[QUOTE=ChazWood;1649194513]Let's hope Covid-19 burns itself out like this threads is doing. It would be so perfect.
I might even order something from bb.com to say "thanks" :D[/QUOTE]
Yeah go meditate so u won't get too upset.
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[QUOTE=ChazWood;1649194513]Let's hope Covid-19 burns itself out like this threads is doing. It would be so perfect.
I might even order something from bb.com to say "thanks" :D[/QUOTE]
Yeah go meditate so u won't get too upset.
[QUOTE=Cass40;1649194873]Yeah go meditate so u won't get too upset.[/QUOTE]
I wish I never came back. Woulda been better thinking I won. Now I know I can't win. I'm only a traveler through the dark misc, haha.... u were born here. Shaped here. :p
I'll go now. :D
[QUOTE=ChazWood;1649196253]I wish I never came back. Woulda been better thinking I won. Now I know I can't win. I'm only a traveler through the dark misc, haha.... u were born here. Shaped here. :p
I'll go now. :D[/QUOTE]
It's almost Halloween..I will never leave buahhaa..
Officials are keeping a close watch on a new descendant of the Delta variant of Covid that is causing a growing number of infections.
Delta is the UK's dominant variant, but latest official data suggests 6% of Covid cases that have been genetically sequenced are of a new type.
AY.4.2, which some are calling "Delta Plus", contains mutations that might give the virus survival advantages.
Tests are under way to understand how much of a threat it may pose.
Experts say it is unlikely to take off in a big way or escape current vaccines.
It is not yet considered a variant of concern, or a variant under investigation - the categories assigned to variants and the level of risk associated with them.
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1649211013]Officials are keeping a close watch on a new descendant of the Delta variant of Covid that is causing a growing number of infections.
Delta is the UK's dominant variant, but latest official data suggests 6% of Covid cases that have been genetically sequenced are of a new type.
AY.4.2, which some are calling "Delta Plus", contains mutations that might give the virus survival advantages.
Tests are under way to understand how much of a threat it may pose.
Experts say it is unlikely to take off in a big way or escape current vaccines.
It is not yet considered a variant of concern, or a variant under investigation - the categories assigned to variants and the level of risk associated with them.[/QUOTE]
How much do you think this company's web traffic increased this week? [url]https://www.deltaplus.eu/en_US/[/url]
Maybe I'll get this. It'll be perfect for my Walmart shopping trips after Delta Plus arrives here : [url]https://www.deltaplus.eu/en_US/article-details/-/article-details/reusable-respiratory/strap-galaxy-overall-mask/p/M9300/ST15/0/0/53205[/url]
[QUOTE=Cass40;1649194313]Nazis and immigration? I can talk about that too. So during the war the US didn't allow the Jews come in unless you had a sponsor I.e a rich relative. Also, Hitler let them leave but they couldn't take anything with them so it wasn't exactly easy.
There are situations nowadays also where people are deported to countries where they really have no way of surviving.[/QUOTE]
Jewish refugees in the 30’s were a problem because most countries simply refused to take in large numbers of Jewish immigrants. I am sure some of that stemmed from anti-Semitic attitudes in many of the countries involved. But the Germans also presented the Jews they were trying to pawn off on the rest of the world as having no skills and numerous illnesses. Like, "Hey world, who wants all these Jews with syphilis and rabies, and no money or things, and no ability to work?"
It underscores how awful the situation facing European Jews truly was. They were caught up between a murderous regime that wanted to exterminate them and a world that was indifferent at best and openly hostile at worst.
[QUOTE=7Seconds;1649171903]If you're the Mexican adult child of a US citizen, you'll be waiting somewhere in between 20 and 25 years for a green card. And that's if you got in line 20 years ago--people who are just getting in the line now are probably going to be waiting much longer, due to higher demand.
So for Mexicans, there generally isn't a way for most of them to come here legally in the first place. The quotas are just too low.
People will come here legally if you give them a realistic way to do that, or they'll do it illegally if you don't. In this case, we have made our choice and chose not to give most Mexicans a realistic legal path. Most of what happens after that is predictable, and stems from that choice.[/QUOTE]
Green cards cost 200.00. employers don't care if they're fake.
[QUOTE=Tommy W.;1649218393]Green cards cost 200.00. employers don't care if they're fake.[/QUOTE]
Do you not think it's a problem that companies largely go unpunished for hiring illegals?
We are basically handicapping businesses that follow the rules if we tolerate illegal labor. You are creating an underclass without legal protections and thus will be vulnerable to exploitation.
If we need more immigrant workers, we should increase the legal quotas.
