I am new here, i am well informed on this thread. guys keep it up, it a pleasure to be part of this community.
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I am new here, i am well informed on this thread. guys keep it up, it a pleasure to be part of this community.
Solid advice and research, Does anyone stack No Explode with anything for postworkout recovery?
hi, every body, i just want to know about the supplements that are good for me as i am newbie to this field. Thanks
[QUOTE=GhostfaceKillah;3707852]Glad this made it back to the top. It has some good advice, even for me:
I realize that recently I have violated my own rule concerning overlapping testing, and I confess. However, as explained in another thread, briefly overlapping the product I am currently reviewing with a product I will be reviewing in a week's time (LipoBurn - localized/topical fatloss agent and NO-Xplode - pre-workout creatine+NO+stimulants) should not be a problem. CEX + NO-Xplode or any fatloss product + LipoBurn I could see issues with. I most certainly took this into consideration before looking into NO-Xplode usage. Note that all other variables are being held constant (training, diet, basic supplements), and as I have yet to receive NO-Xplode, there is still the chance that there will be no overlapping whatsoever.
In nearly any other situation, overlapping products is a bad idea; thes products are in such different realms of the supplement world, however, that I believe their effects on my body should be independent.
Still, for everyone out there who wants a chance to take shots at me, though, it looks like this is a valid opportunity. :([/QUOTE]
I am wondering how i can get on the log scene. Ive been training different various ways and i have even went as far as working out 2 a days and i try to get as much sleep as possible. I really want to try to do a prohormone stack i did a md1t stack by itself to try it out and i wasnt impressed but its probably the lack of a good diet that messed me up. now i have a good diet and if i dont im glad to take any suggestions. I will post everything from the time i wake up and the time i sleep. How much i weigh but the only thing is seeing im in the military i do not know how to go get my test levels. If you could respond id greatly appreciate it. im always on this site but i recently just remembered my password lol. tnx.
What the fck is this thread?
Its a hot and cool sites about the body building for more deatails click the link below.
is steroid-club.com a legit site to buy real roids? if not then give me some real sites.. thanks
[QUOTE=AcostaJ30;220692861]is steroid-club.com a legit site to buy real roids? if not then give me some real sites.. thanks[/QUOTE]
lol, 1) it would be stupid if you could buy legit steroids from ANY site with steroids in the title...
and 2) you're 18.
If i take true mass can it harm my health. I am starting of bodybuilding and wanted to know can true mass damge my liver or kidneys or insides?
can someone tell if bsn nitrix is a good product to use and how should i take it
These supplements are really harmful to our body.Do they really use some drug in it.Give some advice.
Welcome to BIKEMAN's Product Review Area. Ever wonder what Bikeman thinks of the new suspension and brake technology? Well Bikeman has generously offered to rate and review many of these new fangled gizmos. The Featured Product Tests reports are obtained through direct tests by Bikeman and his crew of testers. The best part about this page is that your product reviews are posted as well. If you would like add a product review please find the product you would like to review in our catalog and complete the review form. This is your page, Enjoy.
Bodybuilding.com refuses to send me the HPLC test results for their "Higher Power Micronized" creatine that they sell. The HPLC results basically state what exact percentage of Creatinine, Dicyandiamide, Dihydrotriazine and Sodium is inside their product.
Their rep by the name of Carved Chris told me that they don't have those results for me and that I should get it Directly from the company.
Their reps don't even know what company they are working for, because as a matter of fact.. Bodybuilding.com owns Higher Power Products. Well, guess what? he never returned my email.
I reported Bodybuilding.com to the Better Business Bureau after almost 3 weeks of run around emails, and Bodybuilding.com not providing me with the report.
Should you buy from a company who claim to sell quality products at a cheap price but does not tell the consumer what is in the product? Not me!
[QUOTE=GhostfaceKillah;2791243]In recent months, this board has blown up in terms of users testing new products provided by supplement companies. While we have already debated the upside (more reviews, impressions on products before release date, great opportunities for knowledgeable and hard working board members) and downside (constant bickering and whining, increased commercialism/pimping) to this influx, there are other issues at hand that I feel need to be addressed.
