[QUOTE=Meatie;1650700863]lmao, what flavor phenta did you get? im wondering if the "effects" are flavor dependent. Im expediting a "fruit punch" phenta should be here by monday.
Remember back in the day when grape OG craze was the holy grail. I had the apple pie flavor and it was meh, "most" of the other flavors I felt it didn't hit as strong as grape.
Furious pete watermellum was good
The sweet tea was good
but a few stinkers from what i recall[/QUOTE]
I got strawberry lemonade and it's trash.
Tim Wells would slock the sh!t out of these jabronis who made this stuff.
[QUOTE=sloop;1650699083]I've used it 4 times now on totally empty stomachs and felt NOTHING. Not a boost from caffeine, no increased focus - nothing. I can't even tell if there's a single mg of stimulant in the entire tub. And yes, I SHOOK THE DAM TUB.
For a daily driver that Cannibal Riot is pretty good, despite it's dreadful juvenile name.
Still, nothing beats Excelsior. Nothing even close.[/QUOTE]
You used it 4x and felt NOTHING that SUCKS!:(
Swithed from pre-workouts to deathwish coffee. Must say, it gives me more energy, then mega pre black at 2 scoops :D
This Zeus by God Status Labz is legit. Reminds me of a much stronger OG kraken. There's no crash or severe taper. if anything it gives you an afterglow effect. hnnngggg
hoping i don't build a fast tolerance.
[QUOTE=TheFugitive;1650635663]Profile is decent and it kills the competition in flavor by a mile
Now I'm curious to pick up a tub of their protein powder[/QUOTE]
I stand corrected on these.
Bought some of the pro series knockout chocolate.
Absolutely fantastic. Like a chocolate shake.
Would recommend/10
[QUOTE=TMac26;1650905203]I stand corrected on these.
Bought some of the pro series knockout chocolate.
Absolutely fantastic. Like a chocolate shake.
Would recommend/10[/QUOTE]
if you add non dairy creamer to a lot of protein powders it will yield that result
God damn, BB.com have really turned up the email marketing lately. Nothing for years and I’ve had to unsubscribe because it’s sometimes 2 a day.
Doesn’t help either that they’re virtually useless for brehs outside the US anymore.
[QUOTE=faipdeooiad;1651092713]God damn, BB.com have really turned up the email marketing lately. Nothing for years and I’ve had to unsubscribe because it’s sometimes 2 a day.
Doesn’t help either that they’re virtually useless for brehs outside the US anymore.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, the emails have been nonstop. The sales are terrible as usual.
Any hope for Cybro Monday this year?
[QUOTE=RunningTall;1651194653]Any hope for Cybro Monday this year?[/QUOTE]
how excited can you be for deals on EVL, Cellucor and BB.com Signature?
[QUOTE=eatyourspinach;1651246733]how excited can you be for deals on EVL, Cellucor and BB.com Signature?[/QUOTE]
Facts, maybe the Sig whey will be on sale :(
I bought a pwo for the first time in probably almost 2-3yrs. Mega Pre Black because $13. Rainbow Candy. It tastes like someone threw baby powder into a bottle of cough syrup.
[QUOTE=OT2000;1651281113]I bought a pwo for the first time in probably almost 2-3yrs. Mega Pre Black because $13. Rainbow Candy. It tastes like someone threw baby powder into a bottle of cough syrup.[/QUOTE]
I got some of that too. The Rainbow Sherbet tastes like straight grapefruit juice.
BPI Sports masterrace crew
What are the best stand alone nitrate products these days? I found iForce Potassium nitrate after looking around for a while. I seem to recall a betaine nitrate but can't really find that anywhere now.
[QUOTE=MillerTime07;1651313493]What are the best stand alone nitrate products these days? I found iForce Potassium nitrate after looking around for a while. I seem to recall a betaine nitrate but can't really find that anywhere now.[/QUOTE]
Force Factor Super Beets is pretty much just betaine nitrate and it's cheap
[QUOTE=MillerTime07;1651313493]What are the best stand alone nitrate products these days? I found iForce Potassium nitrate after looking around for a while. I seem to recall a betaine nitrate but can't really find that anywhere now.[/QUOTE]
I broke my arm, does anyone have any good advice from experience on how to heal faster?
alright, haven't been paying attention lately, what are the fun preworkouts these days? Aside from Excelsior and Dark Matter, which I'm not even sure you can get anymore...
Moved to Alberta, slowly settling into the new house, but the home gym is open for business. Game changer. I'll never pay for a membership again. Bells of Steel have some amazing products at great prices, highly recommend, as long as you're somewhat capable at building things (there are no real directions, just a ****ty diagram, but some ok videos to reference).
