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Got my 1st Pfizer jab yesterday. No SE's so far other than a sore brachialis this AM.
[QUOTE=PhDPepper1111;1634678023]Yup - sounds about right. Evidence pointing towards effectiveness (crazy OldNoobs aside); your staff should be much safer from getting sick, and hopefully (jury still out) from getting/giving out the virus.[/QUOTE]ok official having sides from the second dose. My lower back /middle back is sore af. I ended up laying on the floor at work during a conference call with the client, judge and opposing party. Then tried to take the dogs on the walk and decided to close the office at 1 and let everyone go home. Idk what’s up with my back. Every one else has cold sweats, couldn’t sleep well, and just achy and we all feel dehydrated and kinda nauseous. I normally buy lunch on Fridays for the office and no one was hungry for it. We all are 1-2 days post second dose
[QUOTE=snailsrus;1634707453]ok official having sides from the second dose. My lower back /middle back is sore af. I ended up laying on the floor at work during a conference call with the client, judge and opposing party. Then tried to take the dogs on the walk and decided to close the office at 1 and let everyone go home. Idk what’s up with my back. Every one else has cold sweats, couldn’t sleep well, and just achy and we all feel dehydrated and kinda nauseous. I normally buy lunch on Fridays for the office and no one was hungry for it. We all are 1-2 days post second dose[/QUOTE]
Doesn't sound like fun at all.. Hope it stops soon for you
[QUOTE=ljimd;1634704763]Got my 1st Pfizer jab yesterday. No SE's so far other than a sore brachialis this AM.[/QUOTE]
Now that is the answer i expect from a bodybuilder or bodybuilding fan.
[QUOTE=snailsrus;1634707453]ok official having sides from the second dose. My lower back /middle back is sore af. I ended up laying on the floor at work during a conference call with the client, judge and opposing party. Then tried to take the dogs on the walk and decided to close the office at 1 and let everyone go home. Idk what’s up with my back. Every one else has cold sweats, couldn’t sleep well, and just achy and we all feel dehydrated and kinda nauseous. I normally buy lunch on Fridays for the office and no one was hungry for it. We all are 1-2 days post second dose[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the detailed updates, it is on par with what i am hearing from family and friends.
[QUOTE=PhDPepper1111;1634676993]Interesting. I have a large staff with a wide range of ages and I've seen no such trend. Most have been feeling ill, most have felt worse with the second dose. More than half have missed a day or two, again, no trends by age, gender or anything. I posted when I got it, the first dose fatigued me and I slept for 12 hours, second made me feel like crap with a headache for two days but I didn't miss any work.[/QUOTE]
Yep. I had the Pfizer vaccine. 1st shot I felt nothing at all. 2nd shot I felt like I had bad flu and fever for a day and then I was fine. I didn't miss work either (wasn't scheduled) but I can see how some would need a day off.
[QUOTE=snailsrus;1634707453]ok official having sides from the second dose. My lower back /middle back is sore af. I ended up laying on the floor at work during a conference call with the client, judge and opposing party. Then tried to take the dogs on the walk and decided to close the office at 1 and let everyone go home. Idk what’s up with my back. Every one else has cold sweats, couldn’t sleep well, and just achy and we all feel dehydrated and kinda nauseous. I normally buy lunch on Fridays for the office and no one was hungry for it. We all are 1-2 days post second dose[/QUOTE]
Did you do any dead lifting, squats or other power lift training before hand? Or did you stop all training in prep for this possible pain ride from the shots?
I would imagine doing such training before getting this BS would make someone damn near crippled for a few days?
Damn right!
[QUOTE=LWW;1634826623]Did you do any dead lifting, squats or other power lift training before hand? Or did you stop all training in prep for this possible pain ride from the shots?
I would imagine doing such training before getting this BS would make someone damn near crippled for a few days?[/QUOTE]-.- well I didn’t know if I would be able to train so I set my last lifting before my rest day and did a long ass leg day then the escalator machine for 45 minutes.
