped for cash, keep in mind that: 1) there are other deserving individuals out there who have yet to get a product to test, 2) you should only test one product at a time, and 3) it is not fair to the community or the providing company if you have to wait 4+ weeks to legitimately review the product.
4. Keep your reviews as objective as possible. There is always the urge to pimp a product because you believe the hype or because you want to "thank" the providing company by making their product out to be the next creatine. Go into it as if you bought the product yourself and never read all of the inflated claims that came with it. Biased reviews do nothing for the community.
I am sure there are other points to be made. If you think of any, feel free to add them. Hopefully this thread will stay bumped for at least a few days so people will have the chance to read it before it drifts into obscurity with 30000 N-Large and Cell-Tech threads.[/QUOTE]
Excellent tips!! Because it makes the companies to develop the products that satisfies the customer needs, which results in growth and success.
we need more honesty like this on the internet nowadays
Friends i am very grateful to join this forum site.
Thank You.
Hi - can anybody tell me the direction to use AminoFuel Liquid Supplement - can we mix 1 table spoon of it in our glass of shake before or after excercise?
HI guys, I'm new to this site....just started a new workout program this week. I heard about supplements called stacks?? or Stacking supplements?? I have different answers from several different personal trainers as to how effective they are. One dude recommended a product called maxstac 5 from trophic labs. I started it today, but noticed the label mentions estrogen control. What does this mean?? and can boosting testosterone cause any bad side effects??
good thread
[QUOTE=Ginobili;2792021]Great thread GFK.[/QUOTE]
Wow.. Nice information! Will keep it all in mind.
[QUOTE=GhostfaceKillah;2791243]In recent months, this board has blown up in terms of users testing new products provided by supplement companies. While we have already debated the upside (more reviews, impressions on products before release date, great opportunities for knowledgeable and hard working board members) and downside (constant bickering and whining, increased commercialism/pimping) to this influx, there are other issues at hand that I feel need to be addressed.
1. If you are chosen to be a product reviewer, it is your responsibility to the forum and to the providing company to keep up with your log. Some products lend themselves to regular updates more than others, true (ie, prohormones), but just because the day-to-day effects may be small doesn't mean that you shouldn't at least post impressions twice a week.
2. Eliminate variables. How are we to know how a product is working if you simultaneously up your caloric intake, change your training style, add a few days of rec basketball a week, and stack it with the brand new Product XYZ you have been dying to use. Hold off on any new supplementation, diet changes, or exercise changes until after your trial is complete.
3. Along the same lines, if you already have products lined up to review, don't go out of your way to get more. While the prospect of "freebies" is enticing, especially for those strapped for cash, keep in mind that: 1) there are other deserving individuals out there who have yet to get a product to test, 2) you should only test one product at a time, and 3) it is not fair to the community or the providing company if you have to wait 4+ weeks to legitimately review the product.
4. Keep your reviews as objective as possible. There is always the urge to pimp a product because you believe the hype or because you want to "thank" the providing company by making their product out to be the next creatine. Go into it as if you bought the product yourself and never read all of the inflated claims that came with it. Biased reviews do nothing for the community.
I am sure there are other points to be made. If you think of any, feel free to add them. Hopefully this thread will stay bumped for at least a few days so people will have the chance to read it before it drifts into obscurity with 30000 N-Large and Cell-Tech threads.[/QUOTE]
i know. roflmao. oh im taking lipoburn and other fat burners and some androgens. those reviews crack me up. then i always get a hostile response, like it was my fault.
hello i am new here
i like to chat with your
yes,your post was very objective,nice post.
Tomatoes, also known as the "tomato". Tomato small cold, flavour is acerbity. With quench thirst, jianwei xiaoshi, qingrejiedu, flat liver cold blood. Tomato nutrient-rich, in each hectogram tomatoes, contain protein 0.6 grams, 0.6 grams, 0.3 grams of fat, 2 grams of carbohydrate, crude fiber 0.4 grams, 8 mg calcium, phosphorus, 37 mg iron 0.4 mg, 0.31 mg carotene, nicotinic acid 0.6 mg, and vitamins A, B1, B2, CP, PP, etc., and the content of vitamin PP, second to none in the fruits and vegetables.
