[QUOTE=superhuman67;1626892003]I like the PB Toffee though it's mostly toffee but it's unique and tasty:p In the future I definitely will
try the other flavors as well chocolate, vanilla bean,and moose cream :confused: which is supposed
to be a take on a ice cream flavor I've never tried but what the hell I'll try it out.[/QUOTE]i just had the chocolate. It’s good, but very light. Definitely not as impressive as the banana.
[QUOTE=Joe D;1627009603]i just had the chocolate. It’s good, but very light. Definitely not as impressive as the banana.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the heads up on the choc cause I LOVE a strong choc flavor so I won't waste my time with
it and the chocolates that I like the best have been XTEND Choc Lava Cake, Cellucor Choc Molten,
and I enjoy Muscle Beach Choc.:p
Picked up a couple of bottles of vita adapt, real cheap now.
[QUOTE=Joe D;1626800593]i enjoyed the banana very much. I ordered the chocolate, and the pb toffee and I’m looking forward to trying them out.[/QUOTE]Glad you liked it. The PB toffee cookie is a really nice, unique take that makes me think of toffee peanuts.
The vanilla bean is nothing to sleep on, reminding me of some [i]premium[/i] vanilla bean ice cream, down to having real vanilla beans speckled quite generously throughout.
[QUOTE=superhuman67;1626892003]I like the PB Toffee though it's mostly toffee but it's unique and tasty:p In the future I definitely will
try the other flavors as well chocolate, vanilla bean,and moose cream :confused: which is supposed
to be a take on a ice cream flavor I've never tried but what the hell I'll try it out.[/QUOTE]
Moose cream is supposed to be Moose Tracks, which is vanilla ice cream with peanut butter cups, but most importantly fudge, the lack of which is what I think really hurts this Isomix flavor.
It's [i]good[/i], but it's also far too subtle on the PB cup end, while not giving me any impression of chocolate fudge. So, what you're left with is basically a toned down vanilla with weak CPB, that could have really used some real peanut powder to at least bump up the peanut butter cup side.
Ryse just announced a [url=https://blog.priceplow.com/supplement-news/ryse-supps-loaded-protein/vanilla-peanut-butter]vanilla peanut butter flavor[/url], which based on the tub's label looks like it's going for vanilla ice cream with peanut butter swirls. From what I've tasted of their chocolate peanut butter cup, I would imagine that mixing the two together would make for a better replication.
Now that I'm thinking about it, I'll have to at least try the Ryse CPB + Vanilla Bean Isomix, then maybe throw in some Ryse Cookie Blast to give it that ultra dark chocolate note.
[QUOTE=superhuman67;1627010113]Thanks for the heads up on the choc cause I LOVE a strong choc flavor so I won't waste my time with
it and the chocolates that I like the best have been XTEND Choc Lava Cake, Cellucor Choc Molten,
and I enjoy Muscle Beach Choc.:p[/QUOTE]You might like the Ryse Chocolate Cookie Blast, then. It's easily the strongest chocolate flavor I've had, more so than the Xtend Lava Cake, the only one you listed that I've also tried to compare, but it's not overbearing or one note like if you were to open a bag of pure cocoa powder.
Every time I open the tub, I get taken back to being a kid and this:
My all time favorite chocolate protein is the vasolate chocolate cream. Is their anything similar flavor wise out?
[QUOTE=Joe D;1627086563]My all time favorite chocolate protein is the vasolate chocolate cream. Is their anything similar flavor wise out?[/QUOTE]
Syntha 6 Chocolate Cake Batter is pretty amazing
Labrada and Syntha-6 vanilla and chocolate are both outstanding.
[QUOTE=Joe D;1627086563]My all time favorite chocolate protein is the vasolate chocolate cream. Is their anything similar flavor wise out?[/QUOTE]
Makes me miss XF 2.0
[QUOTE=Joe D;1627086563]My all time favorite chocolate protein is the vasolate chocolate cream. Is their anything similar flavor wise out?[/QUOTE]
Vasolate and XF chocolate, damn good. I haven't found anything similar. I still have a couple of tubs of XF chocolate in my stash.
I will probably get frowned upon for this but I still think PES frosted chocolate cupcake is a badass chocolate.
[QUOTE=82ndAirborne;1627138903]I will probably get frowned upon for this but I still think PES frosted chocolate cupcake is a badass chocolate.[/QUOTE]I actually like their protein very much.
I have an order with the Axe n' Sledge Farm Fed Glazed Donut protein on the way, as well as Astroflav's Peanut Butter Puffs Isomix.
The latter is one I've been aching to try for ages now, but only until very recently has it been available anywhere besides their own site or Amazon.
