[QUOTE=Tommy W.;1646938493]Not sure however there have been way to many coincidental issues after the jab with people in my network. They gave her a drug I think it was Ivermectin and she's doing better since.[/QUOTE]
Every single un-vaxxed person in my network that got COVID has gotten ivermectin - they have all either died of COVID or are currently on a ventilator.
[QUOTE=yklyachkin;1646946923]Every single un-vaxxed person in my network that got COVID has gotten ivermectin - they have all either died of COVID or are currently on a ventilator.[/QUOTE]
It's a wonder how anyone survived before the vaccines.
[QUOTE=TryingBB;1646941693]Today’s generation is so busy into themselves that they consider “caring about others” to be weak and beta af. Being nice is weakness in 2021
messed up times.[/QUOTE]
"Real men", or men similar to men of generations past are ceasing to exist.
[QUOTE=yklyachkin;1646946923]Every single un-vaxxed person in my network that got COVID has gotten ivermectin - they have all either died of COVID or are currently on a ventilator.[/QUOTE]
Unvaxxedcels reading this be like
[QUOTE=TolerantLactose;1646947183]It's a wonder how anyone survived before the vaccines.[/QUOTE]
I assume he is counting those as unvaxxed? In addition you have other factors at play. Because my job like the jobs of many others was strictly work from home until vaccines came out, it was pretty easy to survive before the vaccine since I was almost never leaving the house, and not to mention how nearly everything was shut down if I did. And of course the people one person knows is not a sample size. Someone else could know someone who got the vaccine and died.
Unvaxxedcels reading this be like
^^^ OK That was freaken funny lol
Am I an ahole if I laughed at this? Lolz
[QUOTE=yklyachkin;1646946923]Every single un-vaxxed person in my network that got COVID has gotten ivermectin - they have all either died of COVID or are currently on a ventilator.[/QUOTE]
This statement definitely BS
[QUOTE=Underwrought;1646935063]Interestingly I was recently turned away from pretty much all the hospitals in my state when I thought I had some sorta heart issue/attack. The place I was at was trying to get me moved to another hospital in the state overnight by ambulance. Took all night and ended up having to just stay where I was. This was a few months ago.
It was kinda crazy, I was in the ICU. After bloodwork and ekg I was not in immediate danger but apparently all other places were at capacity. Unsure if they were trying to get me into another ICU or just regular admittance.[/QUOTE]
Not at capacity, nurses and doctors are quitting / getting fired because they are refusing the jabs.
This girl was sent home to die, and she even had the jab. Another "breakthrough" covid case, of course.
[QUOTE=eomrat;1646997613]This statement definitely BS
It completely is lol.
I was being facetious in response to Tommy W. statement that is also definitely BS.
(Not sure however there have been way to many coincidental issues after the jab with people in my network. They gave her a drug I think it was Ivermectin and she's doing better since.)
[QUOTE=eomrat;1646997613]This statement definitely BS
[QUOTE=yklyachkin;1646998813]It completely is lol.
I was being facetious in response to Tommy W. statement that is also definitely BS.
You could have gone with there being a cluster at Yachkin Farms Horse and Old Folk Nursing Home.
So last week I asked if anyone had a medical definition of what healthy means since it is thrown around.
Here is what I found and it was surprising.
Reviewed on 3/29/2021.
Health: As officially defined by the World Health Organization,
a state of complete
2.mental, and
3. social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1647004443]
Health: As officially defined by the World Health Organization,
a state of complete
2.mental, and
3. social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Pretty high bar. I am guessing, by these standards, that I know around 2 "healthy" people.
[QUOTE=eomrat;1647007083]Pretty high bar. I am guessing, by these standards, that I know around 2 "healthy" people.[/QUOTE]
Agreed, I will search for more but I was curious since people are saying, "I am healthy...I am not worried about just a cold or a flu"aka covid19."
[QUOTE=eomrat;1647007083]Pretty high bar. I am guessing, by these standards, that I know around 2 "healthy" people.[/QUOTE]
I know nobody who's in a state of COMPLETE physical, mental, and social wellbeing. Lucky for us you don't need that to survive covid. Being in general good health will do fine.
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1647004443]Lmao
So last week I asked if anyone had a medical definition of what healthy means since it is thrown around.
Here is what I found and it was surprising.
Reviewed on 3/29/2021.
Health: As officially defined by the World Health Organization,
a state of complete
2.mental, and
3. social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
I can only think of 2 people that can tick all these criteria squares. Me and Tater Tot and I am not 100% sure on Tater Tot, jury's still out on that one :D
[QUOTE=sy2502;1647014053]I know nobody who's in a state of COMPLETE physical, mental, and social wellbeing. Lucky for us you don't need that to survive covid. Being in general good health will do fine.[/QUOTE]
You should meet me.
[QUOTE=mgftp;1647016343]You should meet me.[/QUOTE]
Me too.
I eat plenty of fiber and I just had a coke float so I feel good = healthy
I'm married to a shrink, and I just had a coke float, so I'm well adjusted and happy = mentally healthy
People tolerate me because they like my wife and I have extra coke and ice cream downstairs to share = good social well being
You know, I also have a 3 month supply of heart guard for the 5 dogs, so I probably could have skipped the 2 vaccine shots. sigh
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1647021683]Me too.
