[QUOTE=Plateauplower;1637068743]National Institute of Health (nih.gov)[/QUOTE]
nih hosts ncbi, which is a library. Doesn't mean something is endorsed by NIH. Your local library does not endorse every article in every publication it carries. You can make a strong case that Medical Hyptheses should not be carried by NCBI, but just because it is carried doesn't make everything in it legit.
I had weather briefings daily and sometimes several times a day for many years, here is how I have heard it explained countless times.
Pop means percentage of precipitation
PoP = Confidence X Coverage (For simplicity sakes think of the area of coverage as a big square box)
100% confident it will rain in 50% of the coverage area 100% × 50% = 50% PoP
50% confident it will rain in 50% of the coverage area 50% × 50% = 25% PoP
Even with a 80% you may not get rained on where you are, which is why I consider it pretty much useless, pull up the local Radar will give you a much better idea of what's going to happen.
Things may have changed now, but this is how it used to be.
[QUOTE=Gabbar99;1637069383]nih hosts ncbi, which is a library. Doesn't mean something is endorsed by NIH. Your local library does not endorse every article in every publication it carries. You can make a strong case that Medical Hyptheses should not be carried by NCBI, but just because it is carried doesn't make everything in it legit.[/QUOTE]
I didn’t state they endorsed it, I’m surprised they haven’t removed the link. High school wrestlers can wrestle without masks, but have to put them on immediately after a match, and they can’t shake hands because that would be too risky lol. Science.
There is a recent Fox poll out showing that 22% of people don't plan on getting the vaccine. One of the top reasons was that they don't think it works. I mean you have "experts" telling us that even though you have had the vaccine you still need to wear a mask, you still need to social distance, you still need to sterilize your hands all day long, you can still get covid from others, and you can still give covid to others. Not to mention you will need a booster vaccine every time a new "variant" comes out.
Gee, I can't understand why people are like WTF do I need to get a vaccine? I've personally never been an anti-vaxer but they may have to put me in restraints or lock me out of the grocery store to get this. With no long term studies on this and the way they refer to the "science" on how to stay healthy, I have zero confidence in any of this...
[QUOTE=Fishman15;1637079113]There is a recent Fox poll out showing that 22% of people don't plan on getting the vaccine. One of the top reasons was that they don't think it works. I mean you have "experts" telling us that even though you have had the vaccine you still need to wear a mask, you still need to social distance, you still need to sterilize your hands all day long, you can still get covid from others, and you can still give covid to others.
Gee, I can't understand why people are like WTF do I need to get a vaccine?[/QUOTE]
I got the call for mine and I declined it. I am not saying I won't ever get it, but I do have reservations about possible side effects, not just the immediate ones but longer term ones as well. I am not afraid of needles or an Anti Vaxer, having served in the Military, I have gotten my share of vaccinations. I am just going to ride those one out for a bit longer or I may even be in that 22% you mentioned Fish.
[QUOTE=Fishman15;1637079113]There is a recent Fox poll out showing that 22% of people don't plan on getting the vaccine. One of the top reasons was that they don't think it works. I mean you have "experts" telling us that even though you have had the vaccine you still need to wear a mask, you still need to social distance, you still need to sterilize your hands all day long, you can still get covid from others, and you can still give covid to others. Not to mention you will need a booster vaccine every time a new "variant" comes out.
Gee, I can't understand why people are like WTF do I need to get a vaccine? I've personally never been an anti-vaxer but they may have to put me in restraints or lock me out of the grocery store to get this. With no long term studies on this and the way they refer to the "science" on how to stay healthy, I have zero confidence in any of this...[/QUOTE]I completely agree. People jumped to take this "vaccine" with no idea even what it does (or doesn't) do. We saw a big deal made out of Biden taking the shot, now we see him walking through a cemetery (outside) with no one within 50 feet of him - and he's wearing a mask.
Now, an early study shows that taking this vaccine increases your odds of catching a variant by a factor of 8 compared to NOT taking the vaccine.
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1637080783]. We saw a big deal made out of Biden taking the shot, now we see him walking through a cemetery (outside) with no one within 50 feet of him - and he's wearing a mask.
Joe needs to be reminded daily where the front door of the white house is, so it's not fair using him as an example here !
[QUOTE=Gabbar99;1637066253]What site? I'd seen that make the rounds, but didn't see anyone was trying to connect it to Stanford. It was in a "publication" that gets listed on ncbi, which doesn't mean much, but it's not a real medical journal, it's not peer reviewed, or apparently reviewed at all since it's in broken English and has grammar mistakes in the abstract. It's a place for a lone kook to dump baseless speculation and pseudoscience and pretend to have a publication.
