[QUOTE=TryingBB;1645917793]“All you had”?
Dear sir you had almost all the symptoms of getting the rona. :-/[/QUOTE]
You sure about that? I feel like I got off easy.
Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell[/B]
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
[quote]President Biden on Friday said he and Dr. Anthony Fauci discussed requiring COVID-19 booster shots every five months rather than every eight as previously anticipated.[/quote]
That will flatten the curve.
That will flatten the curve.[/QUOTE]
This time last year Vaccines weren't even a thing, now some people have been poked twice and had a booster. Now talking boosters every 5 months lol
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1645918383]BMI isn't accurate for all, especially someone with a lot of muscle mass. I was constantly flagged as being overweight according to the chart. The calipers told a totally different story[/QUOTE]
There's usually a 'does not apply to bodybuilders, weightlifters, long distance runners etc.' statement included with the tables which are meant to be used with other protocols, anyways. Some studies even state that there are people who are healthier when they're overweight/obese. LWW would agree. :)
BMI applies to me no matter how much I do weightlifting. I think it's rare when it doesn't apply. Men have more muscle but I don't even think it would be normal for me to be 150lbs. at 5'3.
[QUOTE=Cass40;1645934993]BMI applies to me no matter how much I do weightlifting. I think it's rare when it doesn't apply. Men have more muscle but I don't even think it would be normal for me to be 150lbs. at 5'3.[/QUOTE]
Why did you quote me and posted someone with a double chin?
[QUOTE=Cass40;1645937943]Why did you quote me and posted someone with a double chin?[/QUOTE]
You don't know how hard it is to find a good double chin :rolleyes: Oh, and it's always you, so that shouldn't be a massive surprise :p
You know that isn't you. It's the Skeptical Lady.
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1645929503]This time last year Vaccines weren't even a thing, now some people have been poked twice and had a booster. Now talking boosters every 5 months lol[/QUOTE]
I saw my PC doctor yesterday. He immediately asked if I had gotten the jab yet. I told him no and have no plans of getting it especially after the new Israeli study that just came out regarding their lack of protection from the evil delta. He knew of the study and said if those in the study had gotten the "booster" the study would have shown just the opposite. He then told me to get the jab and then when you get the booster you will have immunity for life. I chuckled and said so if something isn't working, you just take more of it and you will have a lifetime immunity? You could tell he was being directed to sign up as many as he could to get the jab. I completely lost respect for him after that and I've been seeing him for over 10 years.
Oh, Cassie-Sassie, please don't think that just because that girl in the gif has Spanish language on it, that I think you're Latina.
Ok, years ago when I first met you and when I was shocked how sassie you were, it might have crossed my mind you might be Latina, but it might have been a dream. If it was real, it dint last long.
[img]https://media.giphy.com/media/YoWppwALYPKLrO85Hc/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47u4lpjvhvhg0jb7uhullwdyzm6ypke306x4ep4b93&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g [/img]
[QUOTE=Mark1T;1645938663]You don't know how hard it is to find a good double chin :rolleyes: Oh, and it's always you, so that shouldn't be a massive surprise :p
You know that isn't you. It's the Skeptical Lady.
There's an app where you can make your face chubby and I sent the picture to bodyhard. I did tell him it was an app but he was like I've never seen your face so chubby...I don't think he got it.
[QUOTE=Fishman15;1645939023]I saw my PC doctor yesterday. He immediately asked if I had gotten the jab yet. I told him no and have no plans of getting it especially after the new Israeli study that just came out regarding their lack of protection from the evil delta. He knew of the study and said if those in the study had gotten the "booster" the study would have shown just the opposite. He then told me to get the jab and then when you get the booster you will have immunity for life. I chuckled and said so if something isn't working, you just take more of it and you will have a lifetime immunity? You could tell he was being directed to sign up as many as he could to get the jab. I completely lost respect for him after that and I've been seeing him for over 10 years.[/QUOTE]
Are you going to find a new doc?
Also, you’ve been seeing him for 10 yrs. if I were you, I would’ve straight up asked him if he was being instructed to “sell” the vaccine. That kinda sounds like a chitty answer “immunity for life” I would also be skeptical lol sounds like something you would tell a toddler to have them shut the fuk up.
(For the record, I do believe in the virus and the vaccine also - this booster, ummm, yeah I believe that too. There are plenty of vaccines that require boosters to work. It’s unfortunate that the research and studies are going in the direction they are - but this is new stuff that is being researched and studied and every so often there is something new that’s comes up. Most of the outcome is undesirable.
Also I have a few friends in the medical industry. Last year when they were taking about mRNA vaccine, they told me mRNA is not new and being researched for a long while. Look it up if you’d like)
[QUOTE=Cass40;1645939063]There's an app where you can make your face chubby and I sent the picture to bodyhard. I did tell him it was an app but he was like I've never seen your face so chubby...I don't think he got it.[/QUOTE]
Hilarious 😂
[QUOTE=Mark1T;1645941193]Hilarious 😂[/QUOTE]
I thought it was so funny because they looked so realistic but my husband doesn't think it's funny because it's probably his worst nightmare that I'd get fat.