[QUOTE=TheFugitive;1651345443]I broke my arm, does anyone have any good advice from experience on how to heal faster?[/QUOTE]
Eh, heal up fast, brother, that sucks.
[QUOTE=TheFugitive;1651345443]I broke my arm, does anyone have any good advice from experience on how to heal faster?[/QUOTE]
Go heavier on the proteins and fats, less on carbohydrates. Red meats, eggs, green leafy veggies are the best choices. Also sardines and other fatty fish high in nutrients. Bone broth contains collagen which aids for repair.
Supps like Vitamin D and K help, take them together.
[QUOTE=TheFugitive;1651345443]I broke my arm, does anyone have any good advice from experience on how to heal faster?[/QUOTE]Damn bro that sucks, hit up the milk, it makes strong bones! But srs, no clue of anything that would help, nothing legal anyways.
[QUOTE=BenBlue;1651416883]alright, haven't been paying attention lately, what are the fun preworkouts these days? Aside from Excelsior and Dark Matter, which I'm not even sure you can get anymore...
Supps with kigelia africana tend to be become popular then either get banned or discontinued
[QUOTE=eatyourspinach;1651444973]Supps with kigelia africana tend to be become popular then either get banned or discontinued[/QUOTE]
noted, thanks man, I'll take a look into it.
Happy Thanksgiving, US guys.
[QUOTE=OT2000;1651281113]I bought a pwo for the first time in probably almost 2-3yrs. Mega Pre Black because $13. Rainbow Candy. It tastes like someone threw baby powder into a bottle of cough syrup.[/QUOTE]
I have two tubs just sitting there because of how bad those flavors taste.
[QUOTE=TheFugitive;1651345443]I broke my arm, does anyone have any good advice from experience on how to heal faster?[/QUOTE]
Fap with your other arm.
Now was as good a time as any to take the plunge on some new proteins, so I wound up with three and got two more 2lb tubs for free.
[B]- Black Magic Cinnamon Toast Crunch[/B]
With so many brands having their own take on CTC, I eventually went with Black Magic's because their Reese's Puffs inspired protein remains one of my favorites and their Blueberry Muffin is spot on. Maybe one day someone will make a Cinnamon Toast Crunch shootout between more than, I dunno, two different brands, but for this I'm going with the company that hasn't disappointed me yet.
[B]- Muscle Sport Toasted Almond[/B]
I was kicking myself for not picking one up when they originally launched it, but they brought it back at the perfect time.
Just going by the [url=https://www.stack3d.com/2021/06/muscle-sport-toasted-almond-lean-whey-isolate-returns.html]imagery[/url], I think they literally copy+pasted an actual [url=https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/a1df6e58-9f4e-44f2-b0f4-b0b048cdb12c_2.bc738e18a01cc2bb81dbb4b8e2c6690a.jpeg]Good Humor Bar[/url] onto the packaging, so I can only assume that's exactly the sort of flavor they're going for here.
This last one had me considering the Muscle Sport Cookie Crisp, but my major hold up is that for whatever reason they have not bothered to address the massive cookie crisp pieces even through their re-labeling. I just don't get it when the Dipsadoodle is so expertly blended where the inclusions are not a knock against the overall product for me - and I'm a stickler about that. It's definitely a point of inconsistency that I wish Muscle Sport would address with their older flavors because of the disadvantages there are with lazily leaving enormous chunks of whatever and calling it a day, which also does not sit well with such an expensive brand.
What I can say is that Muscle Sport's Dipsadoodle is easy to recommend to anyone curious. My parents never bought me Dunkaroos as a kid, so I had to give Dipsadoodle a try and it more than lived up to my expectations. There's a strong, defined flavor that sells the idea of vanilla cookies with a frosting type of dip taking the center stage. I would contrast that with the (original green label) Unicorn Shake, which I honestly could never figure out what it was supposed to really be other than glittery vanilla cookie. And as mentioned, their inclusions are actually broken up into the perfect size where they're not typical Cookies and Cream small to the point of contributing almost nothing, but they're also not so massive or overused that the protein actually relies upon them for the flavor. That is another reason I held off on the Crispy Cookie flavor, as the last time I had tried it many years ago, the protein itself didn't seem quite as pronounced in flavor on its own, but I couldn't find any recent reviews that could say whether or not Muscle Sports re-labeling also meant improving existing flavors in any way, such as the base protein taste itself.
