[QUOTE=redmelly;1661443073]Anyone know the latest science on how long you have immunity after suffering through covid, unvaxxed?[/QUOTE]
Immunity to which strain, and how protective? You should have pretty durable immunity to the strain you got and anything with a very similar spike protein. That said, "durable" only means durable for you. If we define it as how long you don't have to worry about feeling sick from moderate exposure to a certain strain after having it, it's years, maybe decades if you're a healthy 15 year old. It's a significantly shorter time if you're 80 y/o with lots of health issues. Your previous exposures to other viruses, sub-clinical infections with the various strains, and your genetic make up also play into it.
If you got one of the more virulent strains and recovered, you can worry less, for a while. That's about as specific as I can get, and the problem is, who knows what strain you had. I figure that if you're healthy and got vaccinated and a booster, you know you have antibodies with some efficacy against the more virulent strains. In that case you can basically not worry about much except travel issues from a positive test for at least a year or two.
That's what my wife and daughter are doing in Europe as I take care of the pups here in NC, they're not worrying about COVID. I recommend everyone do that!
I'm sure they're eating a lot, sight seeing, and shopping too. I'm more worried about that last one than I am about COVID :)
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1661503203]Immunity to which strain, and how protective? You should have pretty durable immunity to the strain you got and anything with a very similar spike protein. That said, "durable" only means durable for you. If we define it as how long you don't have to worry about feeling sick from moderate exposure to a certain strain after having it, it's years, maybe decades if you're a healthy 15 year old. It's a significantly shorter time if you're 80 y/o with lots of health issues. You're previous exposures to other viruses, sub-clinical infections with the various strains, and your genetic make up also play into it.
If you got one of the more virulent strains and recovered, you can worry less, for a while. That's about as specific as I can get, and the problem is, who knows what strain you had. I figure that if you're healthy and got vaccinated and a booster, you know you have antibodies with some efficacy against the more virulent strains. In that case you can basically not worry about much except travel issues from a positive test for at least a year or two.
That's what my wife and daughter are doing in Europe as I take care of the pups here in NC, they're not worrying about COVID. I recommend everyone do that!
I'm sure they're eating a lot, sight seeing, and shopping too. I'm more worried about that last one than I am about COVID :)[/QUOTE]
shopping in Europe, uh ohhhh, lol
[QUOTE=redmelly;1661443073]Anyone know the latest science on how long you have immunity after suffering through covid, unvaxxed?[/QUOTE]
Likely a long time to that specific variant. The problem with many viruses (including other coronaviruses that circulate among humans) is that they change enough to evade existing immunity. The numbers of viral progeny and transcription errors nearly ensure genetic diversity and by matter of chance some of those errors will benefit the viruses ability to exploit a niche.
I am vacationing in Europe this summer, Switzerland, France, Italy.
The tourism bureau in Switzerland mentioned that I have to show proof of vaccination to enter the country if arriving on an international flight outside the "Schengen Zone" at the Geneva airport, but they were very vague over what that document was or its form or whether it is a boarding requirement at our airport (Pearson-YYZ-Toronto) or when I get off the plane. All I have is the app I keep on my phone that shows the vaccinations.
Each country has their own requirements, anyone have first hand experience with this?
Before returning to Canada I have to register at least 72 hours in advance of our flight out of Geneva with "ArriveCan" to fill out a questionnaire over where I have been etc, if not they dont let you board the plane or your they put you in quarantine upon arrival in Canada, not sure which. I guess I have to prove I did not go to North Korea from Switzerland.
[QUOTE=Cantplankwell;1661519683]I am vacationing in Europe this summer, Switzerland, France, Italy.
The tourism bureau in Switzerland mentioned that I have to show proof of vaccination to enter the country if arriving on an international flight outside the "Schengen Zone" at the Geneva airport, but they were very vague over what that document was or its form or whether it is a boarding requirement at our airport (Pearson-YYZ-Toronto) or when I get off the plane. All I have is the app I keep on my phone that shows the vaccinations.
Each country has their own requirements, anyone have first hand experience with this?
Before returning to Canada I have to register at least 72 hours in advance of our flight out of Geneva with "ArriveCan" to fill out a questionnaire over where I have been etc, if not they dont let you board the plane or your they put you in quarantine upon arrival in Canada, not sure which. I guess I have to prove I did not go to North Korea from Switzerland.[/QUOTE]
My friend left Prague today and just landed in Naples, Italy, i will ask her what they did at the airport and report back
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1661520933]My friend left Prague today and just landed in Naples, Italy, i will ask her what they did at the airport and report back[/QUOTE]
Please do. Thx.
