[QUOTE=eatyourspinach;1638050583]If you listened to Priceplow, Myprotein is the greatest line of supplements out when they are mediocre at best[/QUOTE]I believe that honor would go to Nutrabio according to them. :p
But having a look over there, you're right - they have been touting MyProtein a [i]lot[/i] lately
I will give their blog part a glance once in a while because these days you have to sift through a lot of the mediocre products being hailed as game changers or something to get to the few articles that have some good content. I can't see a need for a full page article covering one of hundreds of BCAAs/EAAs and it's plain weird to see one article dedicated to some coverage on a newer ingredient with better bioavailability right next to several copy-paste ingredient label products.
It's also pretty nuts seeing them talk about supplement A for being light on the budget but then peddle something like an [url=https://blog.priceplow.com/supplement-news/primeval-labs-electrolyte]electrolyte mix[/url]. :rolleyes:
They seem like really nice folks, but there's a reason I take their product highlights with a few spoonfuls of of salt.
[QUOTE=superhuman67;1638138733]Choc,Van,and C&C are NOT their strong flavors so I usually don't order those. When I do the straight
casein then I do choc and van cause I usually mix 1 scoop with a another flavor. When I buy the Impact
Whey I go for the more unique flavors which I think they do better than the basics such as French Toast,
Snicker Doodle, Smore's, Salted Caramel, Mocha, and some of their other unique flavors and usually 8oz
of water still has a strong flavor taste.[/QUOTE]
I can definitely see that because nailing those fundamental flavors can ironically seems like one of the hardest balances to make. Anyone can release a vanilla protein, but it's something special to release one that actually blows your mind.
Nutrex's vanilla was like that for me, although I guess you could argue it's more [i]vanilla bean ice cream[/i] because its taste reminds me of premium ice cream.
They're also supposed to release a [url=https://www.stack3d.com/2021/04/nutrex-cookies-and-cream-isofit.html]cookies and cream[/url], which I'm really looking forward to trying.
[QUOTE=nkiritsis13;1638222393]I believe that honor would go to Nutrabio according to them. :p
But having a look over there, you're right - they have been touting MyProtein a [i]lot[/i] lately
I will give their blog part a glance once in a while because these days you have to sift through a lot of the mediocre products being hailed as game changers or something to get to the few articles that have some good content. I can't see a need for a full page article covering one of hundreds of BCAAs/EAAs and it's plain weird to see one article dedicated to some coverage on a newer ingredient with better bioavailability right next to several copy-paste ingredient label products.
It's also pretty nuts seeing them talk about supplement A for being light on the budget but then peddle something like an [url=https://blog.priceplow.com/supplement-news/primeval-labs-electrolyte]electrolyte mix[/url]. :rolleyes:
They seem like really nice folks, but there's a reason I take their product highlights with a few spoonfuls of of salt.
I can definitely see that because nailing those fundamental flavors can ironically seems like one of the hardest balances to make. Anyone can release a vanilla protein, but it's something special to release one that actually blows your mind.
Nutrex's vanilla was like that for me, although I guess you could argue it's more [i]vanilla bean ice cream[/i] because its taste reminds me of premium ice cream.
They're also supposed to release a [url=https://www.stack3d.com/2021/04/nutrex-cookies-and-cream-isofit.html]cookies and cream[/url], which I'm really looking forward to trying.[/QUOTE]
Nutrex was suppose to be releasing a strawberry flavor BEFORE they even announced C&C so who
knows when they'll be releasing either one of those flavors.
Damn its pretty quiet around here these days. I hope you guys are all clanging and banging. I'm stuck in the ****in stan land right now, but my girl is in western Europe currently and says they expect gyms to open on 9 June.
[QUOTE=82ndAirborne;1638570433]Damn its pretty quiet around here these days. I hope you guys are all clanging and banging. I'm stuck in the ****in stan land right now, but my girl is in western Europe currently and says they expect gyms to open on 9 June.[/QUOTE]
Ours have been open a few weeks now but then our vaccine rollout is way ahead of the rest of europe, I’m in for my first jab tomorrow. It’s great being back in the gym and it’ll be great to have Bill Gates as my lifting hype man once I’ve got the microchips fully installed in my arm.
Bang key lime pie.... tastes like key lime pie.... Bang chemists are wizards
[QUOTE=ItsWhatIDo;1638638793]Bang key lime pie.... tastes like key lime pie.... Bang chemists are wizards[/QUOTE]
cotton candy and birthday cake are mistakes
[QUOTE=eatyourspinach;1638721653]cotton candy and birthday cake are mistakes[/QUOTE]
There is a birthday cake coffee protein. I bet it’s ..... interesting?
It's been a minute but I loved this flavor, and for BOGO it's time to enjoy again.
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1638751543]It's been a minute but I loved this flavor, and for BOGO it's time to enjoy again.
How strong is the flavoring? My pet peeve is weak flavoring protein powder
[QUOTE=eatyourspinach;1638760493]How strong is the flavoring? My pet peeve is weak flavoring protein powder[/QUOTE]Been years since I had it, but I remember it being pretty strong in 6-8oz liquid. For the price I'll give it a go again for the nostalgia if nothing else.
