In America, our immigration courts take about 1,000 days before they hear your case, and then six months to two years to process it.
The system needs to be fixed. Not only will we both deport and accept asylum seekers at a faster pace — which should be a win for both sides — but it will prevent people from being lost in the system (not just people who shouldn’t be here, but children separated from their parents) and keep our facilities from being overwhelmed to the point that it becomes a humanitarian disaster.
The backlog is indeed the real problem. We were presented over the last couple administrations with really a false dichotomy: that the choices are either catch and release or holding people without trial for three+ years. Yes, both of those problems are bad. While I think the latter worse (Constitutional rights are cool), neither should be accepted.
I'm slightly hopeful. The current plan from the Biden administration includes the following focus:
Subtitle A—Promoting Efficient Processing of Asylum Seekers, Addressing Immigration Court Backlogs, and Efficiently Repatriating Migrants Ordered Removed
Sec. 4101. Expanding alternatives to detention.
Sec. 4102. Eliminating immigration court backlogs.
Sec. 4103. Improved training for immigration judges and members of the Board of Immigration Appeals.
Sec. 4104. New technology To improve court efficiency.
Sec. 4105. Court appearance compliance and legal orientation.
Sec. 4106. Improving court efficiency and reducing costs by increasing access to legal information.
Sec. 4107. Facilitating safe and efficient repatriation.
Sec. 4308. Improvements to application process for Afghan special immigrant visas.
Sec. 4309. Special immigrant status for certain surviving spouses and children.
Sec. 4310. Special immigrant status for certain Syrians who worked for the United States Government in Syria.[/quote]
If nothing else from this bill manages to reach bipartisan approval, this needs to be broken out of the greater proposal and passed on its own. There really is no good excuse not to address this particular problem. Whether you want to import or deport more refugees, this system is not working well, we should be able to agree on that.
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1648730073][b]Ah, so now I have a party.[/b] So did I vote for more democrats or republican candidates in the last election or the last 3 elections? Hazard a guess lol.
The problem you have is that I actually am paying attention, and unlike you, I don't consider partial quotes to be evidence of anything.
Have you actually looked at Biden's Executive Order on the Revision of Civil Immigration Enforcement Policies and Priorities
The one that shifted the focus from deporting immigrants that have been here to years to terrorists, individuals apprehended while trying to enter illegally after last November, and individuals who had been incarcerated this year and have felonies. But shifting the priorities doesn't actually change the laws, it just changes which illegal immigrants you focus on, all of them, or the high risk ones. Have you read any others. If you look at the number of ICE deportations and see why they dropped by 90% since Biden took office, you find out that Title 42 played a bigger role than anything Biden did. Or are you talking about the MPP, because that did turn people back, sort of. Unfortunately, even though the SCOTUS didn't side with Biden on scrapping it, its implementation doesn't correlate with a decrease in people looking to come in. So another non-solution. There have been changes in the past 10 months or so, but have you actually read the orders?
Don't mistake my pointing out that you post fluff pieces as choosing a side. The issue here is that you don't appear to have looked at the policies or their effects in a critical or logical way. You instead appear to be letting others think for you and you happen to have chosen the red kool-aid over the blue kool-aid. But it's still just kool-aid.
There's no need to repeat anything you've said for MF'ers like me, because it won't matter if you do. Not unless you step up your game immensely. But you won't. You'll go back to forming an opinion based on Fox selectively quoting Gabbard, which is sort of like others on the misc who are doing the same thing, but listening to CNN selectively quoting Ted Cruz. I'm sure Tucker Carlson or Don Lemon are good entertainment if that's what you like, but I'll stick to the WSJ, the AP, and actually reading the text if it's about something important.[/QUOTE]
I can not even tell you how many times I have been called a liberal on these forums, yet I have never voted for anything other than red. This forum has become very extreme. The notion of a person having their own thoughts on individual subjects rather than extreme party blanket views seems like an impossibility to most miscers these days.