Sweden: 5th COVID-19 shot to people over 65, pregnant women
[QUOTE=redmelly;1661530063]Please do. Thx.[/QUOTE]
Ok she just told me that Italy requires a certificate that you were vaxxed( 3 times) at the airport.
If you decided not to get vaxxed, a test within 72 hours and probably while you are there as well.
I would call the airlines to see if this has been changed or updated within the last 2 weeks.
I am wondering why countries had vax passports since you still contract and spread COVID.
If the aim is to stop infected people from entering, the testing should be performed on everyone.
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1662246963]Ok she just told me that Italy requires a certificate that you were vaxxed( 3 times) at the airport.
If you decided not to get vaxxed, a test within 72 hours and probably while you are there as well.
I would call the airlines to see if this has been changed or updated within the last 2 weeks.[/QUOTE]
Now it's a negative test within 72 hours. To get back in the US we need a test within 24 hours. Vaxxed need no test.
[QUOTE=Plateauplower;1661508073]Likely a long time to that specific variant. The problem with many viruses (including other coronaviruses that circulate among humans) is that they change enough to evade existing immunity. The numbers of viral progeny and transcription errors nearly ensure genetic diversity and by matter of chance some of those errors will benefit the viruses ability to exploit a niche.[/QUOTE]So why get the needle for otherwise healthy people? That question is on a loop.
I'm all shot. Both shots fkd with me, to degrees of which I am presently unaware. I know my tinnitus went through the roof. This is unsurprising, given their may well be an auto immune component to my tinnitus and I just fired up and manipulated my immune system in radical, unexplored ways.. Oh calm down, right? I'm 'better' now.
Yeah, I'm taking the family to a multi week trek through multiple European countires. I will eat and drink like a Viking and weep at beautiful structures and works of art like a poet. I drink from life in large gulps and small sips, accordingly. My Wife of over 30 years will accompany, along with our incredible Son, who is graduating, with honors, from a prestigious private academy, where he was the captain for the men's varsity hockey team. (He should have played women's. He'd have been even better!}
So yeah, I've worked my azz off to come to this point in my/our lives. We face our troubles together too. I don't dwell on problems. I help to solve them and move on, to the best direction possible.
There was no 'scientific' need for me to be forced to take those concoctions. None. And that position is borne out as more and more and more reasonable as time and information come to fore.
(I post this in reply to you, sir because I know we share some of the similar queries.)
227 pages and this is still going lol and NOPE still not vaxxed lol. No Desire to leave America for any reason Travelled outside of the Country enough in my youth, Thier are way to many sites to go see, to hike, to climb to experience Right here in America and I dont need to take forty shots to do it ....
[QUOTE=charlievanriper;1662262833]227 pages and this is still going lol and NOPE still not vaxxed lol. No Desire to leave America for any reason Travelled outside of the Country enough in my youth, Thier are way to many sites to go see, to hike, to climb to experience Right here in America and I dont need to take forty shots to do it ....[/QUOTE]Smart man, in my book. Not limiting yourself either. Plenty to see and do here and you have always explored. God bless. Follow the science and ask questions about why this situation is being handled as it is by people who hold power over us.
In my post, I wanted to drive home the significance of this trip that made be finally take the needle. It was a bad thing to do. I regret it, but I'm a Dad and this is an significant thing. Like all parents, you put yourself second, or third, or fourth, as the case may be. Other times, you lead.
Be well
[QUOTE=KeepItMoving;1662263113]Smart man, in my book. Not limiting yourself either. Plenty to see and do here and you have always explord. God bless. Follow the scince and ask questions about why this situation is being handled as it is by people who hold power over us.
In my post, I wanted to drive home the significance of this trip that made be finally take the needle. It was a bad thing to do. I regret it, but I'm a Dad and this is an significant thing. Like all parents, you put yourself second, or third, or fourth, as the case may be. Other times, you lead.
Be well[/QUOTE] You as well Thank you, Ya I know why they are pushing it.
[QUOTE=charlievanriper;1662262833]227 pages and this is still going lol and NOPE still not vaxxed lol. No Desire to leave America for any reason Travelled outside of the Country enough in my youth, Thier are way to many sites to go see, to hike, to climb to experience Right here in America and I dont need to take forty shots to do it ....[/QUOTE]
As grown ups we travel before we can't, so learning about the ever changing landscape is key as the situation changes daily.
It is only common sense to discuss this calmly and rationally no matter what your personal opinion is on Covid.
This is probably the only place on this site where we can discuss it without name calling and the usual BS.
If you want to see a real BS mess, then it'd be hard to find one as bad as the inconsistent and unnecessary minefield of which vaccinations and tests and how to show evidence for them for traveling between several countries. It's extra confusing and irritating for someone in say England like me, as for us COVID (well "problem" COVID not trivial who cares COVID) is now a distant memory and just not even on our radar. Baffles me how they can justify this nonsense, maybe it's back to the analogy of a supertanker once at speed can't be stopped or turned for ages.