Tomatoes are main nutritional vitamins, among them, the most important and most abundant is one of the carotenoids, lycopene. In recent years, scientists study the role of lycopene health has a lot of new breakthroughs, have proved that include: unique anti-oxidation ability, can lead to aging and disease free radicals in the body.
To prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular disease; Prevent prostate canceration process, and effectively reduce pancreatic cancer, rectal cancer, throat cancer, oral cancer, the risk of cancer such as breast cancer. In recent years, scientists have found tomatoes contain a kind of anticancer, anti-aging substance, glutathione. Clinical measurement, when the concentration of GSH in the human body goes up, the incidence of cancer declined obviously, and also certain cells can delay aging.
An adult eating every day 100-200 g tomatoes, can meet the body's need for lycopene. But a lot of people like to eat raw tomatoes, this is not conducive to the absorption of lycopene, because it is a kind of fat-soluble vitamins, after heating and cooking oil, is more conducive to play its health benefits. Because lycopene with light, heat and oxygen easy to decompose, cooking should avoid long time high temperature heating, to retain more of the nutrients. Cover tightly while cooking pot, and then a little vinegar, can protect it from damage by the oxygen.
Tomatoes are small let you unexpected anti-cancer beautiful skin
1, Italian food use tomatoes, let a person think tomatoes originated in Europe. In fact, its country of origin is Mexico, Columbus brought tomato seeds to Europe for the first time.
2, canned tomato juice than fresh tomatoes, high nutritional value. Because of fresh tomatoes are sold off when it is not yet ripe, and making tomato juice of tomato is ripe red off after processing. In addition, the canned tomato juice after 100 ℃ high temperature sterilization, suitable for any constitution of the people to drink.
3, tomatoes, prevent prostate cancer, colon cancer, and pancreatic cancer, had the greatest effect.
4, organic tomato is higher than ordinary tomatoes contain lycopene, a lot of times.
5, tomatoes with stable blood sugar and cholesterol effect, because the tomatoes are an important source of dietary fiber.
6, the color of the tomato is divided into red, yellow, orange, green, and purple, but no blue.
7, canned tomato juice is higher nutritive value than fresh tomatoes. Because of fresh tomatoes are sold off when it is not yet ripe, and making tomato juice of tomato is ripe red off after processing. In addition, the canned tomato juice after 100 ℃ high temperature sterilization, suitable for any constitution of the people to drink.
I think they dont affect your test to the level of building muscle
Hey Guys been trialling out a few proteins over the past year and i came across this one its great worth having a look.
Let me know what you think
[QUOTE=HSMT;1003343943]Hi - can anybody tell me the direction to use AminoFuel Liquid Supplement - can we mix 1 table spoon of it in our glass of shake before or after excercise?[/QUOTE]i hope you dont mind drinking a horribly disgusting drink...ewe!!!
Any tips on someone starting to gym? like what supplements to take etc?
I am trying to cut body fat and gain lean muscle mass at the same time. Is there any certain workouts or supplements that would be best for me to use? Thanks!
Anyone's who's interested in men's physique competitions follow my ******** - I'll be documenting my journey/progress: search: david prowse physique consultant and competitor
I'd like to network with other competitors and those who generally like training :).
Xtend BCAA, is the best. More lifts, heavier weight and more endurance.
[QUOTE=prodigyx17;1085940723]Any tips on someone starting to gym? like what supplements to take etc?[/QUOTE]
Badger milk is pretty good stuff.
Thanks for answering! This wasn't my thread, but I learned a lot!!!!!
thank you
guys i ve just bought Whey Protein Gold Standard and i need to know the best way to use.
and if there is any other safe supps can be used wiz it to give better output?
