LIsten up, you clowns want to talk about not passing science and the scientists, you azzholes forget that Fauci called masks a feel good thing.
That’s the only truth that mofo has told but CHYNA didn’t want that plus the masks are being made in CHYNA, believe want you want to numbnuts but the truth is in that haystack, the true believers you fukers are!!!!
[QUOTE=LWW;1644184093]LIsten up, you clowns want to talk about not passing science and the scientists, you azzholes forget that Fauci called masks a feel good thing.
That’s the only truth that mofo has told but CHYNA didn’t want that plus the masks are being made in CHYNA, believe want you want to numbnuts but the truth is in that haystack, the true believers you fukers are!!!![/QUOTE]
Gotcha, you don't understand why restaurants require you to be masked except when seated at your table?
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1644174363]This is really starting to feel like the beginning of a 4th wave if we don't crush this thing immediately.[/QUOTE]
It will burn itself out eventually, there is no other way it will end. People are not getting re-infected on any real scale, essentially everyone is going to get it, vaccinated or not by the looks of it. Deaths are remaining low, but lag 6 weeks (+- 2 weeks) from case increases. Cases have been increasing, deaths are staying low (overall). 7-8K people die everyday, 200-300 attributed to covid isn't really concerning in that far more die from other preventable causes.
A little update from Hopkins, our positivity rate went from 4% to 8% in a short period of time.
[QUOTE=Corbi;1644150943]You wont find one because there are none.
Some of these government officials want to return to all of the BS policies that didn't work the 1st time, remember Einstein's definition of insanity.
Same as nobody can pinpoint where or how they got Covid 19, they may have a best guess but thats all it would be. And if the vaccine means you don't get hospitalized & are mostly asymptomatic then so what if anyone gets it after being vaccinated? For those few who don't wish to get vaccinated, good fukking luck you are on your own and let everyone else go about their lives.[/QUOTE]
Yep. For the people who "don't believe its real" or whatever, that's the risk they took, they can live or die with the consequences unfortunately. There will be a lot of deaths in vaccinated people in high risk groups too, but for the people not on deaths door but at a higher risk group they should get the shot and either quarantine the rest of their lives or get on with life.
Also don't forget to take your covid pills.
Follow the money.
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1644184593]Gotcha, you don't understand why restaurants require you to be masked except when seated at your table?[/QUOTE]
Man you are just an annoying fuker.
First this is about wearing your fuking mask while vaccinated, the restaurant is not mandated to even do that yet in all states, when they do, they are just complying if they do this and are not mandated they are just doing the feel good bs.
Corbi, why don’t you ask this stupid mofo Pockets what’s wrong with him?
[QUOTE=LWW;1644150303]Good, meanwhile Biden is sending a crap load of covid infected border crossers all over the country, and TryingBB is lol'ing at me cause he wears a mask while being vaccinated?[/QUOTE]
I am fully vaccinated and now quarantined with a slight cough and a runny nose after my trip to Nashville. They packed 75,000 of us into the covered concessions area for 45 minutes due to lightning, and since 1/2 of the crowd wasn't vaccinated, you can bet there will be some new cases that got exposed there. My cough is probably just a cold, but even my kids who are also fully vaccinated and asymptomatic are wearing masks 100% of the time outside the house again. Just like Biden. The president interacts with many people each day so even though he's vaccinated, he could still catch a resistant strain, spread it, or become the source of a new variant. Like him, I'll wear a mask when I might expose other people outside my family in my home. If I get infected, hopefully I whatever strain I catch, or whatever strain develops in me, will not spread beyond me.
I got the vaccine to protect me. I wear the mask to protect others.
So if you go by the mask and vaccine theory, YOU should carry also to protect ME!!![/QUOTE]
Not really. If I carry it's to protect myself or my family and friends. While you're more than welcome to hide behind me if someone starts shooting at us, you're not why I have a CCW. The chance that either of us will ever need our firearms to protect ourselves or others is much less likely than the possibility that one of us will win the Powerball jackpot. One person's practice of wearing a mask indoors when they're around others is much more likely to save a life than any 10 civilians responsibly carrying a firearm for the next 30 years is.
