[QUOTE=Nicksosure1;1590390941]Well, I'm approaching the end of my planned bulk (129lbs-155lbs). Got about 7 more lbs to go.
Interested in getting a BF% estimation update. I feel I've gained a good bit of muscle, good bit of fat, great bit of strength, and a good amount of water in the process. However, I feel the fat gain has accelerated as of late for whatever reason. Not too distraught over it, needed to gain some back.
Anyways, either going to take the bulk to 170lbs or get to 155lbs and cut for about 10lbs. I'd like to stay on the leaner side for right now. Going to decide once I reach 155lbs.
Below is a pic of me in December at 129lbs, the next 3 are current at about 148lbs. Thanks in advance.[/QUOTE]
I would agree with 7-8%. I would advise carrying on bulk as based on your previous pics I have seen you have gained minimal fat at all looks more like glycogen replenishment and mainly muscle. I can't see where you can cut 10lbs of fat?
[QUOTE=Hooper85;1590390001]Stats: 6'2'', 176 lbs, 35 years old. Last DEXA (a month ago) had me at 15.6% BF. LBM of 150 lbs and 27.5 lbs of fat.
Pics on my dashboard.[/QUOTE]
Sounds about right I would have said 16%.
[QUOTE=lastchance2019;1590394211]Only have rear back shot here..
Guessing 16-18%
I am afraid I will need a front pic as that is where most men hold their excess fat.
started gym 2 months ago. im with caloric deficit but trying to maintain 130g~140g protein intake per day
bf estimate?[/QUOTE]
Not very good pic as you are bent over and its dark. But around 19% seems about right.