Had booster, no sides…pfizer
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Had booster, no sides…pfizer
[QUOTE=djflex2;1652419013]Had booster, no sides…pfizer[/QUOTE]
Excellent dj
Israeli researchers said they found that a three-shot course of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine provided significant protection against the new Omicron variant
Booster jabs will be offered to everyone over 18 in England from this week, the PM has announced, as he declared an "Omicron emergency".
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1652410713]Good breathability.[/QUOTE]
Which means it's probably doing jack ****. Just another data point in why mask mandates are so stupid in 99/100 use cases.
[QUOTE=ectoBgone;1652424813]Which means it's probably doing jack ****. Just another data point in why mask mandates are so stupid in 99/100 use cases.[/QUOTE]
surface area... .
My favorite N95 masks and the ones my son used most at work were pleated and large. Very easy to breath through.
Like you I am against mandates. What irks me the most about mandates are the heroes such a doctors, nurses, emt, firefighters, frontline workers such as grocery clerks, etc... being mandated, when these poor buggers worked unvaccinated st the forefront of the pandemic to serve us putting their own health and that of their families at risk and now are losing their jobs because they opt not to be vaxxed. Give these people a free pass, they earned it FFS[/QUOTE]
Why should only those people get a free pass, what about people who don't work directly with co-workers, don't travel or go to events why should they even get vaxxed?
[QUOTE=DustinTheHuss;1652406853]I got Pfizer. I went to SantaCon San Francisco yesterday and they checked vax cards at every bar and restaurant. Ugh.[/QUOTE]
I don't even know where my card is, if some restaurant asks me for a card I'm going to tell them to call my doctor. If they won't serve me they can call the cops.
Depending on my mood, I may or may not throw a boulder thru the window of the place!
[QUOTE=LWW;1652436683]I don't even know where my card is, if some restaurant asks me for a card I'm going to tell them to call my doctor. If they won't serve me they can call the cops.
Depending on my mood, I may or may not throw a boulder thru the window of the place![/QUOTE]
Hey man. Long time.
Why does your response not surprise me. Not like cops have other important things to do anyways…right?
[QUOTE=TryingBB;1652438413]Hey man. Long time.
Why does your response not surprise me. Not like cops have other important things to do anyways…right?
Why should cops ever respond to a vaccination situation? btw, it's not like many are actually responding to real crimes in some cities.
[QUOTE=LWW;1652439783]Why should cops ever respond to a vaccination situation? btw, it's not like many are actually responding to real crimes in some cities.[/QUOTE]
Did you just negate yourself?
[quote=tryingbb;1652439893]did you just negate yourself?[/quote]
I did and it was a mistake.
Depending on my mood, I may or may not throw a boulder thru the window of the place![/QUOTE]
You're all talk, like that little yappy dog all bark no bite
You said something similar about not getting vaccinated and look at you now, ready for your third hole :D
are u ready for the 3rd vaccine dose miscs?
Almost, sleeve is rolled up to the elbow. How about you?
[QUOTE=LWW;1652436683]I don't even know where my card is, if some restaurant asks me for a card I'm going to tell them to call my doctor. If they won't serve me they can call the cops.
Depending on my mood, I may or may not throw a boulder thru the window of the place![/QUOTE]
Boy oh boy, you spew really stupid ****, sometimes. Come to Quebec and you'll be in jail très rapide.
[QUOTE=merlen90;1652451563]are u ready for the 3rd vaccine dose miscs?[/QUOTE]
I’m getting texts reminders about my booster front the hospital where I got my first two Pfizers. Not sure why I am not getting it - slight reluctance but will probably get it eventually
[QUOTE=ectoBgone;1652424813]Which means it's probably doing jack ****. Just another data point in why mask mandates are so stupid in 99/100 use cases.[/QUOTE]
Well the kn95 that i have is better for breathing but for certain situations the under armour works(gym)
[QUOTE=supramax;1652451883]Boy oh boy, you spew really stupid ****, sometimes. Come to Quebec and you'll be in jail très rapide.[/QUOTE]
Ha, well looky here, guess guy I’m not in Quebec so go cry somewhere else if you don’t like my actions.
Btw you never seemed to have a problem with BLm breaking windows round here. I remember getting into it awhile ago with you, yeah you said I was a racist, piss off and get back to your aerobics.
[QUOTE=LWW;1652463553]Ha, well looky here, guess guy I’m not in Quebec so go cry somewhere else if you don’t like my actions.[/QUOTE]
They aren't actions; they're just stupid thoughts.
[QUOTE=LWW;1652463553]Btw you never seemed to have a problem with BLm breaking windows round here. I remember getting into it awhile ago with you, yeah you said I was a racist, piss off and get back to your aerobics.[/QUOTE]
I said those things were not death penalty offences, that's all.
[QUOTE=supramax;1652467383]They aren't actions; they're just stupid thoughts.
Who fuking cares? It isn’t right to demand vaccine cards, this is a civil rights violation and people should rise up a do sit ins without thier cards like blacks did.
I’m vaccinated so if lost my card fuk them anyway and fuk anyone who agrees with this.
Hopefully these space dudes will find a nice pussy planet for all you scared dimwits, hurry up go to your utopia, I have no problem dining at a place that don’t check for vaccinations in fact I will boycott any place that does. I’m a good customer too dining is where my money goes and I’m not frugal in that area.