In addition to my CCW, which I rarely bother to carry, my family has an IFAK in every car and I keep a large kit in my car, a small bleed stop kit in my travel bag, and another one in my range bag. All 6 kits combined cost less than the cheapest firearm I own. The chance that you or I will protect ourselves or someone else with a firearm are tiny compared to the chance we could save a life, our own possibly, with an IFAK and a little bit of knowledge. So, as you type out inane statements comparing guns to masks, I'd like to ask, do you also carry an IFAK that you know how to use? Or is it just the firearms? Because if you chose to only carry a firearm, it's basically your version of Linus' security blanket, and isn't comparable to others choosing to wear a mask.
First this is about wearing your fuking mask while vaccinated, the restaurant is not mandated to even do that yet in all states, when they do, they are just complying if they do this and are not mandated they are just doing the feel good bs.
Simmer down princess, you really do have a short fuse on your tampon...
[b]I wasn't the one who brought up masking in restaurants. You did,[/b] i'll quote it because obvioulsly your memory is short too.
The virus don’t spread by walking to your fuking table if that was the case there’s no point in even sitting down and removing the mask.[/QUOTE]
All I did was ask if you knew why a mask was worn while walking to your table and removed when eating and then you went on some tirade about who knows what. :D
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1644187053]I am fully vaccinated and now quarantined with a slight cough and a runny nose after my trip to Nashville. They packed 75,000 of us into the covered concessions area for 45 minutes due to lightning, and since 1/2 of the crowd wasn't vaccinated, you can bet there will be some new cases that got exposed there. My cough is probably just a cold, but even my kids who are also fully vaccinated and asymptomatic are wearing masks 100% of the time outside the house again. Just like Biden. The president interacts with many people each day so even though he's vaccinated, he could still catch a resistant strain, spread it, or become the source of a new variant. Like him, I'll wear a mask when I might expose other people outside my family in my home. If I get infected, hopefully I whatever strain I catch, or whatever strain develops in me, will not spread beyond me.
I got the vaccine to protect me. I wear the mask to protect others.
Not really. If I carry it's to protect myself or my family and friends. While you're more than welcome to hide behind me if someone starts shooting at us, you're not why I have a CCW. The chance that either of us will ever need our firearms to protect ourselves or others is much less likely than the possibility that one of us will win the Powerball jackpot. One person's practice of wearing a mask indoors when they're around others is much more likely to save a life than any 10 civilians responsibly carrying a firearm for the next 30 years is.
In addition to my CCW, which I rarely bother to carry, my family has an IFAK in every car and I keep a large kit in my car, a small bleed stop kit in my travel bag, and another one in my range bag. All 6 kits combined cost less than the cheapest firearm I own. The chance that you or I will protect ourselves or someone else with a firearm are tiny compared to the chance we could save a life, our own possibly, with an IFAK and a little bit of knowledge. So, as you type out inane statements comparing guns to masks, I'd have to ask, do you also carry an IFAK that you know how to use? Or is it just the firearms? Because if you chose to only carry a firearm, it's basically your version of Linus' security blanket, and isn't comparable to others choosing to wear a mask.[/QUOTE]
No $hit? Figured you would have already had it being in a hospital, even in an administrative role. Your symptomatic, so get tested and let us know. A friend who works in labor and delivery/NICU had a physician just return from a family trip to Vegas. He was the only one vaxxed in the family, the wife and 1 kid developed symptoms on the way home , wife actually ended up spending a couple days in the hospital getting oxygen. He continued to go to work at the hospital despite being in close contact with a known positive and later became symptomatic (following CDC recommendations). I wonder how many people he infected, he's not admin, saw lots of patients per usual.
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1644187683]Simmer down princess, you really do have a short fuse on your tampon...
[b]I wasn't the one who brought up masking in restaurants. You did,[/b] i'll quote it because obvioulsly your memory is short too.
All I did was ask if you knew why a mask was worn while walking to your table and removed when eating and then you went on some tirade about who knows what. :D[/QUOTE]
Sorry my fuse is logging into this fuking forum, it sucks on a phone.
My initial response was not to you, it’s to TryingBB but I know you agree with him anyway.
TyingBB acts like the masks protect him as he states he is afraid to go places and the fear makes him mask while vaccinated, the only reason they the experts want us masked is to protect the non vaccinated.