[QUOTE=mgftp;1648757583]I can not even tell you how many times I have been called a liberal on these forums, yet I have never voted for anything other than red. [/QUOTE]
Well, you are liberal. Super liberal compared to most. You just haven't realized it.
It's not a red/blue thing. You're liberal about allocating cognitive effort to a political or social topic.
Both the democrats and the republicans actually prefer it if you are super conservative when you decide how much effort you'll devote to checking on what they're selling you. Because the less you think, the better they look.
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1648765043]Well, you are liberal. Super liberal compared to most. You just haven't realized it.
It's not a red/blue thing. You're liberal about allocating cognitive effort to a political or social topic.
Both the democrats and the republicans actually prefer it if you are super conservative when you decide how much effort you'll devote to checking on what they're selling you. Because the less you think, the better they look.[/QUOTE]
Yea. I am too. I'm super open to all ideas. You tell me something, I think about it for days..and then I change my mind if more info comes along. It's not that deep. I don't see anyone having any deep feelings towards Biden unlike the ex orange P-grabber in chief. He seems to have become some kinda cult leader..which is so weird and difficult to understand..and trust me I am tryna understand it cos I have no problem with trying to understand different points of view.
[QUOTE=Cass40;1648765663]Yea. I am too. I'm super open to all ideas. You tell me something, I think about it for days..and then I change my mind if more info comes along. It's not that deep. I don't see anyone having any deep feelings towards Biden unlike the ex orange P-grabber in chief. He seems to have become some kinda cult leader..which is so weird and difficult to understand..and trust me I am tryna understand it cos I have no problem with trying to understand different points of view.[/QUOTE]
First off, nobody likes Biden. He's a very old white unlikable dude.
Secondly, but why u need to understand, doe
Finally, sorry for budding in, yo. :p
but while I'm at it, it would be totally awesome if JTD and Mark Dude could maybe apologize to each other for maybe crossing the line and reset chit. Maybe. I freakin promise these will be the last words I type tonight. That's gotta be enuf motivation. :D
but while I'm at it, it would be totally awesome if JTD and Mark Dude could maybe apologize to each other for maybe crossing the line and reset chit. [/QUOTE]
Sorry Mark. I'll try to be less petty and more civil.
[QUOTE=ChazWood;1648766963]First off, nobody likes Biden. He's a very old white unlikable dude.
I try to remind myself that it could be worse.
Like Schumer. My least favorite of the bunch right now...
So I think I'll grab a booster and this Merk pill if approved. All-in.
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1648765043]Well, you are liberal. Super liberal compared to most. You just haven't realized it.
It's not a red/blue thing. You're liberal about allocating cognitive effort to a political or social topic.
Both the democrats and the republicans actually prefer it if you are super conservative when you decide how much effort you'll devote to checking on what they're selling you. Because the less you think, the better they look.[/QUOTE]
Well yes, in many ways you are right but my views on certain issues would also be considered super conservative.
I was also just referring to the fact on the main misc being called a liberal means you lean left on every issue with no exceptions and is often followed by an assumption you vote and support every democratic candidate that has ever lived.
The problem lately is that politics drives even the smallest topics.
If I said it was raining outside and warm on this forum, I would be accused of mentioning global warming because I used the word warm and a liberal because I brought it up. It is way to extreme.
This is why I constantly say in posts, are we still talking about topic xyz when it seems to drift from the original topic post.
And then there are those of us who are liberal on some issues and moderate or conservative on others.There is not a one size fits all model.
Again, I am an Independent. I do lean right, but that has nothing to do with my opinions in this thread. If anyone needs to know, I did not support Trump the man. I did support many of his policies, especially concerning economics. I just want the truth, no matter what the politics are.