While mulling the Crispy Cookie flavor over, I remembered the Priceplow review of Nutrabio's Ice Cream Cookie Dream proteins where they supposed had an almost Cookie Crisp taste. I hesitated, though, because (1) bless Priceplow's hearts, but they tend to gush over certain brands like Nutrabio and lately MyProtein to the extent where I can't even take them seriously as an objective, reliable source on taste with those brands, (2) I just have not been impressed enough with Nutrabio the times that I have tried their proteins, and (3) I still could not find enough outside sources that could confirm there even is a remote Cookie Crisp flavor (somehow) to Nutrabio's ostensibly cookies and cream flavor. I'd be interested to know if there is any credence to that either.
[B]-Appollon Peanut Butter Cookie[/B] It's a Peanut Butter cookie for crying out loud! This one I could at least find some reviews on, and they are particularly favorable towards the PB Cookie, which I happened to be looking for before even considering this brand. Peanut Butter cookie is a tall order, but I almost feel like it's more doable than trying to match an [i]actual[/i] Peanut Butter [i]Cup[/i], i.e. a Reese's because that's the only standard that matters at that point.
In addition, the free tubs were Alpha Lion Anabolic Pebbles and the CBUM Vanilla Oatmeal Cookie Isolate.
I've wanted to try Alpha Lion's new proteins for a while now, and while Pebbles might not have been my first pick, I think that it diversifies the selection here at least.
The CBUM protein should be interesting because I had always considered a solid Oatmeal Cookie flavor to be one of those white whales of sorts until the BB Signature Whey, so it will be interesting to see how this fares. Off the top of my head, the only other Oatmeal Cookie flavor I know of is one from a company called Hosstile, but it was sold out where I bought these (and why would I get two oatmeal cookies?).
I got a couple more things, but the big ones were the proteins because they didn't have any pre-workouts that looked interesting enough.
[QUOTE=TheFugitive;1649645693]After reading the review on Stack3d I was excited to try this
It's a no bueno for me[/QUOTE]
After what I can only describe as a phenomenal disappointment with the Oreo collaboration protein, I've given up on Ghost for the most part. The regular Cereal Milk is pretty good I guess, but it's definitely lacking the distinct corn cereal notes that are absolutely possible to match with modern flavoring.
That said, their Peanut Butter Cereal Milk flavor is much truer in flavor than the standard cereal milk, and their blueberry flavor is also really good, being particularly unique as well compared to most blueberry flavors out there.
I mean, I'll give them a lot of credit for at least having macros that aren't totally in the gutter, but then again, same goes for 'Merica Labz I guess when the labels can be somewhat close, and the latter even slightly edging out Ghost when it comes to Oreo ([url=https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2060/6331/products/SFPWheyOREO.png?v=1625590063]Ghost Oreo[/url] vs [url=https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2025/9015/files/2021-patriots-whey-2lb-DOUBLE-FIN.png?v=1622641166]'Merica Labz[/url]).
I can't speak for how 'Merica Labz Double Stuffed Oreo tastes, but Ghost's tasted like the color grey, and both their Chips Ahoy! and Nutter Butter proteins had an off taste (even smell) to them that I could only get rid of by sifting out the inclusions. I can only describe it like they were stale, even in new tubs.
Definitely a lesson that just because a company is doing an authentic brand collaboration doesn't mean that the end result will meet expectations.
[QUOTE=TheFugitive;1651345443]I broke my arm, does anyone have any good advice from experience on how to heal faster?[/QUOTE]
Jarrow - Bone Up, and drink Milk like its going out of style. Also, read up...Lyle McDonald "Nutrition for Injury Recovery"
[QUOTE=nkiritsis13;1651535983]Now was as good a time as any to take the plunge on some new proteins, so I wound up with three and got two more 2lb tubs for free.
[B]- Black Magic Cinnamon Toast Crunch[/B]
With so many brands having their own take on CTC, I eventually went with Black Magic's because their Reese's Puffs inspired protein remains one of my favorites and their Blueberry Muffin is spot on. Maybe one day someone will make a Cinnamon Toast Crunch shootout between more than, I dunno, two different brands, but for this I'm going with the company that hasn't disappointed me yet.
[B]- Muscle Sport Toasted Almond[/B]
I was kicking myself for not picking one up when they originally launched it, but they brought it back at the perfect time.
Just going by the [url=https://www.stack3d.com/2021/06/muscle-sport-toasted-almond-lean-whey-isolate-returns.html]imagery[/url], I think they literally copy+pasted an actual [url=https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/a1df6e58-9f4e-44f2-b0f4-b0b048cdb12c_2.bc738e18a01cc2bb81dbb4b8e2c6690a.jpeg]Good Humor Bar[/url] onto the packaging, so I can only assume that's exactly the sort of flavor they're going for here.