[QUOTE=82ndAirborne;1627138903]I will probably get frowned upon for this but I still think PES frosted chocolate cupcake is a badass chocolate.[/QUOTE]I haven't tried that flavor in ages, but I can say that their cake pop flavor is quite good. Very much a frosting forward taste but it still has enough cake to it to not be [i]only[/i] frosting.
*I'm still looking for a solid [i]yellow[/i] cake, like the old Duncan Hines mix flavor.
Their Peanut Butter Cookies flavor isn't half bad, either. It isn't a dead ringer for a Nutter Butter like Ghost's, but they also didn't adulterate the powder or compromise the macros to get a pretty good peanut butter biscuit flavor with the emphasis on [i]biscuit[/i].
[QUOTE=82ndAirborne;1627138903]I will probably get frowned upon for this but I still think PES frosted chocolate cupcake is a badass chocolate.[/QUOTE]
I think its one of the top chocolate flavors on the market right now, along with Xtend and Beverly. But none of those taste like XF/Vasolate.
[QUOTE=82ndAirborne;1627138903]I will probably get frowned upon for this but I still think PES frosted chocolate cupcake is a badass chocolate.[/QUOTE]
I didn't like it tbh. But their other flavors are definitely good. I still think Syntha 6 is best flavor wise. I hope some day BSN will release a protein with the same taste but better and cleaner profile.
[QUOTE=aloosecannon;1627255943]I think its one of the top chocolate flavors on the market right now, along with Xtend and Beverly. But none of those taste like XF/Vasolate.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=fahdalsheheata;1627293603]I didn't like it tbh. But their other flavors are definitely good. I still think Syntha 6 is best flavor wise. I hope some day BSN will release a protein with the same taste but better and cleaner profile.[/QUOTE]
No protein with low carbs and fat will ever taste as good as one that has more. Beverly, PES and maybe Trutein are the only ones that can come close IMO
[QUOTE=eatyourspinach;1627319023]No protein with low carbs and fat will ever taste as good as one that has more. Beverly, PES and maybe Trutein are the only ones that can come close IMO[/QUOTE]
Just cracked open some Beverly UMP cookies and cream, this stuff is some god tier flavoring
[QUOTE=cforfa;1627352173]Just cracked open some Beverly UMP cookies and cream, this stuff is some god tier flavoring[/QUOTE]
I would buy it much more frequently if it also didn't have god tier pricing.
Fellow stim junkies unite :D
[QUOTE=cforfa;1627352173]Just cracked open some Beverly UMP cookies and cream, this stuff is some god tier flavoring[/QUOTE]
Isn't Beverly UMP amino spiked? Like I see some added amino acided on the ingredients list ?
National lockdown announced over here. My city was put into ‘tier 4’ lockdown a few days ago and my gym was shut but they’ve put the whole country into lockdown now until at least March.
Good night, sweet gains.
Alright..... 4 weeks of no stims...... i guess that's not totally true as I need my coffee..... but no pre's........ not sure if i need to stop ALL caffeine or just pre's...I just think that Ive been using stims so long I need a "reset"..... opinions?
[QUOTE=faipdeooiad;1627466213]National lockdown announced over here. My city was put into ‘tier 4’ lockdown a few days ago and my gym was shut but they’ve put the whole country into lockdown now until at least March.
Good night, sweet gains.[/QUOTE]Get on the inmate workout routine, ton of push ups and pull ups, fill a trash bag with rater for curls, plenty of burpees, bodyweight squats.
And of course a lot of ramen noodles.
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1627468563]Get on the inmate workout routine, ton of push ups and pull ups, fill a trash bag with rater for curls, plenty of burpees, bodyweight squats.
And of course a lot of ramen noodles.[/QUOTE]
Instant Coffee and Pepsi pre-workout?
[QUOTE=faipdeooiad;1627478153]Instant Coffee and Pepsi pre-workout?[/QUOTE]Seen that, looks nasty as hell.
I’m going to have to properly look at home workouts without equipment. I’m currently isolating because the NHS covid app says I was in close contact with someone who tested positive on my last trip to the gym though I think it was when my phone was in my locker and his was in the adjacent one behind mine.
10 days inside, can’t leave for any reason.
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1627468563]Get on the inmate workout routine, ton of push ups and pull ups, fill a trash bag with rater for curls, plenty of burpees, bodyweight squats.
And of course a lot of ramen noodles.[/QUOTE]
Word! Inmates down in Mississippi grow huge with or without weights.
[QUOTE=Iluvmud;1627467783]Alright..... 4 weeks of no stims...... i guess that's not totally true as I need my coffee..... but no pre's........ not sure if i need to stop ALL caffeine or just pre's...I just think that Ive been using stims so long I need a "reset"..... opinions?[/QUOTE]I only have my caffeine with my pre’s. I’ll drink a couple diet iced tea’s during the week, but that’s the extent of my caffeine. I drink decaf coffee simply because i like the taste of coffee.