I was able to work out the day after just switched to a light rest day work out of abs/cardio /hike with the pups. And then did arms/bench day 2 days post and just had a head ache and today I’m all good and just going back to normal. The back pain only lasted a day :)
Who are all of you people going to try to sue if/once you start having serious side effects and sickness (in the future) from these "vaccines"?
In an almost [b]UNPRECEDENTED move[/b], the companies creating/concocting these vaccines have been given immunity by the US Government.
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1634837473]Who are all of you people going to try to sue if/once you start having serious side effects and sickness (in the future) from these "vaccines"?
In an almost [b]UNPRECEDENTED move[/b], the companies creating/concocting these vaccines have been given immunity by the US Government.[/QUOTE]
Hundreds of millions vaccines around the world have been administered safety it was time to move the goal post further. Bravo.
If you're scared to get the vaccine don't. You're not being forced.
If you're scared to get the vaccine don't. You're not being forced.[/QUOTE]Tell that to your comrades up the page posting about how they think people SHOULD be forced...
(Funny how a "shut everything down or we're all gonna die!" accuses someone else of being scared.)
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1634842813]Tell that to your comrades up the page posting about how they think people SHOULD be forced...
(Funny how a "shut everything down or we're all gonna die!" accuses someone else of being scared.)[/QUOTE]
Dude, if you are talking about the Meme I posted..Read it again...Slower this time
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1634842813]Tell that to your comrades up the page posting about how they think people SHOULD be forced...
(Funny how a "shut everything down or we're all gonna die!" accuses someone else of being scared.)[/QUOTE]
Ha well I'm not the person who said that. But cool story...
You should re-read the meme posted big guy.
If you're scared to get the vaccine don't get one. No one is forcing you.
[QUOTE=Jtbny;1634842953]Ha well I'm not the person who said that. But cool story...
You should re-read the meme posted big guy.
If you're scared to get the vaccine don't get one. No one is forcing you.[/QUOTE]Ha. I obviously misread the meme.
I've been going to a public gym since August - no masks required - so you're talking to yourself about being scared. Fear is what's driving many to get the vaccine with no recourse to the eventual side effects.
[QUOTE=Jtbny;1633035763]I roll around with others 3-5 days a week no masks and am getting the shot Sunday. [b]I'm getting the shot to protect others from me.[/b]
[/QUOTE]Then you are taking the shot for the wrong reason. [b]The vaccine DOES NOT stop you from getting or spreading the virus to others. [/b] It simply makes you asymptomatic. Look it up.
You're not protecting others.
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1634842813]Tell that to your comrades up the page posting about how they think people SHOULD be forced...
(Funny how a "shut everything down or we're all gonna die!" accuses someone else of being scared.)[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1634843383]Ha. I obviously misread the meme.
I've been going to a public gym since August - no masks required - so you're talking to yourself about being scared. Fear is what's driving many to get the vaccine with no recourse to the eventual side effects.[/QUOTE]
Am I still a Comrade? :D
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1634843383]Ha. I obviously misread the meme.
I've been going to a public gym since August - no masks required - so you're talking to yourself about being scared. Fear is what's driving many to get the vaccine with no recourse to the eventual side effects.[/QUOTE]
I've barely changed anything in my life since the start except to mask up and not get real close in crowds. I still go out, hang with some friends, my kids go to school ect.
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1634843523]Then you are taking the shot for the wrong reason. [b]The vaccine DOES NOT stop you from getting or spreading the virus to others. [/b] It simply makes you asymptomatic. Look it up.
You're not protecting others.[/QUOTE]
I also wear a mask and social distance where I can. I'm engaging in riskier activities doing BJJ (I've practically never stopped) so instead of thinking the world revolves around me I'm doing what I can to mitigate the risk to others in the event I do contract C19. But you do you and if you're scared to get the vaccine don't get one. No one is forcing you.
Also, being vaccinated lowers risk of infection (unless that's BS) so I kind of am in conjunction to other mitigation efforts.
[QUOTE=Jtbny;1634844503]I've barely changed anything... [/QUOTE]But you [b]are[/b] changing your stated reason for taking the vaccine.