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1644187053]I am fully vaccinated and now quarantined with a slight cough and a runny nose after my trip to Nashville. They packed 75,000 of us into the covered concessions area for 45 minutes due to lightning, and since 1/2 of the crowd wasn't vaccinated, you can bet there will be some new cases that got exposed there. My cough is probably just a cold, but even my kids who are also fully vaccinated and asymptomatic are wearing masks 100% of the time outside the house again. Just like Biden. The president interacts with many people each day so even though he's vaccinated, he could still catch a resistant strain, spread it, or become the source of a new variant. Like him, I'll wear a mask when I might expose other people outside my family in my home. If I get infected, hopefully I whatever strain I catch, or whatever strain develops in me, will not spread beyond me.
I got the vaccine to protect me. I wear the mask to protect others.
Not really. If I carry it's to protect myself or my family and friends. While you're more than welcome to hide behind me if someone starts shooting at us, you're not why I have a CCW. The chance that either of us will ever need our firearms to protect ourselves or others is much less likely than the possibility that one of us will win the Powerball jackpot. One person's practice of wearing a mask indoors when they're around others is much more likely to save a life than any 10 civilians responsibly carrying a firearm for the next 30 years is.
In addition to my CCW, which I rarely bother to carry, my family has an IFAK in every car and I keep a large kit in my car, a small bleed stop kit in my travel bag, and another one in my range bag. All 6 kits combined cost less than the cheapest firearm I own. The chance that you or I will protect ourselves or someone else with a firearm are tiny compared to the chance we could save a life, our own possibly, with an IFAK and a little bit of knowledge. So, as you type out inane statements comparing guns to masks, I'd like to ask, do you also carry an IFAK that you know how to use? Or is it just the firearms? Because if you chose to only carry a firearm, it's basically your version of Linus' security blanket, and isn't comparable to others choosing to wear a mask.[/QUOTE]
So now that you caught a cold life is fuking over, this is our future? God how pathetic, grow a set ballz, my 90 year granny is tougher than you young snow flakes today.
Lol at the gun thing.
[QUOTE=LWW;1644188733]the only reason they the experts want us masked is to protect the non vaccinated.[/QUOTE]
You sure about that?
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1644189193]You sure about that?[/QUOTE]
The cdc is saying being vaccinated reduces the sever ness of Covid meaning it becomes a fuking cold, but if you bring vaccinated can spread it to someone unvaccinated so they suggest to wear a mask to protect the unvaccinated.
The dumb Mayer in ny isn’t even smart enough to have vaccinated and unvaccinated sections at restaurants, he’s going to cause lots of trouble.
I know you’ll come back and say no that’s not right well Gil off.
The cdc wants us all masking for feel good reasons they have no proof masks protect the wearer even your buddy Mr. Plower states confirms this.
[QUOTE=LWW;1644188733], the only reason they the experts want us masked is to protect the non vaccinated.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=LWW;1644190103]The cdc is saying being vaccinated reduces the sever ness of Covid meaning it becomes a fuking cold, but if you bring vaccinated can spread it to someone unvaccinated so they suggest to wear a mask to protect the unvaccinated.
The dumb Mayer in ny isn’t even smart enough to have vaccinated and unvaccinated sections at restaurants, he’s going to cause lots of trouble.[/QUOTE]
Still not buying the only reason for masking is to protect the unvaccinated.
[QUOTE=LWW;1644189083]So now that you caught a cold life is fuking over, this is our future? God how pathetic, grow a set ballz, my 90 year granny is tougher than you young snow flakes today.
Lol at the gun thing.[/QUOTE]
I'm fine having a mild cold and I can work from home. Quarantining until I am cleared in a couple of days is no big deal.
Whether or not your 90 year old granny is tougher than me isn't an issue since I won't ever put her, or any other people her age, at risk.
I do suspect she's tougher than people who use their spouses as an excuse to wimp out and get a vaccine they wanted anyway, as well as the ones who don't have the self confidence or mental fortitude to allow them to act responsibly and wear a mask. Especially when it's such an easy thing to do. But hey, some people really are wimps, can't tolerate a little cloth mask due to their insecurities and have to pretend they're not wearing it for other reasons.