1. If you are chosen to be a product reviewer, it is your responsibility to the forum and to the providing company to keep up with your log. Some products lend themselves to regular updates more than others, true (ie, prohormones), but just because the day-to-day effects may be small doesn't mean that you shouldn't at least post impressions twice a week.
2. Eliminate variables. How are we to know how a product is working if you simultaneously up your caloric intake, change your training style, add a few days of rec basketball a week, and stack it with the brand new Product XYZ you have been dying to use. Hold off on any new supplementation, diet changes, or exercise changes until after your trial is complete.
3. Along the same lines, if you already have products lined up to review, don't go out of your way to get more. While the prospect of "freebies" is enticing, especially for those strapped for cash, keep in mind that: 1) there are other deserving individuals out there who have yet to get a product to test, 2) you should only test one product at a time, and 3) it is not fair to the community or the providing company if you have to wait 4+ weeks to legitimately review the product.
4. Keep your reviews as objective as possible. There is always the urge to pimp a product because you believe the hype or because you want to "thank" the providing company by making their product out to be the next creatine. Go into it as if you bought the product yourself and never read all of the inflated claims that came with it. Biased reviews do nothing for the community.
I am sure there are other points to be made. If you think of any, feel free to add them. Hopefully this thread will stay bumped for at least a few days so people will have the chance to read it before it drifts into obscurity with 30000 N-Large and Cell-Tech threads.[/QUOTE]
Bodybuilding.com refuses to send me the HPLC test results for their "Higher Power Micronized" creatine that they sell. The HPLC results basically state what exact percentage of Creatinine, Dicyandiamide, Dihydrotriazine and Sodium is inside their product.
Their rep by the name of Carved Chris told me that they don't have those results for me and that I should get it Directly from the company.
Their reps don't even know what company they are working for, because as a matter of fact.. Bodybuilding.com owns Higher Power Products. Well, guess what? he never returned my email.
I reported Bodybuilding.com to the Better Business Bureau after almost 3 weeks of run around emails, and Bodybuilding.com not providing me with the report.
Should you buy from a company who claim to sell quality products at a cheap price but does not tell the consumer what is in the product? Not me!
[QUOTE=jomio;228461891]These supplements are really harmful to our body.Do they really use some drug in it.Give some advice.
Bodybuilding.com refuses to send me the HPLC test results for their "Higher Power Micronized" creatine that they sell. The HPLC results basically state what exact percentage of Creatinine, Dicyandiamide, Dihydrotriazine and Sodium is inside their product.
Their rep by the name of Carved Chris told me that they don't have those results for me and that I should get it Directly from the company.
Their reps don't even know what company they are working for, because as a matter of fact.. Bodybuilding.com owns Higher Power Products. Well, guess what? he never returned my email.
I reported Bodybuilding.com to the Better Business Bureau after almost 3 weeks of run around emails, and Bodybuilding.com not providing me with the report.
Should you buy from a company who claim to sell quality products at a cheap price but does not tell the consumer what is in the product? Not me!
[QUOTE=thaifighter88;221871581]can someone tell if bsn nitrix is a good product to use and how should i take it[/QUOTE]
If you are going to purchase any supplement so check the hologram of the company and read about the instructions carefully because sometimes supplements may cause diseases if it not taken in a right manner.
Willski .. did you just come on here to SPAM.... we get the point your trying to make ... Quit requoting you post .. Great job mods and admins for keeping the doards a clean place [IMG]http://auctionscamsrevealed.com/img/394/c08p1011aaot/tracker.gif[/IMG]
Good stuff
im 6'1 200 lbs. I just bought nitrix the other day and im going to start it on monday. im using it cuz i need something to motivate me because i go the gym by myself. i want to use it to get cut not to get alot bigger. what do i have to do. If i stay on a healthy diet and do cardio will that work. need some advice
Agree that supplements should not be a substitute for hardwork, training and proper nutrition.
