[QUOTE=TryingBB;1638352233]Do you know the ingredients in that tasty McDees’ treat you had last time? Check this out! [url]https://wtffunfact.com/wtf-fun-fact-artificial-strawberry-flavor-chemicals/[/url][/QUOTE]
Nope..can't be worse than some of the stuff I've smoked with my tweaker neighbors.
All three cases are considered “breakthrough positives,” since they had been fully vaccinated.
What's going on here?
[QUOTE=SPP1;1638356743]All three cases are considered “breakthrough positives,” since they had been fully vaccinated.
What's going on here?[/QUOTE]
What do you mean? Vaccine isn't 100% effective. A quick skim of the article I don't even see that the positives are symptomatic and assuming the testing was due to league requirements.
[QUOTE=SPP1;1638356743]All three cases are considered “breakthrough positives,” since they had been fully vaccinated.
What's going on here?[/QUOTE]
When I was doing a swab test for my 9yo daughter (that’s how they do it at CVS here, I did the swabbing and put it in a vial for rapid test) the lab lady mentioned they are seeing a high number of fully vaccinated people testing positive. I was surprised she volunteered that tidbit. Then again she was literally eating a salad in the lab and put what appeared to be a dirty over her nose and mouth when we came in. The other young lady was wearing a full-face PAPR respirator. They were in what looked like a converted chicken coop in the parking lot of CVS. The world is a strange place. I’d hope that despite some breakthrough potential, the vaccines help make the cases mild or asymptomatic. However, to test positive (w/out simply a contaminated test or false positive result) you have to be shedding virus, which means viral replication is occurring at some level. Numbers are dropping so IDGAF, as long as that trend continues I look forward to getting back ma freedoms to do squats and ride the elliptical without a slobbery rag over my face.
Usually I'd heard "breakthrough" to describe the concern that an infection occurs despite previous immunity.
If a certain % of vaccinated people are recording positive but either remain asymptomatic or avoid serious symptoms needing medical intervention, I'd suggest the vaccine was working!
PP.. if you look at the hygiene at some fast food outlets, eating a sandwich in a lab in a parking lot by comparison low risk.
[QUOTE=vadsie;1638314773]agreed, i have a mental disability.[/QUOTE]
Sorry to hear about the disability, congrats on the shot, welcome to the forum. It's a fun spot.
[QUOTE=OldFartTom;1638361203]Usually I'd heard "breakthrough" to describe the concern that an infection occurs despite previous immunity.
If a certain % of vaccinated people are recording positive but either remain asymptomatic or avoid serious symptoms needing medical intervention, I'd suggest the vaccine was working!
PP.. if you look at the hygiene at some fast food outlets, eating a sandwich in a lab in a parking lot by comparison low risk.[/QUOTE]
Yeah thats what the news is calling it, a leaky vaccine is also a term used to describe ability to be infectious or shed pathogens following vaccination. I agree if the vaccine keeps people from needing serious medical care / reduces deaths it is doing good enough IMO. Well aware of sanitation in food establishments. I worked for one of the largest public health departments in the US right out of college. While I was primarily working with West Nile Virus and creating the response plan, I also did some food service sanitation and foodborne illness outbreak investigations. If you've never seen large populations of maggots inside of the guard of a meat slicer in a restaurant, you haven't really "lived" lol.
A meat slicer is like a well seasoned wok. You must never wash it or you'll spoil the flavor. The maggots are just an indication that it's currently in use and the kitchen is in healthy balance. If the roaches have eaten all the maggots then you know there's a problem
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1638361663]Sorry to hear about the disability, congrats on the shot, welcome to the forum. It's a fun spot.[/QUOTE]
So the conspiracy freaks are now using masks to protect themselves from the vaccinated folks. :D tables have turned..
[QUOTE=TryingBB;1638352233]Do you know the ingredients in that tasty McDees’ treat you had last time? Check this out! [url]https://wtffunfact.com/wtf-fun-fact-artificial-strawberry-flavor-chemicals/[/url][/QUOTE]
WTH is that crap, is that even anabolic?
But fuk McD anyway, BK stacker is Greatest!
[QUOTE=Cass40;1638378503]So the conspiracy freaks are now using masks to protect themselves from the vaccinated folks. :D tables have turned..[/QUOTE] What? but the metal strip over the nose in the masks are activated by 5g, so they will become victims too??? We need to start issuing videos on reliable medical platforms (Tickok, Insta, ********) to warn them, the conspiracy theorists are at risk and that the original conspiracy theorists were in fact a false-flag.
