Wk 2 Day 2
DL beltless
137 x 6, 6, 6, 6
KB Halo
8 x 10, 10
CG bench
85 x 10, 10, 10
Inverted row
bw x 16, 14, 10, 10
16 x 1 rep per side
TGU aborted due to safety. Sweating and slipping on the tile floor. Not smart to continue with 16kg over my face.
Wk 2 Day 3
Pin squat beltless
125 x 5, 5, 5
KB Halo
8 x 10, 10
T&G Bench
100 x 5, 5, 5
52 x 10, 10, 10
Weighted Chins
+12.5 = 97.0 x 7, 6, 5
125 x 5 pin squats is no joke
Wk 2 Day 4
MSSGDL beltless
135 x 5, 5, 5
Gliding Leg Curl
bw x 10, 10, 10
KB Halo
8 x 10, 10
87 x 8, 8, 8, 8
Floor Row
80 x 10, 10, 10
Hadn't done BB row in some months.
Edit 29 March:
Morning bw 82.4
Waist measurement straight line around navel 92.7 cm / 36.5 inches
[QUOTE=WolfRose7;1634745573]125 x 5 pin squats is no joke[/QUOTE]
Yeah weird how you can make your bench weight challenging on squats. Pin sq are harder than pause squats I think
Wk 3 Day 1
Squat beltless
130 x 6, 6, 6, 6
KB Halo
8 x 10, 10
Comp. pause bench
95 x 6, 6, 6, 6
55 x 8, 8, 8
Weighted chins
+15 = 99.3 x 7, 6, 6
Nice boost in chins.
Wk 2 Day 2
DL beltless
142 x 6, 6, 6, 6
Gliding Leg Curl
bw x 10, 10, 10
KB Halo
8 x 10, 10
CG bench
85 x 10, 10, 10
Inverted row
bw x 18, 14, 10, 10
142 should never feel this hard. CG bench a bit fried from yesterday. Fkn 40°C outside today.
[QUOTE=ECGordyn;1634818363]Yeah weird how you can make your bench weight challenging on squats. Pin sq are harder than pause squats I think[/QUOTE]
Is the idea simply to rest the weight on the pins, so that the concentric portion of the squat must first overcome a dead weight, unlike the conventional back squat?
[QUOTE=EliKoehn;1635152863]Is the idea simply to rest the weight on the pins, so that the concentric portion of the squat must first overcome a dead weight, unlike the conventional back squat?[/QUOTE]
Yes and no. The pins force you to keep position throughout the descent and ascent. If your groove is off 1 cm you'll struggle to break the pins, and you'll really feel it. Stay tight against the bar as it rests on the pins, and use your positioning and tightness to break the dead stop. There's not really any "resting" since muscles stay on the whole time.
Wk 3 Day 3
Pin squat beltless
122 x 6, 6, 6
KB Halo
8 x 10, 10
T&G Bench
105 x 4, 4, 4
57 x 8, 8, 8
Weighted Chins
+15 = 99.4 x 7, 6, 6
WC PR +100 grams from Wednesday!
Wk 3 Day 4
MSSGDL beltless
137 x 6, 6, 6
Gliding Leg Curl
bw x 12, 12, 12
KB Halo
8 x 10, 10
85 x 10, 10, 10, 10
Floor Row
85 x 8, 8, 8
So is Larsen just a flat bench with your legs straight?
Also, what is MSSGDL? That looked like conventional to me lol.
[QUOTE=EliKoehn;1635460983]So is Larsen just a flat bench with your legs straight?
Also, what is MSSGDL? That looked like conventional to me lol.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I like Larsen better than feet up bench because I get zero leg drive and zero arch. Feet up bench I get a little bit of both.
Medium Stance Snatch Grip DL, or Candito DL (he does them wider). Notice how I'm gripping wider like a snatch, and my stance is just a little wider too. Longer range of motion, same back angle as my conv. DL, a touch more quads, otherwise just one more DL variation.
