Anyone else feel like this Covid thing has been going on for a decade now?
[QUOTE=Cass40;1644685843]Considering how fast we've gotten almost the whole country vaccinated..we are over 70% one dose and over half the population fully vaccinated, why are we so intensely concentrating on those few who for whatever reason are not yet vaccinated or don't want it? Yeah I know it's so and so many millions but it's a big country.[/QUOTE]
If vaxxed can spread like unvaxxed I don't see it nearly as much as an issue as if vaxxed couldn't spread.
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1644666873]A friend of mine stopped by for coffee, while she was here the dental office called her to schedule an appointment. She asked the vaccination status of the staff, they declined to answer and she told them to shove the appointment up their ass..[/QUOTE]
I guess this proves masks in a dentist office don't work.
Do these people not have kids or ever see kids? Kids can't be vaccinated yet. This also doesn't factor in the people with fake vax status to keep their jobs. Do people have any regard for those that can't get vaxed due to immune system issues or allergies.
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1644711653] It sounds like hospitals in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Florida are getting overwhelmed as well so that is a big factor.[/QUOTE]
That's not really saying a whole lot. Most hospitals operate at capacity due to budget constraints, but mostly due to the obesity epidemic. Corona patients still make up less than 1% of patients. A statistic that's constantly overlooked.
[QUOTE=_zman;1644716003]Do people have any regard for those that can't get vaxed due to immune system issues or allergies.[/QUOTE]
This is precisely why my friend questioned the vax status of the dental office, she has her parents living on her property 8 months of the year and her dad can't be vaxed so she is taking as much precaution as she can.
[QUOTE=_zman;1644716003]I guess this proves masks in a dentist office don't work.
Do these people not have kids or ever see kids? Kids can't be vaccinated yet. This also doesn't factor in the people with fake vax status to keep their jobs. Do people have any regard for those that can't get vaxed due to immune system issues or allergies.
That's not really saying a whole lot. Most hospitals operate at capacity due to budget constraints, but mostly due to the obesity epidemic. Corona patients still make up less than 1% of patients. A statistic that's constantly overlooked.[/QUOTE]
Do a deeper dive as to what is happening in those particular states, Today, August 11th 2021.
Your 1% number may have jumped in the last 2 weeks.
I tend to read local news stations websites as well as online newspapers for specifics.
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1644711653]From what I read and hear they are afraid of waves 4,5,6 7, and the never ending economic damages. It sounds like hospitals in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Florida are getting overwhelmed as well so that is a big factor.[/QUOTE]
Yeah we will be bankrupt just before the real pandemic appears with actual bodies everywhere and we have no money left.
[QUOTE=SweetBonanza;1644713973]I hear the side effects are pretty gnarly but I would rather still get vaccinated.[/QUOTE]
Are you time traveling?
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1644716873]This is precisely why my friend questioned the vax status of the dental office, she has her parents living on her property 8 months of the year and her dad can't be vaxed so she is taking as much precaution as she can.[/QUOTE]
Wow that is scary. One thing is sure that most will do anything to protect the ones closest to them.
Are we supposed to be responsible for counting the attendees, Mr. Pockets? ;)
[QUOTE=Mark1T;1644734323]Are we supposed to be responsible for counting the attendees, Mr. Pockets? ;)[/QUOTE]
LOL I hope not, that's a lot of counting. Ain't nobody got time for that
Seeing more and more of the proof of vaccine thing, I think that pisses more people off than it pleases, at this point anyway
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1644735783]LOL I hope not, that's a lot of counting. Ain't nobody got time for that
Seeing more and more of the proof of vaccine thing, I think that pisses more people off than it pleases, at this point anyway[/QUOTE]
Agreed, brother.
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1644735783]LOL I hope not, that's a lot of counting. Ain't nobody got time for that
Seeing more and more of the proof of vaccine thing, I think that pisses more people off than it pleases, at this point anyway[/QUOTE]
And for what purpose considering the fact that vaccinated folks can still become infected and spread it at the same level as unvaccinated folks.
Only the vaccinated can come here, because they are less likely to die from covid while they are here!!!!
[QUOTE=Plateauplower;1644738193]And for what purpose considering the fact that vaccinated folks can still become infected and spread it at the same level as unvaccinated folks.
Only the vaccinated can come here, because they are less likely to die from covid while they are here!!!![/QUOTE]
Yep, exactly
Just furthering the divide imo. If you want a mask policy, have one, if not, then don't, but having 2 sets of standards won't work for the reasons you just mentioned.
[QUOTE=Plateauplower;1644738193]And for what purpose considering the fact that vaccinated folks can still become infected and spread it at the same level as unvaccinated folks.
Only the vaccinated can come here, because they are less likely to die from covid while they are here!!!![/QUOTE]
Is this true for all types or just Delta?
"vaccinated folks can still become infected and spread it at the same level as unvaccinated folks."
It keeps getting better.