This is a just guy throwing out a hypothesis, which is the expressed purpose of the publication. And this publication has a reputation for providing a forum for kooks. It's fine, there probably should be a place for kooks to throw something at the wall and see if it sticks. Don't know that it should be taken down. It's a publication for unreviewed hypotheses; don't know that the guy did anything wrong. But it shouldn't be taken as proof of something.[/QUOTE]
Oh it stuck in the big Misc as proof of something alright.
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1637085833]Oh it stuck in the big Misc as proof of something alright.[/QUOTE]
You can do your own research. The article does successfully cite some relevant works that were peer reviewed such as this actual study on cloth masks increasing respiratory illness in hospital workers even more than a control group. This study was 2015 so pre-covid and without any bias associated with it.
My position on masks for the general public has evolved based on real world data. While they can be effective in clinical settings where they are donned and doffed correctly, changed regularly, etc., but what the infection data is showing is they don’t have much impact on controlling spread in “real world” applications. I’m sure they could help in some instances but probably reduce other more important practices like staying away from people.
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1637080783]Now, an early study shows that taking this vaccine increases your odds of catching a variant by a factor of 8 compared to NOT taking the vaccine.[/QUOTE]
No it doesn't. That was explained earlier.
This is the third time someone has made this easily debunked claim. Who is spreading this?
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1637069973]I had weather briefings daily and sometimes several times a day for many years, here is how I have heard it explained countless times. .....[/QUOTE]
Thank You!
[QUOTE=Gabbar99;1637091903]No it doesn't. That was explained earlier.
This is the third time someone has made this easily debunked claim. Who is spreading this?[/QUOTE]
The same 10 dudes on this site that move from subforum to subforum as if they are being paid.
Cliffs: they’re saying vaccine is long term safe since it’s been over 2 months since it came out and no serious side effects have been reported. They say that based on other vaccines in the past showing adverse long term effects within 2 months
I’ve already gotten first dose and going to get second also but still slightly worried about long term effects (like year or two or longer). I got comfortable with this new vaccine cuz millions over millions got this vaccine and enough sample size is involved that long term effects would’ve popped up in atleast a few...
Having said the two things above, I think the article is stupid cuz they’re comparing other traditional vaccines to a new mRNA vaccine.
Cliffs: they’re saying vaccine is long term safe since it’s been over 2 months since it came out and no serious side effects have been reported. They say that based on other vaccines in the past showing adverse long term effects within 2 months
I’ve already gotten first dose and going to get second also but still slightly worried about long term effects (like year or two or longer). I got comfortable with this new vaccine cuz millions over millions got this vaccine and enough sample size is involved that long term effects would’ve popped up in atleast a few...
Having said the two things above, I think the article is stupid cuz they’re comparing other traditional vaccines to a new mRNA vaccine.
Well, if the vaccine kills everyone who gets it in two years you might be better off since a large segment of the population would be dead. The US is currently around 30% total population vaccinated, which includes probably around 50% (or more) of the adult population. If they died, like some kind of biblical rapture, we would be in pretty bad shape overall in terms of food, utilities, medical care etc etc. it’d be like mad max land.
Cliffs: they’re saying vaccine is long term safe since it’s been over 2 months since it came out and no serious side effects have been reported. They say that based on other vaccines in the past showing adverse long term effects within 2 months
I’ve already gotten first dose and going to get second also but still slightly worried about long term effects (like year or two or longer). I got comfortable with this new vaccine cuz millions over millions got this vaccine and enough sample size is involved that long term effects would’ve popped up in atleast a few...
Having said the two things above, I think the article is stupid cuz they’re comparing other traditional vaccines to a new mRNA vaccine.
I think mRNA risk is low based upon some of the mRNA for Dummies stuff I have seen. I just don't see much risk coming from how it works. With all that said there have been times in history when things appear safe and we find out otherwise later, so of course you can't rule out the possibility. I was scheduled to get the JnJ virus juice the day the FDA pulled it and will sign back up for JnJ when it's once again available in my area. But if JnJ wasn't an option I wouldn't really hesitate to sign up for a Pfizer at this point.
[QUOTE=mgftp;1637129103]I think mRNA risk is low based upon some of the mRNA for Dummies stuff I have seen. I just don't see much risk coming from how it works...[/QUOTE]
I agree with this at the point of once you get that mRNA into the cells. The outstanding question is the lipid nanomolecule transport mechanism, which was the sticky issue all along for getting the technology to work without severe side effects. It's simply an unknown variable that has no precedent for extrapolating future results, so trying to evaluate risk is very difficult.
[QUOTE=mgftp;1637129103]. But if JnJ wasn't an option I wouldn't really hesitate to sign up for a Pfizer at this point.[/QUOTE]
Curious, you mention you wouldn't hesitate to take Pfizer, is there any reason why you didn't mention Moderna?
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1637131243]Curious, you mention you wouldn't hesitate to take Pfizer, is there any reason why you didn't mention Moderna?[/QUOTE]
Because it's easily forgettable, lol. Pfizer just a bigger name and more available by me. Anecdotal small sample size of people I know which is meaningless seems to indicate Pfizer may also be better with AEs. But if there was no Pfizer I'd get Moderna.
