[QUOTE=drakkarman;1639565343]add my account to not being able to view the misc about 20 year lurker and member .[/QUOTE]
Lurking doesn’t cut it.
You had to be an active poster.
In fact idk why Forum Nature didn’t just say only active misc posters before May can still access misc.
It’s redundant to say accounts older than May AND posting before May. If you were posting before May then of course your account was older than May.
That redundancy in phrasing in Forum’s message is causing all this confusion about account dates.
All he had to say to avoid that confusion is say only active posters before May still have access. Leave account dates out of it because that was redundant and confusing.
Read ForumNature's post.
Meet criteria.
Not a lurker.
Don't see Misc access.
Is this real tea? Is this just an aware thread?
So not aware...
[QUOTE=Ck4288;1639553683]Unaware as to why I can't get my daily dose of giggles from misc.
Jimmies Rustled[/QUOTE]because you keep skipping arm day
[QUOTE=SuperHercules;1639586313]Anyone who has ever had an alt ion the same IP is locked out too[/QUOTE]
Good to hear.
lol, imagine being so beta you can't see the Misc
I'd like to apologise to all you *******y chithole alt douchebags for Silencespeaks autistic behaviour in here, especially seeing as it's not as bad now in the Misc
Eat chit, lmfao
never saw the need to post, but enjoyed browsing the misc on my downtime. gonna miss cameljockey peeking out from random items
wow never though my first post would be here. ayelamao
Please unhide the misc. It's your most popular forum by a very long shot, just look at the length of this thread versus others in any other forum besides the misc. I understand it may not be profitable to you at this time, but realize you can change that. And this can be profitable, you just have to get with the right advertisers or adjust the misc to were the numerous NUMEROUS products they mention are affiliated to you. Theres money to be made, but you've been sleeping on it for years. It's time to join 2021 and change that.
the misc died a long time ago... be glad
Is over 3/4’s of this thread like 1-2 people with many alts talking to themselves?
[QUOTE=snailsrus;1639607623]Is over 3/4’s of this thread like 1-2 people with many alts talking to themselves?[/QUOTE]
you understand these are people who lurk and just made accounts to post in this thread right?
Alts are still in MISC. MMeadows is still posting away..what in the actual fuk
[QUOTE=Paul Kreul;1639608103]Alts are still in MISC. MMeadows is still posting away..what in the actual fuk[/QUOTE]SettingOff and SultanOfBling too. All the same poster, one of whom is posting in here.
jfl @ miscers thinking this is about stopping alts, when its really about hiding you degenerates from public. lmfao.
[QUOTE=terrorgunt;1639593463]lol, imagine being so beta you can't see the Misc[/QUOTE]
Imagine posting the same joke thats been posted ITT 4 times. Lul *******.
China level creativity. Go back to sweating for slootspeaks
SS invading another thread. That's new and refreshing.
[QUOTE=snailsrus;1639607623]Is over 3/4’s of this thread like 1-2 people with many alts talking to themselves?[/QUOTE]
I don't think so. The analytics show that this site gets 7.9 million hits per day. There are probably a lot more lurkers than active members on the Misc. They're all upset that they lost access.
So... das it mane, no more misc? Haven't been able to access it at all
RIP to photochop thread luls and getting my world wide news off misc srs
[QUOTE=ryu38;1639471823]can modbrah give us an update please ?[/QUOTE]
please respond
How am I supposed to kill time on a boring Friday afternoon at work before a holiday weekend! WTF! I want back on the misc!
[QUOTE=ryu38;1639632783]please respond[/QUOTE]
I just talked to a mod in the misc. This is your eternal purgatory.
[QUOTE=EarlA;1639633143]I just talked to a mod in the misc. This is my eternal *******ery.[/QUOTE]
fixed that for you
[QUOTE=ryu38;1639633683]fixed that for you[/QUOTE]
Call it what you want. It’s your world.
[QUOTE=EarlA;1639633143]I just talked to a mod in the misc. This is your eternal purgatory.[/QUOTE]
Are u srs, dude talk to him for me need acces. Whats their problem lmao?
Accecs is beyond needed, mods admins wake up broos, man needs his acces. 3x my crypto gains since november from that crypto thread, " misc crypto crew" or whatever is called with that tezos kid going crazy every day
Any scraps from the Misc table tonight?
[QUOTE=LargePeter;1639609863]SettingOff and SultanOfBling too. All the same poster, one of whom is posting in here.[/QUOTE]
Meanwhile I was perma banned several times when I made a new account after deleting my 19 year old OG account and had to get an admin to let me back, but all my posts were deleted and I can't access anything lmao
Bling is obviously Pogue so he's allowed to do whatever he wants while lefty mods still have a say there
Losing podunks and Mike was pretty much the end of misc, they might as well have let icefat and Kyle cuck stay on as mods tbh
lurking for 7 years fee ldrespped
I sure hope yaboydave posts an update!
[QUOTE=LS1Z28;1639618923]I don't think so. The analytics show that this site gets 7.9 million hits per day. There are probably a lot more lurkers than active members on the Misc. They're all upset that they lost access.[/QUOTE] thanks for sticking up for us and not being a dick like the rest in here
something must be done i feel so depressed.
[QUOTE=miscanthrop;1639610563]jfl @ miscers thinking this is about stopping alts, when its really about hiding you degenerates from public. lmfao.[/QUOTE]
This. Why block non logged in viewers if it’s about stopping alts? Miss a ton of ad revenue that way and needlessly block a bunch of innocent lurkers
Fuuuaaaa... as a long time lurker where am I going to get advice on how to ascend? Looks like us lurkers are now not going to make it. Feels batman.
Day 8 of no misc. I feel so numb. The light is fading. Roxie haunts me in my dreams. The tour can’t be over
Alone in the trap on a friday night
[QUOTE=TrustTheScience;1639660593]Meanwhile I was perma banned several times when I made a new account after deleting my 19 year old OG account and had to get an admin to let me back, but all my posts were deleted and I can't access anything lmao
Bling is obviously Pogue so he's allowed to do whatever he wants while lefty mods still have a say there
Losing podunks and Mike was pretty much the end of misc, they might as well have let icefat and Kyle cuck stay on as mods tbh[/QUOTE]
Fuk off wincel
This is pissing me off I used to be a misc "lurker" then decided to start posting. My first post was in April so I meet the standards, but I'm still blocked what's up with that?
It has been over a week now. Can we get an update on what is going on and how long it will take for the Lurkers to be given access?
My account’s on sale priced about $350,000.00
it looks like even webarchive.org is banned from the misc.
no screenshot since the 19th
[QUOTE=dizzin9;1639683293]My account’s on sale priced about $350,000.00[/QUOTE]
Nice, lets meetup and close deal in person
I had been lurking on Misc since 2006... this forced me to sign up and look for MISC :(
Member since 2004, still can’t access. Any updates??
Way to kill the forum.
Go on Today's posts and the top threads have like two pages of comments.
Misc threads would have ten.
Well done.
Left wing trolls all over the internet rejoicing in killing off yet another one of the last placs where conservatives were still allowed to talk.
Liberals ruin everything they touch
Long time lurker checking in.
So many good new threads in the misc. You guys are missing out. i lowkey feel bad.