This should clarify why the govt’s job is so tough. They gotta deal with the people including who believe them and who don’t believe them and the idiots who don’t care either way (me includes lmao).
Not trying to take sides for anyone - just clarifying my point earlier that there is much smoke being blown no one seems to know what’s right and wrong unless they go get a fuking PHD on the topic. And you can’t do that for every fuking topic.
The problem is no one needs the fuking government or Biden to tell them IF they need to wear a mask outside by themselves, if they do, then they deserve to be called a name if they can’t make that decision on thier own, and you don’t need a PHD to make that call.
You don’t need gov or a PhD to call that schools train of thought stupid too, they will sink in thier own chit, so why cry to Biden about it??????
[QUOTE=bustasinclair;1637374593]I'm getting the Johnson & Johnson vaccination at 5:00 pm today CST. I decided to get this crap over with since my SO had hers last week and I don't want to be left in the dark if this thing becomes mandated by private companies. She got the Moderna. No issues for her; 42 year old female. I'll let you guys know if I live. :D[/QUOTE]
Congratulations, trying to secure a JnJ appointment tomorrow myself. Hopefully the FDA doesn't pull it when I am on my way to the shot this time.
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1637374253]citing vaccine misinformation
A Miami private school has told teachers and employees not to get COVID-19 vaccines, citing false information and unsubstantiated anti-vaccination theories. The school said it is their policy not to employ anyone who has taken what it called the "experimental" COVID-19 injection.
CBS Miami obtained a copy of an email sent to parents from Centner Academy on Monday. The school said until further notice, it is asking any employee who has not yet received COVID-19 vaccines to wait to do so until the end of the school year.
"We also recommended that all faculty and staff hold off on taking the injection until there is further research available on whether this experimental drug is impacting unvaccinated individuals," the email reads. "It is our policy, to the extent possible, not to employ anyone who has taken the experimental COVID-19 injection until further information is known."
Super scary stuff. This isn't covid vaccine hesitancy to me but more along the lines of thinking of anti-vaxers.
[QUOTE=ectoBgone;1637376613]Honestly if you need to watch a video on Fauci's stance on masks then you haven't really been paying attention. Your second point is an exaggeration, but for the sake of argument I will grant it to you and just say in response that it's precisely why I tend to seek treatment only when the risk of *not* seeking treatment outweighs the potential unknowns and side effects. In the case of covid and its novel vaccination program, those scales have not tipped for me. They certainly may at some point, but not now.[/QUOTE]
I really don't know anything about Faucci lying about masks and although I am far from glued to the news I would thin if he really lied I would have caught wind of it. But I'll give the vid a watch later if I can remember to.
What exactly is the exaggeration? ...And of course, that's how everyone should approach every medical decision.
Edit: So I watched the first minute and guess I can't comment much more before looking into it further because I never remember being told to not wear a mask. I remember being mandated to wear a mask every single place I went besides my home through the whole duration of Covid until today.
Last nights **** show proves vaccine steals your freedom, all non vaxers didn’t have to sit through that boring fuking old man and clap for his mumbling bs the real people with freedom were allowed and forced to NOT sit through that horse chit show in Congress, they got the night off and still got paid!
[QUOTE=bustasinclair;1637374593]I'm getting the Johnson & Johnson vaccination at 5:00 pm today CST. I decided to get this crap over with since my SO had hers last week and I don't want to be left in the dark if this thing becomes mandated by private companies. She got the Moderna. No issues for her; 42 year old female. I'll let you guys know if I live. :D[/QUOTE]
Right on Brother, it's the one I am looking at as well.
[QUOTE=LWW;1637378423]The problem is no one needs the fuking government or Biden to tell them IF they need to wear a mask outside by themselves, if they do, then they deserve to be called a name if they can’t make that decision on thier own, and you don’t need a PHD to make that call.
You don’t need gov or a PhD to call that schools train of thought stupid too, they will sink in thier own chit, so why cry to Biden about it??????[/QUOTE]
welcome back Tater, I knew you couldn't stay away, especially with fresh cheese being put out.
Any links on Only 1% of population being Vulnerable to Covid?
Super scary stuff. This isn't covid vaccine hesitancy to me but more along the lines of thinking of anti-vaxers.