I got a bunch of double takes at my vaccine card while up in LA last weekend since I got the JJ shot. Took one dude like 20 seconds to figure out why it didn't show two shots lol.
Thank god we don't need to show vaccine proof and wear masks down here in San Diego.
did you all see what this dude did?
[QUOTE=7Seconds;1649217253]Jewish refugees in the 30’s were a problem because most countries simply refused to take in large numbers of Jewish immigrants. I am sure some of that stemmed from anti-Semitic attitudes in many of the countries involved. But the Germans also presented the Jews they were trying to pawn off on the rest of the world as having no skills and numerous illnesses. Like, "Hey world, who wants all these Jews with syphilis and rabies, and no money or things, and no ability to work?"
It underscores how awful the situation facing European Jews truly was. They were caught up between a murderous regime that wanted to exterminate them and a world that was indifferent at best and openly hostile at worst.[/QUOTE]
Yeah it was truly horrible for them so I'm trying to be understanding when people are fleeing their countries.
[QUOTE=7Seconds;1649222023]Do you not think it's a problem that companies largely go unpunished for hiring illegals?
We are basically handicapping businesses that follow the rules if we tolerate illegal labor. You are creating an underclass without legal protections and thus will be vulnerable to exploitation.
If we need more immigrant workers, we should increase the legal quotas.[/QUOTE]
It's messed up. I know people who work illegally for big and successful companies, mostly hotels and restaurants, and I'm thinking how are they getting away with it. Then the company can keep salaries low. Maybe it's good that there's decent minimum wage because they could just hire illegals for nothing otherwise.
[QUOTE=7Seconds;1649222023]Do you not think it's a problem that companies largely go unpunished for hiring illegals?
We are basically handicapping businesses that follow the rules if we tolerate illegal labor. You are creating an underclass without legal protections and thus will be vulnerable to exploitation.
If we need more immigrant workers, we should increase the legal quotas.[/QUOTE]They would still just spend the 200 bucks. These influxes of illegals keep incomes low for all the low income positions. I don't see this changing anytime soon. Dems and Republicans are both guilty. These illegals and the people that hire them are responsible for low wages. Low income Minorities that live in the US that are citizens should be the ones that are the most pissed off
[QUOTE=Tommy W.;1649236783]They would still just spend the 200 bucks. These influxes of illegals keep incomes low for all the low income positions. I don't see this changing anytime soon. Dems and Republicans are both guilty. These illegals and the people that hire them are responsible for low wages. Low income Minorities that live in the US that are citizens should be the ones that are the most pissed off[/QUOTE]
I agree that’s why we need Congress to do their job and pass into law some form of immigration reform we can all live with. Unfortunately both parties agree that the president (of their party) should do whatever they want without Congress and are happy to cede authority to the executive at every chance they get. Which is one of the subtler but more dangerous ways that ultra-partisanship is hurting us. Congress's consistent inability to make enough compromises to actually exert its authority is creating a serious power vacuum for the Executive Branch to fill.
[QUOTE=7Seconds;1649237133]I agree that’s why we need Congress to do their job and pass into law some form of immigration reform we can all live with. Unfortunately both parties agree that the president (of their party) should do whatever they want without Congress and are happy to cede authority to the executive at every chance they get. Which is one of the subtler but more dangerous ways that ultra-partisanship is hurting us. Congress's consistent inability to make enough compromises to actually exert its authority is creating a serious power vacuum for the Executive Branch to fill.[/QUOTE]Regardless, the current administrations open border policy is causing most of the problems. The last administration was getting a good handle on it. The fewer illegals, the fewer the problems on every level
[QUOTE=Tommy W.;1649238863]Regardless, the current administrations open border policy is causing most of the problems. The last administration was getting a good handle on it. The fewer illegals, the fewer the problems on every level[/QUOTE]
As I said earlier I don’t see how President Trump had a better handle on the border than any of the previous administrations. Kicking everyone out and dropping them in Mexico to await an immigration hearing as if that was going to make them disappear, or using a clause of the 1944 Public Health Services code to “prevent the introduction of individuals during certain public health emergencies" aren’t solutions to our immigration problem. They’re just kicking the can down the road.
[QUOTE=7Seconds;1649252883]As I said earlier I don’t see how President Trump had a better handle on the border than any of the previous administrations. Kicking everyone out and dropping them in Mexico to await an immigration hearing as if that was going to make them disappear, or using a clause of the 1944 Public Health Services code to “prevent the introduction of individuals during certain public health emergencies" aren’t solutions to our immigration problem. They’re just kicking the can down the road.[/QUOTE]JFC. You're hopeless.
[QUOTE=Tommy W.;1649255243]JFC. You're hopeless.[/QUOTE]
Dude What.
