Pretty decent at estimating others body fat levels but I'm a bit unsure when it comes to myself. Part of that is simply because I've had wild ups and downs the last 3 to 4 years. At one point in 2015 I was 225 @ 25-30% (at that point who cares lol)...went on a year and a half long cut down to 155 @ pretty low body fat levels in Summer 2016.
Throughout Fall/winter of 2016 and all of 2017 I was lean bulking and got up to 185 @ about 15%. After that I stopped lifting for a year and ballooned back up to 205 @ 20-22%. Got disgusted with myself and did not enjoy last years Summer because I was so out of shape and in a bad place mentally. I started lifting again in the Fall of 2018 and counting/tracking calories strictly in the Winter. I've lost close to 40 pounds and am now sitting at 166.0 this morning. I took these photos this morning after waking up. I'm estimating 13-14% or thereabouts so any other feedback would be appreciated and thanked with some tender Greens to your CP's.
Before, after cutting a bit and getting down to 200 pounds.
Down to 185!
This morning @ 166
My goal is sub 10%, but ideally 8% or lower by early July. Figuring I'll need to drop down to low to mid 150's to accomplish that. Am I delusional or does that sound realistic based on my current condition? Waist is at 30.5" inches around navel, neck at 15.5" and I am 6'0 tall.