I do apologize to JustTheDad for name calling, but to be accused of not agreeing with a wall of text of information that does not directly relate, is BS. I will explain. All I was trying to see if anyone, even if they lean left, can admit that the Southern Border is open, because it is. The border is a humanitarian crisis and a major national security issue. The frustration is when I mention this, I am replied with a wall of text which I do not bother to read. It tells me that the 'replier' is avoiding the obvious.
Our government is not protecting us as citizens as a result of the border. The laws and green cards, ad nauseam, etc....... do not apply to the illegals crossing the Southern Border. The laws apply to those who come to the USA to apply for citizenship legally. So, to even mention laws, green card, etc., is a moot point.
The President of the USA can relatively instantly solve these crises. It is not a matter of both parties coming together. The President has sole power to stop these crises.
Lastly, many people, including me, believe that since the border crisis has not been solved, it is an intentional catastrophe because it is literally being ignored by our politicians.
Furthermore, border crossers are not even vaccinated or tested and still shipped who knows where. But, the WH and the MSM preach getting the vaccine. ?????? We are being played.
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1648777343]...And then there are those of us who are liberal on some issues and moderate or conservative on others.There is not a one size fits all model.[/QUOTE]
You just don't get politics do you? of any country...
People want straw men arguments and blanket stereotypes, avoids uncomfortable stuff like thinking.
[QUOTE=OldFartTom;1648784963]You just don't get politics do you? of any country...
People want straw men arguments and blanket stereotypes, avoids uncomfortable stuff like thinking.
Well when i was in school the most popular testing method after the scantron test(multiple choice a-d) was filling out the blue book essay exam with compare/contrast or explain some concept.
You not only had to know your chit, but you had to know how to explain it in detail to others, oh well.
Too much truth
[QUOTE=Mark1T;1648784173] All I was trying to see if anyone, even if they lean left, can admit that the Southern Border is open, because it is. The border is a humanitarian crisis and a major national security issue. The frustration is when I mention this, I am replied with a wall of text which I do not bother to read. It tells me that the 'replier' is avoiding the obvious.[/QUOTE]
You're going to have to define "open". I'm 99% certain most healthy adults with a few bucks and a brain could find a place where they have a decent shot at sneaking across a 1900 mile long border protected by a bunch of fences. Especially since Mexico decided not to pay for a wall.
If you're talking about legal crossings, there are something like 300 million border crossings a year, so that's pretty open. But that's not what's driving our COVID pandemic. Can't blame Mexico, we have to own that one.
The term "open" shouldn't be used. It doesn't mean the same thing to everyone. I don't consider it open simply because some people do have to sneak across.
Topic made me remember this: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCyzdD0vYOw[/url]
Not really related, but it made me laugh when I saw it back then.
Edit: On a brighter note, our US 7 day moving average of new cases is approaching 80K. Another month and maybe we'll get to the 20s. :)
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1648798343]You're going to have to define "open"[/QUOTE]
A lazy description of a complex problem used by talking heads to push the emotional buttons of those on the right.
Immigration policy is hard at the best of times. But the fact that it has been overly politicized and the effect of the pandemic on Latin America has made immigration policy that much harder.
Wow. This doc is saying what I've heard from 2 different, separate ID doc's that I know about how the Delta variant is a spawn of the shots...
God bless him. He will be mercilessly attacked for this.
[QUOTE=KeepItMoving;1648819193]Wow. This doc is saying what I've heard from 2 different, separate ID doc's that I know about how the Delta variant is a spawn of the shots...
God bless him. He will be mercilessly attacked for this.
Vaccine caused delta? That makes perfect sense, given the first time we found the delta variant was in India in December 2020, which was only a month or two before the first person in India got a vaccine against SARS CoV2.
Oh, wait. Maybe it doesn't.
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1648822003]Vaccine caused delta? That makes perfect sense, given the first time we found the delta variant was in India in December 2020, which was only a month or two before the first person in India got a vaccine against SARS CoV2.
