[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1645993863]Ha ha, i never saw that movie, but it is now on my list, thanks![/QUOTE]
Yeah they put in in the water supply because they knew conspiracy theorists were not going to take it, and they had to get everyone vaxxed soon because that virus was killing so many people fast. It was all Gwyneth Paltrows fault!
[QUOTE=mgftp;1645994003]A family member of mine who is anti-vax has been in the ICU for days now. Not looking good. I would never be a dik enough to ask but I can't help to wonder if he is now thinking that jab would have been a good idea.[/QUOTE]
Hope he pulls through. Sad stuff.
[QUOTE=Cass40;1645992673]There's no hope for us anymore.
They should've just put the vaxx in the water supply like they did in that movie "Contagion", and not tell anyone.[/QUOTE]
You know, the vaccine is already is in the water supply, if you think about it. The hydrological cycle goes round and round. All those vaccinated people who survive the shot are peeing out some of those nanobots, the ones who don’t are 70% water too :p
I’m thinking about putting an offer in on a lake house. If everyone dies off in the next couple years I’m gonna be pissed because property values are going to tank from all the supply….
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1645982393]So will your new doc be required to be anti vaxx?[/QUOTE]
No, but he will need to be honest with me. When he told me that I would have lifetime immunity after the booster I knew he didn't have my best interest at heart. In fact, he downright hit quack level after that comment. My appt ended rather abruptly after that, by his doing not mine.
[QUOTE=Reliance012;1645994353]Hope he pulls through. Sad stuff.[/QUOTE]
I hope so. Just sounds so miserable. His lungs are in such bad shape they estimate him to be in the ICU for another month just to help his breathing (no vent yet), and that is if things don't take a turn for worse. No visitors of course. Been hearing lots of this from friends about their family and friends of friends. But first time someone I know this close is battling for their life over Covid.
[QUOTE=mgftp;1645994003]A family member of mine who is anti-vax has been in the ICU for days now. Not looking good. I would never be a dik enough to ask but I can't help to wonder if he is now thinking that jab would have been a good idea.[/QUOTE]
On their DTH bed people reverse many things......... i hope your family member gets through this as well.
[QUOTE=Cass40;1645994103]Yeah they put in in the water supply because they knew conspiracy theorists were not going to take it, and they had to get everyone vaxxed soon because that virus was killing so many people fast. It was all Gwyneth Paltrows fault![/QUOTE]
Now i really want to see it; let me see if i can find it on one of my, cough, European sites. :)
BRUSSELS (AP) — The European Union plans to recommend that its member states reinstate restrictions on tourists from the U.S. because of rising coronavirus infection levels in the country, EU diplomats said Monday.
A decision to remove the U.S. from a safe list of countries for nonessential travel would reverse advice from June, when the 27-nation bloc recommended lifting restrictions on U.S. travelers before the summer tourism season.
The guidance could come as early as this week, according to the EU diplomats.
[QUOTE=mgftp;1645994003]A family member of mine who is anti-vax has been in the ICU for days now. Not looking good. I would never be a dik enough to ask but I can't help to wonder if he is now thinking that jab would have been a good idea.[/QUOTE]
Damn, hope they beat this and have no long term effects
Is there is a “will you get boostered?” Thread?
If not, mt, you need to go ahead and make one. lol got a news email update today from NYtimes with the first heading reading “ Vaccine immunity may not really be waning much — which means universal booster shots may do little good.” and the full article below it. Normally I don’t think they put full articles in the email.
Can’t find a link to the article and too lazy to google it…this is how conflicting info on the vaccine started in the first place anyways imo. And now here we are with the booster
[QUOTE=TryingBB;1646021393]Is there is a “will you get boostered?” Thread?
If not, mt, you need to go ahead and make one. lol got a news email update today from NYtimes with the first heading reading “ Vaccine immunity may not really be waning much — which means universal booster shots may do little good.” and the full article below it. Normally I don’t think they put full articles in the email.
Can’t find a link to the article and too lazy to google it…this is how conflicting info on the vaccine started in the first place anyways imo. And now here we are with the booster[/QUOTE]
Simple answer, yes if my antibody levels suck ass after 8 months.if they remain high, why bother...
Elisa is looking good for a test.
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1646022053]Simple answer, yes if my antibody levels suck ass after 8 months.if they remain high, why bother...