[QUOTE=ECGordyn;1635461703]Yeah, I like Larsen better than feet up bench because I get zero leg drive and zero arch. Feet up bench I get a little bit of both.
Medium Stance Snatch Grip DL, or Candito DL (he does them wider). Notice how I'm gripping wider like a snatch, and my stance is just a little wider too. Longer range of motion, same back angle as my conv. DL, a touch more quads, otherwise just one more DL variation.[/QUOTE]
Interesting to learn all of these fine differences in form on the Big 3. I tend to have a wider stance/grip on my own DL I think, so maybe that's why it appeared normal.
And you're trying to omit the leg drive and arch? Honestly I don't really understand leg drive so much, beyond the stability it provides. Seems like it might be a little wobbly without your feet anchored to the floor but that might be the point, as it would be more isolating. An exaggerated arch feels like cheating to me, but I guess that's how they do it in competitive powerlifting.
Good numbers, by the way. That OHP the other day looked pretty tough, especially.
Wk 4 Day 1
Squat beltless
135 x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
KB Halo
8 x 10, 10
Comp. pause bench
97 x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
60 x 6, 6, 6
Weighted chins
+15 = 98.8 x 8, 6, 6
Bench went smoothly. Squats a bit tough.
Wk 4 Day 3
Pin squat beltless
130 x 5, 5, 5
KB Halo
8 x 10, 10
T&G Bench
97 x 6, 6, 6
62 x 6 @9, 6, 6 @10
Weighted Chins
+15 = 99.8 x 8, 6, 6
Chinz gainz. Skipped Day 2: DL & pull day, this week. OHP 3rd set was @10 so I'm glad I'm deloading it next week.
Block 2 Wk 1 Day 1
Squat beltless
125 x 7, 7, 7, 7 @6
KB Halo
8 x 10, 10
Comp. pause bench
90 x 7, 7, 7, 7 @7
50 x 12 @7, 12, 12 @9
Weighted chins
+17.5 = 102.0 x 6 @10, 5, 5
OHP a bit tougher than I expected.
Block 2 Wk 1 Day 2
DL beltless
137 x 7, 7, 7, 7 @6
Banded Leg Curl
Yellow band x 5, 5, 10, 10, 10
KB Halo
8 x 10, 10
80 x 10 @8, 10, 10
Inverted row
bw x 20, 16, 10, 12
Just curious, why beltless deadlift but not strapless?
^^ Reverse grip FTW! :D ;)
[QUOTE=SaviorSelfJT;1636235223]Just curious, why beltless deadlift but not strapless?[/QUOTE]
Beltless for core work obviously. Strapless, good question I don't have a good answer to, which means I should probably change it
Block 2 Wk 1 Day 3
Constant Tension Squat beltless
117 x 8
120 x 8, 8
KB Halo
8 x 10, 10
Tempo Bench 3.2.0
90 x 6 @8, 6, 6 @9.5
52 x 12 @8.5, 12, 13 @10
Weighted Chins
+17.5 = 101.1 x 7 @9.5, 7, 5
Squats a bit shallow but this is a new movement to learn. Tempo bench varied a lot. Pushed 13 reps on 3rd set of OHP to test perceived exertion. 12th rep felt like @10 but then I got a 13th rep, so dropped the 1st set rating to 8.5.
35 x 20
45 x 15
Extra press sets just for kicks while wife was squatting and RDL-ing.
Block 2 Wk 1 Day 4
SLDL beltless
130 x 8 @6, 8, 8
Banded Leg Curl
yellow band x 10, 10, 10
KB Halo
8 x 10, 10
Wide Grip Bench, max legal
90 x 10 @7, 10, 10, 10
Skipped rows.
Block 2 Wk 2 Day 1
Squat beltless
130 x 6 @7, 6, 6, 6 @7
KB Halo
8 x 10, 10
Comp. pause bench
95 x 6 @7.5, 6, 6, 6 @7
55 x 10 @7.5, 10, 10 @9
Weighted chins
+17.5 = 102.4 x 7, 6, 5
Always a bit crusty after 2 days off. Bench RPE dropped as session progressed. Maybe not warmed up enough for first set. WC +400 grams +1 rep!