You wrote:
[QUOTE=Jtbny;1633035763]I roll around with others 3-5 days a week no masks and am getting the shot Sunday. [b]I'm getting the shot to protect others from me.[/b]
[/QUOTE]No, you're not. But OK, whatever. You're protecting others by getting the vaccine... Yea. Right. Who's scared? [b]Get the vaccine.. No one is stopping you. [/b] Just don't pretend you're trying to save others by doing so.
People on this BB site have weaponized the word fear and scared; it really helps no one, and doesn't further the conversation if anti vaxxers say those that disagree with their world view are fearful or scared/afraid.
You do you and stop caring what others do unless it causes you direct harm.
I don't care about your ***sexual tendencies, abortion, religion and your vaxxine status.***
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1634844973]But you [b]are[/b] changing your stated reason for taking the vaccine.
You wrote:
No, you're not. But OK, whatever. You're protecting others by getting the vaccine... Yea. Right. Who's scared? [b]Get the vaccine.. No one is stopping you. [/b] Just don't pretend you're trying to save others by doing so.[/QUOTE]
I'm not pretending anything. I'm healthy, no risk factors, I'm 46, take care of myself. I got the vaccine for the reason I said. I wear a mask/social distance to protect others from me. I roll with some skevvy people who couldn't care less about C19. Hell, I'm sure I already had C19 and I actually rolled with someone for 2 hours who tested positive the very next day and didn't get it (I was tested). Think what you want but I know my reasons and fear wasn't one of them. Maybe I'm guilty of buying into the herd immunity argument.
I also understand those who don't want to get it and they shouldn't be forced to. However, choices have consequences so be prepared for those as well.
here we go just like Israel.
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1634844973]But you [b]are[/b] changing your stated reason for taking the vaccine.
You wrote:
No, you're not. But OK, whatever. You're protecting others by getting the vaccine... Yea. Right. Who's scared? [b]Get the vaccine.. No one is stopping you. [/b] Just don't pretend you're trying to save others by doing so.[/QUOTE]
You have a horribly negative view of humanity. Also, you have a massively overinflated view of yourself if you think you can look through your keyboard and read the content of a mans character.
[QUOTE=Oceanside;1634850743]I don't have any problem with that as long as it helps with a reverb affect that can probably happen with all this...
As time goes by and the percentages of vaxed people increases, I don't want to pay the price and face restrictions for the 25-30% of people who are trying to make some sort of political statement by not getting vaxed.[/QUOTE]
The problem with that and all this, it is actually pretty disgusting and hurting humanity to single people out like this. We have already proved (by shutting down these venues) that the chances of catching this from flying and Madison Square Garden are slim to none.
It's total BS, it contributes nothing for a healthy society and makes our society appear much more "sick" mentally than physically, it's the begining of the end with this.
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1634843383]Ha. I obviously misread the meme.
I've been going to a public gym since August - no masks required - so you're talking to yourself about being scared. Fear is what's driving many to get the vaccine with no recourse to the eventual side effects.[/QUOTE]I want to travel internationally again and got it for that :)
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1634849253]here we go just like Israel.
The only reason why I think it's a bit ridiculous is because by the time you roll this out everyone who wants a shot probably could already get it. That said, I don't mind giving businesses more tools to better deterime who they wish to serve.
Do I care ?, no ![/QUOTE]
If you are willing to give up and not care about constitutional rights for security, then you deserve neither, because you'll loose more, but since you don't care you don't deserve it anyway.
The gym owner (and other business owners) who went to jail to keep their freedoms are deserving of rights and freedom, cause they do care.
[QUOTE=LWW;1634863033]If you are willing to give up and not care about constitutional rights for security, then you deserve neither, because you'll loose more, but since you don't care you don't deserve it anyway.
The gym owner (and other business owners) who went to jail to keep their freedoms are deserving of rights and freedom, cause they do care.[/QUOTE]
If it’s voluntary there is zero conflict with liberty.