Oh, wait. Maybe it doesn't.[/QUOTE]
but his eye doctor friend said it did.
and I for one kinda enjoyed his video. Particularly, the articulate hand and arm movement which is what I look for in an eye doctor. Particularly a surgeon. :)
EDIT: and good to see we're back to civil discourse. For now anyway. :D
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1648822003]Vaccine caused delta? That makes perfect sense, given the first time we found the delta variant was in India in December 2020, which was only a month or two before the first person in India got a vaccine against SARS CoV2.
Oh, wait. Maybe it doesn't.[/QUOTE]Yeah, that doc has his undergrad in political science. Hmmm... I wonder which way he leans. He's also an ophthalmologist who prescribed his patients Hydroxychloroquine back in the hydroxy craze. Dunno, but it seems strange for an ophthalmologist to be getting into that neck of the woods, but the malpractice complaints were dismissed by the TX medical board, so what do I know...
[QUOTE=7Seconds;1648807783]A lazy description of a complex problem used by talking heads to push the emotional buttons of those on the right.
Not the center and left?
Also, how do you make a tag line?
I think I should have one that says, "The define that please guy" I'm like a scratched record I say that so often.
and I for one kinda enjoyed his video. Particularly, the articulate hand and arm movement which is what I look for in an eye doctor. Particularly a surgeon. :)
EDIT: and good to see we're back to civil discourse. For now anyway. :D[/QUOTE]
For now :)
Watching it on my phone, I didn't see that he was an ophthalmologist. I assumed he was an ID doc or intensive care doc because he bragged about treating with steroids fairly early. Based on my assumption, I was actually impressed he could say that stuff with a straight face.
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1648825613]Not the center and left?
Also, how do you make a tag line?
I think I should have one that says, "The define that please guy" I'm like a scratched record I say that so often.
For now :)
Watching it on my phone, I didn't see that he was an ophthalmologist. I assumed he was an ID doc or intensive care doc because he bragged about treating with steroids fairly early. Based on my assumption, I was actually impressed he could say that stuff with a straight face.[/QUOTE]
I think we're well past the challenge of keeping a straight face. Moral bankruptcy all but eliminates hope. Without hope, it's all an act I reckon.
and I gotta mention that I appreciate your contributions here. The civil ones, anyway. :D
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1648825613]Not the center and left?[/quote]
No they’re are certainly those on the left pushing those same buttons, but the particular wedge issue of border security is generally pushed towards those on the right. Although Biden is definitely hearing from both sides on his handling of the border, as if there is some amazing solution to border policy that doesn't involve the stabilization and prosperity of countries where the migrants are coming from.
Biden does seem to be caught between critics and allies on a lot of issues though. I suppose if most people are criticizing him maybe that’s a sign he’s a moderate. Or it’s a sign he’s incompetent.
[quote]Also, how do you make a tag line?
I think I should have one that says, "The define that please guy" I'm like a scratched record I say that so often.
Edit signature in you user cp settings.
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1648822003]Vaccine caused delta? That makes perfect sense, given the first time we found the delta variant was in India in December 2020, which was only a month or two before the first person in India got a vaccine against SARS CoV2.
Oh, wait. Maybe it doesn't.[/QUOTE]Fair enough. It's just info. No need for all the over the top personal attacks some folks here choose to spew. I find it sad and humorous, these responses. This guy is saying the same thing I've been told by two ID doc professional associates of mine. I'm comfortable with my choices to date. If I make any mistakes, I just want them to be mine to make.
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1648822003]Vaccine caused delta? That makes perfect sense, given the first time we found the delta variant was in India in December 2020, which was only a month or two before the first person in India got a vaccine against SARS CoV2.
Oh, wait. Maybe it doesn't.[/QUOTE]
Do you have a source for this. Pretty sure Delta was brought to India by a vaccinated Brit. Delta is a breakthrough case, breakthrough cases happen in vaccinated individuals
[QUOTE=Paul Kreul;1648849423]Do you have a source for this. Pretty sure Delta was brought to India by a vaccinated Brit. Delta is a breakthrough case, breakthrough cases happen in vaccinated individuals[/QUOTE]This is the information I have researched.