Those chins are looking impressive.
I'm surprised two days off does you any harm. I can see a week or more, but the occasional handful of days off always does me good.
[QUOTE=EliKoehn;1636640363]Those chins are looking impressive.
I'm surprised two days off does you any harm. I can see a week or more, but the occasional handful of days off always does me good.[/QUOTE]
Just a mix of being chill and a bit busy at the same time. Wife & I are both free from work all month, and I'm in the middle of changing jobs, finding a new place to live, exploring new city, etc. It's all good.
Block 2 Wk 2 Day 2
DL beltless
142 x 6 @5, 6, 6, 6 @6
Banded Leg Curl
Yellow band x 3 x 12
KB Halo
8 x 10, 10
85 x 8, 8, 12 @9.5
Floor row
100 x 8 @7, 8 @9, 8 @9
Wasn't 100% confident about these RPE ratings. So I experimented with Spoto. 3rd set, at 8 reps I noted RPE 8. Then got 4 more reps with maybe 1 more rep left. So what I thought was RPE 8 was actually RPE 5.5. Good heavy rows at the end.
Block 2 Wk 2 Day 3
Constant Tension Squat beltless
120 x 10 @7, 10, 10 @8
KB Halo
8 x 10, 10
Tempo Bench 3.2.0
95 x 5 @8, 5 @9.5, 5 @10
57 x 10 @8.5, 10, 10 @10
Weighted Chins
+17.5 = 101.9 x 7 @9, 5, 5
Tough workout. Hot as hell today.
Block 2 Wk 2 Day 4
SLDL beltless
135 x 7 @6, 7, 7 @6.5
Banded Leg Curl
yellow band x 3 x 12
KB Halo
8 x 10, 10
Wide Grip Bench max legal
100 x 8 @7.5, 8, 8, 10 @9.5
Floor row
90 x 10, 10, 10 @8
Block 2 Wk 3 Day 1
Comp. Squat
160 x 3 @8
E1RM 185
Squat beltless
137 x 6, 6, 6, 6 @8
KB Halo
8 x 10, 10
Comp. Bench
117 x 3 @10
E1RM 127
Comp. Bench
100 x 6, 6, 6
Comp. Bench, medium-wide grip, middle finger on ring
100 x 6 @9
Some triples @8 as a diagnostic. 6 weeks into this homebrewed protocol, will diagnose again in about 6 weeks. Hadn't touched anything this heavy since early January.
Back off squats felt rocky for some reason. Felt like I was tipping forward every rep. Bench was disappointing. Coulda been the long holds on the chest or the 4x8 @ 100kg 2 days ago, or whatever. Tried a slightly wider grip on the last set. Usually do ring finger on the ring. Last set did middle finger on the ring and felt stronger by maybe 1 RPE. Next block I'll do T&G and Wide Grip Bench at the same protocol for 4 weeks and compare strength on each. Might change to wider grip if I'm stronger that way.
Bodyweight 81.8 this morning. Down almost 7kg since PRs in late December. OHP and Weighted Chins tomorrow.
Block 2 Wk 3 Day 1.2
KB Halo shoulder warmup
8 x 10, 10, 10
60 x 8 @8.5, 8, 8 @9
Weighted Chin
+20 = 105.6 x 5 @9, 5 @10, 4 @10
bw = 84.5 x 10
Finished Day 1 today, just vertical movements. Chins were heavy. Will start adding bodyweight chins after weighted. Later add more sets if/when needed.
Block 2 Wk 3 Day 2
Comp. DL
180 x 3 @9.5
E1RM 198
DL beltless
145 x 6 @7, 6, 6, 6 @7
Banded Leg Curl
Yellow band x 3 x 12
KB Halo
8 x 10, 10
95 x 8 @7, 8, 8, 11 @10
Failed 12th rep
Inverted row
bw x 18, 14, 12
DL triple much slower and harder than I wanted. Hadn't DL'ed above 142 in maybe 3+ months. Back off sets went really well though.