"Vaccine passport" aside, people are going to start facing hurdles without a vaccine eventually.
Countries require all sorts of vaccines for entry. Cruise ships will start requiring it as PR disasters result from outbreaks.
This isn't the first great illness we've faced in this country, nor the first time there will be immense negative pressure to get vaccinated if covid circulates for a long time.
I'm not saying that means you have to agree with some digital passport. I'm just telling you that you shouldn't be surprised if life gets harder for those who refuse a vaccine.
[QUOTE=7Seconds;1634862553]That said, I don't mind giving businesses more tools to better deterime who they wish to serve.[/QUOTE]
Well, that's are a very sad example for humanity.
[QUOTE=7Seconds;1634863323]If it’s voluntary there is zero conflict with liberty. [/QUOTE]
Read the post I quoted from you about "determining who a business wishes to serve". A business can't make up unconstitutional rules like only serve a race.
Do realize if everyone was like you and OC the government, tomorrow could make a law that says a certain race is dangerous to our society and without this race having certain documents, they have no rights, once it's law, people like you will say "well, we wish not to serve those kind".
[QUOTE=Oceanside;1634864413]It's just think it's interesting that after a years worth a weirdness, there's a clear light at the end of the tunnel and yet there's still people out there that refuse to go the distance and get it all behind them.[/QUOTE]
No vaccine is 100%, there's still a small chance vaxxed people will still get sick, this is also true with the flu, and any vax in general. There is zero reason to have every single person vaxxed to return to normal, 25% of Madison Square can be unvaxxed and it'll be ok. The real political statment here is a vax law, not folks who don't get vaxxed.
Heck no
[QUOTE=LWW;1634864473]Read the post I quoted from you about "determining who a business wishes to serve". A business can't make up unconstitutional rules like only serve a race.
The Constitution is a document restricting the government.
[QUOTE=7Seconds;1634865053]The Constitution is a document restricting the government.[/QUOTE]
"All men are created equal", ya know it took people breaking "laws" to get that point across, but it was already there written for all to see.
[QUOTE=LWW;1634863033]If you are willing to give up and not care about constitutional rights for security, then you deserve neither, because you'll loose more, but since you don't care you don't deserve it anyway.
The gym owner (and other business owners) who went to jail to keep their freedoms are deserving of rights and freedom, cause they do care.[/QUOTE]
OS served to defend and protect those rights you think he doesn't deserve. In fact, his opinion is also protected and constitutional.
TLDR; OS is a great American.
[QUOTE=eomrat;1634850363]You have a horribly negative view of humanity. Also, you have a massively overinflated view of yourself if you think you can look through your keyboard and read the content of a mans character.[/QUOTE]
Dude, your blunt, direct honesty is missing in leaders today and I fear will never return. God help us.
and this "CommitmentRulz" dude is just scared. But as you know, we all handle fear differently. :)
[QUOTE=LWW;1634865553]"All men are created equal", ya know it took people breaking "laws" to get that point across, but it was already there written for all to see.[/QUOTE]
Massachusetts vs Jacobson. 197 US 11 2/20/1905
This got decided in favor of vaccinations 115 years ago.
[QUOTE=Jtbny;1634867123]OS served to defend and protect those rights you think he doesn't deserve. In fact, his opinion is also protected and constitutional.
TLDR; OS is a great American.[/QUOTE]
He said he don't care, so there's that. I know people who "served" because they were just bored with their life.
[QUOTE=superman704;1634864923]Heck no[/QUOTE]
Heck No What?
[QUOTE=7Seconds;1634867263]Massachusetts vs Jacobson. 197 US 11 2/20/1905
This got decided in favor of vaccinations 115 years ago.
Again, there is ZERO reason for every person to be vaxxed because of this particular virus. Why is that so tough to comprehend??????
[QUOTE=LWW;1634868133]He said he don't care, so there's that. I know people who "served" because they were just bored with their life.[/QUOTE]
Dude, your dick is so little, you piss on your own balls when yur pissing while sitting on the toilet!
