[QUOTE=mtpockets;1634627903]The owner, who was jailed after fighting lockdown restrictions, also claimed exercise and vitamins are the best way to kill COVID-19.
This one ought to give Tater Tot a Boner[/QUOTE]
No, I’m not in agreement with that.
I’d say that’s about close to equally wrong as forcing the vaccine on people imo.
I’m also not against anyone getting a vaccine.
[QUOTE=LWW;1634632413]No, I’m not in agreement with that.
I agree... Good Job Little Buddy
Man is all of bb.com a bunch of blue vac humpers? Where the real people at.
[QUOTE=snailsrus;1634628273]Just got my second dose today. My staff that got the second dose yesterday called in sick today.
Is there an update yet, Snail Girl? Why the staff call in sick?
[QUOTE=ChazWood;1634484743] hey LWW: is that cedar or spruce paneling? You dont see that vintage stuff much these days.[/QUOTE]
I really don't know Chaz, I purchased the pad from a vintage stag film director, he wore a bunch of gold chains and rings, groovy kinda guy :D
[QUOTE=Mark1T;1634649403]Is there an update yet, Snail Girl? Why the staff call in sick?[/QUOTE]well the people that called in are under 25. They say it feels like the the flu, nausea, cold, very sleepy and aches. I feel fine right now, so does my paralegal and my mom. We all got our second dose today and the other attorney who is 50 has had both doses with no sides
My step mom and dad had no sides with both doses. Dads 77, step moms in her late 50’s
I have friends who got sick from the second dose but they are all younger under 35. I’ll see how I feel tomorrow.
[QUOTE=snailsrus;1634654113]well the people that called in are under 25. They say it feels like the the flu, nausea, cold, very sleepy and aches. I feel fine right now, so does my paralegal and my mom. We all got our second dose today and the other attorney who is 50 has had both doses with no sides
My step mom and dad had no sides with both doses. Dads 77, step moms in her late 50’s
I have friends who got sick from the second dose but they are all younger under 35. I’ll see how I feel tomorrow.[/QUOTE]
Interesting. I have a large staff with a wide range of ages and I've seen no such trend. Most have been feeling ill, most have felt worse with the second dose. More than half have missed a day or two, again, no trends by age, gender or anything. I posted when I got it, the first dose fatigued me and I slept for 12 hours, second made me feel like crap with a headache for two days but I didn't miss any work.
[QUOTE=LWW;1634653613]I really don't know Chaz, I purchased the pad from a [b]vintage stag film director,[/b] he wore a bunch of gold chains and rings, groovy kinda guy :D[/QUOTE]
If this is what I think it is, I hope you used a black light to do a proper inspection. Just in case he took his work home with him. :D
[QUOTE=PhDPepper1111;1634676993]Interesting. I have a large staff with a wide range of ages and I've seen no such trend. Most have been feeling ill, most have felt worse with the second dose. More than half have missed a day or two, again, no trends by age, gender or anything. I posted when I got it, the first dose fatigued me and I slept for 12 hours, second made me feel like crap with a headache for two days but I didn't miss any work.[/QUOTE]so today I feel totally fine, I got a gnarly headache last night bout 11 hours after the shot and felt dehydrated, drank a bunch of water and slept for my normal amount of time. Today just my back/kidneys ache but I have messed up kidneys so not worried. Mom has no sides today, paralegal (32 years old) no sides. Bout half my staff that called in yesterday, called in again. The other half are coming in, just tired. I’m closing the office early today so they can go home early but still will pay them for the whole day. I think by Monday every thing will be back to normal
[QUOTE=snailsrus;1634677903]so today I feel totally fine, I got a gnarly headache last night bout 11 hours after the shot and felt dehydrated, drank a bunch of water and slept for my normal amount of time. Today just my back/kidneys ache but I have messed up kidneys so not worried. Mom has no sides today, paralegal (32 years old) no sides. Bout half my staff that called in yesterday, called in again. The other half are coming in, just tired. I’m closing the office early today so they can go home early but still will pay them for the whole day. I think by Monday every thing will be back to normal[/QUOTE]
Yup - sounds about right. Evidence pointing towards effectiveness (crazy OldNoobs aside); your staff should be much safer from getting sick, and hopefully (jury still out) from getting/giving out the virus.