Yup. Agree
[QUOTE=LWW;1637379463]Last nights **** show proves vaccine steals your freedom, all non vaxers didn’t have to sit through that boring fuking old man and clap for his mumbling bs the real people with freedom were allowed and forced to NOT sit through that horse chit show in Congress, they got the night off and still got paid![/QUOTE]
You need to go fishing or something, forget the politics for a week or so. You really got it bad Homie
[QUOTE=bustasinclair;1637374593]I'm getting the Johnson & Johnson vaccination at 5:00 pm today CST. I decided to get this crap over with since my SO had hers last week and I don't want to be left in the dark if this thing becomes mandated by private companies. She got the Moderna. No issues for her; 42 year old female. I'll let you guys know if I live. :D[/QUOTE]I got the J&J right before they pulled it temporarily. I like that it's one and done and I like that it's not mRNA (although I would have gotten that if it were the only alternative). Let's all just get this stupid crap over with.
Hey everyone, hope you all are doing well in these crazy times. Just got my first dose last week after a lot of deliberating. The main reason for my hesitancy was that there isn't a lot of data history on the vaccine and it was rushed (understandably, given the critical situation). But in the end, I weighed the pros and cons and felt I was taking a risk either way since I have a health condition that puts me in the high risk group for getting covid complications.
As for the Covid vaccine being a nefarious government conspiracy, I just find it extremely unlikely. For that to have any basis of reality, two things must be true. Every country and government that is using the vaccine on its people must be part of the conspiracy and any person or company involved in the manufacturing and testing of the vaccine must be part of the conspiracy. This just doesn't seem plausible. Sure there were government conspiracies in the past that turned out to be true, but in almost all those cases, the plans were highly compartmentalized and the truth was known only by a chosen few. If a Covid conspiracy is real, I don't see Russia and China keeping it a secret, it's not like they're our allies. If anything, they would blow the lid off of it just so they could destabilize America.
[QUOTE=mgftp;1637353513]What is your best example of a past conspiracy theory that have proven to be true that is on the level of this current speculation?[/QUOTE]
Some of the major incidents of the Gulf of Tonkin incident which was one of the catalysts for claiming the US had to intervene in Vietnam in fact never happened although the USG claimed it did for years.
There was also the PR firm that concocted a story to push for the Gulf War.
[QUOTE=Jayarbie;1637380823]I got the J&J right before they pulled it temporarily. I like that it's one and done and I like that it's not mRNA (although I would have gotten that if it were the only alternative). Let's all just get this stupid crap over with.[/QUOTE]
Just happened to look in on this thread and wondered why would you dislike mRNA vaccines?
They don't get into the cell nucleus where the code for you lives. If you look at the mechanism of action, it's a simpler path and likely a safer way to vaccinate people. All it does is sneak some short lived mRNA in to make your cells to trick your cells into making a viral antigen. Other than a reaction to the vaccine ingredients which has been very rare, or some unfortunate reaction due to the antigen (which you'd probably get from the virus too), there's very little risk. Especially compared to a more traditional vaccine like the J&J vaccine which has to have a viral vector, puts the DNA into the nucleus of your cells, and take over the cell. Granted the virus would also do that to an even greater extent, but doesn't skipping that part make sense? Both types of vaccine are very safe, but I like the mRNA technology better. New, simpler, and likely safer...
[QUOTE=mgftp;1637379243]What exactly is the exaggeration? ...And of course, that's how everyone should approach every medical decision.[/quote]
The exaggeration is based on your oversimplification that every modern day medical treatment needs or requires the same amount of long term data when evaluating risk. Not every treatment is the same with respect to the complexity of the system it's disrupting (and hence higher chance of unforeseen consequences), its novelty, its disclosure of data, its degree of iteration from similar treatments, etc.
Serious question, and it's probably explained already somewhere between the first and 60th page of this thread, but what exactly is the government conspiracy? My apologies but my aging brain is slow to comprehend.
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1637382993]Just happened to look in on this thread and wondered why would you dislike mRNA vaccines?