Stop Gawddamn being pissed off at the world cuz u got no ball clearance, son. There's people out there 1,000,000 times worse off than you, that dont piss and moan all gawddamn day. Damnit!
EDIT: I will rip the drama bitch out of you or die trying. Or just lose interest. :D
[QUOTE=ChazWood;1634868633]Dude, your dick is so little, you piss on your own balls when yur pissing while sitting on the toilet!
Stop Gawddamn being pissed off at the world cuz u got no ball clearance, son. There's people out there 1,000,000 times worse off than you, that dont piss and moan all gawddamn day. Damn![/QUOTE]
Christmas present for people with tiny dicks
It is sadly hilarious you ladies think a "dust mask" will save you from a "virus". I am proud to say i dont mask, dont distance and enjoy the hell out of seeing all the sheep. Its so sad there are that many idiots in the world. We need a reset 100%
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1634868943]Christmas present for people with tiny dicks
lol... I dont even wanna know the how or where. It's the speed and accuracy that raises flags. :D
[QUOTE=ChazWood;1634868633]Dude, your dick is so little, you piss on your own balls when yur pissing while sitting on the toilet!
Stop Gawddamn being pissed off at the world cuz u got no ball clearance, son. There's people out there 1,000,000 times worse off than you, that dont piss and moan all gawddamn day. Damn![/QUOTE]
I'm not the guy complaining about getting into MSG. I honestly don't give two fuks if I ever attend an event again, but I'm passionate about not letting the *** force a new modern day punch card like in Germany. Now stop worrying about who's penis is smaller and ball clearance.
I posted a thread about a "real" bro package too, and once again you come on it with nothing but silly garbage, as usual. You've always been part of the boys club and that's your safe place, without it, your nothing.
[QUOTE=LWW;1634869593]I'm not the guy complaining about getting into MSG. I honestly don't give two fuks if I ever attend an event again, but I'm passionate about not letting the *** force a new modern day punch card like in Germany. Now stop worrying about who's penis is smaller and ball clearance.
I posted a thread about a "real" bro package too, and once again you come on it with nothing but silly garbage, as usual. You've always been part of the boys club and that's your safe place, without it, your nothing.[/QUOTE]
OK, it started slow and lumbered a bit, but picked up and finished strongish. You flailing swings carry force, but find no target; and therefore score no points. I'm lone wolf. Always been and always gonna be. :)
and you may not always be the guy complaining, but only when you're the guy complaining aboot the guy complaining. For simplicity sake, I put them in the same bucket. :D
[QUOTE=ITHURTZ;1634869383]It is sadly hilarious you ladies think a "dust mask" will save you from a "virus". I am proud to say i dont mask, dont distance and enjoy the hell out of seeing all the sheep. Its so sad there are that many idiots in the world. We need a reset 100%[/QUOTE]
We get it. You're a tough guy. You've made mention of that a couple times. Now I've given you the attention you were seeking, buttercup.
[QUOTE=ChazWood;1634869933]OK, it started slow and lumbered a bit, but picked up and finished strongish. You flailing swings carry force, but find no target; and therefore score no points. I'm lone wolf. Always been and always gonna be. :)
and you may not always be the guy complaining, but only when you're the guy complaining aboot the guy complaining. For simplicity sake, I put them in the same bucket. :D[/QUOTE]
Actually, it's society that's complaining about me, they wanna cry and say "you're not welcome, unless you get vaxxed" dipchit. Why must you think just doing what some dumb fuk on TV says people should do is ok, and not doing it, is just complaining. If the dumb fuk says "hey, you shuldn't dead lift because most people can't walk later in life who do it" don't mean it's valid.
You are the only Lone Wolf I've seen that consistently insults people in the net and then deletes it.
I'm not game with being privileged with my fuking vax card to be allowed to do what others might not, I think that's disgusting and I don't care if someone "served" or not who goes for it. And for the record I don't have an issue with OS about it, it's just a conversation. He said what he says, I said mine, that's it.
Now go stroke your 18 foot x 1 cm thick shlong and give it a kiss for the bros.:D