This last one had me considering the Muscle Sport Cookie Crisp, but my major hold up is that for whatever reason they have not bothered to address the massive cookie crisp pieces even through their re-labeling. I just don't get it when the Dipsadoodle is so expertly blended where the inclusions are not a knock against the overall product for me - and I'm a stickler about that. It's definitely a point of inconsistency that I wish Muscle Sport would address with their older flavors because of the disadvantages there are with lazily leaving enormous chunks of whatever and calling it a day, which also does not sit well with such an expensive brand.
What I can say is that Muscle Sport's Dipsadoodle is easy to recommend to anyone curious. My parents never bought me Dunkaroos as a kid, so I had to give Dipsadoodle a try and it more than lived up to my expectations. There's a strong, defined flavor that sells the idea of vanilla cookies with a frosting type of dip taking the center stage. I would contrast that with the (original green label) Unicorn Shake, which I honestly could never figure out what it was supposed to really be other than glittery vanilla cookie. And as mentioned, their inclusions are actually broken up into the perfect size where they're not typical Cookies and Cream small to the point of contributing almost nothing, but they're also not so massive or overused that the protein actually relies upon them for the flavor. That is another reason I held off on the Crispy Cookie flavor, as the last time I had tried it many years ago, the protein itself didn't seem quite as pronounced in flavor on its own, but I couldn't find any recent reviews that could say whether or not Muscle Sports re-labeling also meant improving existing flavors in any way, such as the base protein taste itself.
While mulling the Crispy Cookie flavor over, I remembered the Priceplow review of Nutrabio's Ice Cream Cookie Dream proteins where they supposed had an almost Cookie Crisp taste. I hesitated, though, because (1) bless Priceplow's hearts, but they tend to gush over certain brands like Nutrabio and lately MyProtein to the extent where I can't even take them seriously as an objective, reliable source on taste with those brands, (2) I just have not been impressed enough with Nutrabio the times that I have tried their proteins, and (3) I still could not find enough outside sources that could confirm there even is a remote Cookie Crisp flavor (somehow) to Nutrabio's ostensibly cookies and cream flavor. I'd be interested to know if there is any credence to that either.
[B]-Appollon Peanut Butter Cookie[/B] It's a Peanut Butter cookie for crying out loud! This one I could at least find some reviews on, and they are particularly favorable towards the PB Cookie, which I happened to be looking for before even considering this brand. Peanut Butter cookie is a tall order, but I almost feel like it's more doable than trying to match an [i]actual[/i] Peanut Butter [i]Cup[/i], i.e. a Reese's because that's the only standard that matters at that point.
In addition, the free tubs were Alpha Lion Anabolic Pebbles and the CBUM Vanilla Oatmeal Cookie Isolate.
I've wanted to try Alpha Lion's new proteins for a while now, and while Pebbles might not have been my first pick, I think that it diversifies the selection here at least.
The CBUM protein should be interesting because I had always considered a solid Oatmeal Cookie flavor to be one of those white whales of sorts until the BB Signature Whey, so it will be interesting to see how this fares. Off the top of my head, the only other Oatmeal Cookie flavor I know of is one from a company called Hosstile, but it was sold out where I bought these (and why would I get two oatmeal cookies?).
I got a couple more things, but the big ones were the proteins because they didn't have any pre-workouts that looked interesting enough.
After what I can only describe as a phenomenal disappointment with the Oreo collaboration protein, I've given up on Ghost for the most part. The regular Cereal Milk is pretty good I guess, but it's definitely lacking the distinct corn cereal notes that are absolutely possible to match with modern flavoring.
That said, their Peanut Butter Cereal Milk flavor is much truer in flavor than the standard cereal milk, and their blueberry flavor is also really good, being particularly unique as well compared to most blueberry flavors out there.
I mean, I'll give them a lot of credit for at least having macros that aren't totally in the gutter, but then again, same goes for 'Merica Labz I guess when the labels can be somewhat close, and the latter even slightly edging out Ghost when it comes to Oreo ([url=https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2060/6331/products/SFPWheyOREO.png?v=1625590063]Ghost Oreo[/url] vs [url=https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2025/9015/files/2021-patriots-whey-2lb-DOUBLE-FIN.png?v=1622641166]'Merica Labz[/url]).
I can't speak for how 'Merica Labz Double Stuffed Oreo tastes, but Ghost's tasted like the color grey, and both their Chips Ahoy! and Nutter Butter proteins had an off taste (even smell) to them that I could only get rid of by sifting out the inclusions. I can only describe it like they were stale, even in new tubs.
Definitely a lesson that just because a company is doing an authentic brand collaboration doesn't mean that the end result will meet expectations.[/QUOTE]
I’ve got zero issue throwing my money at Merica Labz. I wish BB.com would bring them back. Ghost is such a disappointment though…except Blueberry Toaster Pastry
Holy spam, Island Boy, Shib, and Metaverse