On another note,
I checked out healthhopevitality dot com
Great website!
Interesting facts on this Acai drink with glucosamine to help with joint pains.
[QUOTE=KevDec26;238813971]im 6'1 200 lbs. I just bought nitrix the other day and im going to start it on monday. im using it cuz i need something to motivate me because i go the gym by myself. i want to use it to get cut not to get alot bigger. what do i have to do. If i stay on a healthy diet and do cardio will that work. need some advice[/QUOTE]
any recomend anythingspecial...im using nitro tech hardcore at the mo tacking it in the b4 workout and after,,any ideas on what to mix it up?with anyone:::and what do u take and when do u take it::::
Thanks dude.I will keep it in mind.Keep up the good work.
There's a lot of critisism about these products, however, I purchased them anyway and 1 week into the cyle.
Start date of cycle November 4, 2008.
Age: 20
Weight: Before use of PH 185lbs
After use of PH ______ . (let u guys know when I'm done).
Bodyfat: 6%
So far, crazy pumps in the gym. Strength has increased slightly, however, its only been 1 week, so that might be to premature. No side effects yet. I do get angry a lot faster though. No lethargy, which is great.
-Whey Isolate: 69 grams of protein, 3 times daily. Morning, Post Workout, Before Bed.
-5-6 meals a daily.
-Breakfeast: 6 eggs with milk and cheese and bread.
-Snack: protein shake.
-Lunch: Chicken Fillet (50g protein).
-Snack: Steak sandwich w/ protein shake.
-Dinner: Chicken Fillter (50g protein) w/ Brown Rice.
-Snack: protein shake.
Not the greatest diet out there, but working out good for my goals of adding more mass.
More updates and pictures to come soon..
Hello where can i buy sex toys?
Yeah go **** yourself
nice post. A lot of information for a newbie and a pro
Start date of cycle November 4, 2008.
Age: 20
Weight: Before use of PH 185lbs
After use of PH ______ . (let u guys know when I'm done).
Bodyfat: 6%
Date as of now: November 23, 2000.
-Feel great. Weight is up to 194 lbs! Pumps are insane, sometimes almost too much...i get a feeling like my arms are gonna explode.
-9lb increase (mostly lean muscle, i naturally have very low bodyfat.) No bloating at all.
-Bench: increase 20lbs.
-Deadlift increase 30 lbs.
-Squat increase 25 lbs.
-Arms looking fuller and harder, very dense look. Waiting till the end to see results in arm increase. Arms starting were 15 1/2 almost 16 inches.
Diet: just added tuna to diet to increase protein intake.
-Whey Isolate: 69 grams of protein, 3 times daily. Morning, Post Workout, Before Bed.
-5-6 meals a daily.
-Breakfeast: 6 eggs with milk and cheese and bread. Can of tuna.
-Snack: protein shake.
-Lunch: Chicken Fillet (50g protein).
-Snack: Steak sandwich w/ protein shake.
-Dinner: Chicken Fillter (50g protein) w/ Brown Rice.
-Snack: protein shake.
-Midnight snack: can of tuna.
-Cycles going great. Proper sleep between 8-9 hours. Still no lethargy for me. Sense of well-being increased as well. Get back to u guys with more updates soon.
For me, products from here are truly amazing. I have only tried two of them. But after some months of gym hopping, I've found out more people are actually using their products.
I HAVE tried this and continued to use this for your standard aches and pains and a unusual usage..which is as a chest decongestant aid. my family is asthmatic. my wife told me she did this a good while back. when we get a chest cold we just apply a small amount of it to my chest preferably after a nic HOT shower to relax (come clean) and it opens the pores . after you apply it bundle up and and feel the results soon. it helps loosen up the gunk in the chest therefore allowing easier breathing. its worked for us in the past and still works to this day. i have recommended this to lots of my freinds and they love it too. thanks
Should I take Hydroxycut Hardcore with Nitro Tech Hardcore?
i use protien and i take a multivitamin
im 14 and have been working out for about a year
is it safe to take creatine or nitric oxcide
Awesome post and im doing exactly that :)
thanks for sharing....