[QUOTE=mgftp;1637132223]Because it's easily forgettable, lol. Pfizer just a bigger name and more available by me. Anecdotal small sample size of people I know which is meaningless seems to indicate Pfizer may also be better with AEs. But if there was no Pfizer I'd get Moderna.[/QUOTE]
lol, I was thinking AE's might be the reason, I have heard less about them from people being poked with Pfizer as well. Thanks
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1637132603]lol, I was thinking AE's might be the reason, I have heard less about them from people being poked with Pfizer as well. Thanks[/QUOTE]
NP. I am just a dumb man w/ an opinion like everyone else. InB4 I'm the first male to get a blot clot from JnJ and die.
[QUOTE=mgftp;1637132223]Because it's easily forgettable, lol. Pfizer just a bigger name and more available by me. Anecdotal small sample size of people I know which is meaningless seems to indicate Pfizer may also be better with AEs. But if there was no Pfizer I'd get Moderna.[/QUOTE]
J&J is again available now. So is Pfizer. Why aren’t you opting to get Pfizer since j&j is apprently not available in your area?
How come you waited several months? (So did I - I’m wondering for your reasoning) I was offered the vaccine back when it was available only to health workers and I turned down the offer
[QUOTE=mgftp;1637133363]NP. I am just a dumb man w/ an opinion like everyone else. InB4 I'm the first male to get a blot clot from JnJ and die.[/QUOTE]
Don’t think the clots have killed anyone. Have they? It was only 6 cases out of millions of doses
[QUOTE=TryingBB;1637137083]J&J is again available now. So is Pfizer. Why aren’t you opting to get Pfizer since j&j is apprently not available in your area?
How come you waited several months? (So did I - I’m wondering for your reasoning) I was offered the vaccine back when it was available only to health workers and I turned down the offer
Don’t think the clots have killed anyone. Have they? It was only 6 cases out of millions of doses[/QUOTE]
I just became eligible because I am not a patient facing healthcare worker. Many of my colleagues lied to get it early without issue but I felt bad killing someone's grandma getting it early.
I expect JnJ appointments to be available again any minute now, my state just announced Saturday it is coming back.
3 dead last I heard.
I think I am going to continue to take my vitamin c, zinc, and oregano oil.
Vaguely on topic (and only short video) linked here for light entertainment purposes. Some history
[QUOTE=Plateauplower;1637127863]Well, if the vaccine kills everyone who gets it in two years you might be better off since a large segment of the population would be dead. The US is currently around 30% total population vaccinated, which includes probably around 50% (or more) of the adult population. If they died, like some kind of biblical rapture, we would be in pretty bad shape overall in terms of food, utilities, medical care etc etc. it’d be like mad max land.[/QUOTE]
Well long term effects doesn't necessarily mean DEATH you know?
[QUOTE=Plateauplower;1637127863]Well, if the vaccine kills everyone who gets it in two years you might be better off since a large segment of the population would be dead. The US is currently around 30% total population vaccinated, which includes probably around 50% (or more) of the adult population. If they died, like some kind of biblical rapture, we would be in pretty bad shape overall in terms of food, utilities, medical care etc etc. it’d be like mad max land.[/QUOTE]
I’m case you haven’t noticed we are already in Mad Max land in many cities.
[QUOTE=MinisterOfLust;1637178593]I think I am going to continue to take my vitamin c, zinc, and oregano oil.[/QUOTE]
I get it..
everyone has the right to vax or not..
but they'll come a day...
maybe in 60 years or so..
where you'll find yourself old and sitting on a park bench..
with a tuna sandwich (maybe bologna depending on your finances) in your lap for lunch..
watching the world go by...
thinking about that covid thing back in 2020 and 2021...
and you'll be asking yourself...
was I part of the solution ?
and you'll be answering yourself...
no I wasn't !..
as you eat your lunch all by yourself !
JnJ shots resume here Thursday. Trying to weigh unknown potential risk of mRNA and hassle of two shots three weeks apart vs blot clot risk and easy one and done shot. Hmmmm
[QUOTE=Oceanside;1637227573]I get it..
everyone has the right to vax or not..
but they'll come a day...
maybe in 60 years or so..
where you'll find yourself old and sitting on a park bench..
with a tuna sandwich (maybe bologna depending on your finances) in your lap for lunch..
watching the world go by...
thinking about that covid thing back in 2020 and 2021...
and you'll be asking yourself...
was I part of the solution ?
and you'll be answering yourself...
no I wasn't !..
as you eat your lunch all by yourself ![/QUOTE]
Unless Covid kills him before he gets there
[QUOTE=MinisterOfLust;1637178593]I think I am going to continue to take my vitamin c, zinc, and oregano oil.[/QUOTE]
Don’t forget your essential oils