They don't get into the cell nucleus where the code for you lives. If you look at the mechanism of action, it's a simpler path and likely a safer way to vaccinate people. All it does is sneak some short lived mRNA in to make your cells to trick your cells into making a viral antigen. Other than a reaction to the vaccine ingredients which has been very rare, or some unfortunate reaction due to the antigen (which you'd probably get from the virus too), there's very little risk. Especially compared to a more traditional vaccine like the J&J vaccine which has to have a viral vector, puts the DNA into the nucleus of your cells, and take over the cell. Granted the virus would also do that to an even greater extent, but doesn't skipping that part make sense? Both types of vaccine are very safe, but I like the mRNA technology better. New, simpler, and likely safer...[/QUOTE]Why do you think that early testing shows someone who has been vaccinated is almost [b]8 times more likely[/b] to be infected by at least one of the variants (if exposed) than someone who has not been vaccinated? What would cause this?
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1637384723]Why do you think that early testing shows someone who has been vaccinated is almost [b]8 times more likely[/b] to be infected by at least one of the variants (if exposed) than someone who has not been vaccinated? What would cause this?[/QUOTE]
That has been addressed ITT gazillion times. Why are you saying the same thing over and over again when people have proved you wrong already? What is wrong with you? Seriously.
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1637382993]Just happened to look in on this thread and wondered why would you dislike mRNA vaccines? [/QUOTE]
Well some people might be hesitant because just two years prior to covid the ability to get that mRNA into your cells (which has a robust, built-in defense mechanism to prevent it from happening) was considered a "hail mary" since the lipid nanoparticle encapsulating the mRNA caused troubling side effects in the liver of animals with repeat injections strong enough to work. So now they aren't required to disclose the exact formula used to achieve this hail mary, they are immune from any litigation for future side effects, and we have to hope that getting the dosage right in the short term also solves any long term complications as well - even though Pfizer is talking about jabbing us every 9 months with it.
As I've said before, the technology sounds promising and fantastic. It could be the future of many wonderful things to come. I'm rooting for it. But it is also very young in development and anyone who gets it right now is a test subject. I'm not ready to be a test subject for a virus that poses very little threat to me.
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1637384723]Why do you think that early testing shows someone who has been vaccinated is almost [b]8 times more likely[/b] to be infected by at least one of the variants (if exposed) than someone who has not been vaccinated? What would cause this?[/QUOTE]
Because those are the only variants they are likely to be tested for since they would not show symptoms or get sick against the variants for which they were already vaccinated.
[QUOTE=Desparado;1637383583]Serious question, and it's probably explained already somewhere between the first and 60th page of this thread, but what exactly is the government conspiracy? My apologies but my aging brain is slow to comprehend.[/QUOTE]
The conspiracy is NOT the vaccine, the vaccine is a rushed plan to mitagate the government conspiracy of Covid itself, Covid is a political experiment which you could call a conspiracy because the gov decided to use it for change and control. Not just a gov but the world as ties to this.
[QUOTE=LWW;1637391743]The conspiracy is NOT the vaccine, the vaccine is a rushed plan to mitagate the government conspiracy of Covid itself, Covid is a political experiment which you could call a conspiracy because the gov decided to use it for change and control. Not just a gov but the world as ties to this.[/QUOTE]
* mitigate
So all the Government officials in many countries along with the scientists and top medical people are all in cahoots creating covid as a conspiracy?
[QUOTE=ectoBgone;1637385333]Well some people might be hesitant because just two years prior to covid the ability to get that mRNA into your cells (which has a robust, built-in defense mechanism to prevent it from happening) was considered a "hail mary" since the lipid nanoparticle encapsulating the mRNA caused troubling side effects in the liver of animals with repeat injections strong enough to work. So now they aren't required to disclose the exact formula used to achieve this hail mary, they are immune from any litigation for future side effects, and we have to hope that getting the dosage right in the short term also solves any long term complications as well - even though Pfizer is talking about jabbing us every 9 months with it.
As I've said before, the technology sounds promising and fantastic. It could be the future of many wonderful things to come. I'm rooting for it. But it is also very young in development and anyone who gets it right now is a test subject. I'm not ready to be a test subject for a virus that poses very little threat to me.[/QUOTE]
Wow, that's quite a stretch to try and find something dangerous about the mRNA vaccines. There are several types of nanoparticles and claiming there's a significant risk of DILI from these vaccines based on animal studies with repeated high doses of cationic liposomes is kind of ludicrous. It's not like the liposomes used in the vaccines contain are staying in your Kupffer cells and LSECs for months. These are tiny doses that have been tested in large studies where the SAE rates in the IP and placebo groups was very similar. Like .6% to .5% or something.