[QUOTE=GhostfaceKillah;2791243] Hold off on any new supplementation, diet changes, or exercise changes until after your trial is complete.[/QUOTE]
ive been on these forums for several months now and finally decided to make an account, and i find this to be a problem with many logs or reviews of products, i dont see how its possible to test the affect if you are startin one supplement with another at the same time.. you cant possibly tell which is doin the actual work... anyway, great topic and post.
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How does this work
[QUOTE=GhostfaceKillah;2791243]In recent months, this board has blown up in terms of users testing new products provided by supplement companies. While we have already debated the upside (more reviews, impressions on products before release date, great opportunities for knowledgeable and hard working board members) and downside (constant bickering and whining, increased commercialism/pimping) to this influx, there are other issues at hand that I feel need to be addressed.
1. If you are chosen to be a product reviewer, it is your responsibility to the forum and to the providing company to keep up with your log. Some products lend themselves to regular updates more than others, true (ie, prohormones), but just because the day-to-day effects may be small doesn't mean that you shouldn't at least post impressions twice a week.
2. Eliminate variables. How are we to know how a product is working if you simultaneously up your caloric intake, change your training style, add a few days of rec basketball a week, and stack it with the brand new Product XYZ you have been dying to use. Hold off on any new supplementation, diet changes, or exercise changes until after your trial is complete.
3. Along the same lines, if you already have products lined up to review, don't go out of your way to get more. While the prospect of "freebies" is enticing, especially for those strapped for cash, keep in mind that: 1) there are other deserving individuals out there who have yet to get a product to test, 2) you should only test one product at a time, and 3) it is not fair to the community or the providing company if you have to wait 4+ weeks to legitimately review the product.
4. Keep your reviews as objective as possible. There is always the urge to pimp a product because you believe the hype or because you want to "thank" the providing company by making their product out to be the next creatine. Go into it as if you bought the product yourself and never read all of the inflated claims that came with it. Biased reviews do nothing for the community.
I am sure there are other points to be made. If you think of any, feel free to add them. Hopefully this thread will stay bumped for at least a few days so people will have the chance to read it before it drifts into obscurity with 30000 N-Large and Cell-Tech threads.[/QUOTE]
BSN is a solid product line. I have been taking for 10 weeks and have seen huge musulatity changes. I have kept them constant while rotating others.
I am currently taking NITRIX, Met-Rx Amino Acids, Optimum Glutamine, Iron-tek Creatine, OPtimum Nutrition Whey Protien, and NO Explode. I have experienced phenominal increases in size and strength. I am new to taking supplements though and was wondering if anyone could offer me advice on if I'm stacking wrong. Taking too much of one thing not enough of another. For example the protien has BCAA's Amino Acids, and Glutamine...so am I wating my money/time taking the extra pills as well. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
how do i post my own question?
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hey how does one go about trying to test a product?????i am going back to school and am on limited funds i would love to test a product out and post results.....please let me know how this works????
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I get an inconsistent pump from no explode. I have to keep short resst between setts to maintain that pump though. I've been takimng it about a month and the last couple days I have noticed that crash feeling a couple hrs after taking it. Is that bc all of the caffine?
great thread gfk
So I went to the Arnold this weekend and picked up a bunch of sample supps and since it seems this thead has tried many things I would love to hear some imput as to what you liked/didn't like! Also any times of day or ways to use them would be great!!
3packs-MUSCLE MILK (CytoSport)-300 cal, 12 fat, 16 carb, 32 pro.
4 packs-MONSTER MILK (CytoSport)-9 fat, 50 pro.
2 packs Nitro-Tech (MUSCLETECH)- 110 cal, 1.5 fat, 4.5 carb, 20 pro.
5 packs Fruitblas Isolate(4EVERfit)- 100cal, 0 fat, 1 carb, 24 pro.