Suggested Mask use
Got my 1st Pfizer jab yesterday. No SE's so far other than a sore brachialis this AM.
[QUOTE=PhDPepper1111;1634678023]Yup - sounds about right. Evidence pointing towards effectiveness (crazy OldNoobs aside); your staff should be much safer from getting sick, and hopefully (jury still out) from getting/giving out the virus.[/QUOTE]ok official having sides from the second dose. My lower back /middle back is sore af. I ended up laying on the floor at work during a conference call with the client, judge and opposing party. Then tried to take the dogs on the walk and decided to close the office at 1 and let everyone go home. Idk what’s up with my back. Every one else has cold sweats, couldn’t sleep well, and just achy and we all feel dehydrated and kinda nauseous. I normally buy lunch on Fridays for the office and no one was hungry for it. We all are 1-2 days post second dose
[QUOTE=snailsrus;1634707453]ok official having sides from the second dose. My lower back /middle back is sore af. I ended up laying on the floor at work during a conference call with the client, judge and opposing party. Then tried to take the dogs on the walk and decided to close the office at 1 and let everyone go home. Idk what’s up with my back. Every one else has cold sweats, couldn’t sleep well, and just achy and we all feel dehydrated and kinda nauseous. I normally buy lunch on Fridays for the office and no one was hungry for it. We all are 1-2 days post second dose[/QUOTE]
Doesn't sound like fun at all.. Hope it stops soon for you
[QUOTE=ljimd;1634704763]Got my 1st Pfizer jab yesterday. No SE's so far other than a sore brachialis this AM.[/QUOTE]
Now that is the answer i expect from a bodybuilder or bodybuilding fan.
[QUOTE=snailsrus;1634707453]ok official having sides from the second dose. My lower back /middle back is sore af. I ended up laying on the floor at work during a conference call with the client, judge and opposing party. Then tried to take the dogs on the walk and decided to close the office at 1 and let everyone go home. Idk what’s up with my back. Every one else has cold sweats, couldn’t sleep well, and just achy and we all feel dehydrated and kinda nauseous. I normally buy lunch on Fridays for the office and no one was hungry for it. We all are 1-2 days post second dose[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the detailed updates, it is on par with what i am hearing from family and friends.
[QUOTE=PhDPepper1111;1634676993]Interesting. I have a large staff with a wide range of ages and I've seen no such trend. Most have been feeling ill, most have felt worse with the second dose. More than half have missed a day or two, again, no trends by age, gender or anything. I posted when I got it, the first dose fatigued me and I slept for 12 hours, second made me feel like crap with a headache for two days but I didn't miss any work.[/QUOTE]
Yep. I had the Pfizer vaccine. 1st shot I felt nothing at all. 2nd shot I felt like I had bad flu and fever for a day and then I was fine. I didn't miss work either (wasn't scheduled) but I can see how some would need a day off.
[QUOTE=snailsrus;1634707453]ok official having sides from the second dose. My lower back /middle back is sore af. I ended up laying on the floor at work during a conference call with the client, judge and opposing party. Then tried to take the dogs on the walk and decided to close the office at 1 and let everyone go home. Idk what’s up with my back. Every one else has cold sweats, couldn’t sleep well, and just achy and we all feel dehydrated and kinda nauseous. I normally buy lunch on Fridays for the office and no one was hungry for it. We all are 1-2 days post second dose[/QUOTE]
Did you do any dead lifting, squats or other power lift training before hand? Or did you stop all training in prep for this possible pain ride from the shots?
I would imagine doing such training before getting this BS would make someone damn near crippled for a few days?
Damn right!
[QUOTE=LWW;1634826623]Did you do any dead lifting, squats or other power lift training before hand? Or did you stop all training in prep for this possible pain ride from the shots?
I would imagine doing such training before getting this BS would make someone damn near crippled for a few days?[/QUOTE]-.- well I didn’t know if I would be able to train so I set my last lifting before my rest day and did a long ass leg day then the escalator machine for 45 minutes.