Elisa is looking good for a test.[/QUOTE]
What's involved in the antibody test?
Israel isn't considering 2 x Pfizered people immune and they will need the Booster.
In 2 years no one will be able to go swimming, they will sink.. Too many holes
A mother in Illinois says a judge has stripped her parental rights because she is not vaccinated against COVID-19, according to a new report.
Earlier this month, Cook County judge James Shapiro ruled that Rebecca Firlit can’t see her eleven-year-old son until she receives a COVID-19 vaccine, FOX 32 Chicago reported. Firlit had previously shared custody and parenting time with her ex-husband.
The couple, who have been divorced for seven years, appeared in court via Zoom for a child-support hearing on August 10, when Shapiro reportedly asked the mother if she had been vaccinated.
A mother in Illinois says a judge has stripped her parental rights because she is not vaccinated against COVID-19, according to a new report.
Earlier this month, Cook County judge James Shapiro ruled that Rebecca Firlit can’t see her eleven-year-old son until she receives a COVID-19 vaccine, FOX 32 Chicago reported. Firlit had previously shared custody and parenting time with her ex-husband.
The couple, who have been divorced for seven years, appeared in court via Zoom for a child-support hearing on August 10, when Shapiro reportedly asked the mother if she had been vaccinated.[/QUOTE]
Apparently the judge is being an activist. The ex-husband didn't raise this issue.
[QUOTE=TolerantLactose;1646047663]Apparently the judge is being an activist. The ex-husband didn't raise this issue.[/QUOTE]
Fuker eh? Messing with a family like that, poor kid
A mother in Illinois says a judge has stripped her parental rights because she is not vaccinated against COVID-19, according to a new report.
Earlier this month, Cook County judge James Shapiro ruled that Rebecca Firlit can’t see her eleven-year-old son until she receives a COVID-19 vaccine, FOX 32 Chicago reported. Firlit had previously shared custody and parenting time with her ex-husband.
The couple, who have been divorced for seven years, appeared in court via Zoom for a child-support hearing on August 10, when Shapiro reportedly asked the mother if she had been vaccinated.[/QUOTE]
What do our resident fascis... I mean libs think about this? Is there such a thing as taking it too far for them or everything the government does is cool? If they don't think this is cool what are THEY doing about it? They seemed really fired up about protesting and chit when Trump was in office, does this deserve some activism?
Why is the booster just more of the same. Delta has found a way around the original vaccine. Why wouldn't they make a change in the vaccine that addresses this? You know...like they do flu shots every year? Not to say that works all that well either but you get the point...
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1646022353]What's involved in the antibody test?
Israel isn't considering 2 x Pfizered people immune and they will need the Booster.
In 2 years no one will be able to go swimming, they will sink.. Too many holes[/QUOTE]
it says a finger prick, but if they need more take more, i can make more.
I had no negative reaction to Pfizer, tired for 36 hours, so i am not worried about #3.
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1646059133]it says a finger prick, but if they need more take more, i can make more.
I had no negative reaction to Pfizer, tired for 36 hours, so i am not worried about #3.[/QUOTE]
I wouldn't use a finger prick rapid test to gauge waning antibodies.
[QUOTE=TolerantLactose;1646060123]I wouldn't use a finger prick rapid test to gauge waning antibodies.[/QUOTE]
Did bb.com cut off the rest of your detailed paragraph with all of the key and critical information that you wished to tell us?
I'd be very curious to know antibodies levels if it's easy to obtain and a number that's easily comparable to some sort of standard range.
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1646061183]Did bb.com cut off the rest of your detailed paragraph with all of the key and critical information that you wished to tell us?[/QUOTE]
I've worked with a number of rapid tests (HIV, HCV and SARS-CoV-2), comparing them with common laboratory serology methods. In all cases, the rapid test could only detect antibodies if the titer is at or above the analytical limit of the counterpart serology. In other words, positive test results by a rapid method tend to occur only with very high antibody levels.
Our lab bought a few hundred thousand rapid tests from a number of vendors early last year to use a method of community screening. They're sitting in a warehouse somewhere.