1 pack ProComplex (ON)- 270 cal, 1 fat, 5 carb, 60 pro.
7 packs NitroCore 24 (ON)- 200 cal, 5 fat, 14 carb, 60 pro.
2 Liquid Protien (IDS)- 176 cal, 0 fat, 2 carb, 42 pro.
2 packs MyoFusion (Gaspari)- 157.5 cal, 3 fat, 5 carb, 25 pro.
2 packs Fighters Food (nutrabolics)- 135 cal, .75 fat, 19.5 carb, 12.5 pro.
4 packs Bionic Edge Whey (RTN)- 110 cal, 1 fat, 2 carb, 24 pro.
2 packs RiSolubles Muscle Mass Builders (Nutracea)- N/A
2 packs ISO-MRP (nutrabolics)- 165 cal, 5 fat, 13 carb, 18 pro.
4packs NO Shotgun v.3 (VPX)- 81 cal, 20 pro.
4 packs NO(stimulant free) Synthesize(VPX)- 82 cal, 20 pro.
2 packs Superpump250 (Gaspari)- 32 cal, 8 carb.
4 bottles BANG!(liquid cratine)(VPX)- 24 cal, 0 fat, 3.5 pro.
INTRAVOL (MUSCLETECH)- 80 cal, 20 carb.
2 packs LIPO 6 (multi-phase)(NUTREX)
2 packs REDLINE (VPX)
2 packs MELTDOWN (VPX)
Kre-Alkalyn EFX PRO
Nytrix PRO
Well thats what I will be trying out in the near future! If you have any imput or suggestion I would love to hear from you!!! THANKS ALL
So I went to the Arnold this weekend and picked up a bunch of sample supps and since it seems this thead has tried many things I would love to hear some imput as to what you liked/didn't like! Also any times of day or ways to use them would be great!!
3packs-MUSCLE MILK (CytoSport)-300 cal, 12 fat, 16 carb, 32 pro.
4 packs-MONSTER MILK (CytoSport)-9 fat, 50 pro.
2 packs Nitro-Tech (MUSCLETECH)- 110 cal, 1.5 fat, 4.5 carb, 20 pro.
5 packs Fruitblas Isolate(4EVERfit)- 100cal, 0 fat, 1 carb, 24 pro.
1 pack ProComplex (ON)- 270 cal, 1 fat, 5 carb, 60 pro.
7 packs NitroCore 24 (ON)- 200 cal, 5 fat, 14 carb, 60 pro.
2 Liquid Protien (IDS)- 176 cal, 0 fat, 2 carb, 42 pro.
2 packs MyoFusion (Gaspari)- 157.5 cal, 3 fat, 5 carb, 25 pro.
2 packs Fighters Food (nutrabolics)- 135 cal, .75 fat, 19.5 carb, 12.5 pro.
4 packs Bionic Edge Whey (RTN)- 110 cal, 1 fat, 2 carb, 24 pro.
2 packs RiSolubles Muscle Mass Builders (Nutracea)- N/A
2 packs ISO-MRP (nutrabolics)- 165 cal, 5 fat, 13 carb, 18 pro.
4packs NO Shotgun v.3 (VPX)- 81 cal, 20 pro.
4 packs NO(stimulant free) Synthesize(VPX)- 82 cal, 20 pro.
2 packs Superpump250 (Gaspari)- 32 cal, 8 carb.
4 bottles BANG!(liquid cratine)(VPX)- 24 cal, 0 fat, 3.5 pro.
INTRAVOL (MUSCLETECH)- 80 cal, 20 carb.
2 packs LIPO 6 (multi-phase)(NUTREX)
2 packs REDLINE (VPX)
2 packs MELTDOWN (VPX)
Kre-Alkalyn EFX PRO
Nytrix PRO
Well thats what I will be trying out in the near future! If you have any imput or suggestion I would love to hear from you!!! THANKS ALL
Hey any idea how one becomes a product tester? thanks - Bob
I have grown titties!! no bs! i think these anabolic pills are making my testicles shrink!!