7S is undoubtedly one of the most articulate, well informed and rational posters here. To suggest he's hopeless damn near condemns the rest of us numbskulls! :D
Dude What, for whatever reason, seems like u got a lot of filters on man.
[QUOTE=ChazWood;1649258403]Dude What.
7S is undoubtedly one of the most articulate, well informed and rational posters here. To suggest he's hopeless damn near condemns the rest of us numbskulls! :D
Dude What, for whatever reason, seems like u got a lot of filters on man.[/QUOTE]
Yeah he really is. He never gets emotional either, he just talks about the topic, and he knows a lot.
[QUOTE=Cass40;1649261033]Yeah he really is. He never gets emotional either, he just talks about the topic, and he knows a lot.[/QUOTE]
I don't know how or why he does it. I just hope he keeps doing it cuz I dig what he brings.
Dude is measured and precise. Patient and thorough. I don't mean to embarrass him but I like to call it as I see it in the positive realm as often as possible. :)
Cass, plz do not ruin that thought with something that will only get u a cheap laugh at best. :D
[QUOTE=ChazWood;1649262493]I don't know how or why he does it. I just hope he keeps doing it cuz I dig what he brings.
Dude is measured and precise. Patient and thorough. I don't mean to embarrass him but I like to call it as I see it in the positive realm as often as possible. :)
Cass, plz do not ruin that thought with something that will only get u a cheap laugh at best. :D[/QUOTE]
So Chazzy, you really think our Southern border is closed, even if thousands come through who are not even detained to approximately 400,000?
Commingling immigration with the border is so stupid it is hard to describe. To mix immigration with the situation at the border is a scapegoat.
For the 5th time, Biden alone has the power to close the border and control the border. Not a matter of Congress. It is Biden’s policy that the border is not organized at all. Forget Trump. The border and other policies are why Biden’s approval is about 37%.
I apologize for not going with the Group Think of the day.
7S is undoubtedly one of the most articulate, well informed and rational posters here. To suggest he's hopeless damn near condemns the rest of us numbskulls! :D[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Mark1T;1649262843]So Chazzy, you really think our Southern border is closed, even if thousands come through who are not even detained to approximately 400,000?
Commingling immigration with the border is so stupid it is hard to describe. To mix immigration with the situation at the border is a scapegoat.
For the 5th time, Biden alone has the power to close the border and control the border. Not a matter of Congress. It is Biden’s policy that the border is not organized at all. Forget Trump. The border and other policies are why Biden’s approval is about 37%.
Marky, Dude, I would discuss anything u can fathom 1 on 1, but not in this venue, brother. I'm too passionate and there's too many missing clues to complex/heated intercourse (not the sex one). Frankly, I'm just grateful we get to use this interweb thing for more than downloading pictures that appeal to your interests. Yes, porn. :D
So invite me down there when all this whakydoodle stuff subsides and we'll blather away in drunken blatherings and have a great 'ol time. :)
[QUOTE=ChazWood;1649263313]OH CHIT WHAT'S HAPPENING???
Marky, Dude, I would discuss anything u can fathom 1 on 1, but not in this venue, brother. I'm too passionate and there's too many missing clues to complex/heated intercourse (not the sex one). Frankly, I'm just grateful we get to use this interweb thing for more than downloading pictures that appeal to your interests. Yes, porn. :D
So invite me down there when all this whakydoodle stuff subsides and we'll blather away in drunken blatherings and have a great 'ol time. :)[/QUOTE]
One day 😊
[QUOTE=Mark1T;1649263363]One day 😊[/QUOTE]
Right on. :)
and I meant cues, not clues. lol. :D
[QUOTE=ChazWood;1649262493]I don't know how or why he does it. I just hope he keeps doing it cuz I dig what he brings.
Dude is measured and precise. Patient and thorough. I don't mean to embarrass him but I like to call it as I see it in the positive realm as often as possible. :)
Cass, plz do not ruin that thought with something that will only get u a cheap laugh at best. :D[/QUOTE]
Naa.. I let you do all the pink knighting and I will just agree to all of it.
[QUOTE=Cass40;1649264483]Naa.. I let you do all the pink knighting and I will just agree to all of it.[/QUOTE]
ok, but only if the outfit doesn't require heels. :p
[QUOTE=ChazWood;1649264653]ok, but only if the outfit doesn't require heels. :p[/QUOTE]
You are not allowed to mog me with your heels. *******.
[QUOTE=Cass40;1649264703]You are not allowed to mog me with your heels. *******.[/QUOTE]
I now wish I didn't google mog.
I'm ready to go back to my planet. :D