[QUOTE=OldFartTom;1662276793]If you want to see a real BS mess, then it'd be hard to find one as bad as the inconsistent and unnecessary minefield of which vaccinations and tests and how to show evidence for them for traveling between several countries. It's extra confusing and irritating for someone in say England like me, as for us COVID (well "problem" COVID not trivial who cares COVID) is now a distant memory and just not even on our radar. Baffles me how they can justify this nonsense, maybe it's back to the analogy of a supertanker once at speed can't be stopped or turned for ages.[/QUOTE]
It is 100% about money and to some extent control. The politicians pushing this nonsense are bought and paid for by big pharma. Revolving door public servants who create the "rules" many times move back and fourth from a regulatory capacity in the public sector to a high paying administrative role in the sector they just created the rules for. It's not just the FDA (here in the US) but nearly all of the agencies EPA, CDC, Dept of Agriculture etc etc.
They just lifted the testing requirement for Italy. The only thing covid that remains is mask on an airplane that flies directly into Italy, and theaters, hospitals, and nursing homes require masks.
To re-enter the USA you need a covid test within 24 hours of flying.
Haven't checked in on this thread in a while.
I'm thinking of doing a competition in Germany in the fall - might have to get jabbed to be sure I can enter the country. If required, I'll do it... whatevs.
[QUOTE=PhDPepper1111;1662296693]Haven't checked in on this thread in a while.
I'm thinking of doing a competition in Germany in the fall - might have to get jabbed to be sure I can enter the country. If required, I'll do it... whatevs.[/QUOTE]
No, you won't have to get jabbed to go to Germany, or take a test. To re enter the US you need to get a test within 24 hours of flight but that may change June 15 - we have to wait and see.
[b]Germany to Loosen COVID-19 Entry Rules Over the Summer[/b]
Germany’s health minister says the government plans to suspend a pandemic rule requiring people to show proof of vaccination, a negative test result or recent recovery from COVID-19 to enter the country over the summer.
Lots of healthy stud athletes are keeling over and dying 'unexpectedly' lately. On the basketball court; on the volleyball court; and the latest was a 19 year old lacrosse stud in Massachusetts. My guess? More of this goes on unreported nationally.
Anyone catch Lord Fauci and his remarks about masking and he admitted it's more about power & control than anything else.
I caught the Covid when it first came out a couple of years ago. Several people at work got it, we all recovered.
Flash forward: Just finished up with the Omicron last week. One person at work died from it, everybody else recovered. What I find interesting is that some of the people who were sick were fully vaccinated and boosted. And they didn't seem to have less severe symptoms. However, many of them got sick when they were injected, and sick again when they were boosted. So essentially, those of us who are non-vaccinated got sick twice, while many of the vaxxed were sick FOUR or FIVE times. And the person who died was fully vaccinated.... but survived the first round just fine before the vaccines were invented.
[QUOTE=IronCharles;1662326953]I caught the Covid when it first came out a couple of years ago. Several people at work got it, we all recovered.
Flash forward: Just finished up with the Omicron last week. One person at work died from it, everybody else recovered. What I find interesting is that some of the people who were sick were fully vaccinated and boosted. And they didn't seem to have less severe symptoms. However, many of them got sick when they were injected, and sick again when they were boosted. So essentially, those of us who are non-vaccinated got sick twice, while many of the vaxxed were sick FOUR or FIVE times. And the person who died was fully vaccinated.... but survived the first round just fine before the vaccines were invented.[/QUOTE]
My experience exactly.
[QUOTE=Corbi;1662323133]Anyone catch Lord Fauci and his remarks about masking and he admitted it's more about power & control than anything else.
I can't figure this tool out. He doesn't want masks, then he does, then he doesn't. Dementia is setting in, maybe.
[QUOTE=Corbi;1662323133]Anyone catch Lord Fauci and his remarks about masking and he admitted it's more about power & control than anything else.
They have to lie to you about the lie they're lying to you about.
What are they detracting from? Aliens?
Now we have the monkey pox.Another nationwide shutdown forthcoming?
[QUOTE=BackwoodsGa;1662352223]Now we have the monkey pox.Another nationwide shutdown forthcoming?[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=BackwoodsGa;1662352223]Now we have the monkey pox.Another nationwide shutdown forthcoming?[/QUOTE]
They can't do it with this one. They'll have better luck trying it with another covid "variant". But I don't think the people are having it.
[QUOTE=BackwoodsGa;1662352223]Now we have the monkey pox.Another nationwide shutdown forthcoming?[/QUOTE]
Shutdown during Pride Month? That's not on the agenda.