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1644190953]Still not buying the only reason for masking is to protect the unvaccinated.[/QUOTE]
It's obviously not the only reason. If the delta variant can replicate in similar numbers in vaccinated individuals, then mask wearing, which prevents carriers from spreading it to both vaccinated and unvaccinated people, decreases the risk we'll see a more resistant or virulent strain develop and spread.
The dumb Mayer in ny[/QUOTE]
John Mayer? I like that guy.
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1644190953]Still not buying the only reason for masking is to protect the unvaccinated.[/QUOTE]
I also said they want us all to mask for feel good reasons and they have no proof that masks protect the wearer which of course you didn’t include and flew over your head.
Even Mr. plower know there is little to no evidence.
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1644192063]It's obviously not the only reason. If the delta variant can replicate in similar numbers in vaccinated individuals, then mask wearing, which prevents carriers from spreading it to both vaccinated and unvaccinated people, decreases the risk we'll see a more resistant or virulent strain develop and spread.[/QUOTE]
Masking didn’t work during the mandates in 2020 so why are they gonna work now? They make money for CHYNA though and gives pockets a warm fuzzy feeling!
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1644191893]I'm fine having a mild cold and I can work from home. Quarantining until I am cleared in a couple of days is no big deal.
Whether or not your 90 year old granny is tougher than me isn't an issue since I won't ever put her, or any other people her age, at risk.
I do suspect she's tougher than people who use their spouses as an excuse to wimp out and get a vaccine they wanted anyway, as well as the ones who don't have the self confidence or mental fortitude to allow them to act responsibly and wear a mask. Especially when it's such an easy thing to do. But hey, some people really are wimps, can't tolerate a little cloth mask due to their insecurities and have to pretend they're not wearing it for other reasons.[/QUOTE]
It is obsurd to wear a mask everywhere.
I already said I will mask in someone’s home, that is when Covid is spread.
I don’t go to concerts so I don’t care there.
I won’t mask in a gym or walking into a store, no reason to.
You are weak and a wimp cause you just blindly follow.
I think critically, I’m smart your dumb, kiss my azx
[QUOTE=LWW;1644190103]The cdc is saying being vaccinated reduces the sever ness of Covid meaning it becomes a fuking cold, but if you bring vaccinated can spread it to someone unvaccinated so they suggest to wear a mask to protect the unvaccinated.
The dumb Mayer in ny isn’t even smart enough to have vaccinated and unvaccinated sections at restaurants, he’s going to cause lots of trouble.[/QUOTE]
There's irony in this post, I can feel it.
[QUOTE=LWW;1644190283]I know you’ll come back and say no that’s not right well Gil off.
The cdc wants us all masking for feel good reasons they have no proof masks protect the wearer even your buddy Mr. Plower states confirms this.[/QUOTE]
I can't confirm anything, that requires a well designed repeatable experiment. That said, I wouldn't consider an N95 as protective for the wearer either, in my professional opinion. It would help, but it would not be protective enough to be considered PPE (I wouldn't sign off on that). The CDC knows this, that is why they have Level A protection an supplied air or highly effective PAPRs when dealing with airborne infectious diseases. I'm curious how much they protect others in "real world applications" because saturation of cloth masks would render them infective and I have seen some data that cloth masks actually increase infection rates (likely because people don't wash/change them regularly as they would a disposable procedural mask in a medical setting).
[QUOTE=LWW;1644152203]I carry my arsenal of firearms to protect YOU! One day when thit goes down you thank ME that I had multiple firearms and a thit load or ammo to save YOU!
So if you go by the mask and vaccine theory, YOU should carry also to protect ME!!![/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=LWW;1644152463]Special Forces Capt. Richard J. Flaherty AKA The Giant Killer!!![/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=LWW;1644170303]There you go again, manipulating my quote, you didn’t quote the reason why he has to wear a mask, it’s because of the influx of infected border crossers.
You sound like the old lady who has to freak over what I say, slay the giants!!!!![/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=LWW;1644171533]I got an A in science, so sticks out toungue.
In fact I got an A in just about every subject at one point depending on my motivation at that time.
If I wanted to, A’s were no problem.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=LWW;1644183093]I knew you were stupid if you think I’m as stupid as that chick.