[QUOTE=fahdalsheheata;1627462833]Isn't Beverly UMP amino spiked? Like I see some added amino acided on the ingredients list ?[/QUOTE]
they aren't the "filler aminos" i.e. taurine and glycine, they are EAAs
[QUOTE=Joe D;1627487523]I only have my caffeine with my pre’s. I’ll drink a couple diet iced tea’s during the week, but that’s the extent of my caffeine. I drink decaf coffee simply because i like the taste of coffee.[/QUOTE]
I'm the same way I DON''T touch caffeine at any time of the day except what's in my preworkout and
I rotate a different pre each workout so I don't build a tolerance using the same caffeine amount or
stimulants. When I take a complete training break for two weeks about 3x a year then I consume NO
caffeine so that's when I take my caffeine breaks.
The Axe n' Sledge Glazed Donut has arrived. Just taking a lick off the seal... Now, I'm probably not the best judge of what a true Krispy Kreme Donut should taste like; I can't even remember the last time I've eaten a donut, let alone a Krispy Kreme.
But I [i]think[/i] they might have nailed it here. Of all the donut flavors I've had - Animal glazed donut, MAN Sports frosted donut, and I'll throw in Muscletech funnel cake as well - there's some magic going on here that reminds me of what a donut tasted like.
There's what I can only describe as a fried, cakey dough flavor setting up the base that is topped off by what I guess is the vanilla "glaze" side of the spectrum. It's hard to stop once you start, and might put a smile on your face for how uncannily the flavor notes captures a donut instead of something like just a sweetish cake-like knockoff.
The protein itself is fluffy, so it's has a very impressive consistency for an isolate, which are can often be kind of "flat" and thin.
Definitely a brand I'm going to keep a future eye on now.
[QUOTE=fahdalsheheata;1627293603]I didn't like it tbh. But their other flavors are definitely good. I still think Syntha 6 is best flavor wise. I hope some day BSN will release a protein with the same taste but better and cleaner profile.[/QUOTE]
I've never tried Snytha 6, but I'd be interested to see them come out with at least a cleaner protein - even if it sacrifices a bit on the flavor cheat code ingredients - to see how they'd fare.
Just doing some quick comparing between BSN's Isolate, it doesn't fare poorly compared to something like the Ghost cookie flavors:
[spoiler]BSN Peanut Butter Cookie Isolate: 140 calories, 38g serving - 3.68421 cal/gram
Protein 25g - 0.6578 protein/serving ratio
Fat 2g
Carbohydrate 6g
Fiber 2g
Sugars 2g
Ghost Nutter Butter: 160 calories, 41.5g serving - 3.85542 cal/gram
Protein 26g (1g from peanuts) - 0.6265 protein/serving ratio
Fat 2.5g
Carbohydrates 8g
Fiber 1g
Sugars 3g (Includes 2g of added sugar)
Ghost Chips Ahoy: 160 calories, 39g serving - 4.10256 cal/gram
Protein 25g - 0.64102/gram
Fat 1.5g
Carbohydrates 7g
Fiber 0g
Sugars 4g (Includes 2g of added sugar)
To reiterate, that's their [i]isolate[/i], because the regular Syntha 6 is kind of ridiculous with how many extra macros are in there that aren't protein, and it probably should taste ridiculously good when (in the spirit of the above protein) an [url=https://kkd-nutritional-panels.s3.amazonaws.com/2018OriginalGlazedDoughnutRetailPanel.pdf]actual Krispy Kreme donut*[/url] has fewer calories for almost the same serving size.
[size=-2]*Naturally it's not going to have as much protein and more sugar, but you should expect [i]that[/i] from a protein powder.[/size]
[QUOTE=Iluvmud;1627467783]Alright..... 4 weeks of no stims...... i guess that's not totally true as I need my coffee..... but no pre's........ not sure if i need to stop ALL caffeine or just pre's...I just think that Ive been using stims so long I need a "reset"..... opinions?[/QUOTE]
Ouch. I don't think I could do it at this point. Stims/caffeine are the only thing that make my fourth nerve palsy bearable.
Anyway, I'm not sure if it's just placebo or not, but I've been regularly supplement with N-Acetyl Cysteine for I don't even know how long, which is superb for detoxifying the liver.
Perhaps that and/or Milk Thistle might help fully detoxify your body and clean you out.
The only other variable pertaining to me off the top of my head is that I don't drink alcohol, so reducing any alcohol intake could perceivably help the body clean out since it's less that it has to filter alongside the stims/caffeine.