Based on the tech, I've been saying all along that the mRNA vaccines look safer, and that's been born out by the data. Look at the current issues with the AZ and J&J vaccines. Also, the exact lipids in the vaccines actually are disclosed. The vaccine I got contained an ionizable cationic lipid, a PEGylated lipid, a phospholipid, and also some good old cholesterol. My lunch today had thousands of times as much cholesterol as my vaccine, so we can probably ignore that, right? I could tell you the exact lipid formulas if you'd like, but I'm not sure it's worth typing them in. It is worth typing in that you're flat out wrong that we don't know what we're getting. Google ALC-0159 or ALC-0315 We're talking about some pretty benign stuff.
[QUOTE=sy2502;1637204393]Well long term effects doesn't necessarily mean DEATH you know?[/QUOTE]
That’s true, maybe they’ll turn into hordes of zombies IDK. I’d get vaccinated or certainly consider it if I didn’t believe I have post infection immunity personally. But it’s a personal decision and people should make their own choices on that w/out being coerced.
1 Attachment(s)
[QUOTE=ectoBgone;1637377043]That's probably the one I will hold out for when I am forced to get one. :) Keep us posted![/QUOTE]
Yeah, I chose it at random really. I do like the one and done aspect of it. Hoping that having had Covid-19 already makes the vaccination just a bit of overkill.
Took a post shot bicep flex.....will likely hurt to do that tomorrow. :) Everything feels fine so far.....
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1637392543]* mitigate
So all the Government officials in many countries along with the scientists and top medical people are all in cahoots creating covid as a conspiracy?[/QUOTE]
Fauci has some connections to Whaun experiments. You don’t find it strange that the some world leaders along with USA leaders hated Trump and threaten they got many ways to get him out, they failed on many but succeeded with Covid and isn’t it convienant that it does not kill everyone but many old timers that the new USA leaders don’t like.
[QUOTE=LWW;1637396733]Fauci has some connections to Whaun experiments.[/QUOTE]
What connections? Elaborate
[QUOTE=LWW;1637396733]You don’t find it strange that the some world leaders along with USA leaders hated Trump and threaten they got many ways to get him out, they failed on many but succeeded with Covid and isn’t it convienant that it does not kill everyone but many old timers that the new USA leaders don’t like.[/QUOTE]
How do they get Covid to only take out the ones they don't like?
[QUOTE=LWW;1637396733]Fauci has some connections to Whaun experiments. You don’t find it strange that the some world leaders along with USA leaders hated Trump and threaten they got many ways to get him out, they failed on many but succeeded with Covid and isn’t it convienant that it does not kill everyone but many old timers that the new USA leaders don’t like.[/QUOTE]
Absolutely. Patient zero for Covid has been identified as being a 70 year old man on Dec 1, 2019, but the first reported hospitalization for Covid in Wuhan was Dec 16, 2019. On Jun 18, 2018, President Donald Trump announced a proposal to create a new branch of the military. It was founded officially Dec 20, 2019 and is up and running. Coincidence?
What if there is an alien visit on the way, but the purpose of that visit isn't philanthropic, but coming here to harvest humans?
Let's assume that certain peoples in the world are aware of the up coming harvest and they've entered agreements with the aliens to help them identify who to take and who to leave?
First, the virus is released from the lab and hyped beyond sane thought to set up four situations:
* Get people vaccinated
* Identify those who will blindly comply with orders
* Get people comfortable wearing protective gear
* Get people comfortable with not being near other people
If an alien race needed to harvest human labor, say for working in some place not quite comfortable to humans, they might want those workers inoculated against possible pathogens and wearing protective gear. Of course they'd want people that aren't known to fight back and they don't want those people coming together in groups to plot a way to fight back.
And what if Donald Trump's establishment of the Space Force caused a wave of concern across those people who are colluding with the aliens? Well, one of the first things to do about that would be to remove Trump from the Presidency and put someone in who could be more easily controlled.
It’s so f*cking obvious.
I'm pretty sure I was the patient zero cos I was sick for the longest time Dec 2019.