I was able to work out the day after just switched to a light rest day work out of abs/cardio /hike with the pups. And then did arms/bench day 2 days post and just had a head ache and today I’m all good and just going back to normal. The back pain only lasted a day :)
Who are all of you people going to try to sue if/once you start having serious side effects and sickness (in the future) from these "vaccines"?
In an almost [b]UNPRECEDENTED move[/b], the companies creating/concocting these vaccines have been given immunity by the US Government.
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1634837473]Who are all of you people going to try to sue if/once you start having serious side effects and sickness (in the future) from these "vaccines"?
In an almost [b]UNPRECEDENTED move[/b], the companies creating/concocting these vaccines have been given immunity by the US Government.[/QUOTE]
Hundreds of millions vaccines around the world have been administered safety it was time to move the goal post further. Bravo.
If you're scared to get the vaccine don't. You're not being forced.
If you're scared to get the vaccine don't. You're not being forced.[/QUOTE]Tell that to your comrades up the page posting about how they think people SHOULD be forced...
(Funny how a "shut everything down or we're all gonna die!" accuses someone else of being scared.)
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1634842813]Tell that to your comrades up the page posting about how they think people SHOULD be forced...
(Funny how a "shut everything down or we're all gonna die!" accuses someone else of being scared.)[/QUOTE]
Dude, if you are talking about the Meme I posted..Read it again...Slower this time
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1634842813]Tell that to your comrades up the page posting about how they think people SHOULD be forced...
(Funny how a "shut everything down or we're all gonna die!" accuses someone else of being scared.)[/QUOTE]
Ha well I'm not the person who said that. But cool story...
You should re-read the meme posted big guy.
If you're scared to get the vaccine don't get one. No one is forcing you.
[QUOTE=Jtbny;1634842953]Ha well I'm not the person who said that. But cool story...
You should re-read the meme posted big guy.
If you're scared to get the vaccine don't get one. No one is forcing you.[/QUOTE]Ha. I obviously misread the meme.
I've been going to a public gym since August - no masks required - so you're talking to yourself about being scared. Fear is what's driving many to get the vaccine with no recourse to the eventual side effects.
[QUOTE=Jtbny;1633035763]I roll around with others 3-5 days a week no masks and am getting the shot Sunday. [b]I'm getting the shot to protect others from me.[/b]
[/QUOTE]Then you are taking the shot for the wrong reason. [b]The vaccine DOES NOT stop you from getting or spreading the virus to others. [/b] It simply makes you asymptomatic. Look it up.
You're not protecting others.
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1634842813]Tell that to your comrades up the page posting about how they think people SHOULD be forced...
(Funny how a "shut everything down or we're all gonna die!" accuses someone else of being scared.)[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1634843383]Ha. I obviously misread the meme.
I've been going to a public gym since August - no masks required - so you're talking to yourself about being scared. Fear is what's driving many to get the vaccine with no recourse to the eventual side effects.[/QUOTE]
Am I still a Comrade? :D
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1634843383]Ha. I obviously misread the meme.
I've been going to a public gym since August - no masks required - so you're talking to yourself about being scared. Fear is what's driving many to get the vaccine with no recourse to the eventual side effects.[/QUOTE]
I've barely changed anything in my life since the start except to mask up and not get real close in crowds. I still go out, hang with some friends, my kids go to school ect.
[QUOTE=CommitmentRulz;1634843523]Then you are taking the shot for the wrong reason. [b]The vaccine DOES NOT stop you from getting or spreading the virus to others. [/b] It simply makes you asymptomatic. Look it up.
You're not protecting others.[/QUOTE]
I also wear a mask and social distance where I can. I'm engaging in riskier activities doing BJJ (I've practically never stopped) so instead of thinking the world revolves around me I'm doing what I can to mitigate the risk to others in the event I do contract C19. But you do you and if you're scared to get the vaccine don't get one. No one is forcing you.
Also, being vaccinated lowers risk of infection (unless that's BS) so I kind of am in conjunction to other mitigation efforts.