Thanks for answering! This wasn't my thread, but I learned a lot!!!!!
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Thanks for answering! This wasn't my thread, but I learned a lot!!!!!
thank you
guys i ve just bought Whey Protein Gold Standard and i need to know the best way to use.
and if there is any other safe supps can be used wiz it to give better output?
Dear Experts,
I have started workout one month back. I have buy Isopur zero carb product on basis of reviews in But now some one suggested that its not for beginners. It's for high level body builders. Please someone suggest if I can use it or I should scrap it. I appreciate earliest response. Weight 165 lbs & Height 6 feet.
Agreed! PREACH!
[QUOTE=Allenwilson4;1163608283]Agreed! PREACH![/QUOTE]
Just saw Dymatize selling its Elite Casein on, the label says 0- cholesterol and 0- sugar, independent consumer lab similar to consumer reports found 10.2mg of cholesterol per serving and 1.2g of sugar.....go figure !!! Unfortunately you have to be a paid subscriber to access the's about $3 a month but for my health, I want to know what I'm getting so I pay to get the info.
[QUOTE=netb;1163636193]Just saw Dymatize selling its Elite Casein on, the label says 0- cholesterol and 0- sugar, independent consumer lab similar to consumer reports found 10.2mg of cholesterol per serving and 1.2g of sugar.....go figure !!! Unfortunately you have to be a paid subscriber to access the's about $3 a month but for my health, I want to know what I'm getting so I pay to get the info.[/QUOTE]
The information is from here is a line on the home page that describes what I'm talking about
a protein powder -- from a "GMP certified" facility -- claiming 0 cholesterol really had 10.2 mg
Also Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Egg Rich Chocolate protein says 5mg cholesterol but the testing found an extra 9.2mg of cholesterol per serving for a total of 14.2mg.....yup ! They got us good even the ones that are supposed to be the best and 'GMP certified' whatever that means.
!! Happy New Year. Use this time to refocus, or just get smashed. ! hey guys can you help me promote this page for Bodybuilding and all the best supplements! :P if so on ******** search for World Muscle Food :P a Like and a Share Will do thanks!
!! Happy New Year. Use this time to refocus, or just get smashed. ! hey guys can you help me promote this page for Bodybuilding and all the best supplements! :P if so on ******** search for World Muscle Food :P a Like and a Share Will do thanks!
[QUOTE=GhostfaceKillah;2791243]In recent months, this board has blown up in terms of users testing new products provided by supplement companies. While we have already debated the upside (more reviews, impressions on products before release date, great opportunities for knowledgeable and hard working board members) and downside (constant bickering and whining, increased commercialism/pimping) to this influx, there are other issues at hand that I feel need to be addressed.
1. If you are chosen to be a product reviewer, it is your responsibility to the forum and to the providing company to keep up with your log. Some products lend themselves to regular updates more than others, true (ie, prohormones), but just because the day-to-day effects may be small doesn't mean that you shouldn't at least post impressions twice a week.
2. Eliminate variables. How are we to know how a product is working if you simultaneously up your caloric intake, change your training style, add a few days of rec basketball a week, and stack it with the brand new Product XYZ you have been dying to use. Hold off on any new supplementation, diet changes, or exercise changes until after your trial is complete.
3. Along the same lines, if you already have products lined up to review, don't go out of your way to get more. While the prospect of "freebies" is enticing, especially for those strapped for cash, keep in mind that: 1) there are other deserving individuals out there who have yet to get a product to test, 2) you should only test one product at a time, and 3) it is not fair to the community or the providing company if you have to wait 4+ weeks to legitimately review the product.
4. Keep your reviews as objective as possible. There is always the urge to pimp a product because you believe the hype or because you want to "thank" the providing company by making their product out to be the next creatine. Go into it as if you bought the product yourself and never read all of the inflated claims that came with it. Biased reviews do nothing for the community.
I am sure there are other points to be made. If you think of any, feel free to add them. Hopefully this thread will stay bumped for at least a few days so people will have the chance to read it before it drifts into obscurity with 30000 N-Large and Cell-Tech threads.[/QUOTE]
Great one, health supplements are vital for supplying adequate nutrition to the body.
I just bought the BSN N.O. Xplode 2.0 Blue Raz flavor. It was a pretty good deal only 30$ for 50 servings. I took it for the first time today 45 min before my arm workout. As soon as I got to the gym it hit me. I was able to get 2-5 more reps than I usually do on any exercise. For the first day, it is pretty freaking good. Doesn't taste bad either. I will keep everyone posted as I venture more into this pre-workout.
this is a good way to keep it fair. i haven't been able to test or log anything yet but i hope to soon.