Changing a few things in the middle of this block. Swapping Tempo bench for Spoto on the low-rep days, and doing T&G in place of Spoto on the high-rep Day 2. Want to compare T&G normal grip bench with T&G wide grip on Day 4. Same protocol for sets & reps. So: Day 2 normal grip--ring finger on rings--for 4 x 8-10, last set amrap. Day 4 wide grip--index finger on rings--for 4 x 8-10, last set amrap. Might widen grip for Comp. Bench if I'm stronger with wide grip.
Block 2 Wk 3 Day 3
Constant Tension Squat beltless
125 x 8 @7
125 x 8 @8
125 x 8 @8.5
KB Halo
8 x 12, 12
105 x 4 @8
105 x 4 @8.5
105 x 4 @9
62 x 8 @8.5
62 x 8 @9.5
62 x 8 @10
Weighted Chins
+20 = 105.4
105.4 x 7 @10
105.4 x 6 @10
105.4 x 4 @10
bw x 9 failed 10th
Dang, is that shirt soaked from sweat?
For the constant tension squats, what if you only came up 75% of the way? the tension on the quads go down a lot when standing straight up
[QUOTE=SaviorSelfJT;1637559443]Dang, is that shirt soaked from sweat?
For the constant tension squats, what if you only came up 75% of the way? the tension on the quads go down a lot when standing straight up[/QUOTE]
Yep that's sweat. Almost 30 degrees at 10 am.
You might be right about the CT squat. I'll experiment. Still learning this movement.
Block 2 Wk 4 Day 1
Squat beltless
140 x 5 @7
140 x 5
140 x 5 @7.5
140 x 5
140 x 5 @8
KB Halo
8 x 12, 12
Comp. Bench
102 x 5 @7
102 x 5
102 x 5 @8
102 x 5
102 x 5 @8
Back to it after 3 days off. Moved house and it was a tiring move, like a strongman event carrying all this gear. Felt drained until today but this session went well. Splitting up Day 1 again.
Block 2 Wk 4 Day 2
DL beltless
152 x 5 @7
152 x 5
152 x 5 @7.5
152 x 5
152 x 5 @8
KB Halo
8 x 12, 12
65 x 6 @10
60 x 6 @9
60 x 6 @9
Banded Leg Curl
Yellow band x 3 x 12
Mixed a bit of Day 2 and Day 1 today. As long as I get all the work in for the week it'll be fine.
Tough OHP, didn't expect to stall so early as last week's lifts went well. I think it's distraction, not being fully settled into the new place, plus being considerate of neighbors. Chins tomorrow plus the rest of Day 2: bench variation and row.
Block 2 Wk 4 Day 2.2
Wide Grip T&G
95 x 9 @6.5
95 x 9 @7
95 x 9 @8
95 x 14 @9.5
Weighted Chins
+20 = 106.1 x 5, 4, 4
bw 85.2 x 8
Inverted row
bw x 20?, 15, 12, 12
Finally got all of Days 1 & 2 done in 3 days. Rest tomorrow or do Days 3 & 4 back to back then travel to see fam. for a few days? TBD
Where is your hand in relation to the rings on the bar for those wide grip benches?
[QUOTE=SaviorSelfJT;1638174053]Where is your hand in relation to the rings on the bar for those wide grip benches?[/QUOTE]
Index finger on rings, max legal for wide grip.
Ring finger on rings for normal grip.
Base of thumbnail at start of knurl for close grip and OHP.
I came across this on youtube and it reminded me of the constant tension squats you were doing sort of
I feel like I would want to puke after doing that lol
[QUOTE=SaviorSelfJT;1638346403]I came across this on youtube and it reminded me of the constant tension squats you were doing sort of
I feel like I would want to puke after doing that lol[/QUOTE]
Bottom half pause squat? Yeah looks f*cking vicious.