Dear Experts,
I have started workout one month back. I have buy Isopur zero carb product on basis of reviews in bodybuilding.com. But now some one suggested that its not for beginners. It's for high level body builders. Please someone suggest if I can use it or I should scrap it. I appreciate earliest response. Weight 165 lbs & Height 6 feet.
Agreed! PREACH!
[QUOTE=Allenwilson4;1163608283]Agreed! PREACH![/QUOTE]
Just saw Dymatize selling its Elite Casein on bb.com, the label says 0- cholesterol and 0- sugar, independent consumer lab similar to consumer reports found 10.2mg of cholesterol per serving and 1.2g of sugar.....go figure !!! Unfortunately you have to be a paid subscriber to access the info..it's about $3 a month but for my health, I want to know what I'm getting so I pay to get the info.
[QUOTE=netb;1163636193]Just saw Dymatize selling its Elite Casein on bb.com, the label says 0- cholesterol and 0- sugar, independent consumer lab similar to consumer reports found 10.2mg of cholesterol per serving and 1.2g of sugar.....go figure !!! Unfortunately you have to be a paid subscriber to access the info..it's about $3 a month but for my health, I want to know what I'm getting so I pay to get the info.[/QUOTE]
The information is from consumerlabs.com here is a line on the home page that describes what I'm talking about
a protein powder -- from a "GMP certified" facility -- claiming 0 cholesterol really had 10.2 mg
Also Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Egg Rich Chocolate protein says 5mg cholesterol but the testing found an extra 9.2mg of cholesterol per serving for a total of 14.2mg.....yup ! They got us good even the ones that are supposed to be the best and 'GMP certified' whatever that means.
!! Happy New Year. Use this time to refocus, or just get smashed. ! hey guys can you help me promote this page for Bodybuilding and all the best supplements! :P if so on ******** search for World Muscle Food :P a Like and a Share Will do thanks!
!! Happy New Year. Use this time to refocus, or just get smashed. ! hey guys can you help me promote this page for Bodybuilding and all the best supplements! :P if so on ******** search for World Muscle Food :P a Like and a Share Will do thanks!
[QUOTE=GhostfaceKillah;2791243]In recent months, this board has blown up in terms of users testing new products provided by supplement companies. While we have already debated the upside (more reviews, impressions on products before release date, great opportunities for knowledgeable and hard working board members) and downside (constant bickering and whining, increased commercialism/pimping) to this influx, there are other issues at hand that I feel need to be addressed.
1. If you are chosen to be a product reviewer, it is your responsibility to the forum and to the providing company to keep up with your log. Some products lend themselves to regular updates more than others, true (ie, prohormones), but just because the day-to-day effects may be small doesn't mean that you shouldn't at least post impressions twice a week.
2. Eliminate variables. How are we to know how a product is working if you simultaneously up your caloric intake, change your training style, add a few days of rec basketball a week, and stack it with the brand new Product XYZ you have been dying to use. Hold off on any new supplementation, diet changes, or exercise changes until after your trial is complete.
3. Along the same lines, if you already have products lined up to review, don't go out of your way to get more. While the prospect of "freebies" is enticing, especially for those strapped for cash, keep in mind that: 1) there are other deserving individuals out there who have yet to get a product to test, 2) you should only test one product at a time, and 3) it is not fair to the community or the providing company if you have to wait 4+ weeks to legitimately review the product.
4. Keep your reviews as objective as possible. There is always the urge to pimp a product because you believe the hype or because you want to "thank" the providing company by making their product out to be the next creatine. Go into it as if you bought the product yourself and never read all of the inflated claims that came with it. Biased reviews do nothing for the community.
I am sure there are other points to be made. If you think of any, feel free to add them. Hopefully this thread will stay bumped for at least a few days so people will have the chance to read it before it drifts into obscurity with 30000 N-Large and Cell-Tech threads.[/QUOTE]
Great one, health supplements are vital for supplying adequate nutrition to the body.