[QUOTE=LWW;1652468773]Who fuking cares? It isn’t right to demand vaccine cards, this is a civil rights violation and people should rise up a do sit ins without thier cards like blacks did.
I’m vaccinated so if lost my card fuk them anyway and fuk anyone who agrees with this.
Hopefully these space dudes will find a nice pussy planet for all you scared dimwits, hurry up go to your utopia, I have no problem dining at a place that don’t check for vaccinations in fact I will boycott any place that does. I’m a good customer too dining is where my money goes and I’m not frugal in that area.[/QUOTE]
I'm kinda glad that you don't know the difference between thought and action. Also, I do not doubt that you spend a lot of money on food.
[QUOTE=LWW;1652468773]Who fuking cares? It isn’t right to demand vaccine cards, this is a civil rights violation and people should rise up a do sit ins without thier cards like blacks did.
I’m vaccinated so if lost my card fuk them anyway and fuk anyone who agrees with this.
Hopefully these space dudes will find a nice pussy planet for all you scared dimwits, hurry up go to your utopia, I have no problem dining at a place that don’t check for vaccinations in fact I will boycott any place that does. I’m a good customer too dining is where my money goes and I’m not frugal in that area.[/QUOTE]
For one second imagine corona was like TB. As in contagious like Corona and deadly like TB.
Would you want a place of business check people’s vaccine card to allow entry if you were gonna have your little kid in there with you?
I don’t care what your answer is - just think about it.
I also think it’s not right but what you gonna do about those naysayers who don’t give a chit about the vaccine?
[QUOTE=TryingBB;1652470303]For one second imagine corona was like TB. As in contagious like Corona and deadly like TB.
Would you want a place of business check people’s vaccine card to allow entry if you were gonna have your little kid in there with you?
I don’t care what your answer is - just think about it.
I also think it’s not right but what you gonna do about those naysayers who don’t give a chit about the vaccine?[/QUOTE]
Imagine??? What you say here is not facts with our current situation WTH we have a vaccine and this virus not dangerous to but a small percentage.
Get with it man.
The virus is not dangerous to kids, you are a fool. So yeah I have no fuking problem taking my kid to a place that didn’t take vaccine cards. Besides it’s all feel good chit anyway.
You are a goof and you have no sense.
[QUOTE=TryingBB;1652470303]For one second imagine corona was like TB. As in contagious like Corona and deadly like TB.
Would you want a place of business check people’s vaccine card to allow entry if you were gonna have your little kid in there with you?
I don’t care what your answer is - just think about it.
I also think it’s not right but what you gonna do about those naysayers who don’t give a chit about the vaccine?[/QUOTE]
Hey PW Pockets, you call me out on everything but crickets on the above. Since when is it ok to have a fantasy like this one above that’s not even the case?
Pockets you are a failed enforcer.
[QUOTE=LWW;1652472963]Hey PW Pockets, you call me out on everything but crickets on the above. Since when is it ok to have a fantasy like this one above that’s not even the case?
Pockets you are a failed enforcer.[/QUOTE]
The man laid out a hypothetical (big word get your missus to help you) situation. Why would I call him out on that? TryingBB is a solid poster, never seen him post lies or bullsh!t like you do. Now if he said something like you did earlier, I'd call his ass out.
Hopefully these space dudes will find a nice pussy planet for all you scared dimwits, hurry up go to your utopia, I have no problem dining at a place that don’t check for vaccinations in fact I will boycott any place that does. I’m a good customer too dining is where my money goes and I’m not frugal in that area.[/QUOTE]
Depending on my mood, I may or may not throw a boulder thru the window of the place![/QUOTE]
Someone is watching too many gangster movies. All this tough talk going around here like he's a Tiny Tony Soprano or something, when in reality it's all just talk, just another hen pecked Mother Fuker. You were all mouth like this about not getting the vaccine too, until your missus got wind of it. We all know how that went down :D
Just stop it man, no one believes your bullsh!t anymore, go put these on and learn your place in the house.
Still hearing crickets stumpy? :D
[QUOTE=TryingBB;1652470303]For one second imagine corona was like TB. As in contagious like Corona and deadly like TB.
Would you want a place of business check people’s vaccine card to allow entry if you were gonna have your little kid in there with you?
I don’t care what your answer is - just think about it.
I also think it’s not right but what you gonna do about those naysayers who don’t give a chit about the vaccine?[/QUOTE]
Is this a real man?
So i visited my friend who just lost him mom, he just returned from Hong Kong, and wow are they strict for visitors.
He had to sit in his room for 21 days in quarantine and they came to test him in the hotel with saliva and nasal swab tests every 3 days he said.
After he was clear on day 22 he could meet his family and make arrangements for his moms burial.
[QUOTE=LWW;1652471293]Imagine??? What you say here is not facts with our current situation WTH we have a vaccine and this virus not dangerous to but a small percentage.
Get with it man.
The virus is not dangerous to kids, you are a fool. So yeah I have no fuking problem taking my kid to a place that didn’t take vaccine cards. Besides it’s all feel good chit anyway.
You are a goof and you have no sense.[/QUOTE]
You don't have kids so your opinion on where you'd take them is garbage.
But agree on govt mandates - they are BS. Businesses, however, I'm all for making the choice to only allow vaccinated in as long as they aren't breaking any laws in the process.
POckets fuk off!
You and tryingBB should go to Hong Kong sounds like thier government will keep you nice and safe from imaginary spread of TB.
Fuking dirks!