Sorry... my bad :(
[QUOTE=7Seconds;1637397823]Absolutely. Patient zero for Covid has been identified as being a 70 year old man on Dec 1, 2019, but the first reported hospitalization for Covid in Wuhan was Dec 16, 2019. On Jun 18, 2018, President Donald Trump announced a proposal to create a new branch of the military. It was founded officially Dec 20, 2019 and is up and running. Coincidence?
What if there is an alien visit on the way, but the purpose of that visit isn't philanthropic, but coming here to harvest humans?
Let's assume that certain peoples in the world are aware of the up coming harvest and they've entered agreements with the aliens to help them identify who to take and who to leave?
First, the virus is released from the lab and hyped beyond sane thought to set up four situations:
* Get people vaccinated
* Identify those who will blindly comply with orders
* Get people comfortable wearing protective gear
* Get people comfortable with not being near other people
If an alien race needed to harvest human labor, say for working in some place not quite comfortable to humans, they might want those workers inoculated against possible pathogens and wearing protective gear. Of course they'd want people that aren't known to fight back and they don't want those people coming together in groups to plot a way to fight back.
And what if Donald Trump's establishment of the Space Force caused a wave of concern across those people who are colluding with the aliens? Well, one of the first things to do about that would be to remove Trump from the Presidency and put someone in who could be more easily controlled.
It’s so f*cking obvious.[/QUOTE]
This sounds like the most plausible explanation. They (aliens) would undoubtedly cull the anti vaxers first, a very rowdy and uncontrollable band of heathens. Or maybe, covid was released in advance of the aliens arrival because the people working with the aliens didn’t want them to have a bad time when they get here with lockdowns and such. This way, COVID will be over by the time they get here, and they (aliens) can go to Disney and indoor concerts. That said, if covid was one of their transient fauna among their species, and they have the technology to get here, I’d think that they could have just sent us a better method of handling our approach to resistance from this “novel” virus.
[QUOTE=ectoBgone;1637385663]Because those are the only variants they are likely to be tested for since they would not show symptoms or get sick against the variants for which they were already vaccinated.[/QUOTE]2 people both exposed to the same variant.One took the shot, one did not. The guy who took the vaccination is almost 8 times MORE LIKELY to get sick. Why?
[QUOTE=bustasinclair;1637396443]Yeah, I chose it at random really. I do like the one and done aspect of it. Hoping that having had Covid-19 already makes the vaccination just a bit of overkill.
Took a post shot bicep flex.....will likely hurt to do that tomorrow. :) Everything feels fine so far.....
That looks more like a nail going in your arm than a needle.
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1637401633]2 people both exposed to the same variant.One took the shot, one did not. The guy who took the vaccination is almost 8 times MORE LIKELY to get sick. Why?[/QUOTE]
This is not true. You've said this four or five times and it's still not true. You've had it explained to you several times.
For those of you just tuning in, this guy keeps repeating this easily debunked nonsense. Here's how it works:
say there are 100,000 vaccinated and 100,000 unvaccinated people.
In the unvaccinated, 3000 get Covid. Of those, 30 (1%) have the variant.
In the vaccinated, 40 get Covid. Of those 40, 3 (8%) have the variant.
So the percent among the infected in the vaccinated is 8 times higher than in the unvaccinated. But the vaccinated are much less likely to get infected at all and are also less likely to be infected by the variant.
Your garden is getting eaten up by rabbits, mostly cottontails but some jackrabbits. So you put up a fence. It keeps out most of the rabbits, keeping out both cottontails and jackrabbits, but of the few who do make it in, there's a higher percentage of jackrabbits than there was before. The fence did not increase the number of jackrabbits making it in, it just increased the percentage.
This guy is going to repeat this again on another page hoping that there are new people who are reading his nonsense for the first time, so that... I don't know. I don't know what his game is.
Misc does not disappoint.
I pat myself on the back for coming across and getting onto the misc everytime I read something amusing on here. Like the aliens and other amusin theories above.
Just lol man. One person or a group of 10 people could not have done this to the world. If it really is a bigger group of people playing along with covid choreography, something would’ve leaked by now.
Cmon people. Wake up from the fuking dream...
I wonder how some people even dream of these things but then this is the misc lol
Crazy how something aliens use to have to do in private they can now do in public because of covid.
Pfizer CEO says getting over covid could be as easy as a pill by the end of the year.