We all still understand that all animals died in the vaccine trials...right..?
How do you think that is gonna play out?
Posted this in the R/P section but I’m sure others would like to see the information..
First let’s get some history of mRNA/Coronavirus Vaccines & previous animal trials..
-Immunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS Virus
Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus Infection in Feline Alveolar Macro****es and Human Monocyte Cell Line U937 by Serum of Cats Experimentally or Naturally Infected with Feline Coronavirus
Vaccine efficacy in senescent mice challenged with recombinant SARS-CoV bearing epidemic and zoonotic spike variants
Immunization with SARS coronavirus vaccines leads to pulmonary immunopathology on challenge with the SARS virus
Prior immunization with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) nucleocapsid protein causes severe pneumonia in mice infected with SARS-CoV
Evaluation of the mRNA-1273 Vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 in Nonhuman Primates
Immunization with Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara-Based Recombinant Vaccine against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Is Associated with Enhanced Hepatitis in Ferrets
Once vaccinated, the animals had an inability to fight off or suffered adverse effects once reinfected.
The vaccinated animals did not all die; however, many vaccinated animals became sicker than non-vaccinated when exposed to the SARS virus. Some studies included sacrificing the test animals and tissue study---most of the vaccinated animals in the studies developed inflammation in liver or lung or elsewhere.
COVID Vaccine Trials In Animals Were Stopped Because They Kept Dying, Revealed In Texas Senate Hearing
It was revealed recently during the Texas Senate Committee hearing that COVID-19 vaccine trials in animals were stopped because they kept dying.
This past week the Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs took testimony from Texas physicians regarding mandatory vaccination and Vaccine Passports in Texas – the Senate Bill SB 1669: Stop Forced Vaccination and Vaccine Passports in Texas.
A shocking revelation was made during the course of the senate hearing that animal testing of COVID-19 vaccines were stopped because they kept dying.
Here is what was revealed during the hearing on May 6
“"Folks, I think that’s important to understand there that what we’re talking about is American people are now the guinea pigs. This is the test program, thats going on.
They didn’t do the human testing and they stopped the animal test because the animals were dying. And then they turned it out for the pubic.
And we’re now looking at businesses that want to mandate that this experimental vaccine be given to people as a condition of their employment. ""
Sen. Hall questioned the doctor: “Has there been another vaccine that had the high incidents of serious hospitalizations and deaths that this vaccine is now showing?
Dr. Farella: “Not to this extent. Not even close.”
Sen. Hall: “Any other vaccine would’ve been pulled from the market?”
Dr. Farella: “Absolutely.”
Sen. Hall: “Have you seen any other vaccine that was put out to the public that skipped the animal test?”
Dr. Farella: “Never before.”
Sen. Hall: “As I have read, they actually started the animal tests, and because the animals were dying, they stopped the tests.”
Dr. Farella: “Correct.”
“A note regarding animal deaths in coronavirus vaccine tests: According to Dr. Lee Merritt, animal tests on coronavirus vaccines using cats and ferrets resulted in what were at first believed to be successful vaccines. However, after the animals were exposed to the wild virus, instead of weakening the virus, the vaccine’s “stylized immuno-response” caused the virus to enter the animal’s body like a Trojan horse. “And then it replicated without checking and killed the cat with overwhelming sepsis and cardiac failure,” Dr. Merritt said. “And that happened in the ferrets. That happened every time they’ve tried this. We have never made it through an animal study successfully for this type of virus.”
Oh..well would you look at that..EXACT SAME RESULTS AS ALL THE STUDIES UP ABOVE.
In my horror film Halloween voice...... he is Back!!!!!!!
Friday the 13 music begins.
Man that shingles vaxxx did a number on Paul, this is his life's mission now!