First of all, the mask is a feel good thing, you can still get this Thit even with a fuking mask. If I’m around someone vulnerable like inside thier home I will mask for their benefit, I won’t hiwever change my fuking culture to satasfy CHYNA or be a fuking moron and wear a mask alone outside.
The virus don’t spread by walking to your fuking table if that was the case there’s no point in even sitting down and removing the mask.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=LWW;1644184093]LIsten up, you clowns want to talk about not passing science and the scientists, you azzholes forget that Fauci called masks a feel good thing.
That’s the only truth that mofo has told but CHYNA didn’t want that plus the masks are being made in CHYNA, believe want you want to numbnuts but the truth is in that haystack, the true believers you fukers are!!!![/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=LWW;1644186913]Man you are just an annoying fuker.
First this is about wearing your fuking mask while vaccinated, the restaurant is not mandated to even do that yet in all states, when they do, they are just complying if they do this and are not mandated they are just doing the feel good bs.
Corbi, why don’t you ask this stupid mofo Pockets what’s wrong with him?[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=LWW;1644188733]Sorry my fuse is logging into this fuking forum, it sucks on a phone.
My initial response was not to you, it’s to TryingBB but I know you agree with him anyway.
TyingBB acts like the masks protect him as he states he is afraid to go places and the fear makes him mask while vaccinated, the only reason they the experts want us masked is to protect the non vaccinated.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=LWW;1644189083]So now that you caught a cold life is fuking over, this is our future? God how pathetic, grow a set ballz, my 90 year granny is tougher than you young snow flakes today.
Lol at the gun thing.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=LWW;1644190103]The cdc is saying being vaccinated reduces the sever ness of Covid meaning it becomes a fuking cold, but if you bring vaccinated can spread it to someone unvaccinated so they suggest to wear a mask to protect the unvaccinated.
The dumb Mayer in ny isn’t even smart enough to have vaccinated and unvaccinated sections at restaurants, he’s going to cause lots of trouble.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=LWW;1644190283]I know you’ll come back and say no that’s not right well Gil off.
The cdc wants us all masking for feel good reasons they have no proof masks protect the wearer even your buddy Mr. Plower states confirms this.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=LWW;1644194843]I also said they want us all to mask for feel good reasons and they have no proof that masks protect the wearer which of course you didn’t include and flew over your head.
Even Mr. plower know there is little to no evidence.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=LWW;1644195093]Masking didn’t work during the mandates in 2020 so why are they gonna work now? They make money for CHYNA though and gives pockets a warm fuzzy feeling![/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=LWW;1644195963]It is obsurd to wear a mask everywhere.
I already said I will mask in someone’s home, that is when Covid is spread.
I don’t go to concerts so I don’t care there.
I won’t mask in a gym or walking into a store, no reason to.
You are weak and a wimp cause you just blindly follow.
I think critically, I’m smart your dumb, kiss my azx[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Plateauplower;1644196033]There's irony in this post, I can feel it.
I don’t agree with sections in a restaurant but it’s better than turning the unvaccinated away.
Anyone who does should just be shot, there’s no hope in that type of humanity.
Fuk off!!!
[QUOTE=LWW;1644196803]Fuk off!!![/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=LWW;1644196643]I don’t agree with sections in a restaurant but it’s better than turning the unvaccinated away.
Probably safer for the unvaccinated to eat outside on the patio if possible.
Pres. Biden thanks companies like Walmart, Google and Tysons for requiring vaccinations for their employees and calls out states that have banned mask mandates: "What are we doing? COVID-19 is a national challenge. And we have to come together...as a country to solve it."
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1644192063]It's obviously not the only reason. If the delta variant can replicate in similar numbers in vaccinated individuals, then mask wearing, which prevents carriers from spreading it to both vaccinated and unvaccinated people, decreases the risk we'll see a more resistant or virulent strain develop and spread.[/QUOTE]
Have you seen the actual data suggesting delta can replicate in similar numbers in the vaccinated? I've seen/heard it said, but haven't seen any actual data.
[QUOTE=litljay;1644198653]Have you seen the actual data suggesting delta can replicate in similar numbers in the vaccinated? I've seen/heard it said, but haven't seen any actual data.[/QUOTE]
It's a shame there isn't a way to somehow perform an automated query of all the computers hooked up to the internet to see if that data exists.