[Quote]Effective 8/1/21, in order to monitor the prevalence of COVID-19 at Stanford and keep campus as safe as possible, students living on campus or coming to campus will be required to register and test weekly using Color Genomics beginning August 15, regardless of vaccination status.[/quote]
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1644738843]Yep, exactly
Just furthering the divide imo. If you want a mask policy, have one, if not, then don't, but having 2 sets of standards won't work for the reasons you just mentioned.[/QUOTE]
The anti Vaxers here are proudly wearing masks in defiance of the vaccine, before the vaccine their was a group proudly not wearing masks, same crew oddly enough.
Well, these comments didn't age well...
Lungs are shot crew, appereantly I've had emphysema during all of this covid **** and I was living in a 3rd world country for half the lockdowns. I'm in the category of highest risk and not once have I gotten covid w/100+ tests due to work and im not getting the vaccine. Don't care if you get it or not, just stop beating each other up if you are or you're not as the final strain of covid will be communism. Stop being tricked into giving away your freedoms under the false pretense of "PeRsOnAl ReSpOnSiBiLiTiEs"
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1644749843]Is this true for all types or just Delta?
"vaccinated folks can still become infected and spread it at the same level as unvaccinated folks."[/QUOTE]
Hard to say. Looks like a study from Mayo Clinic shows Pfizer is only 42% effective for the "delta".
[QUOTE=Bando;1644774293]The anti Vaxers here are proudly wearing masks in defiance of the vaccine, before the vaccine their was a group proudly not wearing masks, same crew oddly enough.[/QUOTE]
This is for all gubmint nuthugging racist statists who think anti vaxxers are a bunch of uneducated red neck hicks who live in trailer parks.
[QUOTE=NorwichGrad;1644779933]This is for all gubmint nuthugging racist statists who think anti vaxxers are a bunch of uneducated red neck hicks who live in trailer parks.
[b]Overall, we rate Summit News Questionable based on Extreme Right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, misleading and unproven stories, and a complete lack of transparency.[/b]
A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source
[QUOTE=GrouchyUSMC;1644774743]Well, these comments didn't age well...
Blue check mafia doing what they do
[QUOTE=x-trainer ben;1644749843]Is this true for all types or just Delta?
"vaccinated folks can still become infected and spread it at the same level as unvaccinated folks."[/QUOTE]
They “can” but that doesn’t mean on average they do. The best evidence we have suggests the vaccines still reduce risk of infection.
While the effectiveness of the vaccines in preventing infection has gone down considerably with Delta, and looks to still be waning, vaccination still reduces the odds of infection and thus transmission.
People mistook the “same viral loads” data (which btw a much larger study did not find) to mean that vaccinated hosts are as likely to transmit the virus on average as an unvaccinated. That is not true, because they are less likely to be be infected in the first place, even with Delta. There are other reasons too.
Meanwhile the CDC had to admit they overinflated the Florida daily case count. How anyone still trusts anything that comes out of the CDC is beyond me. Seriously.
[QUOTE=sy2502;1644789433]Meanwhile the CDC had to admit they overinflated the Florida daily case count. How anyone still trusts anything that comes out of the CDC is beyond me. Seriously.[/QUOTE]
I was looking at state data, but then in Florida he fired the official counter and sent police to her house.
Something is amiss in Florida.
Many in the weightlifting/strength community are anti vaccine. I don’t need a news report to know this, I read thier ******** pages.
This is not bodybuilding, as usual weight lifters and bodybuilder do not think the same, we not only test each other in the gym, but we have eating contests like who eat the most double cheese burgers, body builders don’t do that stuff, must be lame, lol.
But many of these anti Vaccine lifters have good builds and they hold degrees in exercise science and certified coaching.
[QUOTE=LWW;1644793483]Many in the weightlifting/strength community are anti vaccine. I don’t need a news report to know this, I read thier ******** pages.
This is not bodybuilding, as usual weight lifters and bodybuilder do not think the same, we not only test each other in the gym, but we have eating contests like who eat the most double cheese burgers, body builders don’t do that stuff, must be lame, lol.
But many of these anti Vaccine lifters have good builds and they hold degrees in exercise science and certified coaching.[/QUOTE]
*** their
Eating a lot of double cheese burgers will make one fat and eventually obese. That's not healthy or good for longevity. I don't think one needs to be fat or obese to lift heavy.
I am pretty sure there are many people pro vaccine that also hold a high level of education.
Local medical facilities have worked together to bring us vax mandates. If you refuse vax, you're fired. If you leave your job, you have no where to go in your field of work since they all require it.
So much for inclusion and diversity, their core values.
[QUOTE=mtpockets;1644794693]*** their
Eating a lot of double cheese burgers will make one fat and eventually obese. That's not healthy or good for longevity. I don't think one needs to be fat or obese to lift heavy.
I am pretty sure there are many people pro vaccine that also hold a high level of education.[/QUOTE]
You only get fat and obese if you do it everyday and slack on training, when one is in the middle of an intense program having an eating contest is fun and the calories are well used in the gym.
It’s not the healthiest thing but I’ve seen guys in the 80s who did this stuff, they held national records and here they are pushing age 70 and are lean.