Interesting and good news.
[QUOTE=Gabbar99;1637403013]This is not true. You've said this four or five times and it's still not true. You've had it explained to you several times.
For those of you just tuning in, this guy keeps repeating this easily debunked nonsense.[/QUOTE]
I don't know. You sound like a sensible person, but I heard that if I take the vaccine I am almost 8 times MORE LIKELY to get sick. So, with this new info, and the mountains of evidence presented by all the smart people on the internet, I know that if I take the vaccine I will get Covid, and I will die, even if I lift heavy.
edit - I just read a study that says whiskey and Levi Garret prevent Covid. This is a study I just made up, but I like it a lot for some reason. It just sounds really, really true to me.
[QUOTE=eomrat;1637406633]I don't know. You sound like a sensible person, but I heard that if I take the vaccine I am almost 8 times MORE LIKELY to get sick. So, with this new info, and the mountains of evidence presented by all the smart people on the internet, I know that if I take the vaccine I will get Covid, and I will die, even if I lift heavy.
edit - I just read a study that says whiskey and Levi Garret prevent Covid. This is a study I just made up, but I like it a lot for some reason. It just sounds really, really true to me.[/QUOTE]
This guy finally makes sense. I thought bench pressing 1lb dumbbells while eating a 965.45calorie daily surplus was the cure but you apparently found a better one!!
(Not srs - had to put it cuz misc)
[QUOTE=eomrat;1637406633]I don't know. You sound like a sensible person, but I heard that if I take the vaccine I am almost 8 times MORE LIKELY to get sick. So, with this new info, and the mountains of evidence presented by all the smart people on the internet, I know that if I take the vaccine I will get Covid, and I will die, even if I lift heavy.
edit - I just read a study that says whiskey and Levi Garret prevent Covid. This is a study I just made up, but I like it a lot for some reason. It just sounds really, really true to me.[/QUOTE]
apparently only 1% of the population is vulnerable and Covid is channeled to unlikeable people....
you have no worries
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1637397723]What connections? Elaborate
How do they get Covid to only take out the ones they don't like?[/QUOTE]
They don't care who dies, but it helps that the majority are older and some they may not like.
[QUOTE=TryingBB;1637404623]Like the aliens[/QUOTE]
SMH. It’s all out there! How do you prevent the US from rallying a resistance if aliens show up?
How about creating crisis after crisis, instigate witch hunts in the government against those individuals who would be the first to push back against new alien overlords? Ensure divisions in the population by targeting and attacking one group with lies and racial attacks while letting others skate by with no consequences? Wouldn't you try to work to ensure people don't protect their local law enforcement and first responders?
How about pitting States against States and States against Federal government? How about creating a psyop to help sow distrust and set the seeds for division? If the US is too embroiled in division and internal turmoil, then who would be left to lead a potential response against an alien harvest? JFC, wake up.
[QUOTE=Plateauplower;1637398983]This sounds like the most plausible explanation. They (aliens) would undoubtedly cull the anti vaxers first, a very rowdy and uncontrollable band of heathens.[/quote]
Yes! This guy gets it!
[quote] Or maybe, covid was released in advance of the aliens arrival because the people working with the aliens didn’t want them to have a bad time when they get here with lockdowns and such. This way, COVID will be over by the time they get here, and they (aliens) can go to Disney and indoor concerts. [/quote]
Honestly, that seems a bit far-fetched. I dont really see them enjoying Disney.
[quote]That said, if covid was one of their transient fauna among their species, and they have the technology to get here, I’d think that they could have just sent us a better method of handling our approach to resistance from this “novel” virus.[/QUOTE]
Ok, slow down. Logic is neither necessary nor appreciated here so if that is all you can bring to the discussion perhaps we should agree to disagree and move on.
[QUOTE=TryingBB;1637404623]Misc does not disappoint.
I pat myself on the back for coming across and getting onto the misc everytime I read something amusing on here. Like the aliens and other amusin theories above.
Just lol man. One person or a group of 10 people could not have done this to the world. If it really is a bigger group of people playing along with covid choreography, something would’ve leaked by now.
Cmon people. Wake up from the fuking dream...
