Tbh, I wouldn't have gone to get the vaccine but they kept sending me messages, my work had somehow organized it for everyone even though I work in an office and have been home so I'm like the last person who should have gotten it.
But then my husband started to get gigs and I was like "yay, I wanna come", and he was like "not before you're vaccinated, don't you understand if you die, it's worse than if I die..".
And yes, I have explained a million times that it wouldn't do anything to me but I can try to explain that to the panic cells til the cows come home, it doesn't make any difference. So I was like fuk it, I'm not gonna live like this, so I just went to get it and it was super easy, didn't even wait in line. No side effects, was off gym one day. I am not really scared of the vaccine nor covid but just lazy.
Will report back if I'll become infertile and can't have those babbys in my fifties.