Isn't it all obvious beyond any doubt by now that anti-vax was a trick spread by shape shifting paedo lizards (secretly controlling the world) and that vax was in fact not the conspiracy after all, it was a double bluff to get the masks worn. Everything is becoming so much clearer now - it's all pretty obvious really, makes sense.
[QUOTE=Cass40;1638350613]I have no idea what you just said.
Wait...who's DNA? Some hottie at least??[/QUOTE]
Exactly! I posted that because I agree with what you said. Nobody cares about the ingredients of a vaccine or any other medication I prescribe. Oh wait, that's not true. I did have some vegans ask me about the ingredients of medications I prescribed for them back when I still saw patients. Course they were only concerned about animal products.
If I tell you a pill has N-4(hydroxyphenyl)acetamide, it probably doesn't help you without a web search.
If I tell you it contains a pain medication that is very safe, you should probably ask me what that means.
If I tell you we're aware of at least 20 or 30 people who have died from adverse reactions at normal doses, it tells you nothing until I add that those deaths were out of several billion people who have taken it many times a year for the past 50+ years.
Those would all be as silly as the thought behind that picture because if I had simply told you it's tylenol, you wouldn't have needed me to tell you anything else.
With the vaccines, we tell you it's a vaccine. We also try to make everyone aware of the risks and benefits are. We don't tell people the ingredients.
I'm kind of amazed this is still something to argue about. People are all different. Some are logical, understand statistics, know how the vaccines were tested, have reviewed the results of the studies, and even know what the ingredients in the vaccines are. That's a rare group but it does includes many of my colleagues, and me. From what I have seen, people in "my" group have all chosen to get vaccinated.
Some people don't or can't understand those details. Some could have anxiety or other mental health disorders, and maybe they'd get panic attacks or have some other issues because they'd be constantly worrying the vaccine was harming them if they got it. Those people generally refuse the vaccine, and that is perfectly reasonable. All we can do is educate them and respect their decision.
The rest of the population falls between those two extremes and to a degree they have the right to make their own decisions based on their personalities, values, and intellects. I'm guessing 95% of people are smart enough to realize they're better off getting vaccinated than not getting vaccinated if they take the time to look at the data, so I'm optimistic.
I pointed out on another thread several months ago that if this virus mutates to a strain that causes permanent scarring of the penile blood vessels in 1% of infected men, we'll have almost 100% acceptance of the vaccine. The funny thing is, we already have data showing the risk of ED is 5 or 6 fold higher for men who have gotten the virus than those who haven't. That's matching other risks. The risk in men over thirty isn't insignificant, I'm pretty sure it's at least 1% of healthy men will develop a degree of ED before they reach 40. If you get COVID 19, your risk is then 5%. Numbers might be higher than that. Google is your friend ... .
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1638379873]Exactly! I posted that because I agree with what you said. Nobody cares about the ingredients of a vaccine or any other medication I prescribe. Oh wait, that's not true. I did have some vegans ask me about the ingredients of medications I prescribed for them back when I still saw patients. Course they were only concerned about animal products.
If I tell you a pill has N-4(hydroxyphenyl)acetamide, it probably doesn't help you without a web search.
If I tell you it contains a pain medication that is very safe, you should probably ask me what that means.
If I tell you we're aware of at least 20 or 30 people who have died from adverse reactions at normal doses, it tells you nothing until I add that those deaths were out of several billion people who have taken it many times a year for the past 50+ years.
Those would all be as silly as the thought behind that picture because if I had simply told you it's tylenol, you wouldn't have needed me to tell you anything else.
With the vaccines, we tell you it's a vaccine. We also try to make everyone aware of the risks and benefits are. We don't tell people the ingredients.
I'm kind of amazed this is still something to argue about. People are all different. Some are logical, understand statistics, know how the vaccines were tested, have reviewed the results of the studies, and even know what the ingredients in the vaccines are. That's a rare group but it does includes many of my colleagues, and me. From what I have seen, people in "my" group have all chosen to get vaccinated.
Some people don't or can't understand those details. Some could have anxiety or other mental health disorders, and maybe they'd get panic attacks or have some other issues because they'd be constantly worrying the vaccine was harming them if they got it. Those people generally refuse the vaccine, and that is perfectly reasonable. All we can do is educate them and respect their decision.