I wonder how some people even dream of these things but then this is the misc lol[/QUOTE]
Oh yeah sure there buddy, there is NOTHING suspicious of a virus leaking out the year of an election in which the USA and other world leaders has failed to impeach, the threats have continued and the newly elected president ran on this virus and stay at home voting. Nothing at all to see here???????
And I don't know why Pockets is questioning this 1% stat. Approximately 1% of the population is at risk of dying from Covid. The rest of the population does not die from it, some get very sick, but they don't die, some don't get sick at all, now again how covenant that this virus that is unleashed for political gain, does not kill everyone, Biden sure knew he needed to stay in the basement, didn't he, cause he's old, but he got vaccinated, so he will be ok, I think, well he still wants to social distance and wear a mask in a room full of vaccine people? Maybe they unleashed something of risk then? Maybe someone is trying to get Biden OUT too???????????????????????
The timing is questionable, had Trump never been president, I believe this virus would of been contained, or not mentioned to the public.
[QUOTE=LWW;1637409973]Oh yeah sure there buddy, there is NOTHING suspicious of a virus leaking out the year of an election in which the USA and other world leaders has failed to impeach, the threats have continued and the newly elected president ran on this virus and stay at home voting. Nothing at all to see here???????
And I don't know why Pockets is questioning this 1% stat. Approximately 1% of the population is at risk of dying from Covid. The rest of the population does not die from it, some get very sick, but they don't die, some don't get sick at all, now again how covenant that this virus that is unleashed for political gain, does not kill everyone, Biden sure knew he needed to stay in the basement, didn't he, cause he's old, but he got vaccinated, so he will be ok, I think, well he still wants to social distance and wear a mask in a room full of vaccine people? Maybe they unleashed something of risk then? Maybe someone is trying to get Biden OUT too???????????????????????
The timing is questionable, had Trump never been president, I believe this virus would of been contained, or not mentioned to the public.[/QUOTE]
Don't you understand that the anti vaccine propaganda is infiltrated by the Chinese and Russian leaders who want the American healthcare collapse and make Americans weak so they can take over the world as world leaders ? Open your eyes!
[QUOTE=Cass40;1637411033]Don't you understand that the anti vaccine propaganda is infiltrated by the Chinese and Russian leaders who want the American healthcare collapse and make Americans weak so they can take over the world as world leaders ? Open your eyes![/QUOTE]
You are are confusing the word Anti-Vaccine, if anyone is anti-vaccine it's the fuking moron who takes the vaccine and then and goes on with life like they didn't, I mean WTF?????????????
I'm not an anti-vaccine person, if it works and is needed, then take it and promote that it works, burn the mask. But I'm not afraid of covid, if it was black death, sure I'd take the vaccine.
Why can't people understand this? Oh I'm not taking the vaccine, so I must be anti-vaccine, No wrong, it ain't for me, I don't care what old fart Joey says. I am however Anti-Biden, he's the worst fuking president I've ever seen!!!
[QUOTE=LWW;1637413013]You are are confusing the word Anti-Vaccine, if anyone is anti-vaccine it's the fuking moron who takes the vaccine and then and goes on with life like they didn't, I mean WTF?????????????
I'm not an anti-vaccine person, if it works and is needed, then take it and promote that it works, burn the mask. But I'm not afraid of covid, if it was black death, sure I'd take the vaccine.
Why can't people understand this? Oh I'm not taking the vaccine, so I must be anti-vaccine, No wrong, it ain't for me, I don't care what old fart Joey says. I am however Anti-Biden, he's the worst fuking president I've ever seen!!![/QUOTE]
Could you be little less yelly?
[QUOTE=Cass40;1637413903]Could you be little less yelly?[/QUOTE]
I didn't use any caps.
[QUOTE=LWW;1637409973]Oh yeah sure there buddy, there is NOTHING suspicious of a virus leaking out the year of an election in which the USA and other world leaders has failed to impeach, the threats have continued and the newly elected president ran on this virus and stay at home voting. Nothing at all to see here???????
And I don't know why Pockets is questioning this 1% stat. Approximately 1% of the population is at risk of dying from Covid. The rest of the population does not die from it, some get very sick, but they don't die, some don't get sick at all, now again how covenant that this virus that is unleashed for political gain, does not kill everyone, Biden sure knew he needed to stay in the basement, didn't he, cause he's old, but he got vaccinated, so he will be ok, I think, well he still wants to social distance and wear a mask in a room full of vaccine people? Maybe they unleashed something of risk then? Maybe someone is trying to get Biden OUT too???????????????????????