Breathing and bracing the whole time under load is the hardest part. Even tempo squats are pretty tough.
Block 3 Wk 1 Day 1
Squat beltless
132 x 7 @7.5
132 x 7
132 x 7 @8
132 x 7 @8
KB Halo
8 x 12, 12
Comp. Bench Wide Grip
117 x 5 @10
E1RM 135
Wide Grip Larsen
100 x 7 @8.5
100 x 7 @9
90 x 7 @8
90 x 7 @8
55 x 12 @9.5
55 x 12 @9.5
55 x 11 @10
Weighted Chin
+20 = 105.3 x 5, 5, 5
bw = 84.1 x 11
Again stronger with wide grip bench. Had 4 days of rest so that could have been a factor. Anyway, will keep comparing wide grip to normal grip for a few months until I decide which to use for the peaking block in Aug.-Sept. Will keep weighted chins at +20 until I get 7+ reps on first set.
Interesting that you are doing more with the wide grip already even though it seems like you very rarely trained with it if at all. Good sign that its the way to go for you
"peaking block in Aug.-Sept"
Just wondering, are you planning on maxing out or doing a meet around then?
[QUOTE=SaviorSelfJT;1638590333]Interesting that you are doing more with the wide grip already even though it seems like you very rarely trained with it if at all. Good sign that its the way to go for you
"peaking block in Aug.-Sept"
Just wondering, are you planning on maxing out or doing a meet around then?[/QUOTE]
We've got a virtual competition going on in the Exercises forum. You're welcome to join in mate.
Block 3 Wk 1 Day 2
SGRDL beltless
130 x 7
130 x 8
130 x 7
130 x 8 @8
Banded Leg Curl
Yellow band x 3 x 12
KB Halo
8 x 2 x 12
T&G Bench medium grip
95 x 10 @8
95 x 10 @8.5
95 x 10 @8.5
95 x 12 @9.75
Inverted Row
bw x 15, 18, 12, 12
Tried to rig up a seal row but it cut ROM a few inches so I ditched the idea. For Inv. Row I put a 10kg plate on my chest but it slid down to my knees so I just did bodyweight for the rest.
Interesting... Never thought of doing a Snatch Grip RDL before, but I can totally see why that would be an effective lift.
How are you doing your banded leg curls? Wrapping the band around a lower crossmember?
[QUOTE=CW47;1638707983]Interesting... Never thought of doing a Snatch Grip RDL before, but I can totally see why that would be an effective lift.
How are you doing your banded leg curls? Wrapping the band around a lower crossmember?[/QUOTE]
I wrap it on the pullup bar above, lie on the bench and curl the band down. You could do it seated with band looped on your squat rack.
Block 3 Wk 1 Day 3
Constant Tension Squat beltless
125 x 10 @8.5
125 x 8 @9.5 +2 rest pause
125 x 10 @9
KB Halo
8 x 2 x 12
2ct Bench
105 x 6 @8.5
105 x 6
105 x 6 @8.5
57 x 12 @10
52 x 12 @9
50 x 12 @8.75
Tough squats this time. 2nd set had to pause but the 3rd set went fine. Maybe ate too light today, just 3 small meals and protein drink before lifting. Good benching tho. Setting up with my feet on the bench gets me much tighter and efficient. OHP I might need to adjust programming as this is 2 sessions where I haven't hit all target reps. Today just did 2 pyramid sets down. Changed weighted chins to tomorrow.
Block 3 Wk 1 Day 4
SGRDL beltless
140 x 6
RDL beltless
140 x 10
140 x 10
140 x 10 @8
Lying Ham Curl
40 x 12
40 x 12
40 x 12
Incline DB Bench
35s x 8 @7.5
35s x 10 @8
35s x 11 @8.5
35s x 14 @9.5
Machine Row
80 x 12
80 x 12
80 x 12
80 x 12
bw x 8, 5
60 x 6, 8
Did this at a local commercial gym just for something new. Think I like my own gym better but this had some basic perks: dumbbells and machines for volume.