[QUOTE=backinthegymbro;1639726453]So many good new threads in the misc. You guys are missing out. i lowkey feel bad.[/QUOTE]
Whats happening with stocks and cyrpto
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[QUOTE=backinthegymbro;1639726453]So many good new threads in the misc. You guys are missing out. i lowkey feel bad.[/QUOTE]
Whats happening with stocks and cyrpto
ive had an acount for years why cant i see it?
OG want's back in.
Haven't posted in 10 years lol. But still read daily.
I think I know the reason why its hidden......going to be sold as an NFT....(The great bb.com misc)......srs..notsrs?
[QUOTE=backinthegymbro;1639726453]So many good new threads in the misc. You guys are missing out. i lowkey feel bad.[/QUOTE]
That’s depressing… there’s far more topics than what I’m limited to seeing.
C’mon mods… open the section. =\
let us all in except the may 2021 n00bs
Bump for answers
[QUOTE=backinthegymbro;1639726453]So many good new threads in the misc. You guys are missing out. i lowkey feel bad.[/QUOTE]
Cliffs brah????
[QUOTE=sinemacula;1639608273]Tour's over boyos[/QUOTE]
its over for you boyo
let us misc, bros
[QUOTE=princekoko;1639612023]Imagine posting the same joke thats been posted ITT 4 times. Lul *******.
China level creativity. Go back to sweating for slootspeaks[/QUOTE]
lol, imagine being so beta you can't see the Misc
Boring now
TFW getting reps on posts I can't even see anymore
Where am I gonna read my gay drunk stories from "straight guys" COME ON!
Fug I just want to lurk
[QUOTE=eternalnoob;1639694043]Way to kill the forum.
Left wing trolls all over the internet rejoicing in killing off yet another one of the last placs where conservatives were still allowed to talk.[/QUOTE]more like right wing moron admin killed it
Has anybody else called the hotline?
Incredible that no statement has ever been made; we're just left out in the dark. Unthinkable incompetence for a site as big as this.
Any thread on Misc about the new Pokemon game?
Will pay $5000 for answers
let us lurk ffs *******s. It's been over a week
let me bang bro!
[QUOTE=giobru95lol;1639786513]let us lurk ffs *******s. It's been over a week[/QUOTE]
i cant take it much longer brahs
$1000 for account with misc access..
Haven't posted in ages, but would lurk every day and rep what I found funny/interesting. Hopefully can get my access back
Longtime lurker checking in, FREE THE MISC
I have an account from 2016 all my posts on the misc other than that lurking and can't access it guess I will fist myself
post +1
Any word on what it would take to get access?
elephant walk with top mod
Viewing the replies on this thread, I'm seeing a theme --- BRB, modifying my age to be <30
Please dont make me be productive
Lmao last night's fire ass threads carried over into this morning. Wtf was that salute thread all about? Fooken lol @ "no thx Jenny, you $2 sloot" lmfaoo
[QUOTE=fitnessdoc2020;1639801533]Any word on what it would take to get access?[/QUOTE]
'bout $350.
[QUOTE=eternalnoob;1639694043]Way to kill the forum.
Go on Today's posts and the top threads have like two pages of comments.
Misc threads would have ten.
Well done.
Left wing trolls all over the internet rejoicing in killing off yet another one of the last placs where conservatives were still allowed to talk.[/QUOTE]
I’ve noticed there are quite a few conservative posters in The war room and Mayberry lounge on sherdog.
The war room especially but overall, it seems like the site has more left leaning members mixed in when compared to the misc. It’s also a tamer place lol.
[QUOTE=ye193x;1639727683]Whats happening with stocks and cyrpto[/QUOTE]
They have mega crypto threads as well (Crypto Megathread V12 is the latest one) but I haven’t seen the misc version so can’t judge the quality in comparison...
Wow I just wanted to lurk while I’m on night shift, tried clicking a saved misc link. Pops up saying I have to login. Proceed to try everything except login. Login but still no misc, guess I’ll just go pretend to fight crime.
I was removed for about a week, i had emailed them and got access back. anyone else? is it only if you email them or are they allowing anybody back in?
[QUOTE=chetbaker2;1639796343]$1000 for account with misc access..[/QUOTE]
I’ll sell right now for $350,000
[QUOTE=Slayer1093;1639857073]I was removed for about a week, i had emailed them and got access back. anyone else? is it only if you email them or are they allowing anybody back in?[/QUOTE]
I emailed, still no access.
[QUOTE=SuperHercules;1639861543]Gayberry lounge is the safe space for people who can't handle the uncensored OT forums[/QUOTE]
Lol, off-topic and the great beyond are more similar to the misc.
Bye misc
[QUOTE=SuperHercules;1639872183]I used to go to the OT a lot more with an old account
I'm always on the heavies now with my current account. Never heard of the great beyond, I'll check it out
Edit: I'm on the great beyond now, it's even more top secret than the current Misc lol[/QUOTE]
Lol yh, TGB never shows up on the forums page. OT’s just hidden from non-members.
goodbye misc thinks for the laughs
[QUOTE=drakkarman;1639900643]i give up no help here ever, given up moving on[/QUOTE]
let me guess you were lurking for 20 years but just signed up 3 days ago?
[QUOTE=messomi;1639900863]let me guess you were lurking for 20 years but just signed up 3 days ago?[/QUOTE]no long time member just forgot my account from years ago harddrive crashed & why do you care go back to your private forum
I emailed admin to see if they can add me back, misc might be dead but unlike /fit/ at least I can post on it with my phone (since every mobile IP on earth has been banned from 4chan)
Hopefully that works because a man can only take so much Reddit
I just paid tree fiddy over paypal to india but still no access.
pls respond.
Finally got my access back lmao. Cheers lads im outahea
emailed support but still waiting on access
[QUOTE=SuperHercules;1639861573]Nice try banished pleb. Make some posts there then[/QUOTE]
ok lol