[QUOTE=mgftp;1646062453]I'd be very curious to know antibodies levels if it's easy to obtain and a number that's easily comparable to some sort of standard range.[/QUOTE]
There's no unit for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies that I know of. The methods I've seen all give an "index" value. If the index is equal to or greater than 1, it's reactive. If it's less than 1, it's non-reactive. And you can't compare methods.
A mother in Illinois says a judge has stripped her parental rights because she is not vaccinated against COVID-19, according to a new report.
Earlier this month, Cook County judge James Shapiro ruled that Rebecca Firlit can’t see her eleven-year-old son until she receives a COVID-19 vaccine, FOX 32 Chicago reported. Firlit had previously shared custody and parenting time with her ex-husband.
The couple, who have been divorced for seven years, appeared in court via Zoom for a child-support hearing on August 10, when Shapiro reportedly asked the mother if she had been vaccinated.[/QUOTE]
[url=https://www.foxnews.com/us/judge-reverses-decision-mom-unvaccinated-custody]Judge reverses decision, allows unvaccinated mom to see her son[/url]
[QUOTE=mgftp;1646062453]I'd be very curious to know antibodies levels if it's easy to obtain and a number that's easily comparable to some sort of standard range.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=TolerantLactose;1646063533]There's no unit for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies that I know of. The methods I've seen all give an "index" value. If the index is equal to or greater than 1, it's reactive. If it's less than 1, it's non-reactive. And you can't compare methods.[/QUOTE]
I'd have to do more research, TL, but it seems feasible to standardize the tests to some degree: [url]https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/9/1/13/pdf[/url]
mgftp, as far as estimating the protection level you have from a standardized antibody level result, we'd have to get a large number of initial Ab levels in many people, and track those subjects' spike and NC Ab levels for a long time. I think we might have to ask the virus to stop mutating too, and the darn thing just doesn't seem very cooperative. My guess is that until we're able to build more powerful quantum computers and have figured out how to ask them the right questions, the best we're going to get is "A higher Ab level correlates with better protection".
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1646092753]I'd have to do more research, TL, but it seems feasible to standardize the tests to some degree: [url]https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/9/1/13/pdf[/url]
It'd be difficult. We have methods that test for IgG, IgG+IgM, IgG+IgM+IgA, Anti-spike, Anti-N, spike antigen, in various combinations available.
And there aren't standard units for a host of antibodies (eg. HIV, HCV, VZV) so I don't really expect there to be one here.
This antibody topic came up in a discussion with a relative who was dealing with radiation for breast cancer from March of this year for 45 days. I did not get specifics, but her antibody levels were still very high from a battle with covid last March 2020, but she went ahead and still got 2 doses of the Pfizer anyway.
And as some of you know, some medications give you zero antibody response.
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1646094603]This antibody topic came up in a discussion with a relative who was dealing with radiation for breast cancer from March of this year for 45 days. I did not get specifics, but her antibody levels were still very high from a battle with covid last March 2020, but she went ahead and still got 2 doses of the Pfizer anyway.[/QUOTE]
We still don't know how to interpret antibody testing in a way that has real world meaning. If immunity is innate (T-cell based), the antibody level may not tell us anything at all.
[QUOTE=Fishman15;1645939023]I saw my PC doctor yesterday. He immediately asked if I had gotten the jab yet. I told him no and have no plans of getting it especially after the new Israeli study that just came out regarding their lack of protection from the evil delta. He knew of the study and said if those in the study had gotten the "booster" the study would have shown just the opposite. He then told me to get the jab and then when you get the booster you will have immunity for life. I chuckled and said so if something isn't working, you just take more of it and you will have a lifetime immunity? You could tell he was being directed to sign up as many as he could to get the jab. I completely lost respect for him after that and I've been seeing him for over 10 years.[/QUOTE]
He's aware of your health issues, and he recommended you get the vaccine. Like him telling you to eat normal amounts of food and exercise regularly, you're going to ignore his advice again. Nice, son.
Sone studies are showing cell signaling activation *not a good thing* in response to the spike proteins activating ACE2 receptors in lung and heart tissue, some researchers say this may be the reason we are seeing more cases of myocarditis among healthy individuals shortly after vaccination (this is not conspiracy, it's on the pfizer insert for the shot, I am vaccinated btw). That being said, I am curious if we can do a quick poll. Did any of you notice a loss of strength or stamina after receiving your first or second covid vaccine shot? If so, how long did it last?