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1638790933]Been years since I had it, but I remember it being pretty strong in 6-8oz liquid. For the price I'll give it a go again for the nostalgia if nothing else.[/QUOTE]
keep me updated, the last time I had Whey HD it was the Chocolate flavor and it was ok but Iso HD was horrible
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1638751543]It's been a minute but I loved this flavor, and for BOGO it's time to enjoy again.
Wow, can't believe wo times flies when you stop to think. So many different products used over so many years. It's been many years since I used BPI products. Used to be one of my go tos.
On that note, I am not even sure what new brands to try that have quality and tasty products especially protein. Same for the old standard brands. Seems many that I liked or tried have gone away and before going back to old ones I know I have used like to try new ones.
If anyone is interested, we have an Xtend giveaway going on in the Company Promotions section.
[QUOTE=crpav;1638847943]Wow, can't believe wo times flies when you stop to think. So many different products used over so many years. It's been many years since I used BPI products. Used to be one of my go tos.
On that note, I am not even sure what new brands to try that have quality and tasty products especially protein. Same for the old standard brands. Seems many that I liked or tried have gone away and before going back to old ones I know I have used like to try new ones.[/QUOTE]Yeah, I want to say it was 2016 when I had BPI Whey last, crazy to think about it since so much has come and gone since I started lifting so long ago.
[QUOTE=crpav;1638847943]Wow, can't believe wo times flies when you stop to think. So many different products used over so many years. It's been many years since I used BPI products. Used to be one of my go tos.
On that note, I am not even sure what new brands to try that have quality and tasty products especially protein. Same for the old standard brands. Seems many that I liked or tried have gone away and before going back to old ones I know I have used like to try new ones.[/QUOTE]
have you tried the Remix proteins?
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1638751543]It's been a minute but I loved this flavor, and for BOGO it's time to enjoy again.
Yes! Thanks brother
[QUOTE=eatyourspinach;1638840823]keep me updated, the last time I had Whey HD it was the Chocolate flavor and it was ok but Iso HD was horrible[/QUOTE]
It's a very creamy unique peanut butter flavor, (7.5) on flavor strength. This and strawberry cake rank very high in terms of flavor
Barebells Chocolate Dough Bar is tasty AF
[QUOTE=TheFugitive;1639085623]Barebells Chocolate Dough Bar is tasty AF[/QUOTE]
guess that's why they're hard to find
1 scoop BPI Peanut Butter Ice Cream Bar in 6oz of almond milk tastes just like the ice cream part of a Snickers ice cream bar, delicious.
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1639232623]1 scoop BPI Peanut Butter Ice Cream Bar in 6oz of almond milk tastes just like the ice cream part of a Snickers ice cream bar, delicious.[/QUOTE]
Glad to hear you're enjoying it
[QUOTE=eatyourspinach;1639187793]guess that's why they're hard to find[/QUOTE]
It's a tough flavor to find. Went back for another and they were all gone
late to this thread but is BPI planning on an rtd pre workout or energy drink?
seems like they have all the bases covered surprised i haven't seen one on bb dot com
Low cal and sugar and they taste great
[QUOTE=ManwittaPlan;1639273353]late to this thread but is BPI planning on an rtd pre workout or energy drink?
seems like they have all the bases covered surprised i haven't seen one on bb dot com[/QUOTE]
Nothing as of yet, but don't count us out :)
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1638751543]It's been a minute but I loved this flavor, and for BOGO it's time to enjoy again.
well... hope youre right, (if its anything like your cereal suggestions should be awesome) cause ordered these tubs!
[QUOTE=Iluvmud;1639392253]well... hope youre right, (if its anything like your cereal suggestions should be awesome) cause ordered these tubs![/QUOTE]I'm liking it, and for the price it's a good deal. Like a peanut butter cream kind of flavor, found 6oz to be a good spot for it flavor wise. Clumps a bit so a little extra shaking but that's not much of a deal breaker to me.
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1639392413]I'm liking it, and for the price it's a good deal. Like a peanut butter cream kind of flavor, found 6oz to be a good spot for it flavor wise. Clumps a bit so a little extra shaking but that's not much of a deal breaker to me.[/QUOTE]
Sounds good bud! excited to try it.
Also went ahead and pulled the trigger on Gaspari proven eggs in salted caramel (i think) and the ISO100 cocoa pebbles cause fruity pebbles is AMAZING!
[QUOTE=Iluvmud;1639398693]Sounds good bud! excited to try it.
Also went ahead and pulled the trigger on Gaspari proven eggs in salted caramel (i think) and the ISO100 cocoa pebbles cause fruity pebbles is AMAZING![/QUOTE]cocoa pebbles is good, but not as good as fruity pebbles.
[QUOTE=gbullock32;1639392413]I'm liking it, and for the price it's a good deal. Like a peanut butter cream kind of flavor, found 6oz to be a good spot for it flavor wise. Clumps a bit so a little extra shaking but that's not much of a deal breaker to me.[/QUOTE]
The glycerol monostearate does make it clump a bit, but if your use a blender it should smooth it out