The timing is questionable, had Trump never been president, I believe this virus would of been contained, or not mentioned to the public.[/QUOTE]
You’re the gift that keeps on giving, LWW - a special kind of nutty.
I mean, hypothetically I knew people like you existed. I just can’t say I’ve met many.
I’ll play a bit, though. You realize that there’s an election every 4 years, right? So basically, there’s a 1 in 4 shot that a virus would come out in an election year. And most of the rest of the world doesn’t really care who Americans vote into office. Oh, sure, there’s a little bit of “Geez, I wish they would have someone a little less embarrassing representing them.” And maybe some “It’d be nice if the US leader wasn’t so stupid that he keeps falling for China’s game.” But that’s about it. The rest of us get on with our lives. We don’t plan international virus conspiracies to take out the US president. He’s just… not that important.
[QUOTE=Corbets;1637415043] We don’t plan international virus conspiracies to take out the US president. He’s just… not that important.[/QUOTE]
You mean the millions displaced and starving and the bodies burning in India are not part of the plan to get Trump out of office?
The silliest thing about that theory is that people don't like to switch leaders in the middle of a crisis. If Trump had shown any hint of sanity he would have won in a landslide.
[QUOTE=TryingBB;1637404623]Misc does not disappoint.
I pat myself on the back for coming across and getting onto the misc everytime I read something amusing on here. Like the aliens and other amusin theories above.
Just lol man. [b]One person or a group of 10 people could not have done this to the world [/b]. If it really is a bigger group of people playing along with covid choreography, something would’ve leaked by now.
Cmon people. Wake up from the fuking dream...
I wonder how some people even dream of these things but then this is the misc lol[/QUOTE]
Lol you don't science much do you. One guy invented the smallpox vaccine. One guy discovered penicillin. One person or a small group could easily conduct research that ended up with a virus able to infect humans, accidental or not.
I just read online that if I take Viagra, I am 8 times more likely to die of an erection that lasts over 8 hours after passing out from blood loss. 😁
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1637432043]I just read online that if I take Viagra, I am 8 times more likely to die of an erection that lasts over 8 hours after passing out from blood loss. [/QUOTE]
Once again, individual decision based on risk and reward. Nothing is w/out risk.
[QUOTE=TryingBB;1637404623]... One person or a group of 10 people could not have done this to the world..[/QUOTE] It only takes 1 man in a black leather chair and a cat, to do something bad to the world. If I remember right, last time that was Mike Myers. Who said there was no such thing as the Canadian Mafia
[QUOTE=eomrat;1637406633]I don't know. You sound like a sensible person, but I heard that if I take the vaccine I am almost 8 times MORE LIKELY to get sick. So, with this new info, and the mountains of evidence presented by all the smart people on the internet, I know that if I take the vaccine I will get Covid, and I will die, even if I lift heavy.
edit - I just read a study that says whiskey and Levi Garret prevent Covid. This is a study I just made up, but I like it a lot for some reason. It just sounds really, really true to me.[/QUOTE]
I was told by a few sources that a shot of whisky before a heavy deadlift attempt helps. Not sure what the science is supposed to be but it seemed like a chance Id be willing to take.
I went out and bought a bottle of Jack Daniels Tennessee Straight Rye Whisky. Why this whisky? Because I don't drink and have no clue but it had the word whisky so why not.
So the day comes for me to follow the "science" and hit new PRS w/my new found knowledge - whisky and deadlifts. I warm up as usual and get to my top set. I grab my new bottle of JD and take a huge swig. Did I mention I don't drink?
I bend down and grab the bar, the whisky burn still fresh in my throat, and yank the bar into position. I drive my feet into the floor like I'm pushing the earth away, get the bar to about my shins, and throw up.
Parts of this story are true/ parts are made up but this is how I remember it.
[QUOTE=Corbets;1637415043]You’re the gift that keeps on giving, LWW - a special kind of nutty.
We don’t plan international virus conspiracies to take out the US president.[/QUOTE]
No s[color=black]hi[/color]t. You are Swiss. Your country never does anything except whine about Germany.