I eat plenty of fiber and I just had a coke float so I feel good = healthy
I'm married to a shrink, and I just had a coke float, so I'm well adjusted and happy = mentally healthy
People tolerate me because they like my wife and I have extra coke and ice cream downstairs to share = good social well being
You know, I also have a 3 month supply of heart guard for the 5 dogs, so I probably could have skipped the 2 vaccine shots. sigh[/QUOTE]
Pics of 5 dogs?
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1647008333]people are saying, "I am healthy...I am not worried about just a cold or a flu"aka covid19."[/QUOTE]
You absolutely have the right to decline it, but we really should be past the point of pretending that it's not the right choice for the vast majority of people. It seems that being unvaxxed has become more of a personality trait than health question and the "libertarian" politicians, writers, and activists, despite knowing better, don't want to alienate their anti-vaxx followers.
[QUOTE=7Seconds;1647027443]You absolutely have the right to decline it, but we really should be past the point of pretending that it's not the right choice for the vast majority of people. It seems that being unvaxxed has become more of a personality trait than health question and the "libertarian" politicians, writers, and activists, despite knowing better, don't want to alienate their anti-vaxx followers.[/QUOTE]
So true but my own curiosity led me down the path of what is healthy, am I healthy, who defines healthy, and what is on the list?
It was always a health question for this guy because others rely on me.
4 Attachment(s)
[QUOTE=mgftp;1647021853]Pics of 5 dogs?[/QUOTE]
Sure. Only this pic is right now since the little guys are sleeping next to me as I'm working
Old lady dog with the pups pre-haircut, post-swimming pool post-drying off by rolling in mulch
The two that destroy the most stuff around the house. (hard to believe she's almost 3x his weight)
and finally one with my daughter's BC
^ beautiful, thanks for sharing.... What I'd give to be part of your pack.
They do live a pretty good life. Have pups of your own?
Heartwarming pics of your awesome pups, JTD. Thanks for sharing 'em. A most welcome interlude ITT. :)
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1647043253]They do live a pretty good life. Have pups of your own?[/QUOTE]
One permanent resident (My wife is overly into dog rescue) and another we have had in our home for a bit over a year now working with through some issues which we may end up keeping. Love dogs, great animals and companions to humans.
[QUOTE=ChazWood;1647050223]Heartwarming pics of your awesome pups, JTD. Thanks for sharing 'em. A most welcome interlude ITT. :)[/QUOTE]
Absolutely. Hopefully there is not many opposing dogs ITT.
[QUOTE=JustTheDad;1647030473]Sure. Only this pic is right now since the little guys are sleeping next to me as I'm working
Old lady dog with the pups pre-haircut, post-swimming pool post-drying off by rolling in mulch
The two that destroy the most stuff around the house. (hard to believe she's almost 3x his weight)
and finally one with my daughter's BC
Nice family you got there. :) The most I've had at once is 4, but I also had a zillion cats at the time.
[QUOTE=mgftp;1647062223]One permanent resident (My wife is overly into dog rescue) and another we have had in our home for a bit over a year now working with through some issues which we may end up keeping. [/QUOTE]
Well your wife is clearly awesome (and you too). It's not easy to take the ones that haven't been treated well or have issues into your home and to help them.
[QUOTE=supramax;1647065383]Nice family you got there. :) The most I've had at once is 4, but I also had a zillion cats at the time.[/QUOTE]
Four dogs plus cats. Consider me impressed! It seems like there'd almost have to be a few combinations that simply wouldn't work in that mix.
I was told there are very few pets at the shelters that are not being adopted right now. If that's true, I'll consider it one of the few good things that came out of this pandemic.
Why would Biden declare a federal vaccine mandate for every American even though two previous Supreme Court decisions says his federal vaccine mandate is unconstitutional...? Because he is evil.
[QUOTE=ConcertinaWire;1647084103]Why would Biden declare a federal vaccine mandate for every American even though two previous Supreme Court decisions says his federal vaccine mandate is unconstitutional...? Because he is evil.[/QUOTE]
This is a simple workplace safety rule requiring businesses with over 100 employees to require vaccination or weekly testing. That’s it.
Don’t want the vax? Don’t get it. Either your employer will allow weekly testing as an alternative, or fire you if they don’t feel like doing so.
You don’t have a constitutional right to be employed at a particular business without complying with workplace safety rules & company policy.
The executive branch has had the power (granted to it by the legislative branch) to regulate workplace health and safety since 1970.
People still seem oblivious to just how much power the executive branch has been given by the legislative branch over the last century.
To wit, the General Duty Clause gives the executive branch broad latitude, and Biden is easily within scope here:
29 U.S.C. § 654, 5(a)1: Each employer shall furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees."
29 U.S.C. § 654, 5(a)2: Each employer shall comply with occupational safety and health standards promulgated under this act.
29 U.S.C. § 654, 5(b): Each employee shall comply with occupational safety and health standards and all rules, regulations, and orders issued pursuant to this Act which are applicable to his own actions and conduct.
POTUS has had this authority for over half a century. And once the executive branch has a particular power granted to it by legislative action, good luck unwinding that.