The rest of the population falls between those two extremes and to a degree they have the right to make their own decisions based on their personalities, values, and intellects. I'm guessing 95% of people are smart enough to realize they're better off getting vaccinated than not getting vaccinated if they take the time to look at the data, so I'm optimistic.
I pointed out on another thread several months ago that if this virus mutates to a strain that causes permanent scarring of the penile blood vessels in 1% of infected men, we'll have almost 100% acceptance of the vaccine. The funny thing is, we already have data showing the risk of ED is 5 or 6 fold higher for men who have gotten the virus than those who haven't. That's matching other risks. The risk in men over thirty isn't insignificant, I'm pretty sure it's at least 1% of healthy men will develop a degree of ED before they reach 40. If you get COVID 19, your risk is then 5%. Numbers might be higher than that. Google is your friend ... .[/QUOTE]
Yeah tbh that's why I feel safe taking the vaccine. Pretty much everyone I respect, think are intelligent, logical etc. are in favor of it.
The ones who are not for it are usually the opposite, and moreover do not look healthy. (Except for Kim :D)
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1638379873]...I pointed out on another thread...[/QUOTE] And is you can link it to biceps reduction in addition to ED, then that'll be the final nail in the coffin and you'll have 100% male compliance on this site ;)
Aaw poor penile vessels...never did no harm to nobody..:o
[QUOTE=Cass40;1638380403]Yeah tbh that's why I feel safe taking the vaccine. Pretty much everyone I respect, think are intelligent, logical etc. are in favor of it.
The ones who are not for it are usually the opposite, and moreover do not look healthy. (Except for Kim :D)[/QUOTE]
Most people can’t come back from a big back strain and be back to Dead lifting over 350 without a belt in less than 2 weeks and over 40 like I, the Viking!!!
Just read about it, boom.
I looked at the state by state data last night and most states are between 30-40% vax rate and it seems to be stalling there.
[QUOTE=LWW;1638381133]Most people can’t come back from a big back strain and be back to Dead lifting over 350 without a belt in less than 2 weeks and over 40 like I, the Viking!!![/QUOTE]
Yea but you're taking the vaccine so you are the smart one. :)
Oh wait..if it's your wife who's making you, you don't get the credit, I take it back. :D
[QUOTE=Cass40;1638381263]Yea but you're taking the vaccine so you are the smart one. :)
Oh wait..if it's your wife who's making you, you don't get the credit, I take it back. :D[/QUOTE]
That’s correct, that is wife’s doing, not mine.
My deal with the vaccine is if there is no reason for me to take a vaccine, why do it, I don’t live my life to please the public.
I don’t believe in any poison from the vaccine although I don’t agree with this hurry to get everyone vaccinated, people ie humans are panic species, I see no reason to influence someone else to get this.
Look wats happing with the gas situation now, do you respect these panic people? One day there will be nowhere else for these panic people to run too. One day they will not escape death.
My state just announced that we're over 60% vaccinated in the adult population. This is pretty big. The governor indicated she'd lift the tier restriction on businesses if we can hit 70% - which is still a pretty tall order but getting there.
[QUOTE=PhDPepper1111;1638396253]My state just announced that we're over 60% vaccinated in the adult population. This is pretty big. The governor indicated she'd lift the tier restriction on businesses if we can hit 70% - which is still a pretty tall order but getting there.[/QUOTE]
Fully or partially? In Cali we are about 47% fully vacced and 76% partially.
Californians are taking to heart that the majority of people are vaccinated. When I was down on Mission Beach the other night.... it was packed an no one was wearing a mask.
Public drunkeness is back in full swing as well as I saw some dude get punched in the face twice before flipping backward over the boardwalk wall and into the sand though. Back to normal I suppose.
[QUOTE=PhDPepper1111;1638396253]My state just announced that we're over 60% vaccinated in the adult population. This is pretty big. The governor indicated she'd lift the tier restriction on businesses if we can hit 70% - which is still a pretty tall order but getting there.[/QUOTE]
Newsom said Covid is officially over in California on June 15th.
[QUOTE=xTeTe;1638403523]Californians are taking to heart that the majority of people are vaccinated. When I was down on Mission Beach the other night.... it was packed an no one was wearing a mask.