[QUOTE=Cass40;1645943873]I thought it was so funny because they looked so realistic but my husband doesn't think it's funny because it's probably his worst nightmare that I'd get fat.[/QUOTE]
The probability of you ever getting fat is very low, so he’s gonna be ok.
[QUOTE=Mark1T;1645944403]The probability of you ever getting fat is very low, so he’s gonna be ok.[/QUOTE]
Appreciate your confidence buddy!
I see your King and raise you an Ace!
[QUOTE=HannoCometh;1645955253]I see your King and raise you an Ace!
[quote]Noga Tarnopolsky
#Breaking: Israel no longer considers people who have received 2 Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines "vaccinated." As of September 1, only 3x vaccinated are considered immune.
6:29 AM · Aug 29, 2021·Twitter Web App[/quote]
[quote]Noga Tarnopolsky
Israeli Ministry of Health announces new measures: All citizens over the age of 12 can get a booster 5 months after their 2nd shot. Green Passports will be valid for only 6 months. Triply vaccinated Israelis/residents are exempt from quarantine when returning from abroad.
6:21 AM · Aug 29, 2021·Twitter Web App[/quote]
Add this to Biden saying he was discussing with Fauci about giving booster shots every 5 months.
[QUOTE=Fishman15;1645939023]I saw my PC doctor yesterday. He immediately asked if I had gotten the jab yet. I told him no and have no plans of getting it especially after the new Israeli study that just came out regarding their lack of protection from the evil delta. He knew of the study and said if those in the study had gotten the "booster" the study would have shown just the opposite. He then told me to get the jab and then when you get the booster you will have immunity for life. I chuckled and said so if something isn't working, you just take more of it and you will have a lifetime immunity? You could tell he was being directed to sign up as many as he could to get the jab. I completely lost respect for him after that and I've been seeing him for over 10 years.[/QUOTE]
So will your new doc be required to be anti vaxx?
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1645982393]So will your new doc be required to be anti vaxx?[/QUOTE]
I don't think any normal doctor would be anti vaxx, I mean they go to medical skool no? Besides I don't really believe in any big conspiracy where the doctors are now pushing vaccines for financial reasons because that would mean that in non corrupted countries like Finland (lol my autocorrect said Ginland..what the hell is that) where the healthcare is free and there wouldn't be any incentive to lie about it for profit..for doctors at least.. would have to be in cahoots with all this, which doesn't make any sense at all.
[QUOTE=Cass40;1645991183]I don't think any normal doctor would be anti vaxx, I mean they go to medical skool no? Besides I don't really believe in any big conspiracy where the doctors are now pushing vaccines for financial reasons because that would mean that in non corrupted countries like Finland (lol my autocorrect said Ginland..what the hell is that) where the healthcare is free and there wouldn't be any incentive to lie about it for profit..for doctors at least.. would have to be in cahoots with all this, which doesn't make any sense at all.[/QUOTE]
Well when people post and lean a certain direction, i like to push them to extremes.
In this case would he find an anti vaxx Ivermectin prescribing new Doctor.
Just messing with him.... i know it wouldn't make any logical sense, but in 2021 logic is optional
A friend got Moderna #3 from Safeway@1pm and has described the symptom pattern as the same as Shot 2.
Sore arm at injection site, fatigue, and achy... "going to bed early."
Same shot different day.
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1645991763]Well when people post and lean a certain direction, i like to push them to extremes.
In this case would he find an anti vaxx Ivermectin prescribing new Doctor.
Just messing with him.... i know it wouldn't make any logical sense, but in 2021 logic is optional[/QUOTE]
Yeah I think over 96% of doctors are fully vaccinated so he can still find the rare unvaxxed one. Lol I wonder if some are really going that far that they'd demand their doc to be unvaxxed.
[QUOTE=Cass40;1645992163]Yeah I think over 96% of doctors are fully vaccinated so he can still find the rare unvaxxed one. Lol I wonder if some are really going that far that they'd demand their doc to be unvaxxed.[/QUOTE]
In this day and age, nothing shocks me.
Things that you would logically say no way, that can never happen, have happened.
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1645992423]In this day and age, nothing shocks me.
Things that you would logically say no way, that can never happen, have happened.[/QUOTE]
There's no hope for us anymore.
They should've just put the vaxx in the water supply like they did in that movie "Contagion", and not tell anyone.
[QUOTE=Cass40;1645992673]There's no hope for us anymore.
They should've just put the vaxx in the water supply like they did in that movie "Contagion", and not tell anyone.[/QUOTE]
Ha ha, i never saw that movie, but it is now on my list, thanks!
A family member of mine who is anti-vax has been in the ICU for days now. Not looking good. I would never be a dik enough to ask but I can't help to wonder if he is now thinking that jab would have been a good idea.