Public drunkeness is back in full swing as well as I saw some dude get punched in the face twice before flipping backward over the boardwalk wall and into the sand though. Back to normal I suppose.[/QUOTE]
I already said that weeks ago about Laguna Beach ITT. :D
[QUOTE=Cass40;1638403983]I already said that weeks ago about Laguna Beach ITT. :D[/QUOTE]
I just came across this a second ago
UPDATED with latest: On the same day his top health official told reporters that California-mandated capacity restrictions on businesses would be over on June 15, Governor Gavin Newsom confirmed that the state’s mask mandate will be gone, as well.
When asked by Fox News LA’s Elex Michaelson if there would be a mask mandate after June 15, the usually-loquacious Newsom said simply, “No.” He did go on to explain the rare circumstances where masks would still be needed
“Only in those massively large [indoor] settings where people from around the world are convening & people are mixing in real dense spaces. Otherwise…no mandates,” he told Michaelson.
[QUOTE=Cass40;1638398773]Fully or partially? In Cali we are about 47% fully vacced and 76% partially.[/QUOTE]
I think in OR the goal of 70% applies to at least one dose of the two-dose vaccines.
[QUOTE=xTeTe;1638403593]Newsom said Covid is officially over in California on June 15th.[/QUOTE]
LOL, good to know.
[QUOTE=xTeTe;1638404813]I just came across this a second ago
UPDATED with latest: On the same day his top health official told reporters that California-mandated capacity restrictions on businesses would be over on June 15, Governor Gavin Newsom confirmed that the state’s mask mandate will be gone, as well.
When asked by Fox News LA’s Elex Michaelson if there would be a mask mandate after June 15, the usually-loquacious Newsom said simply, “No.” He did go on to explain the rare circumstances where masks would still be needed
“Only in those massively large [indoor] settings where people from around the world are convening & people are mixing in real dense spaces. Otherwise…no mandates,” he told Michaelson.[/QUOTE]
I'm sure this is a huge relief for many. We'll see what happens with the virus itself.
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1638379873]Exactly! I posted that because I agree with what you said. Nobody cares about the ingredients of a vaccine or any other medication I prescribe. Oh wait, that's not true. I did have some vegans ask me about the ingredients of medications I prescribed for them back when I still saw patients. Course they were only concerned about animal products.
If I tell you a pill has N-4(hydroxyphenyl)acetamide, it probably doesn't help you without a web search.
If I tell you it contains a pain medication that is very safe, you should probably ask me what that means.
If I tell you we're aware of at least 20 or 30 people who have died from adverse reactions at normal doses, it tells you nothing until I add that those deaths were out of several billion people who have taken it many times a year for the past 50+ years.
Those would all be as silly as the thought behind that picture because if I had simply told you it's tylenol, you wouldn't have needed me to tell you anything else.
With the vaccines, we tell you it's a vaccine. We also try to make everyone aware of the risks and benefits are. We don't tell people the ingredients.
I'm kind of amazed this is still something to argue about. People are all different. Some are logical, understand statistics, know how the vaccines were tested, have reviewed the results of the studies, and even know what the ingredients in the vaccines are. That's a rare group but it does includes many of my colleagues, and me. From what I have seen, people in "my" group have all chosen to get vaccinated.
Some people don't or can't understand those details. Some could have anxiety or other mental health disorders, and maybe they'd get panic attacks or have some other issues because they'd be constantly worrying the vaccine was harming them if they got it. Those people generally refuse the vaccine, and that is perfectly reasonable. All we can do is educate them and respect their decision.
The rest of the population falls between those two extremes and to a degree they have the right to make their own decisions based on their personalities, values, and intellects. I'm guessing 95% of people are smart enough to realize they're better off getting vaccinated than not getting vaccinated if they take the time to look at the data, so I'm optimistic.
I pointed out on another thread several months ago that if this virus mutates to a strain that causes permanent scarring of the penile blood vessels in 1% of infected men, we'll have almost 100% acceptance of the vaccine. The funny thing is, we already have data showing the risk of ED is 5 or 6 fold higher for men who have gotten the virus than those who haven't. That's matching other risks. The risk in men over thirty isn't insignificant, I'm pretty sure it's at least 1% of healthy men will develop a degree of ED before they reach 40. If you get COVID 19, your risk is then 5%. Numbers might be higher than that. Google is your friend ... .[/QUOTE]
You make too much sense and it sure looks like you know what you're talking about. But then again how do we know you are not a government plant to ensure vaccination compliancy. I mean, if I was a conspiracist. Right "Just the dad?" wink-wink. Seriously, thank you for all the info you've contributed. It has certainly allayed my fears (not completely) of getting the vaccine.